ABB Manual motor protectors General Product Line Information

motor protectors
Manual motor protectors
MS116 MS325 MS45X MS49X
Type MS116
• Suitable for use with 3-phase motors up to 10 HP @ 480V
• UL Listed and CSA certied for Group
Motor Installations
• 12 Setting ranges from 0.1 to 16 amps.
• Up to 30kA or 50kA with no back up fuse required
• 35
mm DIN rail snap-on mounting
• Wide range of accessories
Type MS325
• Suitable for use with 3-phase motors up to 15 HP @ 480V
• UL Listed and CSA certied for Group
Motor Installations
• 12 Setting ranges from 0.1 to 25 amps.
• Up to 50kA or 100kA with no back up fuse required
• 35
mm DIN rail snap-on mounting
• Wide range of accessories
Type MS45x
• Suitable for use with 3-phase motors up to 40 HP @ 480V
• UL Listed and CSA certied for Group
Motor Installations
• 14 Setting ranges from 11 to 50 amps
• Up to 100kA with no back up fuse required
• 35
mm DIN rail snap-on mounting
• Wide range of accessories
Type MS49x
• Suitable for use with 3-phase motors up to 75 HP @ 480V
• UL Listed and CSA certied for Group
Motor Installations
• 22 Setting ranges from 11 to 100 amps
• Up to 100kA with no back up fuse required
• 35mm DIN rail snap-on mounting
• Wide range of accessories
Manual motor
Low Voltage Products & Systems 5.1
ABB Inc. • 888-385-1221 • 1SXU000023C0202
Single motor applications
Single motor applications employing a manual motor protector (MMP) result in a simple,
contactor and associated electrical components
and wiring for controlling the contactor.
Group motor applications
Group motor installations offer several advantages when controlling two or more motors or other loads over conventional single motor starters. Several MMPs can be grouped together and fed from a single set of fuses or a circuit breaker. These devices can be installed together on a single DIN rail and fed power through three phase insulated busbars and a power feed terminal. Protecting this group of MMPs is a single circuit breaker or fusible switch, sized specically for the load. Excellent
coordination and short circuit protection can
be achieved, as high as 50kAIC, when using the MS325 product in this manner. Close coupling adapters are offered to connect contactors to the load side of each MMP for automatic operation of each motor. If a single motor experiences an overload, the associated
MMP trips and allows the other motors to continue running. Numerous accessories are
available for signaling in the event of a trip, to indicate status, to provide shunt trip and for undervoltage release. The main benets of group installation are quick, fool proof assembly, minimal wiring and a reduction of the necessary enclosure size. The only constraint is that the upstream circuit protective device must be sized specically for the load – a highly desirable feature in order to provide the closest coordination and the greatest level of circuit protection. Article 430.53(C) of the
species the requirements for group
motor installations; all ABB MMPs meet these
Manual motor
2 4 6
1 3 5
I> I>I>
L1 L2 L3
T1 T2 T3
Fusible Switch
(If specified)
L1 L2 L3
T1 T2 T3
2 4 6
1 3 5
I> I>I>
L1 L2 L3
T1 T2 T3
2 4 6
1 3 5
I> I>I>
L1 L2 L3
T1 T2 T3
2 4 6
1 3 5
I> I>I>
L1 L2 L3
T1 T2 T3
2 4 6
1 3 5
I> I>I>
General information
Group installation is an approach to building multi-motor control systems in accordance with Section 430-53 of the National Electrical Code. The selection of components used in group installations is a simple process which consists of several steps.
• First is the selection of the appropriate fuse as Branch Circuit Protective Device (BCPD).
• Second is the selection of the appropriate motor starter and protector.
• Third, the selected MMP must be checked for UL listing with the selected BCPD and the available short circuit current at the application location.
1. Fused disconnect
Calculate maximum fuse size according to NEC 430-53 (c). I 175% x FLC (full load current for largest motor) + the sum of FLC (full load
(fuse size) =
current for largest motor) + the sum of FLC values for other motors on that branch using NEC Table 430-150 on the right. Select fuse from NEC Table 240-6 below. Where I
going to the next high ampere rating.
falls between two fuse ampere ratings NEC 430-53 (c) permits
2. Motor protector selection
Select the proper MMP catalog number for each motor load from the following pages based on the actual motor full load current (FLA) using the “Thermal
setting range” column for reference.
3. MMP Interruption ratings
Using the interruption ratings table on the next page, identify the system application voltage and interrupting capacity for the type of fuse selected in step
1 above.
NEC 240-6 Standard fuse amperes 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 45, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 110, 125, 150, 175, 200, 225, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500, 600, 700, 800, 1000, 1200, 1600
Examples: Select components for protecting the following 3-phase, 460VAC, squirrel cage induction motors. The nameplate data are: 1/2 HP, 1.0 FLA; 3 HP, 4.8 FLA; 5 HP, 7.6 FLA; 7.5 HP, 11 FLA; 10 HP, 14 FLA.
Example: using fused disconnect
= 175% x 14 + (11 + 7.6 + 4.8 + 1) = 48.9A
• I
• Fuse rating using Table NEC 240-6 = 50A
• Minimum disconnect size = 115% x Total FLA
• NEC 430-150 table = 115% x (14+ 11 + 7.6 + 4.8 + 1) = 44.16
Disconnect for 50A fuses is ok. Note: Refer to NEC 310-1 and NEC 430-53(d) for cable sizing.
NEC Table 430-150 full load current, 3ph AC motor
Induction type
230V 460V 575V
amps amps amps
squirrel cage & wound rotor
1/2 2 1 .8 3/4 2.8 1.4 1.1 1 3.6 1.8 1.4
1.5 5.2 2.6 2.1 2 6.8 3.4 2.7 3 9.6 4.8 3.9 5 15.2 7.6 6.1
7.5 22 11 9 10 28 14 11 15 42 21 17 20 54 27 22 25 68 34 27
For full load currents of 208 and 200 volt motors, increase the corresponding 230 volt motor full-load current by 10% and 15%, respectively.
MS325 data
Motor rating at 460V
Horsepower FLA, AC3
1/2 1.0 MS325-1.0 A9C 3 4.8 MS325-6.3 A9C 5 7.6 MS325-9.0 A9C
7.5 11 MS325-12.5 A12C 10 14 MS325-16 A16C
MS325 Contactor
1 These values of full-load current are for motors running at speeds usual for belted motors and motors with normal torque characteristics. Motors built for especially low speeds or high torques
may require more running current, and multispeed motors will have full-load current varying with speed, in which case the nameplate current rating shall be used.
The voltage listed are rated motor voltages. The currents listed shall be permitted for system voltage ranges of 110 to 120, 220 to 240, 440 to 480, and 550 to 600 volts.
5.2 Low Voltage Products & Systems
1SXU000023C0202 ABB Inc. • 888-385-1221 •