Unied Network Storage
The ZyXEL UNS2700 and UNS2300 Unied Network Storage utilize advanced ZFS technology to deliver ultra-fast RAID building times that put competitors
to shame. Compared to other solutions that use legacy le systems, the UNS2700 and UNS2300 oer signicant performance improvements in building
new RAID arrays, recovering from outages, and replacing hard drives. For example, it takes merely 1 minute for a UNS2300 to build a RAID 5 array with six
(6) 1 TB hard drives, while a competitor running on a legacy le system will take over 3 hours to complete the same task. With the ZyXEL UNS2700 and
UNS2300, users can literally have the storage up and running in less than 10 minutes.
RAID Initialization Comparison
Model File System Hard Drives Level Volume Size Build Time
ZyXEL UNS2300 ZFS 6 x 1 TB RAID 5 5 TB 1 min
Other brand EXT3 6 x 1 TB RAID 5 5 TB 3 hrs 3 mins 12 secs
Extraordinary storage eciency
The ZyXEL UNS2700 and UNS2300 Unied Network Storage provide enterprise-class features like thin provisioning, data deduplication and compression,
and SSD caching to optimize disk utilization and storage eciency.
• Thin provisioning allocates storage capacity dynamically, which maximizes the utilization of available storage and minimizes wasted storage space. The
result is much improved disk utilization and more exible resource management.
• Data deduplication and compression allow businesses to get the most out of their available storage space. It reduces data volume and eliminates
duplicate copies of repeating data. This function allows the ZyXEL UNS2700 and UNS2300 to save up to 90% storage space*1.
• SSD caching can vastly improve deduplication and synchronous write speeds to provide faster data backup, database and NFS applications. Each
storage pool supports up to 4 SSDs for read cache and 2 SSDs for write cache. Test results show that SSD caching boosts data backup throughput with
deduplication enabled by up to 210% and synchronous write IOPS (input/output operations per second) by up to 310%.
Complete backup solution
The ZyXEL UNS2700 and UNS2300 Unied Network Storage oer a complete backup solution to fulll every backup demand of small- to medium-sized
businesses. They provide multiple backup options including local le and volume cloning, remote le and volume replication, as well as cloud backup
and disaster recovery with Amazon S3. To form a complete backup solution, these ZyXEL Unied Network Storage support Apple Time Machine, a total of
4,096 snapshots, and comes with Acronis Backup & Recovery Server OEM.
Advanced data protection
In addition to the more commonly supported RAID levels 0, 1, 5, 6 and 10, the ZyXEL UNS2700 and UNS2300 Unied Network Storage oer more
advanced data protection options than competitors with support for RAID 50 and RAID 60. RAID 50 is a RAID 0 array striped across the distributed parity
of RAID 5, and RAID 60 combines RAID 0 with the distributed double parity of RAID 6. With support for RAID 50 and RAID 60, the ZyXEL UNS2700 and
UNS2300 oer both better performance and better protection against drive failures than competitors within their class.
Additionally, the ZyXEL UNS2700 and UNS2300 come with McAfee’s award-winning VirusScan Enterprise for Storage to provide continuous protection for
storage data and to prevent malicious les from spreading in the system. Together with advanced data integrity features and multiple backup options, the
ZyXEL UNS2700 and UNS2300 are the most advanced data protection solution for businesses.
*1: Compression ratios dier according to data type. Data archives can have redundancy rates of up to 90%.
240 GB
Data Backup Throughput
with Deduplication Enabled
100%50% 150%
Data backup throughput teste d by copying 240 GB of data
with deduplication turned on.
8 KB
Synchronous Write Input/
Output Operations per Second (IOPS)
100%50% 150%
250% 300% 350%
512 KB
512 KB sequential write and 8 KB random write IOPS tested.
No SSD caching
SSD caching with 2 SSDs
No SSD caching
SSD caching with 1 SSD