40-Pin Low-Cost Digital Television Controller Zilog
6 DS97TEL1902
XTAL1, XTAL2. (time-based input, output, respectively).
These pins connect to the internal parallel-resonant clock
crystal (4 MHz max) oscillator circuit with two capacitors
to GND. XTAL1 is also used as an external clock input.
SCLK System Clock. SCLK is the internal system clock.
It can be used to clock external glue logic.
HSYNC (input, Schmitt triggered, CMOS level). Horizontal
Sync is an input pin that accepts an externally generated
Horizontal Sync signal of either negative or positive polarity.
VSYNC (input,Schmitt-triggered, CMOS level). Vertical
Sync is an input pin that accepts an externally generated
Vertical Sync signal of either negative or positive polarity.
OSCIN, OSCOUT (Video Oscillator input, output, respec-
tively). Oscillator input and output pins for on-screen display circuits. These pins connect to an inductor and two
capacitors to generate the character dot clock (typically
around 6 MHz). The dot clock frequency determines the
character pixel width and phase synchronized to HSYNC.
Vblank Video Blank (output). CMOS output, programma-
ble polarity. Used as a superimpose control port to display
characters from video RAM. The signal controls Y signal
output of the CRT and turns off the incoming video display
while the characters in video RAM are superimposed on
the screen. The red, green, and blue outputs drive the
three electron guns on the CRT directly, while the blank
output turns off the Y signal.
Vblue Video Blue (output). CMOS Output of the Blue vid-
eo signal (B-Y) and is programmable for either polarity.
Vgreen Video Green (output). CMOS Output of the Green
video signal (G-Y) and is programmable for either polarity.
Vred Video Red (output). CMOS Output of the Red video
signal (R-Y) and is programmable for either polarity.
Port 2 (P27-P20). Port 2 is an 8-bit port, CMOS-compati-
ble, bit programmable for either input or output. Input buffers are Schmitt triggered. Bits programmed as outputs
may be globally programmed as either push pull or opendrain (Figure 9).
Port 3 (P30, P31, P34-P36). Port 3, P30 input, is read di-
rectly. If appropriately enabled, a negative edge event is
latched in IRQ3 to initiate an IRQ3 vectored interrupt. An
application could place the device in STOP Mode when
P30 goes Low (in the IRQ3 interrupt routine). P30 initiates
a STOP Mode recovery when it subsequently goes to a
High. Port 3, P31 are read directly. If appropriately enabled, a negative edge event is latched in IRQ2 to initiate
an IRQ2 vectored interrupt. P31 High is signified as the
TIN signal to Timer1. Port 3, P34 and P35 are general-purpose output lines. Port 3, P36 can be used as a generalpurpose output or as an output for TOUT (from Timer1 or
Timer2) or SCLK (Figure 10).
Port 6 (P65-P60). Port 6 is a 6-bit, Schmitt triggered
CMOS compatible, input port. The outputs of the AFC
comparators internally feed into the Port 6, bit 6 and bit 7
inputs (Figure 11).
AFCIN (Comparator input port, memory mapped). The in-
put signal is supplied to two comparators with VTH1=2/5
and VTH2=3/5 V
typical threshold voltage. The
comparator outputs are internally connected to Port 6, bit
6 and bit 7. AFCIN is typically used to detect AFC voltage
level to accommodate digital automatic fine tuning functions (Figure 12).
Pulse Width Modulator 1 (PWM). PWM1 is typically used
as the D/A converter for Voltage Synthesis Tuning systems. It is a push-pull output with 14-bit resolution.
Pulse Width Modulator 6-8 (PWM). PWM8-PWM6 are
Pulse Width Modulators with 6-bit resolution.
Pulse Width Modulator 9, 10, 11 (PWM). Pulse Width
Modulator circuits with 8-bit resolution. These PWMs are
12 volt, open-drain outputs.
Pulse Width Modulator 1, 6, 7, 8 (PWM). Can be pro-
grammed as general-purpose outputs. PWM 1 is 5 V
push-pull, and PWMs 6, 7, 8 are 12 volt open-drain outputs.
/RESET System Reset. Code is executed from memory
address 000CH after the /RESET pin is set to a high level.
The reset function is also carried out by detecting a V
transition state (automatic Power-On Reset) so that the
external reset pin can be permanently tied to V
. A low
level on /RESET forces a restart of the device.