3Com 9000 User Manual

CoreBuilder® 9000
ATM Enterprise Switch Management Guide
Software Release 3.0
3Com Corporation 5400 Bayfront Plaza Santa Clara, California 95052-8145
Copyright © 1999, 3Com Corporation. All rights reserved. No part of this documentation may be reproduced in any form or by any means or used to make any derivative work (such as translation, transformation, or adaptation) without written permission from 3Com Corporation.
3Com Corporation reserves the right to revise this documentation and to make changes in content from time to time without obligation on the part of 3Com Corporation to provide notification of such revision or change.
3Com Corporation provides this documentation without warranty, term, or condition of any kind, either implied or expressed, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties, terms, or conditions of merchantability, satisfactory quality, and fitness for a particular purpose. 3Com may make improvements or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this documentation at any time.
If there is any software on removable media described in this documentation, it is furnished under a license agreement included with the product as a separate document, in the hard copy documentation, or on the removable media in a directory file named LICENSE.TXT or !LICENSE.TXT. If you are unable to locate a copy, please contact 3Com and a copy will be provided to you.
If you are a United States government agency, then this documentation and the software described herein are provided to you subject to the following:
All technical data and computer software are commercial in nature and developed solely at private expense. Software is delivered as “Commercial Computer Software” as defined in DFARS 252.227-7014 (June 1995) or as a “commercial item” as defined in FAR 2.101(a) and as such is provided with only such rights as are provided in 3Com’s standard commercial license for the Software. Technical data is provided with limited rights only as provided in DFAR 252.227-7015 (Nov 1995) or FAR 52.227-14 (June 1987), whichever is applicable. You agree not to remove or deface any portion of any legend provided on any licensed program or documentation contained in, or delivered to you in conjunction with, this User Guide.
Unless otherwis e indicated, 3Com registere d trademarks are registered in the Unit ed States and may or may not be registered in other countries.
3Com, the 3Com logo, CoreBuilder, NetBuilder II, Superstack, and Transcend are registered trademarks of 3Com Corporation. ATMLink is a trademark of 3Com Corporation. 3Com Facts is a service mark of 3Com Corporation.
All other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
Guide written by Laura Novich, Leah Hakim, and Lynne Wolfson. Edited by Benjamin Mann and Debbie Zioni. Illustrated by Pearl Goldberg.
Conventions 16
Command Description 18
Related Documents 20
CoreBuilder 9000 Documents 20 World Wide Web Site Documents 22 3Com Facts Automated Fax Service Documents 23
Year 2000 Compliance 23
CoreBuilder 9000 ATM Enterprise Switch Characteristics 25
The ATM S w itch Fa bri c Module 25 Interfaces to ATM 26 Processors 27 Device Management 28 Traffic Management 28
ATM Networks 29 Software Release 3.0 Key Features 30 Standards and Protocols Supported 31
ATM 31
Protocols 31
Safety Precautions 33
Laser and LED Safety Information 34
ESD Safety Information 34 Handling Precautions 34 Précautions de Sécurité 35
Information sur la Prévention de Décharges Électrostatiques 35 Précautions de Manipulation 36
Sicherheitsvorkehrungen 36
Sicherheitsinformationen für Elektrostatische Entladungen 37 Vorkehrungen beim Umgang mit dem Modul 37 Installation 38
Installation Prerequisites 38
Installing the Daughter Cards 38
Installing the ATM Interface Module into the Chassis 38
CoreBuilder 9000 ATM Enterprise Switch Integrated Fast Setup 39
Setup Procedure Sections 40
Entering Data 40
Navigation Aids 40
Integrated Fast Setup Operation 40
Management Capabilities 41 Starting Up 41
LMA Access Level 42
Logging In 42 The LMA Menu System 44
Selecting Menu Options 45
Example — Changing a Password 45
Direct Access to Submenus 46
Entering Multiple Parameters 47
Quick Key Functions 47
Logging Out 48
Password Setup 50
Update Read-access Password 51
Update Write-access Password 52
Update Admin-access Password 53
Set Password to Factory Default 54
Setting Up for Management 55
Display Current IP Configuration 56 Update IP Address 57 Display Current NMS IP Address 58 Update NMS Address 59 Display Current Default Gateway IP Address 60 Update Default Gateway IP Address 61 Display Current IP Subnet Mask 62 Update IP Subnet Mask 63 Display Current Read Community String 64 Update Read Community String 65 Display Current Write Community String 66 Update Write Community String 67 Display Ether net Enca ps ul atio n Type 68 Update Ethernet Encapsulation Type 69 Set Management Configuration to Factory Defaults 70
Setting the Port Network Connection Type 71
Display Network Connection Type 72 Update Port Network Connection Type 75 Reset NNI Configuration 76
Resetting All Parameters 77
Reset All 77 Reset All Except IP Addresses 78
Downloading System Software 78
Display Software Download Status 79 Download System Software by TFTP 81 Download System Software by Serial Port 82 Upload Configura tion 83 Download Switch/LANE/PNNI Configuration 84
Managing Switch Fabric Modules 86
Display Switch Fabric Module Status 86 Reset Switch 88 Reset Standby Switch Fabric Module 89 Set Standby Switch Fabric Module to Suspended/ In-service Mode 90 Upgrade Software Files 91
Configuring Interface Modules 92
Display Interface Module Information and Parameters 92 Set Port Frame Mode 96
Set Port Clock Mode 97
Set Loop Mode 98
Reset Interface Card 99 Logging Out and Rebooting 100
Logout 100
Reboot 101
Configuration Flash Status 102 ATM Features and Software Versions 103
Display ATM Features 103
Display Software Versions 104 LECS ATM Address 105
Display LECS ATM Address 105
Update LECS ATM Address 106 Setting Up the Switch Clock Source 107
Get Clock Source Statu s 107
Set External Clock Source 1 108
Set External Clock Source 2 109
Set Clock Source to Internal 110
ILMI Setup 111
Display ILMI Version 112
Update ILMI Version 113
Display Auto-configuration Status 114
Update Auto-configuration Status 115
Display Auto-discovery Status 116
Update Auto-discovery status 117
Display LECS Access Options 118
Update LEC/LECS Communication Channel 119
Display ILMI Channel Polling Status 120
Update ILMI Channel Polling Status 121
Display ILMI Channel Polling Interval 122
Update ILMI Channel Polling Interval 123 ATM Addresses Port Table 124
Display User Management Entities (UME) ATM Addresses at Port 124
Display Static ATM Addresses at Port 128
Display De-registered ATM Addresses at Port 130
Delete All ATM Addresses at Port 132 Add ATM Address to Port 133 Delete ATM Address by Member ID 134 Get ATM Addresses at Port 135 Delete All Inactive Addresses 136
Network Prefix 137
Display Network Prefix 137
Display Call Routing 140
Display Call Routed to ATM Address 140
Display Port Connections 145
Display UME Address Port Connection 145 Display Static Address Port Connection 148 Display Inactive Address Port Connections 150
Create Permanent Virtual Channe l (PVC) 151
Display PVC VPI/VCI Limits 151 Create PVC — Full Setup 153 Create PVC — Quick Setup 156 Add PVC Destination 157 Release PVC 158 Release PVC Destination 159 Display PVCs 161 Delete All Inactive PVCs 162 Delete All PVC Connections of Port 163
NNI Hops Setup 164
Display Maximum NNI Hops 164 Update Maximum NNI Hops 165
Signaling Setup 166
Display VPI/VCI Range 167 Update VPI/VCI Range 169 Display Signaling Protocol Profile 171 Update Signaling Protocol Profile 173 Display Signaling Protocol Version 174 Update Signaling Protocol Version 176
Display Call-Proceeding Enable Value 177
Update Call-Proceeding Enable Value 178
Reset Signaling Configuration 179 Signaling Timers 180
Display Protocol Timer Resolution 180
Update Protocol Timer Resolution 182
Display UNI Signaling Timers 183
Display QSAAL Signaling Timers and Protocol Configuration 185
Physical Layer Statistics 189
Display Physical Layer Statistics 190
Reset Physical Layer Statistics 192 ATM-Layer Statistics 193
Display Total Calls in Switch 193
Display Counters Per Port 195
Display Counters Per VPI/VCI 196
Reset Counters Pe r Port 197
Reset Counters Per VPI/VCI 198 AAL5-Layer Statistics 199
Display AAL-Layer Statistics 199
Reset AAL-Layer Statistics 201 AAL5 Control Frame Port Statisti cs 202
Display Control Frame Port Statistics 202
Reset Control Frame Port Statistics 204 Signaling Protocol Statistics 205
Display Signaling Protocol Statistics 205
Reset Signaling Counters 207
LAN Emulation Setups 210
LAN Emulation Services Setup 210
Display LAN Emulation Services Status 211
Enable LAN Emulation Services 212
Disable LAN Emulation Services 213
Display LECS Status 214
Enable LECS 215 Disable LECS 216
LAN Emulation Redundancy Setup 217
Display LECS Redundancy 218 Add LECS to LECS-Order Database 219 Delete LECS from LECS-Order Database 220 Display LE Service Redundancy 221 Enable or Disable LE Servers Redundancy 222 Update Startup Delay 223
LANE Version of Switch 224
Get Switch LANE Ver sion 224 Set Switch LANE Version 225
MPOA Devices Configuration 226
Display Current MPS Configuration 226 Set Keep-Alive T ime 228 Set Keep-Alive Lifetime 229 Set Internetwork Layer Proto cols 230 Set Initial Retry Time 231 Set Retry Time Maximum 232 Set Give Up Time 233 Set Default Holding Time 234 Display Current MPC Configuration 235 Set Shortcut Setup Frame Count 237 Set Shortcut Setup Frame Time 238 Set Flow Detection Protocols 239 Set Initial Retry Time 240 Set Retry Time Maximum 241 Set Hold Down Time 242
LAN Emulation Configuration Service (LECS) Operations 243
LECS Address 243
Display Resident LECS Address 244 Update Resident LECS Address 245
LECS Search Policy 246
Display LECS Search Policy 246
LECS ELAN Database Operations 248
Display ELANs 249 Display ELAN Parameters in LECS Database 251
Update ELAN Parameters in LECS Database 252
Display ELAN MAC Addresses 254
Delete ELAN MAC Address 255
Add ELAN MAC Address 256
Display ELAN ATM Addresses 257
Delete ELAN ATM Addre ss 258
Add ELAN ATM Address 259
Add ELAN 260
Delete ELAN 262
Configure Segment ID 263
LECS Database Statistics 264
Reset LECS 266
Display LECS Maximum Connection Number 267
Update LECS Maximum Connection Number 268 LAN Emulation Redundancy 269
Assign Redundant LES to ELAN 270
Deassign Redundant LES from ELAN 271
Make Primary LES Active 272
Display Redundant ELANs General Information 274
Display Redundant ELANs Specific Information 276
Display Redundant LES General Information 278
Display Redundant LES Specific Information 279
LAN Emulation Service (LES) Operations 281
LES Address 281
Display LES-BUS Addresses 281
Update ELAN LES-BUS Address 283 ELAN Parameters 284
Display ELAN Parameters in LES Database 284
Update ELAN Parameters in LES Database 287 LE_ARP Policy Configuration 289
Display ELAN Response Policy 289
Update ELAN Response Policy 291
Display LE_ARP Response Policy 292
Update LE_ARP Response Policy 293
Display LE_ARP Response Policy for Route Descriptor 295
Update LE_ARP Response Policy for Route Descriptor 297
Reset LES Configurations 298
Display LANE Multicast Forward Delay 299 Update LANE Multicast Forward Delay 300
LEC Operations 301
Display LEC Connection Info 301 Display LEC Address Info 304
LAN Emulation Statistics 306
Display LAN Emulation Statistics 306 Display LEC Statistics 308 Reset LAN Emulation Statistics 310 Display Multicast Addresses 311 Destroy Specific LEC 312 Restart ELAN 313
LEC Not in ELAN Se curity List 316
Display LEC ELAN Join Privilege 316 Update LEC ELAN Join Privilege for Current Session 317
LECs in ELAN Security List 318
Display LECs in ELAN Security List 318 Delete All LECs fro m Security List 320 Add All Joined LECs to Security List 321 Add a LEC to Security List 322 Change the Join Privilege of a LEC 323 Delete a LEC from the Security List 324 Perform a Security Check on a LEC 325
Switch Security 326
Display Switch Security Status 326 Enable/Disable Switch Security 327
Save Security Configuration 328
Save Security Configuration 328 Restore Security Configuration 329
Viewing the Current PNNI State 332
Display PNNI/E-IISP State 332
Configuring PNNI Nodes 333
Get Number of Nodes 334
Get Enhanced 164 Address Support State 335
Set & Save Enhanced E.164 Address Support State 336
Get Node Index 337
Get Node Administrative Status 338
Set Node Administrative Status to UP 339
Set Node Administrative Status to DOWN 340
Purge PNNI Database 341
Get Node Level 342
Set Node Level 343
Get ATM Address 344
Set Default ATM Address 345
Set ATM Address 346
Get Peer Group ID 348
Set Peer Group ID 349
Get Node ID 350
Set Default Node ID 351
Set Node ID 352
Get Node Name 354
Set Node Name 355
Get PGL Priority 356
Set PGL Priority 357 Setting the Timers 358
Set PTSE Holddown Timer 359
Set Hello Holddown Timer 360
Set Hello Interval 361
Set Hello Inactivity Factor 362
Set PTSE Refresh Interval 363
Set PTSE Lifetime Factor 364
Set Retransmit Interval 365
Set Peer Delayed ACK Interval 366
Set AvCR Proportional Multiplier (%) 367
Set AvCR Minimum Threshold (%) 368
Set CDV Proportional Multiplier (%) 369
Set CTD Proportional Multiplier (%) 370
Set SVCC Initiation Time 371
Set SVCC Retry Time 372
Set SVCC Calling Integrity Time 373 Set SVCC Called Integrity Time 374 Set All Timers to Their Default Values 375
Setting Optimization Metrics 376
Get Optimization Metrics 377 Set Optimization for CBR 379 Set Optimization for RealTime-VBR 380 Set Optimization for NonRealTime-VBR 381 Set Optimization for ABR 382 Set Optimization for UBR 383 Set Optimization for All Classes to Default 384 Select Port for Interface Parameter Setting 385
Setting Interface Parameters 386
Set Aggregation Token 387 Set CBR Administrative Weight 388 Set RtVBR Administrative Weight 389 Set NrtVBR Administrative Weight 390 Set ABR Administrative Weight 391 Set UBR Administrative Weight 392 Reset PNNI Interface Parameters to Default Values 393 Reset All PNNI Interface Parameters to Default Values 394
Managing the Scope Mapping Table 395
View Scope Mapping Table 395 Modify Scope Mapping Table 398 Set Scope Mapping Table to Defaults 400
Configuring the Route Cache 401
Get Cache State 401 Set Cache State 402 Get Cache Refresh for ADD PARTY 403 Set Cache State for ADD PARTY 404 Get Max Nu mber of Routes per Cache 405 Set Max Number of Routes per Cache 406
Showing PNNI Information 407
Display All PTSEs in Database 407 Display PTSE Node Information 412 Display Topology Link Information 414 Display Summary Address Table 416 Display Node Address Information 417
Display PGL Election Information 419
Display Peer Group Neighbor Information 421
Display Statistics Information 422
Physical 423 Environmental 423 Safety 423 Electromagnetic Compatibility 424 Standards Supported 424 CoreBuilder Management and Interface LEDs 424 CoreBuilder Management and Interface Connectors 424
Online Technical Services 441
Support from Your Network Supplier 443 Support from 3Com 443 Returning Products for Repair 445
World Wide Web Site 441
3Com Knowledgebase Web Services 441
3Com FTP Site 442
3Com Bulletin Board Service 442
3Com Facts Automated Fax Service 443
The provides all the information that you need to configure and set up the CoreBuilder environments. It also provides information about ho w the CoreBuilder 9000 ATM Enterprise Switch operates in an ATM network.
This guide is intended for the system administrator, network equipment technician, or network manager who is responsible for installing, managing, and operating a network that is based on the CoreBuilder 9000 ATM Enterprise Switch. It assumes a working knowledge of network oper ations and familiarity with communications protocols that are used in networks. No prior knowledge of 3Com’s CoreBuilder networking equipment is necessary to understand the information in this manual.
If release notes are shipped with your product and the information there differs fro m the information in this guide, follow the instru ctions in the release notes.
9000 ATM Enterprise Switch User Management Guide
9000 ATM Enterprise Switch in ATM networking


Table 1 and Table 2 list conventions that are used throughout this guide.
Table 1 Notice Icons
Icon Notice Type Description
Information note Information that describes important features or
Caution Information that alerts you to potent ial lo ss of d ata o r
Warning Information that alerts you to potential personal injury
Table 2 Text Conventions
Convention Description
Screen displays
The words “enter” and “type”
Keyboard key names If you must pres s two or more keys simultaneously, the key
potential damage to an application, system, or device
This typeface represents information as it appears on the screen.
The word “syntax” means that you must evaluate the syntax provided and then supply the appropriate values for the placeholders that appear in angle brackets. Example:
To enable RIPIP, use the following syntax:
SETDefault !<port> -RIPIP CONTrol = Listen
In this example, you must supply a port number for <port>. The word “command” means that you must enter the
command exactly as shown and then press Return or Enter. Commands appear in bold. Example:
To remove the IP address, enter the following command:
SETDefault !0 -IP NETaddr =
When you see the word “en ter” in thi s guide , you must type something, and then press Return or Enter. Do not press Return or Enter when an instruction simply says “type.”
names are linked with a plus sign (+). Example:
Press Ctrl+Alt+Del
Table 2 Text Conventions (continued)
Convention Description
Words in
Italics are used to:
Emphasize a poi nt.
Denote a new term at the pl ace where i t i s de fin ed in th e text.
Identify menu names, menu commands, and software button names . Examples:
From the
Click OK.
menu, select
In Chapters 5 through 11 of this guide, all of the Local Management Application (LMA) commands are e x plained. For each command, a standard format describes the command. Following is a sample of command descriptions:
Command Actions
Enter the menu sequence:
Enter a parameter at the prompt
Parameter Format or Range
New password Up to eight alphanumeric characters New password again Enter the password exactly as you did before
Direct access sequence: 1 1 1 1
(1) SYS: Platform configuration (1) SET: Switch setup
(1) PAS: Password setup
(1) REA: Set Read-access password
Command Result
System action taken: System message display:
The read-access password is updated .
The password has been changed.
Table 3 explains the command descriptions.
Table 3 Command Description Sections
Key Section Description
A Menu sequence The menu options that you select to execute the
command, including all the levels and sublevels.
B Parameters The parameters to enter after the menu sequence
C Direct Access
D System Action The action that the system takes after you enter the
and the format to use. If no parameters are necessary, this section does not appear in the command description.
The command sequence to enter at the prompt to run the command without going through all the sublevels. The direct access sequence can also include the command parameters.

Related Document s

CoreBuilder 9000
This section provides information about supporting documentation, including:

CoreBuilder 9000 Documents

World Wide Web Site Documents
3Com FactsSM Automated Fax Service Documents
The following document s compo se the Co r eBuild er 9000 documen tatio n set. Documents are available in three forms:
Paper Documents
The paper documents that are shipped with your system are listed on
the next page.
Additional documents are included in your CoreBuilder 9000 System
Documentation CD-ROM. This CD-ROM contains on-line versions of
the paper documents as well as additional documents not shipped
with your system.
World Wide Web and Fax Services
Various types of docu mentation and information are av ailable from
the 3Com Web site and fax services. To order a paper copy of a document that you see on the CD-ROM, or to
order additional CDs, contact your sales representative. For a complete list of al l Co reBuil de r 90 00 do c um e nts, see the
CoreBuilder 9000 Documentation Overview
Related Documents
Paper Documents
These documents are shipped with the CoreBuilder 9000 chassis:
Chassis Quick Installation
Instructions for installing the 7-slot chassis, 8-slot chassis, and 16-slot chassis in a rack, on a table, or on a shelf, including prerequisites.
CoreBuilder 9000 Enterp rise Swi tch Get tin g St art ed Gui de
An overview of the Switch and its components for a 7-slot chassis, 8-slot chassis, and 16-slot chassis; a description of the power management subsystem; information about what occurs whe n you start up your Switch; how to use the documentation CD-ROM; and important safety and preinstallation information.
Power Supply Installation
Instructions for installing and removing a power supply for the 7-slot chassis, 8-slot chassis, and 16-slot chassis.
CoreBuilder 9000 Documentation Overview
A list of all CoreBuilder 9000 documents.
CoreBuilder 9000 Web Management User Guide
Overview, installation, and troubleshooting infor m ation for the Web Management suite of applications that help you manage your system with a Web browser.
These documents are shipped with their individual modules or field-replaceable units:
Quick Start
Guides or
Getting Started
An overview, LED status information, and installation instructions for each interface module, switch fabric module, and management module.
Command Quick Reference
cards or booklets
A list of the commands for managing each module.
Fan Tray Removal and Replacement
Instructions for removing a faulty fan tray and installing a new one in the 7-slot chassis, 8-slot chassis, and 16-slot chassis.
Release Note s
An explanation of software issues and documentation issues in the current release.
Documents on CD-ROM
The Documentation CD-ROM contains online versions of the paper guides that are shipped with your chassis and other CoreBuilder 9000 documents in online format only, such as:
CoreBuilder 9000 Enterprise Management Engine User Guide
How to use the CoreBuilder 9000 Enterprise Management Engine
(EME) to manage the chassis and the network modules in the chassis.
CoreBuilder 9000 ATM Enterprise Switch Management Guide
How to use, configure, and network the ATM Switch Fabric Module.
CoreBuilder 9000 ATM Enterprise Switch Operation s Guid e
A detailed explanation of networking theory, network interface
management, and a description of the diffe rent protocols available in
an AT M ne tw o r k .
CoreBuilder 9000 ATM Interface Module User Guide
How to use, configure, and manage the ATM Interface Module, an
explanation of networking theory, and troubleshooting information.
World Wide Web Site
CoreBuilder 9000 Implementation Guide
Information about using features of the CoreBuilder 9000 Enterprise
Switch after you install it an d atta ch it t o you r netw ork .
Command Reference Guide
Information about the Administration Console commands that you
use to configure the Switch. This is a multiplatform guide. It
documents commands for the CoreBuilder 9000 as well as other
3Com systems.
Most user guides and release notes are available in Adobe Acrobat Reader Portable Document Format (PDF) or Hypertext markup Language (HTML) from the 3Com World Wide Web support site at:
Select Product by Name
In the
, select
list, under
Support Tools, Documents and

Year 2000 Compliance

3Com Facts
Automated Fax
Service Documents
Year 2000 Compliance
The 3Com Facts
automated fax service provides technical articles, diagrams, and tr oublesho oting in structio ns on 3Com pr oduc ts 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Call 3Com Facts using your Touch-Tone telephone:
1 408 727-7021
For information on the Year 2000 compliance and 3Com products, visit the 3Com Year 2000 Web page:
This chapter provides an overview of the CoreBuilder® 9000 ATM Enterprise Switch. The following topics are covered:

CoreBuilder 9000 ATM Enterprise Switch Characteristics

Software Release 3.0 Key Features
Standards and Protocols Supported
CoreBuilder 9000 ATM Enterprise Switch Characteristics
The ATM Switch
Fabric Module
The CoreBui lder 9000 ATM Enterprise Switch has two components:

The ATM Switch Fabric Module

The ATM Interface Module
For information about the ATM Interface Module, see the
Module User Guide Guide
The ATM Switch Fabric Module has a switching capacity of 15 Gbps. The high-performance, line-rate, non-blocking ATM Switch Fabric Module features highly integrated ASICs that account for its scalable, leading-edge performance and functionality. The module incorporates on-board A TM control hardware for scaling the performance of Switched Virtual Channel Connec ti on s (SVCs) and Swit che d V irtu al Path s (SV Ps).
and the
ATM Interface Module Getting Started
ATM Interface
1: O
Figure 1 shows the front panel of the ATM Switch Fabric Module. Note that, in the figure, the Module is shown on its side; in the 16-slot chassis or the 8-slot chassis you install it vertically with the LEDs on top.
Figure 1 ATM Switch Fabric Module Front Panel
Module Status LED

Interfaces to ATM

LAN PC Card Slots
RS-232 Console Port
The Module Status LED indicates the ATM Switch Fabric Module’s status. The dual PCMCIA slots have tw o indicator LEDs (one for each slot), and the RS-232 consol e po rt ha s on e in di c at or LE D.
The CoreBuilder 9000 ATM Enterprise Switch provides wire-speed interfaces for ATM OC-3c/STM-1, ATM OC-12c/STM-4, and ATM 155 Mbps-over-UTP5 daughter cards, which are listed in Table 4.
Table 4 ATM Interfaces
Module Type No. of Ports Rate (Mbps)
OC-3c MMF OC-3c SMF OC-3c/STM-1 MM OC-3c/STM-1 SM OC-3c/STM-1 SM LR 2 155 OC-12c/STM-4 MM 1 622 OC12c/STM-4 SM IR 1 622 155 Mbps-over-UTP5 4 155
1MM = multimode 2SM = single mode
4 155 4 155 4 155 4 155
These cell-based daughter cards are designed to be installed into ATM Interface Modules that are inserted into CoreBuilder 9000 chassis slots. Each ATM Interface Module can accommodate two of the following daughter cards in any combination: OC-3c/STM-1, OC-12c/STM-4, and 155 Mbps-over-UTP5.
CoreBuilder 9000 ATM Enterprise Switch Characteristics
The OC-3c/STM-1 and OC-12c/STM-4 daughter cards are available in single-mode or mu lti-mode. An OC-3c/STM-1 card is available with three single-mode ports and one multi-mode port.
You can install up to 11 ATM Interface Modules in the 16-slo t chassi s and up to 5 ATM Interface Modules in the 7-slot chassis and the 8-slot chassis. You can order the ATM Interface Modules as a kit with daughter cards included or, you can order individual daughter cards separately.
Table 5 lists the available configurations of the ATM Interface Module and the daughter cards along with their part numbers.
Table 5 Daughter Cards Compatible with the ATM Interface Carrier Module
Card Type 3Com Part Number
OC-3c-MMF OC-3c-SMF OC-3c-SMLR OC-12c-MMF 3CB9NAK1MC OC-12c-SMF 3CB9NAK1SC 155 Mbps-over-UTP5 3CB9NAL4R
1MMF=Multi-Mode Fiber 2SMF=Single-Mode Fiber 3SMLR=Single-Mode Long Reach


An on-board i960 processor handles all advanced software features including SVC (Switched Virtual Circuit), signalling PNNI (Private Network Node Interface), and SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) management.
1: O

Device Management

Traffic Management

You can use the CoreBuilder 90 0 0 ATM Enterprise Switch Local Management Application (LMA) or Transcend
Enterprise Manager (or other SNMP-based net w ork management application) to manage your CoreBuilder 9000 AT M Enterpri se Switch .
The CoreBui lder 9000 ATM Enterprise Switch LMA is a character-oriented, menu-driven user interface for perform i ng system-level administration. You operate this console from a terminal (or terminal emulation software) or through a remote terminal protocol, such as Telnet or Remote Login.
For more complete network management, use an external SNMP-based application such as Transcend Enterprise Manager. Transcend provides logical views and control for your network. In addition, it extends the SNMP capabilities of the ATM Enterprise Switch with a common user interface and easy-to-use administrative features that optimize network configuration, oversight, and troubleshooting.
Traffic management in th e CoreBuilder 9000 ATM Enterprise Switch is done at two levels:
Preventing congestion
Handling congestion
Mechanisms for Preventing Congestion
The following flow control mechanisms for automatic management in the CoreBuilder 9000 ATM Enterprise Switch Fabric Module work to prevent cell and frame loss under intense loads:
Explicit Forward Cong est i o n In di ca tion (EFCI) Marki ng
Call Admission Control
Flow Control
CLP bit tagging support
CoreBuilder 9000 ATM Enterprise Switch Characteristics
Mechanisms for Handling Congestion
The following mechanism s are used to manage congestion in the CoreBuilder 9000 ATM Enterprise Switch Fabric Module:
Back Pressur e
Partial Packet Drop (PPD) (Hardware ready)
Early Packet Dr op (EPD) (Hardware ready)
Call Admission
CLP-based Cell Discard.

ATM Networks

The CoreBui lder 9000 ATM Enterprise Switch supports the following types of ATM network s:
Classical IP (CLIP) ATM
The CoreBui lder 9000 ATM Enterprise Switch is transparent to CLIP and allows you to use CLIP over the ATM network. For a view of th e CoreBuilder 9000 ATM Enterprise Switch when CLIP is used over ATM within a network, see Chapter 3, ATM Network Basics in the Operations Guide.
Virtual Networks
The CoreBui lder 9000 ATM Enterprise Switch handles virtual networks across the enterprise using ATM and LAN Emulation (LANE). Segments in a virtual network can incorporate legacy LANs and ATM devices using LANE, allowing you to organize network users into logical groups, regardless of their physical location. Using this feature, you can set up workgroups compr ised of members fr om various departments or bu siness units around the enterprise, and centralize servers into server
for better administration. For more informati o n abo ut virtu a l netwo rks, see Chapter 3, ATM Network Basics in the Operations Guide.
1: O
Software Release
3.0 Key Features
The CoreBuilder 9000 ATM Enterprise Switch has the following key features:
Distributed output buffering
An AT M switching engine that provides full-rate, non-blocking switching for up to 22 OC-12c/STM-4 ATM ports and up to 88 OC-3c/STM-1 155 Mbps SONE T/SDH ports
A self-ro uting swi tchi ng ar chite cture built on top of an 560 Gbps (f ull­duplex) passive backplane that meets demands for higher port density, faster data speeds, and scalability
Seamless, full-rate multicast support
Cell Loss Priority (CLP) support for congestion management. Dynamic threshold mech anism for CLP, EFCI marking ready, EPD hardware ready, PPD hardware ready
A back pressure control mechanism
Policy support VCI/VPI (Hardwar e ready)
4096 VCs for each OC-3c port; 4096x4 for each OC-12c port
Two levels of priority, dynamic allocation of cell buffer priority and scheduling capa bility per priority pe r po rt
Switch Management via PCMC IA card wit h terminal connect ion status indicator
Management Features
SNMP, Telnet, and Transcend Enterprise Manager
Multiple agents with single management entry point
Statistics Ga the r i ng an d Reporting
Management Interfaces
10BASE-T (RJ-45) Eth ernet
RS-232 (DB-9) control port
Management Applications
TranscendWare management applications software
Terminal emulation (local)
+ 430 hidden pages