Information in this document is subj ect to change without notice and does not bear any commitment on the part of ABBYY.
The software described in this document is supplied under a license agreement. The software may only be used or copied in strict accordance
with the terms of the agreement. It is a breach of the "On legal protection of software and databases" law of the Russian Federation and of
international law to copy the software onto any medium unless specifically allowed in the license agreement or nondisclosure agreements.
No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any from or by any means, electronic or other, for any purpose, without the
express written permission of ABBYY.
About ABBYY FineReader ................................................................................................................................................ 9
What's New in ABBYY FineReader 15....................................................................................................................... 11
The New Task window ............................................................................................................................ 13
Viewing and editing PDFs ............................................................................................................................................. 15
Creating PDF documents ................................................................................................................................... 20
Creating Microsoft Word documents ............................................................................................................ 22
Creating Microsoft Excel spreadsheets ......................................................................................................... 24
Other formats ......................................................................................................................................................... 26
Scanning and saving documents ............................................................................................................................... 33
Scanning to the OCR Editor .............................................................................................................................. 36
Scanning to PDF .................................................................................................................................................... 38
Scanning to Microsoft Word ............................................................................................................................. 40
Scanning to Microsoft Excel .............................................................................................................................. 42
Scanning to image files ....................................................................................................................................... 44
Scanning to other formats ................................................................................................................................. 46
PDF Editor ................................................................................................................................................ 47
Viewing PDF documents ............................................................................................................................................... 48
Navigating PDF documents .............................................................................................................................. 52
Copying content from PDF documents ........................................................................................................ 57
PDF security features ........................................................................................................................................... 58
Reviewing PDF documents ........................................................................................................................................... 59
Marking up text ..................................................................................................................................................... 60
Working with PDF content ........................................................................................................................................... 74
Inserting and editing text ................................................................................................................................... 75
Inserting and editing pictures .......................................................................................................................... 83
Inserting and editing hyperlinks ...................................................................................................................... 84
Recognizing text .................................................................................................................................................... 86
ABBYY® FineReader 15 User’s Guide
Working with pages ............................................................................................................................................. 87
Filling out forms ............................................................................................................................................................. 100
Signing PDF documents ............................................................................................................................................. 101
Digital signature .................................................................................................................................................. 102
Text signature ....................................................................................................................................................... 104
Protecting PDF documents with passwords ........................................................................................................ 105
Passwords and permissions ............................................................................................................................ 106
Deleting confidential information from PDF documents .................................................................... 107
Creating PDF documents ............................................................................................................................................ 108
Creating PDF documents from selected pages ....................................................................................... 108
Using a virtual printer to create PDF documents ................................................................................... 108
Saving and exporting PDF documents .................................................................................................................. 109
Saving PDF documents ..................................................................................................................................... 110
Saving in PDF/A ................................................................................................................................................... 111
Saving in other formats .................................................................................................................................... 113
Reducing the size of your PDF documents ............................................................................................... 113
Sending PDF documents to the OCR Editor ............................................................................................. 114
E-mailing PDF documents ............................................................................................................................... 114
Printing PDF documents .................................................................................................................................. 115
Opening images and PDFs .............................................................................................................................. 122
Scanning paper documents ............................................................................................................................ 123
Group work with OCR projects ...................................................................................................................... 130
If your document image has defects and OCR accuracy is low ........................................................ 132
If areas are detected incorrectly .................................................................................................................... 135
Editing area properties .............................................................................................................................. 139
If the complex structure of a paper document is not reproduced .................................................. 140
ABBYY® FineReader 15 User’s Guide
If you are processing a large number of documents with identical layouts ................................ 141
If tables and pictures are not detected ...................................................................................................... 142
If a barcode is not detected ............................................................................................................................ 145
If an incorrect font is used or some characters are replaced with "?" or "□" ............................... 146
If your printed document contains non-standard fonts ...................................................................... 147
If your document contains many specialized terms .............................................................................. 150
If the program fails to recognize certain characters ............................................................................. 151
If vertical or inverted text was not recognized ........................................................................................ 153
Checking and editing texts ........................................................................................................................................ 154
Checking recognized text ................................................................................................................................ 155
Using styles ........................................................................................................................................................... 158
Saving in PDF ....................................................................................................................................................... 164
Saving in HTML .................................................................................................................................................... 169
Sending OCR results to Kindle ....................................................................................................................... 173
Integration with other applications .................................................................................................... 173
Integration with Windows Explorer ........................................................................................................................ 174
Integration with Microsoft SharePoint .................................................................................................................. 177
Automating and scheduling OCR ........................................................................................................ 178
Automating document processing with ABBYY FineReader ......................................................................... 179
ABBYY Hot Folder .......................................................................................................................................................... 182
The main window .......................................................................................................................................................... 191
How to set ABBYY FineReader 15 as your default PDF viewer .................................................................... 202
Types of PDF documents ............................................................................................................................................ 204
Format settings .............................................................................................................................................................. 215
PDF settings .......................................................................................................................................................... 215
HTML settings ...................................................................................................................................................... 226
Working with complex-script languages .............................................................................................................. 249
Supported interface languages ................................................................................................................................ 253
Current date and time on stamps and in headers and footers ................................................................... 254
Fonts required for the correct display of texts in supported languages .................................................. 257
Installing, activating, and registering ABBYY FineReader ............................................................... 261
System requirements ................................................................................................................................................... 262
Installing and starting ABBYY FineReader ............................................................................................................ 263
Data privacy ..................................................................................................................................................................... 266
Technical support ................................................................................................................................. 284
This chapter provides an overview of ABBYY FineReader and its features.
Chapter contents
About ABBYY FineReader
What's New in ABBYY FineReader
ABBYY® FineReader 15 User’s Guide
About ABBYY FineReader
ABBYY FineReader 15is a universal PDF tool for managing documents in the digital workplace. Powered
by ABBYY’s AI-based OCR and document-conversion technologies, FineReader unlocks the information
contained within a document to increase business productivity. FineReader makes it easy and efficient
to digitize, retrieve, edit, convert, protect, share, and collaborate on all kinds of PDF and paper
documents in the modern working world.
What you can do with ABBYY FineReader 15:
Work with any type of PDF, including scanned documents
o Edit text (even whole paragraphs, also within table cells), hyperlinks,andpictures
throughout a document.
o Search by keywordsin the text, comments, bookmarks, and metadata within a document.
o Rearrange, add, delete and enhance (rotate, crop, deskew) pages in PDFs.
o Copy text, tables, and picturesfrom PDFs, scans, or photos in a few clicks.
o Export PDFs into Microsoft Word, Excel, or another editable format.
o Add comments and annotationsto documents.
o Add watermarks, headers and footers, bates numbering, and stamps to PDFs.
o Apply and verify digital signatures.
o Protect PDFswith passwords and encryption.
o Remove sensitive informationfrom documents through redaction.
o Create / combine PDF documents, including industry standards PDF/A for long-term
archiving and PDF/UA for accessibility.
o Fill out PDF forms.
o View and print PDFs.
o Identify differences in the text from two versions of the same document, whether the
versions be PDFs, scans, images, Microsoft Word documents, or any combination of
supported digital files.
o Save and share these differences as a Microsoft Word document in Track Changes mode.
Scan and convert documents
o Scan and convert PDF and paper documents into editable and searchable formats (including
Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, searchable PDF, PDF/A, PDF/UA, and many more) to further
edit, reuse, or store them.
ABBYY® FineReader 15 User’s Guide
o Convert paper documents, document images, and PDFs quickly and accurately - while
retaining their original layout, formatting, and structure - with the advanced OCR Editor.
o Improve quality and correct distortions in the digital images of documents
(scans/photographs) before converting them, either automatically or manually.
o Quickly check how recognized text matches up with the original document and make any
necessary changes with a built-in text editor and verification tools before saving.
o Improve the accuracy of converting documents with advanced tools: adjust or specify
document areas, train the program to recognize unusual or decorative fonts, and create user
dictionaries and languages for specific terminology, abbreviations, codes, etc.
Compare texts to identify differences between two versions of the same document*
o ABBYY FineReader 15 can compare two versions of the same document even if they are in
two different formats. For example, you can compare a scanned document and the same
document in Microsoft Word (in either DOC and DOCX formats).
o Save and share the differences as a simple list of changes, as an entire Microsoft Word
document in Track Changes mode, or as an entire PDF with highlighted text mark-ups and
Automate your personal document conversion routines with ABBYY Hot Folder*
o ABBYY Hot Folder is a conversion scheduling tool included with ABBYY FineReader 15 that
watches for documents in user-defined folders and converts them on a schedule with pre-set
Take a snapshot of any part of the screen with ABBYY Screenshot Reader
o If a screenshot contains text or tables, it can also be extracted and saved as an editable
* This feature is not available with all versions of ABBYY FineReader 15. Please visitour home pagefor
more information.
** In order to use ABBYY Screenshot Reader, you must first register your copy of ABBYY FineReader 15.
ABBYY® FineReader 15 User’s Guide
What's New in ABBYY FineReader 15
Editing PDFs
Editing text within paragraphs
Now, editing text in PDFs of any kind – including scanned documents – can be done within a
whole block of text. When you add or delete text, it automatically flows from line to line, which
provides you with a convenience and freedom similar to editing in a word processor like
Microsoft Word.
Reformatting text
You can also change the text formatting (font type and size, typeface, color, line spacing, text
alignment, and direction) either for the whole paragraph or for only a selection of text.
Editing page layout
You can even change the layout of any page in a PDF. Add or delete paragraphs, change their
positioning or order, and make them wider, narrower, higher, or lower to align them with rest
of the page. Throughout the process, the text will automatically flow into the layout to fit with
the changes you make.
Editing table cells
Each cell in a table can now be edited individually, as a separate paragraph, and it will not
affect content in the other cells in the same row.
Viewing PDFs
Faster viewer
FineReader’s PDF viewer has become 1.5x faster. Opening any kind of PDF is now as quick as
you would expect.
Converting PDFs
Detecting text-layer quality
Detect the quality of a text layer when working with digital PDFs. If the text layer in a page is
problematic (corrupted, encoding problems, etc.), FineReader applies OCR to convert the
whole page rather than extracting the text layer. This allows for the most accurate results when
converting digitally-created PDFs into editable formats.
Detecting text in fields and annotations
When converting an interactive PDF form or a PDF with annotations into an editable format,
FineReader ensures that the text from fields and certain kinds of annotations (such as a Text
Box or Typewriter) is accurately and reliably extracted.
Improved layout retention
Reconstructing paragraphs when converting digital PDFs into editable formats has been
improved as well.
ABBYY® FineReader 15 User’s Guide
Comparing documents
Export in Track Changes mode
Now, you can export the comparison results as a Microsoft Word document highlighting the
differences in Track Changes mode, the mode commonly used in organizations, particularly in
the legal field.
Even more accurate comparisons
Thanks to the improvements in converting digital PDFs, you can compare such documents with
any other type of supported format even more precisely than before.
New comparison language
Comparing documents in Armenian is now possible, with 38 comparison languages in total.
Improved OCR
ABBYY’s latest OCR technology provides improvements to a variety of features in ABBYY FineReader 15:
more reliable detection of headers and footers; more accurate document conversion in Japanese and
Korean; improved retention of table structure when saving to Excel in languages written from right to
left; and better automatic tagging when saving to tagged PDFs (including PDF/UA).
Improvements for organizations
Remote User licenses
Based on access for named users, Remote User licenses allow organizations to use FineReader
with desktop and application virtualization solutions, such as Microsoft Remote Desktop
Services (RDS), Citrix XenApp, and Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops. Please refer to
FineReader’s Administrator Guide for detailed information.
Improved product customization with GPO
The list of possibilities to customize FineReader for specific users/workstations using GPO
(Group Policy Objects) has increased to include the following options:
o Define the maximum number of workstation CPUs used by FineReader.
o Set a user inactivity timeout to force the release of licenses for workstations that use
concurrent licenses.
o Take advantage of ADMX/ADML templates.
We would like to extend our sincere appreciation for all the users who have contributed feedback and
helped us broaden FineReader’s capabilities to make it more useful in daily work.
ABBYY® FineReader 15 User’s Guide
The New Task window
When you launch ABBYY FineReader, a New Task window opens, where you can easily open, scan,
create, or compare documents. If you don’t see the New Task window (e.g. if you closed it or if you
initiated an ABBYY FineReader task by right-clicking a file in Windows Explorer), you can always open it
by clicking the button on the main toolbar.
To start processing a document, select a task:
1. In the left-hand pane:
Click Open if you already have documents that you need to process.
Click Scan if you need to scan paper documents first.
Click Compare if you want to compare two versions of the same document.
Click Recent to resume work on a previously saved PDF document or OCR project.
ABBYY® FineReader 15 User’s Guide
2. In the right-hand pane, select the appropriate task.
For your convenience, when you hover the mouse cursor over a task, a pop-up window appears
listing the most common scenarios covered by that task.
The settings for all ABBYY FineReader tasks are specified in the Options dialog box. To open this
dialog box, click Options at the bottom of the left-hand pane.
Chapter contents
Viewing and editing PDF documents
Quick conversion
Advanced conversion
Comparing documents
Scanning and saving documents
ABBYY® FineReader 15 User’s Guide
Viewing and editing PDFs
With ABBYY FineReader, you can easily view, edit, comment, and search inside any type of PDF
documents, even those that were obtained by simply scanning a paper document and so do not
contain any searchable or editable text.
Viewing PDF documents and adding your comments
On the New Task screen, click the Open tab and then click Open PDF Document. The selected
document will be opened in the PDF Editor for viewing and commenting.
Use the Pages, Bookmarks, Search and Comments buttons to navigate around the
ABBYY FineReader offers the following commenting tools:
Add Note
Highlight, Underline, Strikethrough, and Insert Text
Draw Shape, Line, or Arrow
ABBYY® FineReader 15 User’s Guide
If you don't see the commenting tools, click the button.
Editing PDF documents
ABBYY FineReader offers the following editing tools:
See also: Editing text, Inserting and editing pictures.
Protecting PDF documents
With ABBYY FineReader, you can:
See also: Digital signatures, Removing confidential information from PDF documents, Passwords
and permissions.
Filling out forms
ABBYY FineReader allows you to fill out, save, and print interactive forms.
When you open a PDF that contains an interactive form, the form fields are highlighted, inviting you to
select a value from the drop-down list or type in some information.
If you encounter a form that cannot be filled out by simply typing text in the empty fields, use the
Export tool to type the necessary information over the form. See also: Filling out forms.
For more information on working with PDF documents, see Working with PDF documents.
ABBYY® FineReader 15 User’s Guide
Quick conversion
You can use the built-in tasks on the Open tab of the New Task screen to convert PDF documents or
images or create a new PDF from files in various formats.
Converting one or more files
1. Click the Open tab and then click a desired task:
Convert to PDF creates PDF documents from *.docx, *.html, *.jpeg, and other files. You
can also use this task to combine multiple files into one PDF document.
Convert to Microsoft Word creates Word documents from PDF and image files. You can
also use this task to combine multiple files into one Microsoft Word document.
Convert to Microsoft Excel® creates Excel spreadsheets from PDF and image files. You
can also use this task to combine multiple files into one Excel document.
Convert to Other Formats converts PDF and image files into popular formats, including
*.odt, *.pptx, *.epub, *.html, and many more.
ABBYY® FineReader 15 User’s Guide
2. In the dialog box that opens, select one or more files to convert.
3. Specify conversion settings.
These settings determine the appearance and properties of the output document.
4. Add or remove files if necessary.
5. Click the Convert to <format> button.
6. Specify a destination folder for the output file.
When the task is completed, the resulting file will be placed into the folder that you specified.
Combining files
1. Click the Open tab and then click a desired task.
2. In the dialog box that opens, select the files that you want to convert.
3. Specify conversion settings.
ABBYY® FineReader 15 User’s Guide
4. Add or remove files if necessary.
5. Arrange the files in the desired order and select the Combine all files into one document
6. Click the Convert to <format> button.
7. Specify a name and a destination folder for the output file.
When the task is completed, the resulting file will be placed into the folder that you specified.
Use advanced conversion for large documents with complicated layouts.
See also: :
Creating PDF documents
Creating Microsoft Word documents
Creating Microsoft Excel spreadsheets
Other formats
ABBYY® FineReader 15 User’s Guide
Creating PDF documents
In the New Task window, you can:
Create PDF documents from files in various formats.
Convert multiple files to PDF.
Combine multiple files into one PDF.
Create searchable PDF documents.
Create PDF/A-compliant documents.
Converting one or more files
1. Click the Open tab and then click Convert to PDF.
2. In the dialog box that opens, select one or more files to convert.
3. Specify conversion settings. These settings determine the appearance and properties of the
output document.
3.1.Image quality The quality of the pictures and the size of the resulting file can be tweaked
using the options in the Image quality drop-down menu:
Best quality
Select this option to retain the quality of the pictures and the page image. The original
resolution will be preserved.
Select this option to reduce the size of the output PDF file without too much loss in
picture quality.
Compact size
Select this option to obtain a small-sized PDF file at the expense of picture quality.
Select this option to customize picture saving. In the Custom Settings dialog box,
specify desired values and click OK.
3.2.Full-text search Use this drop-down menu to enable or disable full-text searches in the
output document:
As in original document The text on the images will not be recognized. Users will be
able to search inside the output document only if the original document has a text
Search inside text and images The text on the images will be recognized. Users will be
able to search inside the output document.
ABBYY® FineReader 15 User’s Guide
Disable full-text search The document will be converted to image-only PDF. Users will
not be able to search inside the output document.
3.3.Create PDF/A documents Select this option to create a PDF/A-compliant document. A
PDF/A-2b document will be created by default. Click More options... to select another
version of PDF/A.
3.4.Use MRC compression Select this option to apply Mixed Raster Content (MRC)
compression to reduce file size without noticeable loss in image quality.
3.5.OCR languages Select the language(s) of your document. See also: OCR languages.
3.6.Image preprocessing settings... Here you can specify some additional manipulations to
be preformed on your scans and image files to improve their appearance and the quality
of conversion. See also: Image processing options.
3.7.More options... Open the PDF tab of the Format Settings dialog box.
4. Add or remove files if necessary.
5. Click the Convert to PDF button.
6. Specify a destination folder for the output file.
When the task is completed, the resulting PDF document will be placed into the folder that
you specified.
Combining files
1. Click the Open tab and then click Convert to PDF.
2. In the dialog box that opens, select the files that you want to convert.
3. Specify conversion settings.
4. Add or remove files if necessary.
5. Arrange the files in the desired order and select the Combine all files into one document
6. Click the Convert to PDF button.
7. Specify a name and a destination folder for the output file.
When the task is completed, the resulting PDF document will be placed into the folder that
you specified.
ABBYY® FineReader 15 User’s Guide
Creating Microsoft Word documents
In the New Task window, you can create Microsoft Word documents from PDF documents and images
and from files in any of the supported formats. You can also convert and combine multiple files into
one Microsoft Word document.
Converting one or more files
1. Click the Open tab and then click Convert to Microsoft Word.
2. In the dialog box that opens, select one or more files to convert.
3. Specify conversion settings. These settings determine the appearance and properties of the
output document.
3.1.Keep formatting.
Select the appropriate setting depending on how you plan to use the output document:
Exact copy
The output document will look almost exactly like the original, but will offer limited
editing options.
Editable copy
The appearance of the output document may slightly differ from the original, but the
document can be easily edited.
Formatted text
The font types, font sizes, and paragraph formatting will be retained. The output text
will be placed in one column.
Plain text
Only the paragraph formatting will be retained. The output text will be placed in one
column and a single font will be used throughout.
3.2.OCR languages Select the language(s) of your document. See also: OCR languages.
3.3.Keep pictures Select this option if you want to preserve the pictures in the output
3.4.Keep headers, footers, and page numbers Select this option to preserve the headers,
footers, and page numbers.
3.5.More options... Opens the DOC(X)/RTF/ODT tab of the Format Settings dialog
4. Add or remove files if necessary.
5. Click the Convert to Word button.
ABBYY® FineReader 15 User’s Guide
6. Specify a destination folder for the output file.
When the task is completed, the resulting Microsoft Word document will be placed into the
folder that you specified.
Combining files
1. Click the Open tab and then click Convert to Microsoft Word.
2. In the dialog box that opens, select the files that you want to convert.
3. Specify conversion settings.
4. Add or remove files if necessary.
5. Arrange the files in the desired order and select the Combine all files into one document
6. Click the Convert to Word button.
7. Specify a name and a destination folder for the output file.
When the task is completed, the resulting Microsoft Word document will be placed into the
folder that you specified.
ABBYY® FineReader 15 User’s Guide
Creating Microsoft Excel spreadsheets
In the New Task window, you can create Microsoft Excel documents from PDF documents and images
and from files in any of the supported formats. You can also convert and combine multiple files into
one Excel document.
Converting one or more files
1. Click the Open tab and then click Convert to Microsoft Excel.
2. In the dialog box that opens, select one or more files to convert.
3. Specify conversion settings. These settings determine the appearance and properties of the
output document.
3.1.Keep formatting.
Select the appropriate setting depending on how you plan to use the output document.
Formatted text
The font types, font sizes, and paragraph formatting will be retained.
Plain text
Only the paragraphs will be retained. A single font will be used throughout.
3.2. OCR languages Select the language(s) of your document. See also: OCR languages.
3.3. Keep pictures (XLSX only) Select this option if you want to preserve the pictures in the
output document.
3.4. Create a separate sheet for each page (XLSX only) Select this option if you want to
create a separate Microsoft Excel spreadsheet from each page of the original document(s).
3.5. More options... Opens the XLS(X) tab of the Format Settings dialog box.
4. Add or remove files if necessary.
5. Click the Convert to Excel button.
6. Specify a destination folder for the output file.
When the task is completed, the resulting Microsoft Excel file will be placed into the folder
that you specified.
Combining files
1. Click the Open and then click Convert to Microsoft Excel.
2. In the dialog box that opens, select the files that you want to convert.
3. Specify conversion settings.
4. Add or remove files if necessary.
ABBYY® FineReader 15 User’s Guide
5. Arrange the files in the desired order and select the Combine all files into one document
6. Click the Convert to Excel button.
7. Specify a name and a destination folder for the output file.
When the task is completed, the resulting Microsoft Excel document will be placed into the
folder that you specified.
ABBYY® FineReader 15 User’s Guide
Other formats
In the New Task window, you can convert PDF documents and images into popular formats (*.pptx,
*.odt, *.html, *.epub, *.fb2, *.rtf, *.txt, *.csv, *.djvu) and combine multiple files into one document.
Converting one or more files
1. Click the Open tab and then click Convert to other formats.
2. In the dialog box that opens, select one or more files to convert.
3. Specify conversion settings. These settings determine the appearance and properties of the
output document.
3.1.Select output format Select a format into which to convert your file.
3.2.OCR languages Select the language(s) of your document. See also: OCR languages.
3.3.More options... Opens the corresponding tab of the Format Settings dialog box.
4. Add or remove files if necessary.
5. Click the Convert to <format> button.
6. Specify a destination folder for the output file.
When the task is completed, the resulting file will be placed into the folder that you specified.
Combining files
1. Click the Open tab and then click Convert to other formats.
2. In the dialog box that opens, select the files that you want to convert.
3. Specify conversion settings.
4. Add or remove files if necessary.
5. Arrange the files in the desired order and select the Combine all files into one document
6. Click the Convert to <format> button.
7. Specify a name and a destination folder for the output file.
When the task is completed, the resulting document will be placed into the folder that you
Advanced conversion
ABBYY FineReader includes an OCR Editor, which provides advanced OCR and conversion features.
The OCR Editor allows you to check recognition areas and verify recognized text, preprocess images in
ABBYY® FineReader 15 User’s Guide
order to improve OCR accuracy, and much more.
ABBYY® FineReader 15 User’s Guide
The OCR Editor also offer powerful features for fine-tuning OCR and conversion to get the best possible
results. For example, you can edit recognition areas, check recognized text, and train ABBYY
FineReader to recognize non-standard characters and fonts.
1. There are several ways to open the OCR Editor:
Open the New Task window by clicking File > New Task, click the Open tab, and then
click the Open in OCR Editor task.
Open the New Task window and click Tools > OCR Editor.
Open the New Task window, and click File > Open in OCR Editor....
2. In the Open Image dialog box, select the files you want to open.
If you are using the default settings, ABBYY FineReader will automatically analyze and
recognize the files you opened. You can change these settings on the Image Processing tab
of the Options dialog box (click Tools > Options... to open this dialog box).
3. After you open a document, its image will be displayed in the Image pane, and text, picture,
table and barcode areas will be marked on the image. Check that the areas have been
detected correctly and edit them if necessary.
ABBYY® FineReader 15 User’s Guide
ABBYY FineReader analyzes documents to detect areas that contain text, pictures, tables,
and barcodes.
Sometimes, areas in complex documents may be detected incorrectly. In most cases it is
easier to correct automatically detected areas than to draw all areas manually.
You can find tools for drawing and editing areas on the toolbar above the Image pane
and on the toolbars that appear above text, picture, background picture, and table areas
when you select them.
You can use these tools to:
Add and delete areas
Change the type of an area
Adjust area borders and move entire areas
Add rectangular parts to areas or delete them
Change the order of areas
4. If you made any changes to areas, click the Recognize button on the main toolbar to
recognize the document again.
5. Check the recognized text in the Text pane and correct it if necessary.
6. Save the recognized document. You can select the format in which to save your document
from the drop-down list of the Save/Send button on the main toolbar (click the arrow next to
the button to open the drop-down list).
For more information about the OCR Editor and its features, see Working with the OCR Editor.
ABBYY® FineReader 15 User’s Guide
Comparing documents
(This functionality is not available in some versions of ABBYY FineReader 15. See also:
ABBYY FineReader includes ABBYY Compare Documents, an application that lets you compare two
versions of a document, even if these versions are in different formats. ABBYY FineReader's document
comparison tool lets you detect significant inconsistencies in a text and, for example, prevent the
approval or publication of the wrong version of a document.
There are several ways to start ABBYY Compare Documents:
Open the New Task window, click the Compare tab, and then click Open ABBYY Compare
Click the Start button in Windows and click ABBYY FineReader 15 > ABBYY Compare
Documents (in Windows 10, click the Start button, click the All Programs item on the
start menu, and then click ABBYY FineReader 15 > ABBYY Compare Documents)
Click Compare Documents on the Tools menu.
Right-click a file in Windows Explorer and click Compare documents... on the shortcut
Follow the instructions below to compare two documents.
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