ABBYY FineReader - 11.0 Administrator’s Guide

ABBYY® FineReader 11
Corporate Edi tion
System Administrator’s Guide
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ABBYY FineReader 11 Corporate Edition System Administrator ’s Guide
Table of Contents
Deploying ABBY Y Fin eReader 11 in a LAN
Deploying ABBYY FineReader 11
Step 1. Administrative in stallation
Installing the License Server and the License Manager Creating an administrative installation point
Step 2. Man aging Licenses
.................................................................................................... 3
.................................................................................. 5
............................................................................................ 7
Step 3. Installing A BBYY FineReader 11 on Workst at ion s
Interactive installation Command line installation Using Active Directory Using Microsoft Systems Management Server (SMS) Using Task Scheduler
Frequently Ask ed Questions
How can I install ABBYY FineReader 11 on a terminal server? How can I change the network connection settings? How can I repair ABBYY FineReader 11 on the workstations? How can I rename the computer hosting the License Server or move the License Server to another
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...................................................................... 3
..................................................................... 5
.................................................................................... 6
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Group Work in a LAN
Processing the same ABBYY FineReader document on several computers Using the same user languages and dictionaries on several computers
Technical Support
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ABBYY FineReader 11 Corporate Edition System Administrator ’s Guide

Deploying ABBYY FineReader 11 in a LAN


ABBYY FineReader 11 can be installed and used on a lo cal area network. The automated installation methods give you speed and flexibility when installing ABBYY FineReader 11
Corporate Edition on a local area network, as you do not have to install the program manually on each individual workstation.

Deploying ABBYY FineReader 11

ABBYY FineReader can be deployed fr om an y c ompu ter running under Microsoft® Windows® XP (or later). The deployment process comprises the following steps:
1. Administrative installation a. Installing ABBYY FineReader 11 C E License Server and ABBYY FineReader 11 CE License
Manager For detailed instructions, see
Note: The computer on which License Administrator Station.
b. Creating an administrative installation point For detailed instructions, see Note: You can change the network connection settings used by the License Server, the License
Manager, and the workstations. For details, see
Note. The administrative installation point and the License Server can be located either on the same or on different computers.
2. Managing the licenses Licenses are managed by means of ABBYY FineReader 11 License Manager.
For the licenses to be corr ectly distributed among the workstations when installing ABBYY FineReader 11, you must give certain workstations pr iority in obtaining certain licenses. For this purpose, reserve licenses and pools of licenses for certain workstations. For details, see
3. Installing ABBYY FineReader on w or kstations using one of the follow ing methods:
Step 2. Managing Licenses
Installing the License Server and the License Manager
ABBYY FineReader 11 CE License Manager is installed becomes a
Creating an administr ative installation point
How can I change the network connection settings?
manually in interactive mode
via the command line
Active Directory
Microsoft Systems Management Server (SMS),
Task Scheduler
For detailed instructions, see
1. Do not place the License Server into the same folder with the administrative installation p oint.
2. You cannot install different editions of ABBYY FineReader on the same workstat ion.
Step 3. Installing ABBYY FineReader 11 on Workstations
ABBYY FineReader 11 Corporate Edition System Administrator ’s Guide

Administrative installation folder requirements

1. 750 MB free hard–disk space to create an administrati ve installation point
2. Read access to the administrative installation folder (e.g.\\MyFileServer\Programs Distribs\ABBYY Fi neReade r 11 ) for all users on whose computers ABBYY FineReader is to be installed.
3. The server (\\MyFileServer) on which the administrative installation point is created must be a file server running under any operating system th at supports long file names.
4. When using Active Directory® to deploy ABBYY FineReader 11, the Domain Computers accounts must have read permissions for th e administr ative installation folder.

License Server requirements

1. 100 MB free hard–disk space to create license files and accounts.
2. The server (\\MyLicenseServer) on which the License Server is installed must run under Microsoft Windows XP, Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Microsoft Windows Vista, Microsoft Windows 7 , Microsoft Windows Server 2008 or Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2.
3. The number of connections supported by the operating system of the License Server must be at least equal to the total number of potential users of the program (only for Concurrent licenses). Microsof t Windows X P, for example, allows no more than 10 simultaneous connections, allowing to run ABBYY FineReader only on 10 workstations at a tim e.

License Administrator Station requirements

1. PC running under Microsoft Windows XP, Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Microsoft Windows Vista, Microsoft Windows 7, Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Microsoft, or Windows Server 2008 R2.
2. 100 MB free hard–disk space.

Workstation requirements

1. 1–GHz or faster 32–bit (x86) or 64–bit (x64) CPU
2. Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP, Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Microsoft Windows Vista, Microsoft Windows 7, Microsoft Windows Server 2008 or Microsoft Window s Server 2008 R2 (to work with localized interfaces, the operating system must sup port the c orresponding language)
3. 1024 RAM; in multiprocessor systems, an additional 512 MB of RAM is required f or each additional processor
4. 700 MB for installation of all program components; 700 MB for program operation
5. Video card and monitor supporting min. resolution of 1024*768
6. Keyboard and mouse or other pointing device
ABBYY FineReader 11 Corporate Edition System Administrator ’s Guide

Step 1. Administrative installation

Installing the License Server and the License Manager

1. Place the setup disk into the CD–ROM drive. The setup program will start automatically. Note: If the setup program does not start automatically, run the file License Server\Setup.exe from the ABBYY FineReader 11 CD–ROM.
2. Select Deploy ABBYY FineReader in LAN>Install ABBYY FineReader License Server.
3. Follow the instructions of the setup program. During setup, you can:
Install ABBYY FineReader License Server and ABBYY FineReader License Manager.
The License Server and the License Manager will be installed on the same computer. You can specify a folder into which the License Manager is to be installed.
Install only ABBYY FineReader 11 License Manager. You will need to specify a folder int o
which the License Manager is to be installed and specify the name of the computer hosting the License Server.
If several users will be managing the ABBYY FineReader 11 licenses, they must have the License Manager utility installed on their computers.
Each user must be a member of one of the two local groups on the server:
1. ABBYY Licensing Administrators
2. BUILTIN\Administrators You can disable user authorization in the file
%programfiles%\Common Files\ABBYY\FineReader\11.00\Licensing\CE\NetworkLicenseServer.ini
This file is located on the computer where the License Server has been installed. Add the following parameter to this file:
[Licensing] EnableManagerAuthorization = false
ABBYY FineReader 11 Corporate Edition System Administrator ’s Guide
Important! For the changes to take effect, you must restart the ABBYY FineReader 11 CE Licensing Service.

Creating an administrative installation point

1. Place the setup disk into the CD–ROM dri ve. The setup program will start automatically Note: If the setup program does not start automatically, run the AdminSetup.exe file from the ABBYY FineReader 11 CD–ROM.
2. Select Deploy ABBYY FineReader in LAN>Create administrati ve insta llation p oint.
3. Follow the instructions of the setup program. When the setup program prompts you, specify the following:
The name of the computer where the License Server is to be installed
The path to the administrative installation folder
Important! Avoid moving the administrative installation folder after AB BYY FineReader is installed on the workstations.
ABBYY FineReader 11 Corporate Edition System Administrator ’s Guide

Step 2. Managing Licenses

ABBYY FineReader 11 License Manager is a special application provided with ABBYY FineReader 11 and intended for managing AB B YY FineRea der licenses. The applicat ion is insta lled on the License Administ ration Station when ABBYY FineReader 11 is deployed in a loc al area networ k (see
and the License Manager
Configure your licenses with ABBYY FineReader 11 License Manager:
1) Add your licens es t o ABBYY FineReader 11 License Manager. An ABBYY FineReader 11 license (or group of licenses) has a unique serial number which identifies it. To activate a license and add it to ABBYY FineReader 11 License Manager, you must activate its serial number.
2) Create license p ools and add the nece ssary licenses to t he pools. A pool of licenses is a set of licenses or serial numbers of equal standing. License pools make working with licenses easier. For example, instead of reserving each license separately, you can add it into a pool and then reserve the pool for certain workstations.
3) Reserve the pools and license s for the appropriate workstat ions.
Before you install ABBYY FineReader 11 on the workstations, you must d istribute the licenses among the workstations, i.e. reserve them for the appropriate workstations by means of ABBYY FineReader 11 License Manager. Once a license is reserved for a workstation, only that workstation will be able to use the license.
Important! Reserve licenses and pools before you start installing ABBYY FineReader 11 on the workstations. To bind or unbind a workstation after ABBYY FineReader has been installed on it, you will need to remove the program from the workstation. To move a per–seat license from one workstation to another after ABBYY FineReader has been installed, you will need to deactiv ate the license. The number of allowed deactivations is limited.
For more information about license types and about working with ABBYY FineReader 11 License Manager, see the ABBYY FineReader 11 License Manager help file.
for details).
Installing the License Server
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