Motherboard Installation
Every m oth erboa rd ha s differen t spe cifica tio ns for th e ins tallm ent o f stand -of fs, i t is
stron gly r ecomm end ed that y ou re fer to yo ur mo therb oar d’s in struc tio n manua l whe n
nstal lin g stand -of fs to t he case .
3.5’’ HDD Installation
2.5’’ SSD Installation
Insta ll th e SSD on th e ind icate d pos ition s and t ighte n the m with sc rew s
SSD Ins tal latio n (1)
Motherboard Installation
Every m oth erboa rd ha s differen t spe cifica tio ns for th e ins tallm ent o f stand -of fs, i t is
stron gly r ecomm end ed that y ou re fer to yo ur mo therb oar d’s in struc tio n manua l whe n
nstal lin g stand -of fs to t he case .
Power Supply Installation
Secur ely i nstal l the p ower su ppl y at the to p of th e case an d tig hten it w ith s crews o n
posit ion .
3.5’’ HDD Installation
Insta ll th e HDD on th e ind icate d pos ition a nd ti ght en it wit h scr ews.
2.5’’ SSD Installation
Insta ll th e SSD on th e ind icate d pos ition s and t ighte n the m with sc rew s
HDD Ins tal latio n (1) HDD Ins tal latio n (2)
SSD Ins tal latio n (1)
2.5’’ SSD Ins tallation
Insta ll the SS D on the in dicat ed posi tions a nd tigh ten the m with sc rews
SSD Ins talla tion (1 )
SSD Ins talla tion (2 )
Motherboard Installation
Every m oth erboa rd ha s differen t spe cifica tio ns for th e ins tallm ent o f stand -of fs, i t is
stron gly r ecomm end ed that y ou re fer to yo ur mo therb oar d’s in struc tio n manua l whe n
nstal lin g stand -of fs to t he case .
Power Supply Installation
Secur ely i nstal l the p ower su ppl y at the to p of th e case an d tig hten it w ith s crews o n
posit ion .
Graphics Card Installation
Insta ll th e graph ics c ard on th e PCI s lot fol low ing the i ndi cated d ire ction a nd ti ghten i t
with sc rew s
3.5’’ HDD Installation
Insta ll th e HDD on th e ind icate d pos ition a nd ti ght en it wit h scr ews.
2.5’’ SSD Installation
Insta ll th e SSD on th e ind icate d pos ition s and t ighte n the m with sc rew s
Fans Installation
Front : 120 mm fan x 3
Rear: 1 20m m fan x 1
HDD Ins tal latio n (1) HDD Ins tal latio n (2)
SSD Ins tal latio n (1)
3.5’’ HDD Ins tallation
Insta ll the HD D on the in dicat ed posi tion an d tight en it wit h screw s.
2.5’’ SSD Ins tallation
Insta ll the SS D on the in dicat ed posi tions a nd tigh ten the m with sc rews
HDD Ins talla tion (1 ) HDD Ins talla tion (2 )
SSD Ins talla tion (1 )
SSD Ins talla tion (2 )