ZyXEL Prestige 660HW-D. Wireless Router ADSL
Higher Speed Internet Access
ZyXEL P-660HW series is a n all-in-one af fordable router, compa tible with high-speed ADSL, ADSL2 a nd ADSL2+
interfaces over existing copper lines. With speed up to 12Mbp s (ADSL2) o r 24Mbps (ADSL2+), the P-660H W series
offers h igher data transfer rates and better b andwidth than traditional ADSL gateways. It also suppo rts RE ADSL
(Reach-Extended ADSL) for higher speed a nd lon ger dista nce. With excellent perfo rmance a nd up ward compa tibility,
the P-660HW series is great a s th e bridge between today's communica tions needs and tomorrow's converged
Robust Firewall Security
The ICSA-certified ZyNOS operating system ensures state-of-art firewall performan ce and robust security f rom the
P-660HW series. Ba sed on Stateful Pa cket Inspection, DoS (Denial of Service) a nd DDo S features, it provides th e
first line defense aga inst h ackers, network intruders, a nd oth er harmful threats.
Media Bandwidth Management
The P-660HW series enables network a dministrators to allocate network resources and to guarantee Qua lity o f
Service (QoS). The MBM (Media Bandwidth Manag ement) function prioritizes media services, an d increases
productivity and eff iciency in daily operations by tailoring a system to specific demands such a s VoIP, video
streaming, video-conferencing o r MP3 applications.
Higher Speed and Wider Range When Enabling ZyXEL Exclusive Wirel ess g+ SuperSpeed Technology
The P -660HW series a re complia nt with the 802.11g wireless sta ndard which allows da ta transmission speeds reach
up to 54Mbps. Certain mod els support ZyXEL Wireless g+ SuperSpeed Techn ology, that makes the ZyXEL P -660HW
series boost the wireless connection speed between router an d wireless clients to an asto und ing *125Mbps, as
opposed to the standard 54Mbps sp eed of 802.11g and 11Mbps of 802.11b .
Wireless Standard
IEEE 802. 11g
ADSL Compliance
ZyXEL Prestige 660HW-D. Wireless Router ADSL ... http://www.wildix.com/print_product_info.php?pro...
Стр. 1 из 4 01.04.2010 21:35

ANSI T1.413 Issue 2
ITU G.992.1 G.d mt
ITU G.992.2 G.lite
ITU G.994.1 G.hs
ITU ADSL2 G. 992. 3, G.992.4
ITU ADSL2+ G.992.5
Reach-Extended ADSL (RE ADSL)
ATM Support
8 P VCs Supp ort
ATM Forum UNI 3.1/ 4.0
RFC 1483/268 4 Multiple P roto col over AAL5
RFC 2364 PP P over AAL5
RFC 2516 PP P over Ethernet
VC and LLC Multiplexing
I.610 OAM F4/F5 Loop-back, AIS, and RDI OAM Cells
Firewall Security
Stateful Pa cket Inspection
Prevent DoS, DDoS Attack
Po licy-ba sed Access Con trol
Content Filtering
IP & Generic Packet Filtering
Real-time Attack Alert and Logs
Routing Support
IEEE 802. 1d Transparent Bridging
IP Ro uting: TCP, UDP, ICMP, ARP
RIPv1 and RIPv2
IP Multica st IGMP v1/v2
IP P olicy Route
IP Management
SUA/Multi-NAT Internet Sharing
Multimedia Support
VPN (IPSec, PP TP ) Pa ss-through
DHCP Server/Relay/Client
DNS Proxy
Dynamic DNS
UPnP Support
Network Management
Web-ba sed Configura tion
Telnet Remote Man agement
FTP/TFTP for Firmware Upg rade a nd Romfile Backup and Restore
SNMP Suppo rt
Built-in Diagnostic Tool
WLAN Features
802. 11g Compliance Speed Up to 54Mbps
Comply with 802.11b
64/128/256 Bits WEP En cryption
Dynamic WEP Key
802. 1x Po rt-based Authenticatio n
ZyXEL Prestige 660HW-D. Wireless Router ADSL ... http://www.wildix.com/print_product_info.php?pro...
Стр. 2 из 4 01.04.2010 21:35