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1. Application Object
These instructions are applied to all of the PDP monitor, NF01DC.
2. Notes
(1) Because this is not a hot chassis, it is not necessary to use
an isolation transformer. However, the use of isolation
transformer will help protect test instrument.
(2) Adjustment must be done in the correct order.
(3) The adjustment must be performed in the circumstance of
25±5¡C of temperature and 65±10% of relative humidity if
there is no specific designation.
(4) The input voltage of the receiver must keep 110~240V,
50/60Hz in adjusting.
(5) The receiver must be operated for about 15 minutes prior
to the adjustment.
¤ After receiving 100% white pattern, the receiver must be
operate prior to adjustment.(Or white condition in HEATRUN mode)
¤ŁEnter into HEAT-RUN mode
- Select the HEAT-RUN OFF by pressing ADJ button on
Remote Control for adjustment.
- Press the VOL + button in HEAT-RUN OFF.
(OSD display HEAT-RUN WHITE and screen display
100% full WHITE PATTERN)
¤ØSet is activated HEAT-RUN without signal generator in
this mode.
[ Single color pattern of HEAT-RUN mode uses to check
[Caution] If you turn on a still screen more than 20 minutes, a
afterimage may be occur in the black level part of the
3. POWER PCB Assy Voltage Adjustment
[ Replace PDP Module or Power Board, adjust certainly Power
PCB Assy Voltage.
3-1. Test Equipment
3-2. Connection Diagram for Measuring
Refer to Fig 1.
3-3. Adjustment Method
(1) Va Adjusment
¤ Connect pin 1 of CN806 or CN811 to (+) jack of D.M.M.
¤ŁAfter turning the VR351(Va CTL), voltage of D.M.M
adjustment as same as Va voltage which on label of
panel right/top.(Deviation : ±0.5V)
(2) Vs Adjustment
¤ Connect pin 1 of CN803 to (+) jack of D.M.M.
¤ŁAfter turning the VR551(Vs CTL), voltage of D.M.M
adjust as same as Vs voltage which indicated on label
of panel right/top.(Deviation : ±0.5V)
(3) V-y Adjustment
¤ Connect pin 1 of CN802 to (+) jack of D.M.M.
¤ŁAfter turning the VR751(V-y CTL), voltage of D.M.M
adjust as same as V-y voltage which indicated on label
of panel right/top.(Deviation : ±0.5V)
(4) Vsetup Adjustment
¤ Connect pin 5 of CN802 to (+) jack of D.M.M.
¤ŁAfter turning the VR651(V
SETUP CTL), voltage of D.M.M
adjust as same as Vs voltage which indicated on label
of panel right/top.(Deviation : ±0.5V)
(5) 5V Adjustment
¤ Connect pin 3 of CN809 to (+) jack of D.M.M.
¤ŁAfter turning the VR253(5V CTL), adjust the voltage of
D.M.M to 5.1V.(Deviation : ±0.05V)
(6) STBY 5V Adjustment
¤ Connect pin 3 of CN808 to (+) jack of D.M.M.
¤ŁCheck the voltage(5V) of D.M.M.
¤ØAdjust the voltage of D.M.M so that voltage of D.M.M is
5V. (Deviation : ±0.05V)
[ Refer to Typical Voltage
1. Va : 60 ~ 75V
2. Vs : 170 ~ 185V
3. -Vy : -60 ~ -90V
4. Vsetup : 210 ~ 240V
4. Adjustment of White Balance
4-1. Required Equipment
Color analyzer(CA-100 or same production)
4-2. Connection Diagram of Equipment for
[ After stop the Micom by pressing IN-START Key on Remote
Control, insert the P1002 with automatic adjustment of
After remove connector, move the Micom by pressing ENTER