3B Scientific Stirling Engine G User Manual

Instruction Sheet
1. Safety instructions
Stirling Engine G U10050
1 Flywheel with marking for
speed determination
2 Motor-generator unit with
2-stage pulley 3 Switch 4 Bulb 5 4-mm safety plugs 6 Alcohol burner 7 Temperature measure-
ment connector 1 8 Displacement piston 9 Capped hose connection
for pressure measure-
ments 10 Temperature measure-
ment connector 2 11 Working piston 12 Threaded rod M3 (con-
nected with the working
2. Description
Pour the fuel alcohol carefully into the alco-
holburner, making sure that none of it is spilt.
Never fill the alcoholburner as long the wick is
still smoldering or another open flame is in close proximity.
Immediately close the fuel container after use.
Keep away from the open flame.
Caution! Only extinguish the flame by fitting the
cover provided for this purpose.
The Stirling engine becomes hot when it is operated with an open flame.
Do not touch the displacement cylinder during
or immediately after operation of the Stirling motor.
Allow the Stirling engine to cool before putting it
The Stirling engine can be used for qualitative and quantitative investigations of the Stirling cycle.and can be operated in three different modes: heat en­gine, heat pump and refrigerator.
The displacement cylinder and piston are made of heat-resistant glass; the working cylinder, flywheel and transmission covers are made of acrylic glass. This allows a very clear observation of the individual motion sequences at all times. The crankshafts are equipped with ball bearings and made of hardened steel. The connecting rods consist of wear-resistant plastic.
The integrated motor-generator unit with a 2-stage pul­ley allows the generated mechanical energy to be con­verted into electrical energy. A switchover mechanism permits operation of an integrated lamp or external loads, as well as a feeding of electrical energy in order to simulate a heat pump or refrigerator.
By attaching the thin cord supplied with the appara­tus to the threaded rod on the work piston, the stroke length can be measured.
3. Technical data
5. Operation
Motor-generator unit: max. 12 V DC
2-stage pulley: 30 mm dia., 19 mm dia.
Working piston: 25 mm dia.
Path of working piston: 24 mm
25 mm
Volumetric change: 24 mm
⎛⎞ ⎜⎟
12 cm
Minimum volume: 32 cm³
Maximum volume: 44 cm³
Power of the Stirling motor: 1 W approx. Dimensions: 300x220x160 mm³ approx.
Weight: 1.65 kg approx.
4. Functioning principle
An ideal Stirling cycle has 4 phases (refer to Fig. 1): Phase 1: Isothermal change of state, during which
the air expands at constant temperature.
Phase 2: Isochoric change of state, during which the
air cools at constant volume in the regene­rator.
Phase 3: Isothermal change of state, during which
the air is compressed at constant tempera­ture.
Phase 4: Isochoric change of state, during which the
air in the regenerator is heated back to its initial temperature.
The process that takes place in the Stirling engine only approximates to such an ideal cycle because in fact the four phases overlap. Gas changes from hot to cold while the expansion is still taking place and not all the air will yet be in the colder part of the engine while the compression phase is occurring.
5.1 The Stirling Engine as a heat engine
Fill the methylated-spirit burner, place it in the
recess in the base-plate, twist out about 1-2 mm of the wick, and ignite it.
Move the displacer piston to its farthest-back
position, and after a short heating-up time (about 1-2 minutes) push the flywheel gently in the clockwise direction (as seen from the motor­generator unit) to set it turning (see Fig. 2).
If necessary, adjust the tension of the drive belt
by moving the motor-generator unit.
Turn on the filament lamp by moving the switch
to the “up” position.
Alternatively, connect an external load through
the 4 mm sockets and drive it by moving the switch to the “down” position.
Speed without a load: 1000 rpm approx.
Speed with a generator as the load: 650 rpm approx.
Generator voltage: 6 V DC approx.
Pressure difference: +250 hPa / -150 hPa
5.2 The Stirling motor as a heat pump or refrig­erator
Additional instruments needed:
DC Power supply 15 V, 1.5 A U8521121-230 or DC Power supply 15 V, 1.5 A U8521121-115
Digital thermometer U11818
Insert temperature sensors into the thermome-
ter sockets and connect them to a measuring in­strument (see fig. 3).
Connect a DC voltage source through the 4 mm
Adjust the voltage (maximum 12 V) and operate
the Stirling engine with the switch in the “down” position.
Observe the increase or reduction in tempera-
In the refrigerator mode of operation, the flywheeI rotates in the clockwise direction (as seen from the motor-generator unit), whereas in the heat pump mode it rotates in the anticlockwise direction.
Fig. 1 Functioning principle
(A: Displacement piston, B: Working piston)
To switch between the two modes of operation,
reverse the polarity of the connections.
Pressure difference: +250 hPa / -150 hPa
Motor voltage: 9 V
Speed: 600 rpm
Temperature difference (with respect to 21° C):
Refrigerator: -4 K (reservoir: +6 K) Heat pump: +13 K (reservoir: -1 K)
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