Connector Box (230 V, 50/60 Hz) 1009955
Connector Box (115 V, 50/60 Hz) 1009954
Instruction sheet
09/12 SD
1 8-pin miniDIN socket
2 Analogue output 2
3 Analogue output 1
4 Socket for plug-in power supply
1. Safety instructions
The connector box conforms to all safety regulations for electrical measuring, control, monitoring
and laboratory equipment, as specified under
DIN EN 61010, Section 1. It is intended for operation in a dry environment, suitable for the operation of electrical equipment and systems.
Safe operation of the equipment is guaranteed,
provided it is used correctly. However, there is
no guarantee of safety if the equipment is used
in an improper or careless manner.
If it may be assumed for any reason that nonhazardous operation will not be possible (e.g.
visible damage), the equipment should be
switched off immediately and secured against
any unintended use.
• Only use this equipment in dry rooms.
• Do not apply any external voltage to the
output sockets (2 + 3).
• Only use with the supplied plug-in power
2. Description
The connector is designed to connect the photo
gate (1000563) or laser reflection sensor
(1001034) to digital counters equipped not with
8-pin miniDIN sockets but with 4-mm-input
When used with the photo gate (1000563) or
laser reflection sensor, the counter should be
connected to the connector box with the black

socket wired to Output 2 (ground) and the red
socket to Output 1, i.e. crossed over.
Apart from the two digital sensors already mentioned, it is also possible to connect other analogue sensor boxes, such as magnetic field sensors (1000558 or 1009941) or the barometer
(1000549), with the values they measure being
recorded via peripheral devices. The measurements are then output in the form of an analogue voltage at Analogue output 1 via the blue
and red sockets. Analogue output 2 is intended
for sensor boxes which detect two measurements at once, such as the blood pressure sensor (1000578). In that case, the Korotkov signal
can be read from Output 2.
When connecting analogue sensor boxes, it
should be noted that the output voltage is not
calibrated and there is no automatic matching of
measurement curves.
3. Contents
1 Connector box
1 8-pin miniDIN connecting cable, length 60 cm
1 Plug-in power supply 12 V AC / 500 mA
1009954: 115 V AC, 50/60 Hz, US plug
1009955: 230 V AC, 50/60 Hz, Euro plug
1 Instruction sheet
4. Technical data
Analogue outputs: 4 mm safety sockets
Sensor input: 8-pin miniDIN socket
Power supply terminal: Coaxial power con-
nector, 5.5 x 2.1 mm
Power supply: 12 V AC, 500 mA
plug-in power supply
Dimensions: 90x30x40 mm³
Weight: 0.4 kg
5. Operation
6. Sample experiment
Connecting a counter to the photo gate and
measuring the results
Required apparatus:
1 Photo gate 1000563
1 Connector box (@230 V) 1009955
1 Connector box (@115 V) 1009954
1 Counter
2 Safety experiment leads
Stand equipment
• Connect the photo gate and counter to the
connector box as described in section 5.
• Carry out the measurements you need.
Fig. 1 Experiment set-up with photo gate and counter
7. Disposal
Should the equipment need
to be scrapped, it must not
be disposed of in normal
household waste.
• Packaging and compo-
nents should be disposed of at local recycling centres.
• Sensors such as the photo gate or laser
reflection sensor are connected to the connector box via miniDIN cables.
• Use the plug-in power supply to supply
power to the connector box.
• Connect the counter to the black socket
(ground) of Output 2 and the red socket of
Output 1 via experiment leads.
Elwe Didactic GmbH ▪ Steinfelsstr. 5 ▪ 08248 Klingenthal ▪ Germany ▪ www.elwedidactic.com
3B Scientific GmbH ▪ Rudorffweg 8 ▪ 21031 Hamburg ▪ Germany ▪ www.3bscientific.com
Subject to technical amendments
© Copyright 2012 3B Scientific GmbH