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CoPilot Menus
CoPilot Pocket PC 6
Take a look at the CoPilot Home Screen
The ‘Home’ screen is displayed when you first launch CoPilot,
or it can be accessed by selecting Menu > Options > Home.
Home screen menu options are:
Going To to enter a destination and receive guidance
Start Demo to view a CoPilot demonstration to see CoPilot
navigate to a pre-defined location
Help topics about basics such as entering a destination and
GPS setup
Settings to customise advanced Routing options, change
Guidance, Map and Language options. Plus, additional
settings to enable/disable Points of Interest (POIs) and
safety camera alerts
GPS for setting up an integrated/Bluetooth receiver.
CoPilot Menu Button
Press the ‘Menu’ button to access the following sub-menus:
View allows you to change between a choice of 6 driving views
Trip enables you to enter a new destination, edit an existing
destination, add additional destinations and access saved
Mode is used to set CoPilot for Guidance, Walking or
Planning purposes
Traffic incidents along your planned route are reported
into CoPilot using a TMC data feed (optional)
Options to run the CoPilot demonstration, use the CoPilot
Help and Tutorial functions, and read CoPilot license
Quit CoPilot to close and exit the program.
Acer n300, c510 and c530 Edition