Zultys ZIP 33i, ZIP 35i Technical Manual

Z u l t y s , I n c . 7 85 L u c e r n e D r i v e , S u n n y v a l e , C a l i f o r n i a , U S A 9 4 0 8 5 w w w . z u l t y s . c o m
This document provides detailed information related to the installation and configuration of the Zultys ZIP 33i &
ZIP 35i IP Phones. The document also covers the ‘ZIP 340M LCD Expansion Module’ and ‘EHS 3xi Electronic Hook Switch Adapter’ accessories that are compatible with the ZIP 35i.
Where the term ‘ZIP 3xi’ appears in this manual the information relates to the ZIP 3xi series of phones being the
ZIP 33i and ZIP 35i.
Refer to Section 1 for important information regarding ZIP 3xi and MX firmware requirements.
ZIP 3xi Installation and Configuration Guide
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1 FIRMWARE REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................................................................... 3
2 OVERVIEW OF THE DEPLOYMENT PROCESS ........................................................................................ 4
3 CREATING A DEVICE PROFILE .................................................................................................................... 4
4 OVERVIEW OF PROFILE TABS .................................................................................................................... 6
4.1 GENERAL TAB ................................................................................................................................................... 6
4.2 REGIONAL TAB .................................................................................................................................................. 8
4.3 SIP TAB ............................................................................................................................................................. 9
4.3.1 LINES ............................................................................................................................................................................... 9
4.4 IP & PROVISIONING TAB ............................................................................................................................... 10
4.4.1 LAN ............................................................................................................................................................................... 11
4.4.2 SERVERS ........................................................................................................................................................................ 11
4.4.3 PROVISIONING .............................................................................................................................................................. 12
4.4.4 MANUALLY CONFIGURING THE PROVISIONING SERVER ........................................................................................ 13
4.5 AUDIO & RTP ................................................................................................................................................. 15
4.5.1 DTMF FOR RTP .......................................................................................................................................................... 15
4.5.2 CODECS .......................................................................................................................................................................... 16
4.5.3 QUALITY OF SERVICE: TOS/DIFFSERV .................................................................................................................... 17
4.5.4 RING TONES .................................................................................................................................................................. 17
4.5.5 MISCELLANEOUS .......................................................................................................................................................... 17
4.6 VLAN TAB ...................................................................................................................................................... 18
4.6.1 LAN PORT .................................................................................................................................................................... 19
4.6.2 PC PORT ........................................................................................................................................................................ 19
4.6.3 LLDP ............................................................................................................................................................................. 19
4.6.4 VLAN CONFIGURATION EXAMPLES ......................................................................................................................... 20
4.7 KEYS TAB ........................................................................................................................................................ 21
4.7.1 LABEL TEMPLATE ........................................................................................................................................................ 21
4.7.2 TYPE ............................................................................................................................................................................... 23
4.7.3 VALUE ............................................................................................................................................................................ 25
4.7.4 LINE ............................................................................................................................................................................... 25
4.8 ADVANCED TAB .............................................................................................................................................. 25
5 OVERVIEW OF ZIP 340M EXPANSION MODULE ................................................................................. 27
5.1 POWERING ZIP 340M EXPANSION MODULES ............................................................................................ 27
5.3 PROVISIONING ZIP 340M EXPANSION MODULES ...................................................................................... 27
6 EHS 3XI ELECTRONIC HOOK SWITCH ADAPTER ............................................................................... 29
6.1 CONNECTING A PLANTRONICS WIRELESS HEADSET .................................................................................... 30
6.2 CONNECTING A GN NETCOM/JABRA WIRELESS HEADSET ......................................................................... 31
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7 ADDING A DEVICE ......................................................................................................................................... 32
8 FIXED FUNCTION KEYS ............................................................................................................................... 34
9 CONTROLLING CONFIGURATIONS .......................................................................................................... 36
9.1 CONFIGURATION METHODS ........................................................................................................................... 36
9.2 PHONE INITIALIZATION ................................................................................................................................. 36
10 UPGRADING FIRMWARE .......................................................................................................................... 36
10.1 UPGRADING FIRMWARE VIA DEVICE PROFILE ........................................................................................... 36
10.2 UPGRADING FIRMWARE VIA WEB INTERFACE ........................................................................................... 38
11 TROUBLESHOOTING TIPS AND TOOLS ............................................................................................... 39
11.1 FACTORY RESETTING PHONE ...................................................................................................................... 39
11.2 REBOOTING PHONE ...................................................................................................................................... 39
11.3 PHONE DOES NOT USE THE CONFIGURATION FILE ON TFTP SERVER ...................................................... 40
11.4 HOW TO CHECK IF CONFIGURATION FILE IS DOWNLOADED ...................................................................... 40
11.5 PERFORMING A NETWORK PACKET CAPTURE USING THE PHONE ............................................................ 40
11.6 CAPTURING SYSLOG INFORMATION ............................................................................................................ 41
11.6.1 CAPTURING SYSLOG INFORMATION LOCALLY ON PHONE ................................................................................... 41
11.6.2 ENABLING SYSLOG OUTPUT TO EXTERNAL SERVER VIA WEB INTERFACE ....................................................... 42
11.6.3 ENABLING SYSLOG OUTPUT TO EXTERNAL SERVER VIA CONFIGURATION FILE .............................................. 42
12 EMERGENCY RECOVERY MODE ............................................................................................................. 43
1 Firmware Requirements
To ensure correct operation of the ZIP 33i and ZIP 35i IP phones the following firmware requirements must be strictly adhered to.
ZIP 33i with firmware or earlier – MX firmware 7.2.4 or later is required
ZIP 33i with firmware or later – MX firmware ‘7.2.4 + Patch 7203’ or later
is required.
ZIP 35i with firmware or later – MX firmware ‘7.2.4 + Patch 7203’ or later is required.
Important Note: Do not update the firmware of a ZIP 33i to or later, prior to first upgrading the MX system to the required firmware/patch level noted above. The
syntax for the ZIP 33i SIP Server settings changed from firmware onwards. MX Admin starting from ‘7.2.4 + Patch 7203’ generates ZIP 33i configuration files that are compatible with and earlier firmware as well as and later firmware.
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In the event that a ZIP 33i is upgraded prior to the MX system being at a compatible firmware release, or if the device or profile was not edited after upgrading the MX, the device configuration files will need to be regenerated.
Starting with MX Admin 7.2.4 + Patch 7203 device configuration files may be regenerated by right-clicking on the device in the ‘Configure | Devices’ screen and selecting ‘Regenerate configuration files’. The configuration files will be regenerated immediately and downloaded by the phone the next time it is power cycled or an update is pushed to it assuming it is currently registered. In both cases, it is assumed that the phone is able to contact the MX system’s TFTP server.
2 Overview of the deployment process
This document covers the steps required to provision, deploy and manage the Zultys ZIP 33i and ZIP 35i IP phones with a Zultys MX system. ZIP 33i phones are supported in MX Release 7.2.4 and later, the ZIP 35i phones are supported in MX Release 7.2.4 when patch 7203 is applied, as well as later MX firmware releases. Prior to Release 7.2.4 there is no support for the ZIP 33i or ZIP 35i phones.
In general the steps required to successfully deploy a ZIP 3xi phone are:
Upload the current phone firmware ROM file to the TFTP server of the MX
system for the model being deployed. Firmware versions starting with “60.” relate to the ZIP 33i, versions starting with “65.” relate to the ZIP 35i. The current firmware release for each model is available from the Zultys Knowledge Base System (http://kbs.zultys.com). Refer to section 10.
Create a device profile with the relevant settings, including selection of the
firmware version to be used by the ZIP 3xi phones. Refer to section 3.
Add the ZIP 3xi devices to the MX system and assign the appropriate device
profile. Refer to section 7.
Add new users to the MX system, if required, then assign the newly provisioned
devices to their respective users.
To use automatic provisioning ensure that the DHCP server is correctly
configured to provide Option 66. Refer to section 4.4.3.
3 Creating a Device Profile
A Device Profile defines a common set of configuration options that will be applied to all phones that are allocated a particular Device Profile. This greatly simplifies the management of deployed phones as changes only need to be performed in one place.
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Prior to creating a new Device Profile, the system administrator should ensure that the current firmware ROM file for the model being deployed has been uploaded to the TFTP server of the MX system. Refer to section 10 for further information.
To create a new ZIP 3xi device profile:
1. In MX Administrator, select Configure | Devices.
2. Click the Profile button in the Managed Devices window.
3. In the Device Profiles window, right-click Zultys Phones and select New to create
a new device profile.
4. In the Add Device Profile window, set the Phone Type as required.
5. Type a Profile Name, in the screenshot above Sample_35i is used.
6. Refer to the section 4 for an explanation of the options configured via the Device
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4 Overview of Profile Tabs
The device profile for each phone is divided into several tabs. Each tab configures different aspects of the profile.
4.1 General Tab
The General tab contains settings related to firmware version and updating, password settings, and various miscellaneous settings.
Download protocol: Defines the protocol used by the phone to download new
o None – Phone will not check for new firmware on power up.
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o TFTP – Phone will use TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol) to download
firmware image on power up if different to the currently installed version. This is the default setting.
o HTTP – Phone will use HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) to download
firmware image on power up if different to the currently installed version. HTTP may perform more reliably over poor quality links. TCP port 8080 is used when download protocol is HTTP and server set to MX.
Server: Defines the address of server where firmware image is stored.
o MX – Select this option when the internal TFTP/HTTP server of the MX
system is to be used, this will be the case for most deployments. For HTTP TCP port 8080 is used.
Address – Lists the MX systems IP addresses including LAN, WAN
and SBC Port Mapping addresses if configured. For external, for phones connecting to a WAN or SBC address you may need to configure port forwarding on external routers.
Filename – Lists the compatible firmware images stored on the
MX TFTP server. Select the desired filename from the dropdown. If the files stored on the TFTP have recently been changed by another system administrator, click the Refresh button to update the list. If the field background is red the corresponding file is not present on the TFTP server and thus the phone will be unable to access the file. Files are uploaded to the TFTP server via the TFTP Settings window accessible from the Configure | Devices screen. Refer to section 10 for further information about the firmware upgrade process.
o Custom – Select when an external TFTP/HTTP server is to be used. In the
corresponding address field type the full path and filename. For HTTP, both the address and port may be defined. TFTP example – HTTP example –
Phone Administration: Set passwords used to access various restricted sections
of the phone interface and the web interface.
o Local User Password – Password to access User level restricted sections.
Default is ‘user.’ If the field is left blank, then no password is required.
o Local Administrator Password – Password to access Administrator level
restricted sections. Default is ‘admin.’ If the field is left blank, then no
password is required.
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Busy Lamp Field
o BLF Subscription Period: The period in seconds a Busy Lamp Field
subscription will last before phone re-subscribes. Default is ‘3600.’
o Missed Call Indicator – When enabled, the phone will display the number
of missed calls on the idle screen and also store caller details for the missed calls in the Call Log. When disabled, no missed call indication will be displayed and the phone will not store any information about the missed call in the Call Log.
o Auto-answer Intercom calls – When set to Yes, the phone will
automatically answer received Intercom calls. When set to No, the phone will ring when an Intercom call is received. Default is Yes.
o Mute Intercom calls – This setting is fixed at No. The microphone will
always be enabled when an intercom call is answered.
o Backlight – The period, in seconds that, the backlight will stay on
following the last activity (ZIP 35i only).
o Send Syslog event when device is not registered with the MX – When
set to Yes, in the event that the phone fails to register / re-register, a message will appear in the Syslog of the MX system alerting the system administrator to a potential issue with the phone or network. Default is No.
4.2 Regional tab
The Regional tab contains settings related to phone location including language, dial tone, time zone and time format.
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The settings on this screen will be automatically populated based on the default location setting of the MX system. If required, change the settings to suit the phones location.
Language: Language for telephone user interface (TUI) of the phone. Dial Tone: Determines the dial tone and call progress tones generated by the
Time Zone: The time zone the phone is located in. Time zones will also generally
impact DST dates.
Time Format: Time display format, 12 or 24 hour. Date Format: Date display format (ZIP 35i only).
4.3 SIP Tab
The SIP Tab contains settings related to the registration addresses.
4.3.1 Lines
The ZIP 33i supports two independent SIP Registrations; the ZIP 35i supports three independent SIP Registrations. In most cases only one registration is required. ‘Line’ registrations should not be confused with the number of Line Keys or Call Appearances configured via the Keys tab. Multiple calls may be handled via a single registration.
Enable – Select checkbox to enable this Line. Registrar Source – Defines the source of Registrar (SIP Server) address. Line 1
Registrar Source is always MX Address. The actual Registrar address is defined in the Registration Details section.
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Registration Expires – Defines the registration period in second. Default is
Voice Mail – Defines the voice mail service number / URI related to the Line.
Default is ‘voice.mail’ and fixed when Registrar Source is MX Address.
The ‘Registration details’ section defines the server address information related to the
Line currently selected in the top section of the screen.
Registrar: Settings related to SIP Registrar address.
o Address Source – Defines the source for Address setting. Line 1 is always
MX Address.
o Address – Defines the Registrar address. When Address Source is MX
Address, the dropdown will list all LAN, WAN and SBC addresses configured on the MX system. For phones deployed within the corporate network, the LAN address of MX system should be selected. If using a WAN or SBC address, the network must be configured appropriately to allow external phones to connect.
o Port – Defines the port used for SIP signaling.
Outbound Proxy: Settings related to Outbound Proxy address.
o Address Source – Defines the source for Address setting. o Address – Defines the Outbound Proxy address. For applications where
the phone is registering to an MX, this address should be the same as the Registrar address.
o Port – Defines the port used for SIP signaling.
4.4 IP & Provisioning Tab
The IP and Provisioning tab contains settings for defining the IP address, DNS Servers, NTP Server, and Provisioning method.
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4.4.1 LAN
Select whether the IP address information is obtain automatically via DHCP or statically defined in the phone. If static addressing is used, this screen defines the subnet mask and default gateway parameters; the IP address of the phone is defined in the Edit Device screen. It is recommended to use DHCP addressing.
4.4.2 Servers
Define the NTP Server and DNS Server addresses.
NTP Server – Address of NTP time server that the phone will synchronize its
clock with. By default the field is populated with the main IP address of the MX system. To have the phone obtain the NTP server address via DHCP Option 42, leave this field blank and ensure the DHCP server has Option 42 correctly configured to point to a suitable NTP server. The MX system functions as an NTP server.
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Primary DNS / Secondary DNS – Address of DNS servers. If DHCP option is
selected, the DNS addresses will be obtained from DHCP server.
4.4.3 Provisioning
Define the protocol that the phones use to download their configuration files. The internal DHCP server of the MX system provides Option 66 which allows all Zultys IP phones to automatically download their configuration files from the built-in TFTP/HTTP server. When using an external DHCP server, Option 66 must be configured to provide the IP address of the MX system for automatic provisioning of a new phone to function. If Option 66 is not enabled on the DHCP server, the provisioning server address must be manually configured on the phone via the web interface or phone menu, refer to Section 4.4.4 for further details.
Overview of provisioning server options:
Protocol: Select desired protocol to be used for configuration file download.
o DHCP (option 66) – Phone will obtain the TFTP server address via DHCP
option 66 and then download its configuration file using TFTP. The DHCP server must have option 66 configured with the IP address of the MX system. This is the default setting.
o TFTP – When selected, the phone will download its configuration file
using TFTP from the address specified in the Server section. For most applications, the Server will be set to MX. For this option to work, the phone must initially be able to locate and connect to the MX TFTP server based on DHCP option 66; alternatively the address shown in the ‘URL preview’ may be entered manually via the phone’s menu or web interface.
o FTP - When selected, the phone will download its configuration file using
FTP from the address specified in the Server section. An external FTP server is required and external TFTP server option must be configured on the MX. The User Name field must be populated with the User Name and Password of the FTP account in the format username:password. For this option to work, the phone must initially be able to locate and connect to the MX TFTP server based on DHCP option 66, otherwise the Auto Provisioning URL setting on the phone must be populated manually with the text shown in the URL preview field.
o HTTP – When selected, the phone will download its configuration file
using HTTP from the address specified in the Server section. For most applications, the Server will be set to MX. For this option to work, the phone must initially be able to locate and connect to the MX TFTP server
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based on DHCP option 66; alternatively the address shown in the ‘URL preview’ may be entered manually via the telephone’s menu.
o HTTPS - When selected, the phone will download its configuration file
using HTTPS from the address specified in the Server section. An external HTTPS server is required and external TFTP server option must be configured on the MX. For this option to work, the phone must initially be able to locate and connect to the MX TFTP server based on DHCP option 66; alternatively the address shown in the ‘URL preview’ may be entered manually via the telephone’s menu.
4.4.4 Manually configuring the Provisioning Server
The factory default state of the phone utilizes the DHCP (Option 66) automatic provisioning method. It is strongly recommended that the Option 66 method is used to automate the provisioning process.
If the DHCP method cannot be used the phone must be manually configured with the address and protocol required to connect to the provisioning server. If the phone is factory defaulted the provisioning method is reset to DHCP (Option 66).
Setting Provisioning Server Address via the phone webpage:
1. Browse to the IP address of the phone. The IP address may be found by pressing the
Confirm key at the idle screen.
2. Enter the username ‘admin’ and the administration password, default password is
3. From the top menu select the Phone tab.
4. From the left menu select Auto Provision.
5. Populate the Server URL with the protocol and address for the provisioning server. For
example, assuming the MX system has an IP address of
o For TFTP – tftp:// o For HTTP – o If the network has a DHCP server with Option 66 enabled but Option 66 is not
pointing at the MX System then the DHCP Active option must also be set to Off.
6. Press to accept changes.
7. Power cycle the phone and confirm that it successfully downloads its configuration file.
A simple way to confirm correct download is to adjust the Display Name field of the device in MX Administrator and confirm the screen updates accordingly.
Setting Provisioning Server Address via the Phone Menu:
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