Screenshots and graphics in this book may differ slightly from your product due to differences in
your product firmware or your computer operating system. Every effort has been made to ensure
that the information in this manual is accurate.
Related Documentation
•Quick Start Guide
The Quick Start Guide shows how to connect the UAG and access the Web Configurator wizards.
(See the wizard real time help for information on configuring each screen.) It also contains a
package contents list.
• CLI Reference Guide
The CLI Reference Guide explains how to use the Command-Line Interface (CLI) to configure the
Note: It is recommended you use the Web Configurator to configure the UAG.
• Web Configurator Online Help
Click the help icon in any screen for help in configuring that screen and supplementary
Policy and Static Routes .......................................................................................................................154
Zones ....................................................................................................................................................164
Free Time ..............................................................................................................................................269
AP Profile ..............................................................................................................................................299
AAA Server ...........................................................................................................................................328
System ..................................................................................................................................................354
Log and Report .....................................................................................................................................395
2.2 Front Panel ........................................................................................................................................33
2.2.1 Front Panel LEDs ....................................................................................................................34
22.1.1 What You Can Do in this Chapter ........................................................................................207
22.2 Layer-2 Isolation General Screen ................................................................................................208
22.3 White List ......................................................................................................................................208
22.3.1 Add/Edit White List Rule .....................................................................................................209
31.1.1 What You Can Do in this Chapter ........................................................................................285
31.1.2 What You Need To Know .....................................................................................................285
31.2 User Summary Screen ..................................................................................................................287
31.2.1 User Add/Edit Screen ..........................................................................................................288
31.3 User Group Summary Screen .......................................................................................................291
31.3.1 Group Add/Edit Screen ........................................................................................................291
31.4 The User/Group Setting Screen ...................................................................................................292
31.4.1 Default User Settings Edit Screens .....................................................................................295
31.4.2 User Aware Login Example .................................................................................................296
31.5 User /Group Technical Reference .................................................................................................297
Chapter 32
AP Profile...........................................................................................................................................299
47.1 Resetting the UAG ........................................................................................................................445
47.2 Getting More Troubleshooting Help ..............................................................................................446
UAG2100 User’s Guide
Table of Contents
Appendix A Customer Support ........................................................................................................447
Appendix B Legal Information..........................................................................................................453
Index ..................................................................................................................................................459
UAG2100 User’s Guide
1.1 Overview
The UAG is a comprehensive service gateway. The UAG combines an IEEE 802.11n wireless access
point, router, 4-port switch and service gateway in one box. If you have a "statement printer", such
as SP350E, you can connect it directly to the UAG, allowing you to easily print subscriber
statements. The UAG is ideal for offices, coffee shops, libraries, hotels and airport terminals
catering to subscribers that seek Internet access. You should have an Internet account already set
up and have been given usernames, passwords etc. required for Internet access.
You can use web authentication to allow guests to access the network only after they authenticate
with the UAG through a specifically designated login web page. You can also forward the
authenticated client's e-mail messages to a specific SMTP server.
The UAG also provides bandwidth management, NAT, port forwarding, policy routing, DHCP server
and many other powerful features. The UAG’s security features include firewall and certificates.
The UAG lets you set up multiple networks for your company. The UAG also provides two separate
LAN networks. You can set ports to be part of the LAN1 or LAN2. Alternatively, you can deploy the
UAG as a transparent firewall in an existing network with minimal configuration.
1.2 Default Zones, Interfaces, and Ports
The default configurations for zones, interfaces, and ports are as follows. References to interfaces
may be generic rather than the specific name used in your model. For example, this guide may use
“the WAN interface” rather than “P1”.
UAG2100 User’s Guide
Chapter 1 Introduction
Physical Ports
Figure 1 Zones, Interfaces, and Physical Ethernet Ports
1.3 Management Overview
You can manage the UAG in the following ways.
Web Configurator
The Web Configurator allows easy UAG setup and management using an Internet browser. This
User’s Guide provides information about the Web Configurator.
Figure 2 Managing the UAG: Web Configurator
UAG2100 User’s Guide
Command-Line Interface (CLI)
The CLI allows you to use text-based commands to configure the UAG. Access it using remote
management (for example, SSH or Telnet) or via the physical or Web Configurator console port.
See the Command Reference Guide for CLI details. The default settings for the console port are:
Table 1 Console Port Default Settings
Speed115200 bps
Data Bits8
Stop Bit1
Flow ControlOff
1.4 Web Configurator
In order to use the Web Configurator, you must:
Chapter 1 Introduction
• Use one of the following web browser versions or later: Internet Explorer 6.0, Firefox 8.0,
Chrome 14.0, Safari 4.0.
• Allow pop-up windows (blocked by default in Windows XP Service Pack 2).
• Enable JavaScripts, Java permissions, and cookies.
The recommended screen resolution is 1024 x 768 pixels.
1.4.1 Web Configurator Access
1Make sure your UAG hardware is properly connected. See the Quick Start Guide.
2In your browser go to or The Login screen appears.
3Type the user name (default: “admin”) and password (default: “1234”).
4Click Login. If you logged in using the default user name and password, the Update Admin Info
screen appears. Otherwise, the dashboard appears.
UAG2100 User’s Guide
Chapter 1 Introduction
5Follow the directions in the Update Admin Info screen. If you change the default password, the
Login screen appears after you click Apply. If you click Ignore, the Installation Setup Wizard
opens if the UAG is using its default configuration; otherwise the dashboard appears.
1.4.2 Web Configurator Screens Overview
The Web Configurator screen is divided into these parts (as illustrated on page 21):
• A - title bar
• B - navigation panel
• C - main window Title Bar
Figure 3 Title Bar
The title bar icons in the upper right corner provide the following functions.
Table 2 Title Bar: Web Configurator Icons
LogoutClick this to log out of the Web Configurator.
HelpClick this to open the help page for the current screen.
AboutClick this to display basic information about the UAG.
Site MapClick this to see an overview of links to the Web Configurator screens.
Object Reference Click this to check which configuration items reference an object.
ConsoleClick this to open a Java-based console window from which you can run command line
CLIClick this to open a popup window that displays the CLI commands sent by the Web
interface (CLI) commands. You will be prompted to enter your user name and password.
See the Command Reference Guide for information about the commands.
Configurator to the UAG.
Click About to display basic information about the UAG.
UAG2100 User’s Guide
Chapter 1 Introduction
Figure 4 About
The following table describes labels that can appear in this screen.
Table 3 About
Boot ModuleThis shows the version number of the software that handles the booting process of the
Current VersionThis shows the firmware version of the UAG.
Released DateThis shows the date (yyyy-mm-dd) and time (hh:mm:ss) when the firmware is released.
OKClick this to close the screen.
Site Map
Click Site MAP to see an overview of links to the Web Configurator screens. Click a screen’s link to
go to that screen.
Figure 5 Site Map
UAG2100 User’s Guide
Chapter 1 Introduction
Object Reference
Click Object Reference to open the Object Reference screen. Select the type of object and the
individual object and click Refresh to show which configuration settings reference the object.
Figure 6 Object Reference
The fields vary with the type of object. The following table describes labels that can appear in this
Table 4 Object References
Object NameThis identifies the object for which the configuration settings that use it are displayed. Click
#This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with any entry.
ServiceThis is the type of setting that references the selected object. Click a service’s name to
PriorityIf it is applicable, this field lists the referencing configuration item’s position in its list,
NameThis field identifies the configuration item that references the object.
DescriptionIf the referencing configuration item has a description configured, it displays here.
RefreshClick this to update the information in this screen.
CancelClick Cancel to close the screen.
the object’s name to display the object’s configuration screen in the main window.
display the service’s configuration screen in the main window.
otherwise N/A displays.
CLI Messages
Click CLI to look at the CLI commands sent by the Web Configurator. Open the pop-up window and
then click some menus in the web configurator to dislay the corresponding commands.
UAG2100 User’s Guide
Figure 7 CLI Messages
Click Clear to remove the currently displayed information.
See the Command Reference Guide for information about the commands.
1.4.3 Navigation Panel
Use the navigation panel menu items to open status and configuration screens. Click the arrow in
the middle of the right edge of the navigation panel to hide the panel or drag to resize it. The
following sections introduce the UAG’s navigation panel menus and their screens.
Chapter 1 Introduction
Figure 8 Navigation Panel
The dashboard displays general device information, system status, system resource usage, licensed
service status, and interface status in widgets that you can re-arrange to suit your needs. See
Chapter 6 on page 58 for details on the dashboard.
UAG2100 User’s Guide
Chapter 1 Introduction
Monitor Menu
The monitor menu screens display status and statistics information.
Table 5 Monitor Menu Screens Summary
System Status
Port StatisticsDisplay packet statistics for each physical port.
DDNS StatusDisplay the status of the UAG’s DDNS domain names.
IP/MAC BindingList the devices that have received an IP address from UAG interfaces using
Login UsersList the users currently logged into the UAG.
UPnP Port
USB StorageDisplay details about a USB device connected to the UAG.
Dynamic GuestList the dynamic guest accounts in the UAG’s local database.
AP InformationAP ListDisplay information about the connected APs.
Radio ListDisplay information about the radios of the connected APs.
Station InfoStation
Printer Status
Printer StatusDisplay information about the connected statement printers.
VPN 1-1 Mapping
VPN 1-1
StatisticsDisplay statistics for each of the VPN 1-1 mapping rules.
LogList log entries.
View LogList log entries for the UAG.
View AP LogAllow you to query connected APs and view log entries for them.
Dynamic Users
Display general interface information and packet statistics.
Collect and display traffic statistics.
Display the status of all current sessions.
IP/MAC binding.
List the NAT port mapping rules that UPnP creates on the UAG.
Display information about the connected stations.
Display the status of the active users to which the UAG applied a VPN 1-1
mapping rule.
Display the UAG’s dynamic guest account log messages.
Configuration Menu
Use the configuration menu screens to configure the UAG’s features.
Table 6 Configuration Menu Screens Summary
Quick SetupQuickly configure WAN interfaces.
UAG2100 User’s Guide
Chapter 1 Introduction
Table 6 Configuration Menu Screens Summary (continued)
RegistrationRegistrationRegister the device and activate trial services.
ServiceView the licensed service status and upgrade licensed services.
ControllerConfigurationConfigure how the UAG handles APs that newly connect to the
InterfacePort RoleUse this screen to set the UAG’s flexible ports as LAN1 or LAN2.
RoutingPolicy RouteCreate and manage routing policies.
ZoneConfigure zones used to define various policies.
DDNSDefine and manage the UAG’s DDNS domain names.
NATSet up and manage port forwarding rules.
VPN 1-1
HTTP RedirectSet up and manage HTTP redirection rules.
SMTP RedirectSet up and manage SMTP redirection rules.
ALGConfigure SIP, H.323, and FTP pass-through settings.
UPnPenable UPnP and NAT-PMP on your UAG.
Layer 2
IPnPEnable IPnP on the UAG and the internal interface(s).
FirewallFirewallCreate and manage level-3 traffic rules.
BillingGeneralConfigure the general billing settings, such as the accounting
Mgnt. AP ListEdit wireless AP information, remove APs, and reboot them.
EthernetManage Ethernet interfaces and virtual Ethernet interfaces.
PPPCreate and manage PPPoE and PPTP interfaces.
VLANCreate and manage VLAN interfaces and virtual VLAN interfaces.
BridgeCreate and manage bridges and virtual bridge interfaces.
TrunkCreate and manage trunks (groups of interfaces) for load
Static RouteCreate and manage IP static routing information.
GeneralEnable and configure VPN 1-1 mapping to assign a public IP
address to each of users that match the rules.
ProfileConfigure a pool profile which defines the public IP address that the
UAG assigns to the matched users and the interface through which
the user’s traffic is forwarded.
SummaryConfigure IP to MAC address bindings for devices connected to
each supported interface.
Exempt ListConfigure ranges of IP addresses to which the UAG does not apply
IP/MAC binding.
GeneralEnable layer-2 isolation on the UAG and the internal interface(s).
White ListEnable and configure the white list.
Web Authentication Define rules to force user authentication for network access.
Walled GardenCreate walled garden links that display in the login screen.
AdverstisementEnable and set advertisement links.
Session LimitLimit the number of concurrent client NAT/firewall sessions.
UAG2100 User’s Guide
Chapter 1 Introduction
Table 6 Configuration Menu Screens Summary (continued)
Billing ProfileConfigure the billing profiles for the web-based account generator
and each button on the connected statement printer.
DiscountConfigure discount price plans.
Payment ServiceEnable online payment service and configure the service pages.
Printer ManagerGeneralConfigure the printer list and enable printer management.
Free TimeFree TimeAllow users to get a free account for Internet surfing during the
SMSSMSEnable the SMS service to send dynamic guest account information
BWMBWMEnable and configure bandwidth management rules.
User/GroupUserCreate and manage users.
GroupCreate and manage groups of users.
SettingManage default settings for all users, general settings for user
AP ProfileRadioCreate and manage wireless radio settings files that can be
SSIDCreate and manage wireless SSID, security, and MAC filtering
AddressAddressCreate and manage host, range, and network (subnet) addresses.
Address GroupCreate and manage groups of addresses.
ServiceServiceCreate and manage TCP and UDP services.
Service GroupCreate and manage groups of services.
ScheduleScheduleCreate one-time and recurring schedules.
AAA ServerRADIUSConfigure the RADIUS settings.
Auth. MethodAuthentication
CertificateMy CertificatesCreate and manage the UAG’s certificates.
Trusted Certificates Import and manage certificates from trusted sources.
ISP AccountISP AccountCreate and manage ISP account information for PPPoE/PPTP
Host NameConfigure the system and domain name for the UAG.
USB StorageSettingsConfigure the settings for the connected USB devices.
Date/TimeConfigure the current date, time, and time zone in the UAG.
Console SpeedSet the console speed.
DNSConfigure the DNS server and address records for the UAG.
WWWService ControlConfigure HTTP, HTTPS, and general authentication.
Login PageConfigure how the login and access user screens look.
SSHConfigure SSH server and SSH service settings.
TELNETConfigure telnet server settings for the UAG.
FTPConfigure FTP server settings.
Customize the account printout.
specified time period.
in text messages.
sessions, and rules to force user authentication.
associated with different APs.
settings files that can be associated with different APs.
Create and manage ways of authenticating users.
UAG2100 User’s Guide
Chapter 1 Introduction
Table 6 Configuration Menu Screens Summary (continued)
SNMPConfigure SNMP communities and services.
LanguageSelect the Web Configurator language.
Log & Report
Email Daily
Log SettingsConfigure the system log, e-mail logs, and remote syslog servers.
Configure where and how to send daily reports and what reports to
Maintenance Menu
Use the maintenance menu screens to manage configuration and firmware files, run diagnostics,
and reboot or shut down the UAG.
Table 7 Maintenance Menu Screens Summary
File ManagerConfiguration FileManage and upload configuration files for the UAG.
Firmware Package View the current firmware version and to upload firmware.
Shell ScriptManage and run shell script files for the UAG.
Packet CaptureCapture packets for analysis.
Core DumpConnect a USB device to the UAG and save the UAG operating system
kernel to it here.
System LogConnect a USB device to the UAG and archive the UAG system logs to it
Routing StatusCheck how the UAG determines where to route a packet.
SNAT StatusView a clear picture on how the UAG converts a packet’s source IP
address and check the related settings.
1.4.4 Tables and Lists
Web Configurator tables and lists are flexible with several options for how to display their entries.
Click a column heading to sort the table’s entries according to that column’s criteria.
Figure 9 Sorting Table Entries by a Column’s Criteria
Click the down arrow next to a column heading for more options about how to display the entries.
The options available vary depending on the type of fields in the column. Here are some examples
of what you can do:
UAG2100 User’s Guide
Chapter 1 Introduction
• Sort in ascending or descending (reverse) alphabetical order
• Select which columns to display
• Group entries by field
• Show entries in groups
• Filter by mathematical operators (<, >, or =) or searching for text
Figure 10 Common Table Column Options
Select a column heading cell’s right border and drag to re-size the column.
Figure 11 Resizing a Table Column
Select a column heading and drag and drop it to change the column order. A green check mark
displays next to the column’s title when you drag the column to a valid new location.
Figure 12 Moving Columns
Use the icons and fields at the bottom of the table to navigate to different pages of entries and
control how many entries display at a time.
Figure 13 Navigating Pages of Table Entries
UAG2100 User’s Guide
Chapter 1 Introduction
The tables have icons for working with table entries. You can often use the [Shift] or [Ctrl] key to
select multiple entries to remove, activate, or deactivate.
Figure 14 Common Table Icons
Here are descriptions for the most common table icons.
Table 8 Common Table Icons
AddClick this to create a new entry. For features where the entry’s position in the numbered list is
important (features where the UAG applies the table’s entries in order like the firewall for
example), you can select an entry and click Add to create a new entry after the selected entry.
EditDouble-click an entry or select it and click Edit to open a screen where you can modify the
RemoveTo remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The UAG confirms you want to remove it before
ActivateTo turn on an entry, select it and click Activate.
InactivateTo turn off an entry, select it and click Inactivate.
ConnectTo connect an entry, select it and click Connect.
Disconnect To disconnect an entry, select it and click Disconnect.
MoveTo change an entry’s position in a numbered list, select it and click Move to display a field to
entry’s settings. In some tables you can just click a table entry and edit it directly in the table.
For those types of tables small red triangles display for table entries with changes that you have
not yet applied.
doing so.
Select an entry and click Object Reference to check which settings use the entry.
type a number for where you want to put that entry and press [ENTER] to move the entry to the
number that you typed. For example, if you type 6, the entry you are moving becomes number 6
and the previous entry 6 (if there is one) gets pushed up (or down) one.
Working with Lists
When a list of available entries displays next to a list of selected entries, you can often just doubleclick an entry to move it from one list to the other. In some lists you can also use the [Shift] or
[Ctrl] key to select multiple entries, and then use the arrow button to move them to the other list.
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