ABBYY FineReader - 11.0 User Manual

Version 11 User’s Guide
© 2011 ABBYY. All rights reserved.
ABBYY FineReader 11 User’s Guide
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Fonts Newton, Pragmatica, Courier © 2001 ParaType, Inc. Font OCR-v-GOST © 2003 ParaType, Inc.
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ABBYY FineReader 11 User’s Guide
Introducing ABBYY F ineReader
What is ABBYY FineReader
What's New in AB BYY Fine Reader 11
................................................................................................ 5
......................................................................... 5
................................................................................ 6
The ABBYY FineReader 11 Interface
The Main Window
Customizing th e ABBYY FineReader Workspac e
The Options Dialog Box
............................................................................................................................ 8
Working with ABBYY FineR eader
ABBYY FineReader Tasks
Managing Automat ed Tasks
ABBYY FineReader Step –by–Step
.............................................................................................................. 7
................................................................................................... 10
.................................................................... 13
................................................................................................. 14
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................................................................. 7
................................................................. 9
Splitting an ABBYY Fin eReader Document
Taking Int o Accou nt Some o f th e Features of Your Paper Document
Image Acquisiti on Tips
Scanning Tips
Taking P hotos o f Docu ments
Checking and Editing the Recognized Text
Working with Complex–Script Languages
Recommended Fonts
Saving the Result s
.................................................................................................................. 33
Advanced Features
Working in Other Appli cations
.................................................................................................... 31
........................................................................................... 36
....................................................................................................... 54
........................................................................................................... 57
............................................................................................ 72
......................................................................................... 72
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...................................................................... 49
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............................... 29
Using Area Templates
Recognition with Training
User Languages and Languag e Groups
...................................................................................................... 73
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............................................................................ 76
ABBYY FineReader 11 User’s Guide
Group Work in a LAN
ABBYY Hot Folder
Supported Image Form ats
Supported Saving Formats
Languages and T heir Fonts
Regular Expressions
Shortcut Keys
............................................................................................................ 85
.......................................................................................................................... 85
.................................................................................................................. 96
How to Buy an AB BYY Prod uct
ABBYY Off ic es and Technical Support Cont acts
................................................................................................................. 102
....................................................................................................... 78
............................................................................................................ 79
............................................................................................... 88
.............................................................................................. 91
............................................................................................. 92
........................................................................................................ 94
...................................................................... 102
............................................................. 103
Activating a nd Re gist ering ABBYY FineReader
ABBYY FineReader Acti vation
ABBYY FineReader Regist ration
Privacy Policy
Technical Suppo rt
................................................................................................................ 107
........................................................................................... 108
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ABBYY FineReader 11 User’s Guide

Introducing ABBYY FineReader

This chapter provides an over view of ABBYY Fine Reader and its features.
Chapter Contents
What Is ABBYY FineReader
What's New in ABBYY FineReader

What is ABBYY F ineReader

ABBYY FineReader is an opt ical chara cter r ecog niti on ( OCR) system . It is used to co nvert scanned d ocume nts , PDF docum ent s, a nd ima ge fi les, i nclu ding digital p hotos, into ed itable formats.

ABBYY FineReader advantages

Fast and ac curat e reco gniti on
The OCR system used in ABBYY FineReader lets users quickly and accurately recognize and retain the source formatting of any document (including text on background images, colored text on colored backgrounds, text wrapped around an image, etc.).
Thanks to ABBYY' s adaptive document recognition technology (ADRT®), ABBYY FineReader can analyze and process a document as a whole, instead of page by page. This approach retains the source document's structure, including formatting, hyperlinks, e–mail addresses, headers and footers, image and table capti ons, page numbers, and footnote s .
ABBYY FineReader can recognize documents written in one or several of 189 languages, including Arabic, Vietnamese, Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Thai, and Hebrew. ABBYY FineReader also features auto–detection of document languages.
What's more, ABBYY FineReader is largely immune to printing defects and can recognize texts printed in virtually any font.
The program also includes a wide range of options for output data: documents can be saved in a variety of formats, se nt by e–mail, or transferred to other applications for further processing.
Ease of us e
ABBYY FineReader's user–friendly and intuitive results–driven interface allows you to use the program without any additional training. New use r s can master the main functions in almost no time at all. Users can change the interface language directly in the program.
ABBYY FineReader Tasks include a list of the most frequently used tasks for converting scanned documents, PDF, and image files into editable formats, and make it possible to retrieve an e– document with one mouse–click.
Seamless integration with Microsoft Office and Windows Explorer lets you recognize documents directly from Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and Windows Explorer.
FineReader also features a Help menu with examples that illustrate how to use the program to accomplish a number of complex conversion–related tasks.
ABBYY FineReader 11 User’s Guide

What's New in ABBYY FineReader 11

Increased processing efficiency With the new Black–and–White mode, FineReader 11 provides 30% faster processing when you don't need color. Furthermore, the program effectively takes advantage of multi–core proc essors for even faster conversion.
Flexible e–book creation Scan paper books and convert them to EPUB and FB2 formats to read them on–the–go on your iPad, tablet or preferred portable device. Or send them directly to your Kindle account. Convert paper books or articles to appropriate e–book formats to add them to your electronic library or archive.
Native support for Writer FineReader 11 recognizes and converts images of documents and PDF files directly to Writer format (ODT), accurately preserving their native layout and formatting. Now you can easily add documents to your *.odt archive with a few mouse clicks.
Enhanced user interface
Enhanced style editor allows you to set up all the style parameters in one friendly window.
All the changes are applied across the entire document at once.
Organize pages among FineReader documents for better layout retention.
Launch document conversion immediately when the program starts, with even easier access
to all the basic or advanced conversion tasks.
Next generation Camera OCR with extended set of powerful image editing tools FineReader 11 offers a comprehensive range of new powerful image editing tools, including brightness and contrast sliders and level tools ena b ling you to get more accurate results and improve image parameters.
Increased OCR accuracy and layout retention with improved ADRT 2.0 Minimize the time required to edit converted documents thanks to better detection of document styles, footnotes, headers and footers.
Optimal PDF output The three pre–defined image settings for PDF files provide optimal results depending upon your needs – best quality, compact size or balanced mode.
New recognition languages* – Arabic, Vietnamese, and Turkmen (Latin alphabet)
Quickly convert paper business cards into electronic contacts with Business Card Reader
(available only in the Corporate Edition).
*Different se ts of rec ognitio n langua ges may be available i n differen t editio ns of the p roduct .
ABBYY FineReader 11 User’s Guide

The ABBYY FineReader 11 Interface

ABBYY Fine Reader's user–frie ndly, intuitive, and result s–driven interface makes it easy to use the program without any a dditional training. It t akes n ew users almost no time at all t o master the main functions.
ABBYY Fine Reader' s interfa ce can be c ustomize d. You can customize your worksp ace to s uit your in dividua l needs .
Change the window position and size
Set up the the quick access bar for access to the most frequently used commands
Set up the keyboard shortcuts — you can change the preset key combinations and add your own to
run specific program commands
Select your preferred interface language, etc.
Chapter Contents
The Main Window
Customizing the ABBYY FineReader Workspace
The Options Dialog Box

The Main Windo w

When you start AB BYY Fi neReader, its main window opens to gethe r w ith a New Task window where you can set up and launch a built–in quick task or a custom automated task.
The main wind ow displ ays the A BBYY Fi neReade r docume nt that is curren tly open . For detail s, see ABBYY FineReader documents.
ABBYY FineReader 11 User’s Guide
In the Pages window, you can view the pages of the current FineReader document. There are two page viewing modes: icons (which shows a small image) or a list of document pages and their properties. You can toggle between these modes from this window's shortcut menu, from the View menu, and the Options dialog box (Tools>Options…).
The Image window displays an image of the current page. You can edit image areas, page images, and text properties in this window.
In the Text window, you can view recognized text. You can also check spelling and format and edit recognized text in the Text window.
The Zoom window displays an enlarged image of the line or processed image area currently being edited. While the Image window displays the general page view, the Zoom window provides an easy way to view the image in greater detail, adjust the area type and position, or compare uncertain characters with the enlarged image. You can change the image scale in the Zoom window
from the panel
Tip. You can move image s in the Image and Zoom windows with your mouse w hile hold ing down the space bar.
Window t oggle k eys
Press CTRL+TAB to toggle between windows
in the bottom part of the window.
Press ALT+1 to activate the Pages window
Press ALT+2 to activate the Image window
Press ALT+3 to activate the Text window


The main wind ow of ABB YY Fine Reader feat ures se veral toolbars . Toolbar buttons provide easy access to program commands. The same commands can be executed from the program menu or with keyboar d short cuts.
ABBYY FineReader 11 User’s Guide
The Ma in Too lbar has a fixed se t of butto ns for all basi c acti ons : ope ning a do cume nt, sca nni ng a page, opening an image, recogniz ing pages, saving result s, etc.
The Quick Access Bar can be c ustom ized by ad ding s peci al b utton s for v irtua lly a ny com ma nd in the main menu. By default, this bar is not displayed in the main window. To display it, select the Quick Access Bar under View>Toolbars, or from the main t oolba r's sho rtcut men u.
In the Pages, Image, and Text windows, the toolbars are positioned at the top. The buttons on the toolba r in t he Pages win dow cann ot be chang ed. The t oolba rs i n the Image and Text window are fully customiza ble.
To custo mize a t oolbar, i.e. to add or remove a ny of t he butt ons:
1. Open the Customize Toolbars and Shortcuts dialog box (Tools>Customize…).
2. On the Toolbars tab in the Categories field, select the desired category. Note: Wh en a different category is selected, the commands on the Commands list will
change accor ding t o the set o f comma nds on the main men u.
3. Select a command from the Commands list and click the >> (or<<) button. The selected command will appear on (or disappear from) the toolbar's command list.
4. In order to save your changes, click the OK button.
5. In order to reset the Quick Access Bar to its default view, click the Reset All button.
The W arnin gs and Er rors Pan e displays error warn ings and pop–up m essages w hen the pr ogram is running.
To open a warnings and errors pane, select Show Warnings and Errors Pane o n the View menu or on the short cut me nu of the ma in toolbar. Errors and warning s are dis played for the page t hat is c urrently se lected i n the Pages wi ndow. To
scroll the war nings a nd e rror s, use the
and buttons.

Customizing the ABBYY Fi neReader Workspace

Changing FineReader interface
ABBYY FineReader 11 User’s Guide
You can temporarily hide the windows you do not use. In order to hide/show wind ows, use the
View menu options or keyboard shortcuts:
F5 for the Pages window
F6 for the Image window
F7 for the Image and Text windows
F8 for the Text window
CTRL+F5 for the Zoom window
You can change the window size by dragging the window spacers with your mouse.
You can also change the position of t he Pages and Zoom windows. Use the commands in the View
menu or the window shortcut menu.
You can customize the way warnings and error messages are displayed while the program is running. The Show Warnings and Errors Pane command in the View menu toggle s the warnings and errors pane on and off.
To show/hide the Properties panel in the Image or Text window, right–click anywhere in the window and then select Properties fr om the shortcut menu. Alternatively, you can click
the bottom of these windows.
/ at
Some window settings can be customized in Options dialog box on the View tab.
Changing the interface language
The interface langua ge is sel ected when ABB YY FineReade r is inst alled . This la nguage w ill be use d to write all messages, and the names of dialog boxes, buttons, a nd program menu items will be displayed i n this lang uag e. You can to ggle betw een t he i nter face la ngua ges in the pro gram as it runs.
In order to do so, follow these instructio ns:
1. Open the Options dialog box on the Advanced tab (Tools>Options…).
2. Select the desired language from the Interface language drop–down menu.
3. Click the OK button.
4. Restart ABBYY FineReader.

The Options D ialog Box

The Options dial og box co ntains the setti ngs you ca n use to ma nage opti ons for op ening , scanning, and saving documents in different formats, customizing t he appearance of program windows, sele cting your pre ferred l ang uage, and speci fying the sourc e do cume nt's print type , program interface language, and more.
Important! The optio ns dialog box i s unde r t he Tools>Options… me nu. It ca n also be accessed from the optio ns to olbar, dialog boxes for s aving d ata in differe nt format s, t he dia log boxes used t o open imag es, a nd t he to olbar' s s hort cut me nu.
The dialog box has 6 tabs. Each tab contains options for certain program functions:
Document Use this opt ion t o cust omize t he foll owing:
Document languag es (the languages in which the input document is written)
ABBYY FineReader 11 User’s Guide
• Document print type
• Color mode
• Document properties (the file name, author, and keywords)
This tab also displays the path to the a ctive ABB YY Fine Reader do cume nt.
Scan/Open Use this o pti on to cust omize the g eneral opti ons for aut omate d do cume nt pr oces sing , and
the settings for pre –processing images when scanning and opening documents, such as activating/deactivating the following:
Automatic analysis of document layout (identifying layout are as and types)
• Automatic image conversion
Automatic image pre–processing
Automatic identification of page orientation
Automatic separation of facing pages
You can also select your scanne r driver a nd scan ning inte rface.
Read This tab c onta ins re cogn itio n op tions :
• "Fast" or "thorough" recognition
• Whether a user pattern should be used for OCR
• Where to store the user patterns and languages
• Which fonts to use in recognized text
• Whether barcodes should be recognized
This optio n let s yo u sele ct t he form at i n whi ch the outp ut d ocum ent w ill be sa ved:
RTF/DOC/DOCX/ODT For details, see Saving in RTF/DOC/DOCX/ODT.
XLS/XLSX For details, see Saving in XLS/XLSX.
PDF For details, see Saving in PDF.
PDF/A For details, see Saving in PDF/A.
HTML For details, see Saving in HTML.
PPTX For details, see Saving in PPTX.
TXT For details, see Saving in TXT.
CSV For details, see Saving in CSV.
ABBYY FineReader 11 User’s Guide
E–book See Saving E–Books for details.
DjVu See DjVu format for details.
View This option c ontai ns:
• Settings for the page view in the Pages (Thumbnails or Details) window
Options for the Text window, including the option to highlight uncertain characters and
words (and the highlighting color), whether non–printable characters (e.g. line feed) should be displayed, and what font should be used to display plain text
Settings for the colors and thickness of borders enclosing various types of areas in the Image window
Advanced Here you can:
Select verification options for unreliably recognized characters
Specify whether spaces before and after punctuation marks should be corrected
View and edit user dictionaries
Select the language of the FineReader menus and messages
Specify whether the last ABBYY FineReader document should be opened when you start the
• Specify whether d ocument warnings should be displayed in a separate pane
Select if you wish to participate in ABBYY's software improvement program
Reset the options to the program defaults
ABBYY FineReader 11 User’s Guide

Working with ABBYY FineReader

This chapter provides an overview of ABBYY FineReader: how to quickly produce an e–do cum ent i n a format conveni ent for e diting and use, a nd how to pe rform co mplex a nd nonsta ndard text– recognition task s.
Chapter Contents
ABBYY FineReader Tasks
• Common Tasks
Microsoft Word Tasks
• Adobe PDF Tasks
E–book Tasks
• Other Quick Tasks
Custom Automated Tasks
How to Create a New Automated Task
• Task Steps
Managing Automated Tasks
ABBYY FineReader Step–by–Step
• Getting an Image
• Checking and Editing
Saving OCR Results
E–mailing OCR Results
Sending OCR Results to Kindle
ABBYY FineReader Document
• General
• Working With ABBYY FineReader Documents
• Splitting an ABBYY FineReader Document
• Page Numbering in ABBYY FineReader Documents
Taking Into Account Some of the Features of Your Paper Document
Image Acquisition Tips
Tips for Improving OCR Quality
Checking and Editing the Recognized Text
Working with Complex–Script Languages
Saving the Results in different formats
ABBYY FineReader 11 User’s Guide

ABBYY FineReader Tasks

Document proce ssi ng wi th AB BYY FineReader often involves the same execution sequence, e.g., scanning a nd re cogn izin g a d ocum ent , and t hen s aving the re sult s in a pa rtic ular format . In order to execute the m ost freque ntly use d tas ks, A BBYY Fine Reader offer s quic k t asks enabl ing yo u to recog nize t ext w ith only one m ouse clic k.
Quick tasks are launched from the New Task window, which opens by default a fter the applicat ion loads. If t he New Ta sk window is n ot dis pla yed, cl ick t he ma in to olba r an d the n cli ck the New Task button.
1. In the New Task window, select the desired task:
• Common Tasks
Microsoft Word tasks
• Adobe PDF tasks
E–book tasks
• Other tasks
• My Tasks
2. Select recognized languages from the Document language drop–down menu. Additional options are available (at the bottom of the window) for automated tasks used to convert data into a Microsoft Word document or an Adobe PDF document.
3. In the Color mode drop–down list, select full color or black–and–white.
Full color preserves the original image colors.
Black–and–white converts images to black–and–white, reducing the size of the ABBYY
FineReader document and speeding up OCR.
Important! Once the doc ument is converte d to bla ck–and–white, you will no t be able to restore the col ors. To get a color do cume nt, op en t he file wit h colo r ima ges or s can t he paper document in color mode.
4. Click the appropriate button for your automated task.
ABBYY FineReader 11 User’s Guide
ABBYY FineReader tasks are executed subject to the settings customized in the Options dialog box (Tools>Options…).
While an a utom ated tas k is ru nnin g, t he scr een shows the task execut ion bar w it h the task execution i ndi cator, a lis t o f auto mate d tas k ste ps, tips, and warn ings.
Note: I n orde r to re cog nize d ocu ment s wit h co mplex stru cture s, you ca n cus tomi ze an d sta rt ea ch processing stage manually. For details, see ABBYY FineReader Step–by–Step.
ABBYY FineReader also includes the option to cre ate yo ur ow n cust om aut omate d tas ks wi th t he steps required for your custom jobs . For details, see Managi ng Automated Tasks.

Common Tasks

Click the Common ta b in the New Tas k window t o acc ess t he q uick t as ks tha t co ver the mos t frequent u sage scena rios.
1. Select the document languages from the Document language drop–down menu located in the upper section of the window.
2. In the Color mode drop–down list, select full color or black–and–white. Important! Once the document is converted to black–and–white, you will not be able to restore the colors.
3. Click the appropriate button for your task:
Scan to Microsoft Word scans a paper document and converts it to a Microsoft Word document
File (PDF/Image) to Microsoft Word converts PDF documents and images files to a Microsoft Word document
Scan and Save Image scans a document and saves the resulting images. Once the scanning is finished, a dialog box opens prompting you to save the images.
Scan to PDF scans a paper document and converts it to an Adobe PDF document
Photo to Microsoft Word converts a digital photo to a Microsoft Word document
Scan scans a paper document
Open opens a PDF document or image file
Create Document… creates a new ABBYY FineReader document
4. As a result, a new document with the recognized text will open in the application you have selected. When the Scan and Save Image task is completed, the image saving dialog box will open.
ABBYY FineReader 11 User’s Guide
Important! Whe n you run a qui ck ta sk, da ta ar e co nverted bas ed t he pro gram's curre nt op tio ns. I f you have change d appli cation op tions, re–run t he tas k to recog nize t ext wi th the new opti ons.

Microsoft Word Tasks

The tasks on the Micr osof t Word tab of t he Ne w Task window w ill help you convert docume nts to a Microso ft Word docu ment.
1. In the Document language drop–down list at the top of the wind ow, select the document languages.
2. In the Color mode drop–down list, select full color or black–and–white. Important! Once the document is converted to black–and–white, you will not be able to restore the colors.
3. In the bottom part of the window, select the desired conversion settings:
Document format saving mode
Keep pictures if you need to retain the images in the target document
Keep headers and footers if you need to retain the headers and footers in the
target document
4. Click the appropriate button for your task:
Scan to Microsoft Word if you ne ed to scan and convert a paper document
File (PDF/Image) to Microsoft Word if you nee d to convert PDF documents and
image files
Photo to Microsoft Word if you need to convert digital photos
5. When the document processing is complete, a new Microsoft Word document containing the recognized text will open. Note: If Microsoft Word is not installed on your computer, clear the Open document after saving option in the Save As dialog box.
Important! When you run a quick task, data are converted based the program's current options. If you have change d applic ation op tions, re–run the task to re cogn ize te xt w ith the ne w o ption s.

Adobe PD F Tasks

The tasks on the Adobe P DF ta b in the N ew Task window will help you convert various images to Adobe PDF format.
1. In the Document language drop–down list at the top part of the window, select the document languages.
2. In the Color mode drop–down list, select full color or black–and–white. Important! Once the document is converted to black–and–white, you will not be able to restore the colors.
3. Select a document saving mode:
Text and pictures only This option saves only the recognized text and the associated pictures. The page will be fully searchable and the size of the PDF file will be small. The appearance of the resulting document may slightly differ from the original.
Text over the page image This option saves the background and pictures of the original document and pl aces the recognized text over them. Usually, this PDF type requires more disk space than Text and pictures only. The resulting PDF document is fully searchable. In some
ABBYY FineReader 11 User’s Guide
cases, the appearance of the resulting document may slightly differ from the original.
Text under the page image
This option saves the entire page image as a picture and places the recognized text underneath. Use this option to create a fully searchable document that looks virtually the same as the original.
Page image only
This option saves the exact image of the page. This type of PDF document will be virtually indistinguishable from the original but the file will not be searchable.
4. From the Picture drop–down list, select the desir ed quality of the pictures in the document.
5. Select PDF or PDF/A.
6. Click the task you wish to use:
Scan to PDF scans a paper document a nd converts it to Adobe PDF
File (Image) to PDF, converts a PDF document or an image file to a searchable Adobe
PDF document
Photo to PDF, converts a digital photo to an Adobe PDF document
7. The resulting PDF document will be opened in a PDF viewing application.
Note: If there is no PDF viewing application installed on your computer, clear the Open document after saving option in the Save As dialog box.
Important! When you run a quick task, data are converted based the program's current options. If you have changed application options, re–run the tas k to reco gnize tex t with the new opt ions.
Tip. When savin g your sca nned doc ument t o PDF, you can set pa ssword s to prot ect your P DF document fro m unaut horize d opening , prin ting, or e diting. For deta ils , see PDF secu rity s etti ngs.

E–book Tasks

Use the ta sks on the E–book tab of the New Ta sk window to convert images to EPUB, FB2, and HTML, whi ch are wide ly used for ele ctro nic books . The EP UB and FB2 forma ts are base d on XML and store each e–book in a single file. They are compatible with many e–book r eadi ng ap plica tio ns and device s.
1. Select the document languages from the Document language drop–down menu located in the upper section of the window.
2. In the Color mode drop–down list, select full color or black–and–white. Important! Once the document is converted to black–and–white, you will not be able to restore the colors.
3. Select a format for your e–book: EPUB, FB2 or HTML.
4. Click the button with the name of the task that you wish to us e:
Scan to EPUB/FB2/HTML scans a paper document and converts it to an e–book format of your choice
File (PDF/Image) to EPUB/FB2/HTML convert s PDF documents and image files
Photo to EPUB/FB2/HTML conver ts digital photos
5. The document with the recognized text will be opened in the appropriate application.
Note: If there is no e–book reading application installed on your computer, clear the Open document after saving option in the Save As dialog box.
ABBYY FineReader 11 User’s Guide
Important! Whe n a b uilt–in tas k is la unc hed, A BBYY Fine Reader use s th e opt ions sele cted at t he moment of launch. If you adjust the options, launch the task once again to recognize the texts with these new opti ons.

Other Ta sks

Use the Other tab in the New Task window to access the other quick tasks available in ABBYY FineReader.
1. In the Document language drop–down list at the top of the window, select the document languages.
2. In the Color mode drop–down list, select full color or black–and–white. Important! Once the document is converted to black–and–white, you will not be able to restore the colors.
3. Click the appropriate button for your task.
Scan to Other Formats scans a paper d ocument and converts it into any of the supported formats
File (PDF/Image) to Other Formats converts a PDF document or image file into any of the supported formats
Photo to Other Formats converts a digital photo into any of the supported formats
4. A new document with the recognized text will be opened.
Important! Whe n you run a qui ck ta sk, da ta ar e co nverted bas ed t he pro gram's curre nt op tio ns. I f you ha ve cha nge d appl icat ion op tion s, re –run the task to re cogn ize te xt w ith the ne w o ption s.
Tip. If you do not see a task that suits yo ur purpo ses, you ca n create your own aut omate d task. See Automated Tas ks for detailed instructions.

Custom Automated Tasks

(only ABBYY FineReader Corporate Edition)
Custom automated tasks offer more proce ssing steps than the built –in quick tasks. The steps in a task corre spon d to t he d ocum ent pr oce ssin g stag es i n ABB YY Fi neRead er.
How to Create a New Automated Task
Task Steps
Managing Automated Tasks

How to Create a New Automated Task

On the My Tasks tab of the N ew Tas k window, you can create your own tasks for your specific purposes.
1. Click the Create… button. If you already created tasks on this tab, the name of the button should change to Create / Edit / View Tasks….
Tip. You can also launch the Task Manage r by selecting Tools>Task Manager….
2. On the Task Manager toolbar, click the New button and enter a name for your task.
3. In the left–hand pane of the Task settings, select one of the available steps. The selected step will be moved to the right–hand pane.
ABBYY FineReader 11 User’s Guide
4. Select desired options for each step. Note: Clicking the
dependent on other steps and may not be removed separately. For example, when you remove an Analyze step, the corre spondin g Read step w ill also be removed.
5. Once you have added all the steps and selected their options, click Finish.
button removes a step from th e task. Some of the steps are

Task Steps

To create your custom automat ed task, select o ne of the act ions available for each step:
1. FineReader document This is always the f irst step in an automated tas k. Once you select it , it will be mo ved to the
right–hand pane . Select one of the foll owing com mand s:
Create new document A new FineReader will be created when the task is launched. Specify the options to be used when creating the document, processing images, and recognizing texts:
Use the document options selected in the program when the task is launched
Use custom document options
Select existing document
Specify the FineReader document that contains the images to be processed.
Use open document Images from the opened FineReader document will be processed.
2. Acquire images This step is optio nl if at the previo us step yo u selecte d Sel ect exis ting docu ment or Use
open document.
Open image / PDF Specify the folder from which ABBYY FineReader will take images when the task is launched.
Scan The scanning settings selected in AB BYY FineReader at the time of scanning will be used.
a. If images are added to a document that already contains images, only the newly
added images will be processed. If a new document is added, all images in the document will be processed.
b. If an ABBYY FineReader document to be processed contains already recognized
pages and already analyzed pages, the recognized pages will not be processed anew and the analyzed pages will be recognized.
3. Analyze At this step, the program analyzes images t o ident ify text are as, picture are as, tab le areas ,
or barcode areas. The Analyze step wi ll be add ed a utoma tica lly w hen t he Read step is selected.
ABBYY FineReader 11 User’s Guide
Analyze the layout automatically, then adjust areas manually ABBYY FineReader will analyze the images and identify the appropriate areas on them.
Draw areas manually ABBYY FineReader will ask you to draw the appropriate areas manually.
Use an area template Specify the area template to be used by ABBYY FineReader to analyze the images. For more about area templates, see Using Area Templates.
4. Read The options used for recognizing images depend on the options selected at the FineReader
document step.
5. Save / Send At this step, you ca n select the forma ts to whi ch ABBY Y FineRead er shoul d save the
recognition results. You can also program ABBYY FineReader to send t he result s to a c ertain application, send t he acquired i mages or text by e –mail, or crea te a cop y of the ABBYY FineReader do cument . An aut omated task may have more tha n one sav ing step. Specify the sav ing opt ion s to b e us ed:
Use the saving options selected in the program when the task starts
Use custom saving options
Save document
Here you can specify the name of the file, its format, and the folder where the file should be stored.
Note: To avoid specifying a new folder each t ime the tas k is launc hed, se lect Create a time–stamped subfolder.
Send documen t Here you can select the application in which to open the resulting document.
E–mail documen t Here you can specify the name of the file, its format, and the e–mail address to which the file should be sent.
Save images Here you can specify the name of the file, its format, and the folder where the image file should be stored.
Note: To save all images to one f ile , selec t Sa ve as one m ulti–page i mage f ile (only for TIFF a nd P DF).
E–mail images Here you can specify the name of the file, its format, and the e–mail address to which the image file should be sent.
Save FineReader document Here you can specify the folder to which the ABBYY Fi neReader document should be saved.

Managing Automated Tasks

An ABBYY FineReader automated task is a set of suc cessi ve steps . Each ste p corres ponds t o one of the docum ent re cog niti on sta ges. Simi lar a ctio ns c an be a utom ate d usi ng t asks .
Automated task management i ncludes creati ng, editin g, starting, an d deleting custom automated tasks. Tasks are managed via the Task Ma nager dialog b ox.
ABBYY FineReader 11 User’s Guide
To open t he Task Manager dialog box, do one of the following:
In t he New Task window, click the My Tasks tab and then click Create / Edit / View Tasks…
Select Task Manager… in the Tools menu
Press CTRL+T
The toolbar at the top o f the Task Manage r contains bu ttons for creatin g, modifyi ng, cop ying, deleting, im portin g, a nd export ing t asks.
To star t pro cess ing a docum ent in ac corda nce w it h your sele cted task , run the ta sk on the My Tasks tab of t he New Task window.

ABBYY FineReader Step–by–Step

The proce ss in w hic h doc ument s are adde d to ABB YY Fi neReade r is made up o f four stage s. A n image is retrieved , recognize d, and checked, a nd the re cognitio n results a re saved. T his sect ion contains informat ion abo ut each o f the four sta ges.
Getting an Image
Checking and Editing
Saving Results
E–mailing OCR Results
Sending OCR Results to Kindle

Getting an Image

ABBYY FineReader 11 User’s Guide
To begi n the OCR proces s, ABBYY FineReader needs to r etrieve an image o f your document. There are several ways to create an image, including:
Scanning your paper document
Opening an existing image file or PDF d ocument
Taking a picture of your text
Scanning pa per do cument s
1. Make sure that your scanner is connected and turned on. Consult yo ur s canne r's d ocum entat ion t o en sure it is set up cor rec tly. Be sure to i nstal l the
software provided wit h your scanner. Some sca nner mode ls mus t be t urne d on before the computer i s turned o n.
2. Put the page to be scan ned into the scanner. If the scanner is equipped with an automatic
document feeder, you can put multiple pages into the scanner if you need t o process a multi –page document.
3. Click Scan, or select Scan Pages… from the File menu. The scanni ng dialo g box will ope n. Sel ect the appropria te setti ngs and s tart scanning . The
scanned pages wil l be added to the Pages window in ABBYY FineReader.
Tip. Typical p rinte d o ff i ce doc umen ts a re bes t sca nned i n grayscale at 300 dpi.
The quality of OCR results depends on the quality of the source document quality and the selected scanning options. Low image quality may affect recognition results. That's why it is important to correctly customize scanning settings and account for the features of the input document.
Opening ima ge f ile s and PD F docume nts You can open file s in PD F format a nd recog nize finis hed image f ile s (for de tails, see Supp orted
Image Formats). How to open a n ima ge or PDF file :
In A BB Y Y FineReader, click Open, or select Open PDF File/Image… from the File menu. In the dial og b ox, sel ect Open image:
1. Select one or more images.
2. Specify the page range for a multi–page document.
3. Enable the Detect page orientation option to automatically detect the page layout when opening images.
4. Activate the Split facing pages option to automaticall y split dual pages into separate images when opening images.
5. Enable the Enable image preprocessi ng option to perform automated image preprocessing when images are opened.
Note: When page images are ope ned or scanned for the f irst time, they are add ed to a new FineReader docum ent disp layed i n the Pages w indow. Later, when the pa ge images are opened or scan ned, the y wil l be ad ded to t he bo ttom o f the ope n Fine Reader doc ument .
In Windows Explorer, right–click the appropriate image file and select Open in ABBYY FineReader from the shortcut menu.
ABBYY FineReader 11 User’s Guide
In Microsoft Outlook, select the e–mail message with the image or PDF attachments you wish to open, and then click
In Microsoft Outlook or Windows Expl or er , drag the desired image file into ABBYY FineReader's main window. The image will be added to the current ABBYY FineReader document.
on the toolbar. In the dialog box that opens, select the files to open.
Note: The author of a PDF file may choose to restrict access to it. For example, the author may create a password or restrict certain features, such as the ability to extract text and graphics. To adhere to copyright guidelines, ABBYY FineReader will ask you for a password to open such files.
Ta king a pict ure o f a te xt w ith a came ra ABBYY FineReader can perform OCR on images created with a digital camera.
1. Take a picture of the text. Note: G ood q uali ty photos are require d for suc cessful OCR result s.
2. Save the photo to your hard disk.
3. Click the Open button or select Open PDF File/Image… from the File menu.


ABBYY Fine Reader use s Optica l Charact er Recogn ition te chnolo gies to c onvert do cumen t image s into editable text. Before performing OCR, the program analyzes the str ucture of the entire document and detect s t he area s t hat c ontai n tex t, ba rcode s, im ages , and tab les.
ABBYY Fine Reader doc umen ts ar e by d efaul t rec ognize d a utomat ica lly under cur rent progra m settings.
Tip. You can disable a utoma tic a nal ysis a nd OC R for newl y adde d im ages from t he Scan/Open tab of the Options dialog box (Tools>Options…).
To ach ieve the best OCR quality, select the appropriate options for the recognition language , recognition mode , and re cognized te xt prin t type.
In some cases, the OCR process can be started manually. For example, if you disabled automatic recognitio n, m anua lly se le cted a reas on a n ima ge, or cha nged the follo wing setti ngs i n the Options dialog box (Tools>Options…):
the recognition language on the Document tab
the document type on the Document tab
the color mode on the Document tab
the recognition options on the Read tab
the fonts to use on the Read tab
To la unch t he OCR pro cess ma nually :
• Click the Read button on the main toolbar, o r
Select Read from the Document menu
Tip. To reco gnize the sele cted a rea o r pa ge, use t he appr opr iate o pti ons o n the Page and Areas menus, or use the sho rtcut me nu.
ABBYY FineReader 11 User’s Guide

Checking and Editing

Recognition results are displayed in the Text wind ow. Uncertai n characte rs are hig hlight ed in co lor in this window. This ma kes it eas y to locat e possi ble errors and q uickly c orrect t hem.
You can edit the o utput doc ume nt eit her d ire ctly i n the Text window or w ith the b uilt–in Verification dialo g box (Tools>Verification…), which lets you browse through uncertain words, fi nd sp elli ng err ors, add new words to your di ctio nary, and change the dict ionar y la nguag e.
ABBYY FineReader also le ts you adju st the forma tting of recogn ized text. You can edit reco gnize d te xt in t he Text win dow with t he b utton s on t he ma in to olba r and the Text
Properties pa nel ( via t he sho rtc ut me nu o f the Text>Properties window). Note: W hen ABBY Y FineReade r performs OCR, it automat ically de tects the doc ument's styles. All of
the selected styles are displayed on the Text P rop ertie s panel. By ed iti ng styl es, yo u ca n easi ly change the formattin g of th e entire te xt. ABB YY Fi neReader prese rves all styles whe n saving t ext to RTF/DOC/DOCX/ODT formats.

Saving OCR Results

Recognitio n result s can b e saved t o a file, se nt to anoth er app lication , copied t o the C lipboard, or e–mailed. You can also send OCR re sult s to Kindl e.c om w here they will be convert ed to the K indl e format and be come a vailable for dow nload o nto your Kindl e devi ce. You ca n save e ither the ent ire document, or selected pages only.
Important! Be sure to sel ect the appropria te savi ng optio ns before cl icki ng Save. To save recognized text:
1. Select the format saving mode on the main toolbar's drop–down menu. Document Format Savin g Modes .
a. Exact Copy
Produces a document with formatting that corresponds to that of the original. Recommended for document s with complex formatting, such as promotion booklets. Note, however, that this option limits the ability to change the text and format of the output document.
b. Editabl e Co py
Produces a document in which the formatting may differ slightly from that of the original. Documents produced in this mode are easy to edit.
c. Formatted Text
Retains fonts, font sizes, and paragraphs, but does not retain the exact spacing or locations of the objects on the page. The text produced will be left–aligned. Texts in right–to–left scripts will be right–aligned.
Note: Vertical text s will be chan ged to horizontal in this mode.
d. Plain Text
This mode does not retain text formatting.
Important! The list of available optio ns may vary depending on the selected saving format.
2. On the Save tab of the Options dialog box, select the desired saving options and click OK.
3. Click the arrow to the right of the Save button on the main toolbar and select the appropriate
option, or use commands from the File menu.
Note: ABB YY FineReader lets you save page images. For details, see Saving an Image of the Page.
ABBYY FineReader 11 User’s Guide

E–mailing OCR Results

With ABBYY FineReade r, yo u can e–mail recogn ition re sult s in a ny of the suppo rted forma ts w ith t he exception o f HT ML.
To send a document:
1. Select E–mail>Document from the File menu.
2. In the dialog box, select:
• the format in w hich the document should be saved
one of the saving options: save all pages to one file, save each page to a separate file, or
split the document into files based on blank pages
3. Click OK. An e–mail messag e will be created with the attached file(s). Simply specify the recipient
and send the message.
You can also e–mail the images of d ocument pages.
To send page images:
1. On the File menu, cli c k E–mail>Page Images.
2. In the dialog box, select:
• the format in w hich the document should be saved
Send as multi–page image file if you need to send images as a multi–page file
3. Click OK. An e–mail message will be created with the attached file(s). Simply specify the recipient
and send the message.

Sending OC R Results to Kind le

With ABBYY FineReade r, yo u can e–mail recognition result s to ser ver, w here they will be converted i nto t he Ki ndle format and available for download onto your Kindle device.
Important! To use this feature , you need a Kin dle a ccou nt on Kind le.c om.
1. Click the arrow next to the Save button on the main tool bar and select Send to Kindle….
2. Specify:
• your Account
one of the saving options: save all pages to one file, save each page to a separate file, or
split the document into files based on blank pages
3. Click OK.
An e–mail message with an attachment will be created. Send this e–mail message to and the converted file will soon be available for download onto your Kindle device.


A new ABBYY FineReader document is opened b y default when you start ABBYY Fine Reader. You can either sta rt wo rki ng wit h th is ne w do cument or op en a n exi sting ABB YY Fi neReade r do cume nt.
All document page s are d isplayed i n the Pages window. The pages in t he Pages wi ndow can b e displayed either as thumbnails or as page icons.
To change the display mode:
Click View>Pages Win dow. Then select Thumbnails or Details.
ABBYY FineReader 11 User’s Guide
On the shortcut menu of the Pages window, select Pages Window and then select either
Thumbnails or Details.
On the View tab of the Options dialog box (Tools>Options…), in the Pages Window group,
select either Thumbnails or Details.
To open a pag e, c lic k its thum bnail in t he Pages window (in Thumbnails mode ) or double –click its number (in Details m ode). I n the Image windo w you will see the page image and in t he Text window you will s ee the r ecognitio n results (if t he docume nt was reco gnized).
Note: W hen o peni ng Fi neRead er do cume nts crea ted in earlier versions o f ABBYY FineReader, the program attempts to co nvert them into it s new format. As th is convers ion cannot be undo ne, ABB YY FineReader w ill prom pt you to sa ve the conver ted doc ument un der a new name. Al l recogni zed text will be lost in the proce ss.

Working with ABBYY FineReade r Doc umen ts

When wor king w ith a n AB BYY FineRead er d ocume nt, you ca n:
Create a new document
On the File men u, cli c k New FineReader Document, or
On the main toolbar, click
Delete a page from the curr en t document
In the Pages window, select the page you wish to delete and then select Delete Page
from Document from the Page menu, or
In the Pages window, right–click the page you wish to delete and then select Delete Page from Document from the shortcut menu, or
In the Pages window, select the page you wish to delete and press the DELETE key.
To se lect se veral page s, hold down the C TRL key a nd click e ach of the pages to delete o ne by one.
Open a document At launch, ABBY Y Fine Reade r au tomat ica lly cre ate s a ne w d ocume nt.
Note: I f you w ish A BBY Y Fin eReade r to open t he l ast docum ent on wh ich you were wo rking in the pre vious ses sion, sele ct Tools>Options…, click the Advanced ta b, and the n select Open the last used FineReader document when the program starts.
To op en a doc ument :
1. On the File menu, clic k Open FineReader Document…
2. In t he Open Document dialog box, select the document to open.
Note: You can als o open an AB BYY Fine Reader do cument directl y from Window s Explore r by right–clic king the desired docume nt folder (docum ent folders are displa yed as
selecting Open with ABBYY FineReader from the shortcut menu.
Add images to the current document
On the File men u, cli c k Open PDF File/Image…
In the Open Image dialog box, select the desired images and click Open. The image will
be appended to the end of the current document and its copy will be saved in the folder that stores the document.
) and
ABBYY FineReader 11 User’s Guide
Note: You can a lso a dd i mage s dire ctly from Wind ows Ex plore r:
In Windows Explorer, select the desired ima g e files, right–click the selection, and select
Open with ABBYY FineReader from the shortcut menu.
If ABBYY FineReade r is ru nning, the selected files wi ll be adde d to th e curre nt document . Oth erwi se, A BBYY Fine Reader wil l be la unc hed a nd t he se lecte d file s wi ll be added to a new document.
Save the current document
1. On the File menu, clic k Save FineReader Document…
2. In the Save Document dialog box, type in a name for your document and specify a storage location.
Note: Sa ving a n AB BYY Fine Reader doc ument wil l save the p age im ages , t he re cogniz ed text, the traine d patt erns , and the user lang uages (if a ny).
Close the current document
To close a page of the current document, select the page and then select Close Current
Page from the Document menu.
To close the entire document, select Close FineReader Document from the File menu.
Save user patterns and languages
To s ave your user patte rns a nd la nguag es i n one f i le:
1. Select Tools>Options… and click the Read tab.
2. Under User patterns and languages, click the Save to File… button.
3. In t he Save Options dialog box, type in a name for your file and specify a storage location.
This f ile w ill conta in the path to t he folder w here user la nguages, la nguage groups, dictionaries, and patterns are stored.
Load user patterns and languages
1. Select Tools>Options… and click the Read tab.
2. Under User patterns and languages, click the Load from File… button.
3. In t he Load Options dialog box, select the file that contains the desired user patterns and languages and click Open.

Splitting an ABBYY FineReader Document

When proc essi ng larg e n umber s of mult i–page do cume nts, it i s ofte n mor e pra ctical to s can all the document s first and only then a nal yze a nd re cogni ze t hem. Howe ver, to pres erve t he or igina l formatting of ea ch pa per docum ent corre ctly, ABBYY Fine Reader must proc ess e ach o f t hem as a separate FineReader document. ABBYY FineReader offers tools to group scanned page s into separate do cume nts t o whi ch the y be long .
To sp lit a n ABBYY F ineReader do cument i nto several do cuments :
1. On the File menu, cli c k Split into Several Documents… or sele ct pages in the Pages window, right–click the selection, and then select Create New Document with Selected Pages….
2. In the Split Docume nt dialog box, click Add document to create the required number of FineReader documents.
ABBYY FineReader 11 User’s Guide
3. Move pages from the Pages pane into their appropriate documents displayed in the New Documents pane using one of the following three methods:
• Select pages a nd drag them with the mouse.
Note: You can also use drag–and–drop to move pages between documents.
Click the Move button to move the selected pages into the current document displayed in the New Documents pane or click the Return button to remove the selected pages from the current document.
Press the CTRL+RIGHT ARROW to move pages into the current document and CTRL+LEFT ARROW or DELETE to remove the selected pages from the current
4. Once you are finished moving pages into the new FineReader documents, click the Create All button to create all documents at once or click the Create button in each of the documents individually.
Note: You can als o drag–and–drop selected pages from the Pages window int o any ot her ABBY Y FineReader wind ow. A ne w ABBY Y Fi neReade r do cume nt wi ll be cre ated for th ese p ages .

Numbering Pages in an ABBYY FineRead er Docum ent

All pages in a document are numbered. Page numbers are displayed in the Pages wi ndow next to the page t hum bnail s.
To ren umber pa ges:
1. In the Pages window, select one or multiple pages.
2. On the shortcut menu of the Pages window, click Renumber Pages….
3. In the Renumber Pages dialog box, cho os e one of the following:
Renumber pages (cannot be undone) This changes all page numbers successively, star ting with the selected page.
Restore original page numbers after duplex scanning This restores the initial numbering of the source document, if you used the feeder to scan first all the odd pages and then all the even ones. ABBYY FineReader allows you to restore the original page numbers after scanning in duplex mode . You can choose between the normal and the reverse order for even pages.
Important! A minimu m of 3 pages wit h successive numbers must be allotted for this operation.
Swap book pages This option is useful if you scan a book written in a left–to–right script and split the facing pages, but fail to specify the correct language.
Important! A minimu m of 2 pages wit h successive numbers must be allotted for this operation, including at least 2 facing pages.
Note: To cancel this operation, select Undo last operatio n .
4. Click OK.
The order of the pages in the Pages window wi ll cha nge to refle ct the ne w numbe ring.
1. To change the number of one page, click its number in the Pages window a nd enter the new number in the field.
ABBYY FineReader 11 User’s Guide
An example of typewritten text. All letters are of equal width (c ompare,
An example of a text pro duced b y a fax machi ne. As you ca n see from t he
2. In Thumbnails mode, you can change page numbering simply by dragging selected pages to the desired place in the document.

Taking Into Account Some of the Features of Your Paper Document

OCR quality greatly depends on the q uality of the source imag e. Consider t he following elements t o ascertain whethe r you wi ll get the scan ning res ults you de sire:
Document Type Various devices may be used to produce printed documents, such as typewriters or faxes. Recognition quality for these documents may vary. This section provides recommendations for selecting the right print type.
Print Quality OCR quality may be greatly impaired by "noise" tha t sometimes occurs on poor quality documents. This section provides recommendations for scanning these documents.
Color mode A document may b e color or black–and–white. More about selecting a color mode for OCR.
Document Languages A document may contain text written in multiple languages. This section provides recommend ations for selecting recognition languages.

Documen t Type

When recognizing typewritten texts or faxes, OCR quali ty can be improved by selecting the corresponding Document type in the Options d ialog box.
For most docume nts, the program wi ll dete ct the pri nt type aut omati call y. For automatic p rint type detectio n, the Auto opti on mus t be sele cted und er Do cum ent typ e in the Options dialo g box (the Tools>Options…> menu, then the Document tab). You can process the document in full– color or black–and–white mode.
You may also choose to manually select the print type as needed.
for example, "w" and "t"). For texts of this type, select Typewriter.
example, the le tters are not clear in some pla ces, in ad diti on to nois e a nd distortion. For texts of t his type , sele ct Fax.
Tip. After recognizin g typewritte n texts a nd faxes, b e sure t o select Auto t o pro cess r egul ar printed do cument s.

Print Quality

Poor–qua lity d ocume nts wit h "no ise" (i.e. rand om bla ck d ots or sp eckle s), blurr ed a nd une ven letters, or skewed lines and shifted table borders may require specific scanning settings.
ABBYY FineReader 11 User’s Guide
Poor–qua lity d ocume nts are be st scann ed in grays cale . Whe n sca nning in grayscal e, t he pro gram will select the optimal b rightne ss value aut omatica lly.
Grayscale s canni ng mo de re tai ns mor e in format ion about the letter s in the scanne d te xt to ach ieve better OCR res ults w hen recog nizing docume nts of medium to po or qual ity. Yo u can als o corre ct some of the defects manually using the i mage editing to ols available in the Image Edit or.

Color M ode

If you do not need to pre serve the orig inal col ors of a fu ll–color docume nt, you ca n process the document in bla ck–and–white mode. This will gre atly red uce the size of th e resulti ng ABBYY FineReader document and speed up the OCR process. However, processing lo w–contrast ima ges in black and white ma y result in poor OCR q uali ty. We also do not reco mme nd black and white processing for phot os, m agazine page s, and text s in C hinese , Japa nese, and Korean.
Note: You can als o speed up recogn ition of color and black–and–whi te do cume nts b y sel ecti ng the Fast read ing option on the Read t ab o f the Options dia log box. For more about t he reco gnition
modes, see OCR Options. To sele ct a col or m ode:
Use the Color mode drop–down list in the New Task window or
Use the options under Color mode on the Document tab of the Options dialog box
(Tools>Options…) or
Important! Once the doc ument is converte d to bla ck–and–white, you will no t be able to rest ore the colors. To get a colo r docume nt, op en the file with colo r imag es or sca n the paper docume nt in color mode.
or in the Pages window.

Document Languages

ABBYY FineReader recog nizes both mono– a nd m ulti –lingual ( e.g. writt en in t wo l angua ges) document s. For m ulti –lingual d oc ument s, you mus t sele ct se veral re cog niti on la ngua ges.
To sp ecify a n OCR lang uage for yo ur docum ent, ei ther in t he Docume nt Languages dr op–down list on the mai n to olbar (or i n the New Tas k window if yo u are using q uic k ta sks), sele ct o ne of the following:
+ 78 hidden pages