8 Installation
AA Auto-Answer indicator, lights up when your modem is in
the Auto Answer Mode; flashes when modem rings. In error
control mode, it flashes when retransmitting.
CD Carrier Detect indicator; lights up when a valid carrier is
detected present on the line.
OH Off-Hook indicator, lights up when your modem is in data
mode or off-hook. It goes out when your modem is in talk
mode or on-hook.
DTR Data Terminal Ready indicator, lights up when your DTE or
computer indicates that it is ready to begin communication.
DSR DTE mode: Data Set Ready Indicator, lights up when the
modem is ready for communication.
CTS DTE mode: Clear To Send indicator; lights up when modem
can accept data for transmission. It indicates the signal
status of RS232 signal CTS.
RTS DTE mode: Request To Send indicator; indicates the signal
status of RS232 signal RTS from DTE. RTS is used for
hardware flow control in asynchronous data transmission.
TXD Transmit indicator, ON when your DTE/computer transmits
data on the serial port.
RXD Receive indicator, ON when your DTE/computer receives
data on the serial port.
SQ Signal Quality Indicator, ON when signal quality is good,
flashes when signal quality is marginal, and flashes during
power up to indicate an error condition.
TST Test indicator, ON when modem is in a test mode.