3M India Limited
CIN: L31300KA1987PLC013543 Concorde Block, UB City
24, Vittal Mallya Road,
Bangalore – 560 001
Phone: 080-30614559
Fax: 080-2223 1450
Website: www.3m.com/in
E-Mail: investorhelpdesk.in@mmm.com
Regd. Office & Factory: Plot Nos. 48-51, Electronics City, Hosur Road, Bangalore – 560100
February 17, 2021
The Corporate Relationship Department
Bombay Stock Exchange Limited,
1st Floor, New Trading Ring, Rotunda Building
P.J. Towers, Dalal Street, Fort
Mumbai - 400 001 Scrip Code - 523395
The Secretary
National Stock Exchange of India Limited
Exchange Plaza, Bandra – Kurla Complex
Bandra (E), Mumbai – 400 051 Scrip Code – 3MINDIA
Sub: Intimation under Regulation 30 of the SEBI (LODR) Regulations. 2015 - Postal Ballot
Re: Postal Ballot process for:
(i) Re-appointment of Ms. Radhika Rajan (DIN: 00499485) as a Non-Executive
Independent Director of the Company for a second term of 5 (Five) years effective
from May 27, 2021 by way of a Special Resolution,
(ii) Regularization of appointment of Ms. Mamata Janak Gore (DIN: 08792863) as a
Director by way of an Ordinary Resolution,
(iii) Regularization of appointment of Ms. Mamata Janak Gore (DIN: 08792863) as a
Whole-time Director of the Company for a period of 3 (Three) years effective from
September 01, 2020 by way of an Ordinary Resolution and
(iv) Regularization of appointment of Mr. James Ernest Falteisek as a Director of the
Company with effect from September 01, 2020 by way of an Ordinary Resolution.
In continuation of our letter dated February 10, 2021, this is to inform you that the Postal Ballot
Notice is being sent to all the Members of the Company whose names appear in the Register of
Members/list of Beneficial Owners as on Friday, February 12, 2021, being the cut-off date for
sending Postal Ballot Notice to the Members who are entitled for e-voting. Enclosed herewith is
the copy of the Postal Ballot Notice for your information and records.
We once again give below the calendar of main events for the Postal Ballot.
1. Cutoff date/Benpos date for sending Notice to Members – Friday, February 12, 2021.
2. Voting period starts on – Tuesday, February 23, 2021.
3. Voting period ends on – Wednesday, March 24, 2021.
4. Scrutinizer’s Report and date of declaration of results of the Postal Ballot – Friday, March
26, 2021.
Kindly bring this to the notice of the members of the Exchange.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
For 3M India Limited,
V. Srinivasan
Company Secretary
Encl: as above