Outdoor Temperature and RH Sensor
Product Description
The L02-03-0101 Outdoor Temperature and RH combination sen-sor has a
0-10VDC RH output signal and a 10K Ohm (Type III) thermistor output for
measuring the temperature. The L02-03-0101 sensor should be used to
measure the relative humidity and tem-perature in both indoor and outdoor
The Advanced Ceramic Technology design overcomes the limita-tions of
other resistance-based humidity sensors that utilize water soluble polymer
coatings. The Advanced Ceramic Technology en-ables these sensors to
fully recover from condensation. This allows the sensor to maintain its accuracy over a longer period of time.
Despite its accuracy, the Advanced Ceramic Technology sensor and related
circuitry is economical. Field calibration is achieved by toggling either the
increment or decrement dip switch. Each toggle will allow for a +/- 0.5% RH increase or decrease. Accuracy is maintained over the entire operating range,
using a thermistor for temperature compensation. Precision production tolerances main-tain sensor interchangeability to within +/- 3% nominal.
Each L02-03-0101 Outdoor humidity transmitter is calibrated at 3 different points, using an NIST Traceable Temperature/Humidity chamber.
Features and Application Highlights
A few of the most common applications are:
• Monitoring Outdoor Temp and RH
• Cold Storage Warehouses
• Wash Down Applications
Technical Data
Supply Voltage • +18 to 36 VDC / 24 VAC
Response Time • 30 seconds for 63% Step
Operating Temp • -10 to 160oF (-23.3 to 71oC)
Operating RH • 0 to 100% RH
RH Output • 0-10 VDC
RH Accuracy @ 77oF • < +/- 3% RH nominal
Interchangeability • Less than 2% RH Drift / 5 Years
Long Term Stability • +/- 3% from 20-95% RH
Saturated Response Time • 10 minutes for 63% Step
Sensitivity • 0.1% RH
Repeatability • 0.5% RH
Hysteresis • Less than 0.4% RH
Temperature Output • 10K Ohms @ 25oC (77oF)
Temp. Sensor Accuracy • +/- 0.2oC from 0-70oC (32-158oF)
Temp. Sensor Wire Colors • White / White
Temp. Sensor Connections • Mate N Lock 2 pin Connector (FUTURE)
Lynxspring, Inc. 877-649-59698900 State Line Road, Suite 220, Leawood, KS 66206
Please contact Lynxspring for more information about this product
NiagaraAX is a registered trademark of Tridium, Inc.
version: January 3, 2005

Device Detail
Outdoor Temperature and RH Sensor
Ordering Information
Model # Description
L02-03-0101 RH Outdoor Humidity with a 10K Ohm Type III Thermistor
Please contact Lynxspring for more information about this product
Lynxspring, Inc. 877-649-59698900 State Line Road, Suite 220, Leawood, KS 66206
NiagaraAX is a registered trademark of Tridium, Inc.
version: January 3, 2005