Thank you for using ZENOAH ENGINE.
● Please read this Owner’s Manual thoroughly before operating and use the
engine correctly according to this Owner’s Manual.
(For safety reasons, please contact your sales dealer before operating this
engine if there is something that you do not understand.)
● This engine has been designed for the use of radio control car.
Please use this engine in conjunction with the manual for radio control car or
radio control equipment you are going to use.
● Any modification of the engine or any use of other applications is prohibited.
● The purchaser (user) shall bear all obligations and responsibilities stipulated
by law, local ordinance and the likes.
Husqvarna Zenoah Co., Ltd. shall bear no responsibility whatsoever.
Model: G240RC/G270RC
Model code: X374323111 (G240RC)
Model code: X374326111 (G270RC)
848ER893A0 (804)

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS..........................................5
FUEL .........................................................................7
ENGINE STARTING..................................................8
OPERATION .............................................................9
MAINTENANCE ......................................................10
SPECIAL TOOLS ....................................................15
SERVICE GUIDE ....................................................16
TROUBLE SHOOTING ...........................................19
PARTS LIST (G240RC)...........................................22
PARTS LIST (G270RC)...........................................26

Engine Type G240RC G270RC
Overall Size (L x W x H) 166 x 205 x 196mm
Weight 2.07kg
Displacement 22.5cm
Clutch Engagement 6000rpm (STD Spring)
Carburetor Type WT-813A
Spark Plug NGK CMR7H
Spark Plug Gap 0.65mm
Rotating Direction Counter-Clockwise (View From PTO)

● These safety precautions are to prevent you and those people in the
vicinity from incurring harm or damage. Make sure to observe these
precautions and constantly strive to ensure safety.
● Safe use of the engine is your personal obligation and responsibility.
Constantly take care to act with good judgment as you enjoy your
• The fuel is toxic. Do not let it get into your eyes or mouth. Store it in a
cool place, out of the reach of infants and children.
• Use of open flames around the fuel is strictly prohibited, because of
danger of fire.
• To prevent burns, make sure not to touch the engine while it is
operating or immediately after it has stopped.
• Do not run the motor in poorly ventilated places. Do not breathe the
exhaust, as it is a health hazard.
•Please wear clothing that facilitates your safety. Remove all scarves,

overly long sleeves, neckties and the like. Failure to do so could result
in injury.
• When mounting the engine to a model, make sure to follow the model’s
operating manual. If necessary, reinforce the engine mounting unit and
the peripheral parts.

• Mix gasoline (octane over 95) and high grade 2 cycle engine oil (mixing use type;
F3C grade or ISO EGC grade) at mixing ratio 25~40:1.
• The mixing ratio is according to the oil recommendation.
[ NOTE ]
1) Never use any alcohol fuel or alcohol added fuel, or the rubber parts in the
carburetor and engine will be damaged.
2) Gasoline is very flammable. Avoid smoking and any fires near fuel.
3) To prevent all possible problems on fueling system, make sure to use the fuel filter
which has more than 300 mesh or equivalent and gasoline proof rubber pipe or
Incorrect fuel filter may cause engine trouble like fuel passage stuffing in carburetor,
or piston surface scratching etc.

• Push the primer pump several times until overflown fuel
flows out. (Fig.1)
• Close the choke lever, and move the throttle lever
1/4~1/3 open position. (Fig.1)(Fig.2)
• Pull the starter(knob) quickly until first firing noise.
• Open the choke(Fig.2), throttle idle~1/4 open
• Pull the starter quickly
• Operate engine for a few minutes for the warming up.
• In case of engine warm condition, choking may not be
• Over choking may cause starting difficulty due to wet
spark plug.
In this case change spark plug or dry it, and remove
fuel rest in the cylinder by pulling starter.
Primer Pump
Choke Lever

• This engine is already tuned up to get high power and high speed, and needs correct
maintenance to keep such high performance.
• The details for operation may be described in the separate owners manual to be
issued by car manufacturer.
• Be sure to have the engine cool down for 30 seconds at idle speed after full throttle

Before Every Every
Items Action Use 25 hours 100 hours Note
Check ✔
Idling Speed Check/Adjust ✔✔✔
Air-cleaner Check/Cleaning ✔✔ Replace if necessary
Spark Plug(gap) Check/Adjust ✔✔ ↑
Cylinder(barrel) Check/Cleaning ✔✔ ↑
Piston, Ring Check/Cleaning ✔✔ ↑
Muffler & Bolt Check/Cleaning ✔✔✔ ↑
Bearings Check/Cleaning ✔✔ ↑
Crank Shaft Check/Alignment ✔ ↑