Chapter 6
FRU (Field Replaceable Unit) List
This chapter gives you the FRU (Field Replaceable Unit) listing in glob alconfigurations of AL1702.
Refer to this chapter whenever ordering for parts to repair or for RMA (Return Merchandise
NOTE : Please note WHEN ORDERING FRU PARTS, that you should check the most up-
to-date informationavailable on your regional web or channel(http://aicsl.acer.com
tw/spl/). For whatever reasons a part number change is made, it will not be noted in
the printed Service Guide. ForACER-AUTHORIZEDCER V IC E P ROVID ERS, y o ur
Acer office mayhave aDIFFERENT part number code to those given in the FRU
list of this printed ServiceGuide. You MUST use the local FRU list provided by your
regionalAcer office to order FRU parts repair and service of customer machines.
NOTE: To scrap or to return the defective parts, you should follow the local government
ordinance or regulations on how best to dispose it, or follow the rules set by your
regional Acer office on how to return it.
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Part List
No. Photo Part Name Part No.
2 Stand Base 7740410900-0A
3 Rear cover 7742228900-0A
4 Front cover 7737511350-0A
5 Metal frame 7737809110-0A
Hinge cover 7742611040-0A
6 Panel 6814502800
7 Power Board 5114300079
8 Interface BD 5113300689
9 Function Key board 5113800136
10 Audio Board 5114100055
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