3M Occupational Health and Environmental Safety
Fall Protection Equipment
Fall Arresters
User Instructions
User Instructions for 3MTM Fall Arresters.
Important: Keep these User Instructions for reference.

General Safety Information
These User Instructions are not to be removed except by the user of this equipment. User Instructions must always be
available to the user.
Compliant fall protection and emergency rescue systems help prevent serious injury during fall arrest. Users must read and
understand the User Instructions provided with the product and be properly trained by their employer prior to use per OSHA
29 CFR 1910.66 and 1926.503 or applicable local standards. Misuse or failure to follow warnings and instructions may
result in serious personal injury or death. For proper use, see supervisor, User Instructions, or call Technical Service at
3M Fall Arresters are Type 1, and designed to only be used on vertical lifelines as part of a personal fall arrest system, to help
limit the fall arrest forces in the event of a fall.
Use Instructions
1. Failure to follow all instructions and limitations on the use of Fall Arresters may result in serious personal injury or death.
2. Before using a personal fall arrest system, employees shall be trained in accordance with the requirements of OSHA 29
CFR 1910.66 in the safe use of the system and its components.
3. Personal fall arrest systems, including Fall Arresters, shall be inspected prior to each use for wear, damage, and other
deterioration and defective components must be immediately removed from service, in accordance with the requirements
of OSHA 29 CFR 1910.66 and 1926.502.
4. The complete fall protection system must be planned (including all components, calculating fall clearance, and swing fall)
before using.
5. Users must have a rescue plan, and the means at hand to implement it, that provides the prompt rescue of employees in
the event of a fall, or assures that employees are able to rescue themselves.
6. Store Fall Arresters in a cool, dry, clean environment, out of direct sunlight, when not in use.
7. After a fall occurs, Fall Arresters must be removed from service and destroyed immediately.
Use Limitations
1. Fall Arresters must only be used with 3M vertical lifelines p/n 0221 for rope, and M400 Ladder Climb System for
galvanized or stainless steel cable.
2. For single users only.
3. Fall Arresters must only be used on vertical lifelines anchored per OSHA 29 CFR1910.66 and 1926.502 to structures
capable of supporting at least 5,000 pounds (22.2 kN) per employee attached, or shall be designed, installed, and used as
part of a complete personal fall arrest system which maintains a safety factor of at least two, under the supervision of a
qualifi ed person.
4. Fall Arresters must only be used with personal energy absorbers or energy absorbing lanyards of 36 in. or less.
5. Only snaphooks and carabiners with a gate opening of 1” or less are approved for connection to Fall Arresters.
6. Fall Arresters are designed to be used in temperatures ranging from -40ºF to +130ºF (-40°C to +54°C).
7. Do not use on an unstable surface, fi ne grain material, or particulate solids such as sand or coal.
8. Do not expose Fall Arresters to chemicals or harsh solutions which may have a harmful effect. Contact 3M Technical
Service with any questions.
9. Caution must be taken when using Fall Arresters near moving machinery, electrical hazards, sharp edges, or abrasive
surfaces, as contact may cause equipment failure, personal injury, or death.
10. Minors, pregnant women and anyone with a history of either back or neck problems should not use this equipment.
11. Do not use or install equipment without proper training from a “competent person” as defi ned by OSHA 29 CFR
12. Only 3M, or persons or entities authorized in writing by 3M, shall make repairs or alterations to the equipment.
Compatibility Limitations
All 3M Fall Arresters must only be coupled to compatible connectors. OSHA 29 CFR 1926.502 prohibits snaphooks
from being engaged to certain objects unless two requirements are met: it must be a locking type snaphook, and it must be
“designed for” making such a connection. “Designed for” means that the manufacturer of the snaphook specifi cally designed
the snaphook to be used to connect to the equipment in question. The following connections must be avoided, as they are
conditions that can result in rollout when a nonlocking snaphook is used:
• Direct connection of a snaphook to horizontal lifeline.
• Two (or more) snaphooks connected to one D-ring.
• Two snaphooks connected to each other.
• A snaphook connected back on its integral lanyard.
• A snaphook connected to a webbing loop or webbing lanyard.
• Improper dimensions of the D-ring, rebar, or other connection point in relation to the
snaphook dimensions that would allow the snaphook keeper to be depressed by a turning
motion of the snaphook.
3M Fall Arresters limit the arrest distance to 42 in. when dynamically tested in accordance with the requirements of the ANSI
Z359.1-2007 standard.