ABBYY Lingvo - x3 Administrator’s Guide

ABBYY Lingvo x3
System Administrator’s Guide
© 2008 ABBYY. All rights reserved.
Table of Contents
Deploying ABBYY® Lingvo® x3 in a LAN.................................................................... 3
Deploying ABBYY Lingvo x3 in a LAN.................................................................................................... 3
System Requirements............................................................................................................................. 4
Creating Administrative Installation......................................................................................................... 4
Installing ABBYY Lingvo x3 on Workstations ............................................................. 7
Interactive installation.............................................................................................................................. 7
Command line installation....................................................................................................................... 7
Using Active Directory............................................................................................................................. 8
Using Microsoft Systems Management Server (SMS) ......................................................................... 13
Using Task Scheduler ........................................................................................................................... 15
Frequently Asked Questions....................................................................................... 17
How can I install ABBYY Lingvo x3 on a terminal server? ................................................................... 17
How can I change the network connection settings?............................................................................ 17
How can I repair ABBYY Lingvo x3 on the workstations? .................................................................... 18
computer? ............................................................................................................................................. 18
Managing Licenses ......................................................................................................20
General.................................................................................................................................................. 20
License Types and Statuses................................................................................................................. 20
License Pools........................................................................................................................................ 21
How Workstations Obtain Licenses ...................................................................................................... 21
Work with Licenses ............................................................................................................................... 22
Work with Pools .................................................................................................................................... 25
Examples of Distribution of Licenses among the Workstations............................................................ 26
Technical Support........................................................................................................ 28
ABBYY Lingvo x3 System Administrator’s Guide
Deploying ABBYY® Lingvo® x3 in a LAN


ABBYY Lingvo x3 can be installed and used on a local area network. The automated installation methods give you speed and flexibility when installing ABBYY Lingvo x3 on a local area network, as you do not have to install the program manually on each individual workstation.

Deploying ABBYY Lingvo x3 in a LAN

1. Create Administrative Installation
a. Install ABBYY Lingvo x3 License Server and ABBYY Lingvo x3 License Manager.
For details, see
Note: ABBYY Lingvo x3 License Manager is purposed for license control. The computer where
ABBYY Lingvo x3 License Manager is installed becomes ABBYY Lingvo x3 License Administrator Station.
b. Create Administrative Installation Point
An administrative installation point is created by providing a license server name and simple copying the setup files package from the CD–ROM into a folder on the server. For details, see
Note: You can change the network connection settings used by the License Server, the License Manager, and the workstations. For details, see
2. Add licenses to ABBYY Lingvo x3 License Manager. For details, see
3. Install ABBYY Lingvo x3 on workstations using one of the following methods:
— Manually in inter
— Via the command line
— Microsoft®
— Microsoft Systems Management Server (SMS)
— Task Scheduler.
For details, see
The server
Windows Vista®, Microsoft Windows® XP or Microsoft Windows Server® 2003.
The server
running under any operating system that supports long file names.
The Administrative Installation Point and the License Server can be located either on the same or on
different computers.
1. Before installing ABBYY Lingvo x3 on workstations, it is required to add and activate the licenses
on the server, create the pools, as well as assign the required licenses and pools to the required workstations. You can obtain the Per Seat licenses and create the link to the server only at
the moment of installing ABBYY Lingvo x3 on a workstation and it is determined by the license configuration as of the moment of installation! The number of the Per Seat license deactivation is limited!
2. Do not place the License Server into the same folder with the Administrative Installation Point.
3. Do not install several different versions of ABBYY Lingvo on the same workstation.
Installing ABBYY Lingvo x3 on Workstations.
(\\MyLicenseServer) where the License Server is installed must run under Microsoft
(\\MyFileServer) where the Administrative Installation Point is created must be a file server
How can I install the License Server and License Manager.
How can I create the Administrative Installation Point.
How can I change the network connection settings.
Managing Licenses.
active mode
Active Directory®
ABBYY Lingvo x3 System Administrator’s Guide

System Requirements

Administrative Installation Folder requirements

1. 1.5 Gb free hard–disk space to create an Administrative Installation Point.
2. Read access to the administrative installation folder (e.g.\\MyFileServer\Programs Distribs\ ABBYY Lingvo x3) for all users on whose computers ABBYY Lingvo x3 is to be installed.
3. When using Active Directory® to deploy ABBYY Lingvo x3, the Domain Computers accounts must have read permissions for the administrative installation folder.

License Server requirements

1. 50 MB free hard–disk space to create license files and accounts.
2. The number of connections supported by the operating system of the License Server must be at least equal to the total number of potential users of the program (only for Concurrent licenses).

ABBYY Lingvo x3 License Administrator Station requirements

1. PC running under Microsoft® Windows® XP or later. To work with localized interfaces, the operating system must support the corresponding language.
2. 512 MB RAM or more.
3. 20 MB free hard–disk space.

Workstation requirements

1. PC with one of the following processors: Intel® Pentium®/Celeron®/Xeon™, AMD K6/Athlon™/Duron™ or processors compatible with them, with the clock frequency of at least 1 GHz.
2. PC running under Microsoft® Windows® Vista, Microsoft® Windows XP or Microsoft® Windows® Server 2003. To work with localized interfaces, the operating system must support the corresponding language.
3. 512 MB RAM or more.

Creating Administrative Installation

How can I install the License Server and License Manager

1. Run License Server\Setup.exe from ABBYY Lingvo x3 setup disk.
2. Follow the setup program instructions. During setup, you can:
Create a new server and install ABBYY Lingvo x3 License Manager utility to control licenses.
The License Server and the License Manager will be installed on the computer from which you are performing the administrative installation. You can specify a folder into which the License Manager is to be installed.
Install only ABBYY Lingvo x3 License Manager with specifying the License Server name.
In this particular case you need to specify a folder into which the License Manager is to be installed and specify the name of the computer hosting the License Server.
ABBYY Lingvo x3 System Administrator’s Guide
Note: If several users will manage the ABBYY Lingvo x3 licenses:
— They shall have ABBYY Lingvo x3 License Manager utility installed on their computers.
— Each user must be a member of one of the two local groups on the License Server:
1. ABBYY Licensing Administrators.
2. BUILTIN\Administrators. You can disable user authorization in the file %programfiles%\Common Files\ABBYY\Lingvo\14.0\Licensing\NetworkLicenseServer.ini This file is located on the computer where the License Server has been installed. Add the following parameter to this file:
[Licensing] EnableManagerAuthorization = false Important! For the changes to take effect, you must restart ABBYY Lingvo x3 Licensing Service.

How can I create the Administrative Installation Point

1. Run AdminSetup.exe from the ABBYY Lingvo x3 setup disk.
2. Follow the setup program instructions. During setup you shall specify:
— The License Server name
— The path to the administrative installation folder.
1. For the setup, you should have the right to read and write the administrative setup folder.
2. Avoid moving the administrative installation point folder after ABBYY Lingvo x3 is installed on the
ABBYY Lingvo x3 System Administrator’s Guide
ABBYY Lingvo x3 System Administrator’s Guide

Installing ABBYY Lingvo x3 on Workstations

Important! Before installing ABBYY Lingvo x3 on workstations, it is required to add and activate the licenses on the server, create the pools, as well as assign the required licenses and pools to the required workstations.
You can obtain the Per Seat licenses and create the link to the server only at the moment of installing ABBYY Lingvo x3 on a workstation and it is determined by the license configuration as of the moment of installation!
For details, see
The number of the Per Seat License Deactivations is limited!
For details, see

Interactive installation

1. Create ABBYY Lingvo x3 Administrative Installation (for details, see Creating Administrative
2. Run the setup.exe file in the administrative installation folder.
Obtaining Licenses during ABBYY Lingvo x3 installation.
Deactivating a license (only for Per Seat licenses).
3. Follow the instructions of the InstallShield Wizard.

Command line installation

1. Create ABBYY Lingvo x3 Administrative Installation (see Creating Administrative Installation).
2. Run the setup.exe file in the administrative installation folder using the command line parameters described below.

Advertise installation

For advertise installation, type:
ABBYY Lingvo x3 System Administrator’s Guide
Setup.exe /j
The program icon will appear in the workstation Start menu. Clicking this icon automatically installs the program in the default configuration.

Silent installation

For silent installation, type
Setup.exe /qn
In the case of Silent installation, no InstallShield Wizard dialog boxes are displayed and the program is installed from the server in default configuration. Default configuration means the installation when all ABBYY Lingvo x3 interface languages are installed automatically depending on the interface language selected based on the workstation’s regional settings. Note: Change “/qn” to “/qb” if you want an installation progress bar to be displayed. No other dialog boxes will be displayed.

Additional command–line options for Silent installation

/L<language code> disables automatic selection of ABBYY Lingvo x3 interface language and installs the program with the interface language specified in the command line. Possible language code* values:
1033 English 1031 German 1049 Russian 1058 Ukrainian 1036 French
* The number of available interface languages depends on the type of your distribution package. /V"<command line>" transfers the specified command line directly to msiexec.exe, where instead of the <command line> you can specify the following: INSTALLDIR="<destination path>" specifies the path to the folder where ABBYY Lingvo x3 will be installed.
Example: Setup.exe /qn /L1049 /v"INSTALLDIR="C:\ABBYY Lingvo x3""
This command line will install ABBYY Lingvo x3 into C:\ABBYY Lingvo x3 folder with the Russian interface language.

Uninstalling ABBYY Lingvo x3 in Silent mode

msiexec /x {A1400000-0000-0000-0000-074957833700}

Using Active Directory

Microsoft© Windows© Server 2003 includes an integrated directory service, Active Directory, which, in turn, includes Group Policy. The Software Installation snap–in, which is a part of Group Policy, allows you to install a software application on several workstations simultaneously. Three major installation methods are implemented in
Publish to User
Assign to User
Assign to Computer
ABBYY Lingvo x3 can be installed using the Assign to Computer method only.
Active Directory:
ABBYY Lingvo x3 System Administrator’s Guide
— ABBYY Lingvo x3 will be completely installed on a workstation only after the workstation is
— The Publish to User and Assign to User methods of ABBYY Lingvo x3 methods are not

Example: Using Active Directory to deploy ABBYY Lingvo x3

This example illustrates deployment under Microsoft Windows Server 2003 with Microsoft Group Management Console installed. The program is installed on one domain computer or on a group of computers:
1. Create ABBYY Lingvo x3 Administrative Installation (see
2. Go to Start>Control Panel>Administrative Tools and select Active Directory Users and Computers.
Creating Administrative Installation).
3. Right-click the site, domain, or another organized unit that contains the computer or group of computers on which ABBYY Lingvo x3 is to be installed.
4. On the shortcut menu, select Properties.
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