Important safeguardsfor you and your new product
Yourproducthasbeen manufactured andtested with your safety in mind. However,improper usecan result in potential
electricalshockorfire hazards.To avoiddefeatingthe safeguardsthat havebeenbuilt into your new product,pleaseread
and observethe following safety pointswhen installing and usingyour new product,and savethem for future reference.
Observingthe simple precautionsdiscussedin this bookletcan helpyou get manyyearsof enjoymentand safeoperation
that are built into your new product.
Thisproductcomplieswith all applicableU.S. federalsafety requirements,andthoseof the CanadianStandardsAssociation.
1. Read (nstructions
A{Ithe safety andoperatinginstructions shouldbe read
beforethe productis operated.
2. Fo[|ow Instructions
Aftoperatingand useinstructionsshouldbe followed.
3. Retain Instructions
Thesafetyand operatinginstructions shouldbe retained
for future reference.
4.Heed Warnings
ALlwarningson the product andin the operatinginstruc-
tionsshouldbe adheredto.
5. Cleaning
Unplugthis productfromthe walt outlet before cleaning.
Donot useliquid cleanersor aerosolcleaners.Usea damp
clothfor cleaning.
6. Water and Moisture
Donot usethis productnearwater - for example,neara
bath tub, washbowl, kitchensink, or laundrytub, in a
wet basement,or near a swimmingpool
Do not placethis productonan unstablecart, stand,tri-
pod, bracket,ortable. Theproductmayfall, causingseri-
ousinjury to a child oradult, andseriousdamageto the
product,Useonly with a cart, stand, tripod, bracket,or
table recommendedbythe manufacturer,or soldwith the
product.Anymountingof the productshouldfollowthe
manufectureKsinstructions,and shouldusea mounting
accessoryrecommendedbythe manufacturer.
8. Transporting Product
A productand cart combinationshould be movedwith
care.Quickstops, excessiveforce, and uneven surfaces
may causethe productand cart combinationto overturn.
g. Attachments
Oo notuse attachmentsnot recommendedby the product
manufacturerasthey may causehazards.
lO. Ven_taUon
Slots and openingsin the cabinetare providedfor ventila-
tion andto ensurereliableoperationof the product andto
protectit from overheating,and these openingsmust not
be blockedor covered.Theopeningsshouldneverbe
blockedby placingthe producton a bed, sofa, rag, or
othersimilar surface.Thisproductshouldnot be placedin
a built-in installation suchas a bookcaseor rack unless
properventilation is providedor the manufacturer's
11. Power Sources
Thisproductshouldbe operatedonlyfrom the type of
powersourceindicated onthe maddng Label.If you are
not sureof the type of powersupplyto your home,con-
sult your productdealer or localpower company.Forprod-
ucts intended to operatefrom battery power,or other
sources,refer to the operatinginstructions.
12. Line-Cord Polarization
Thisproductis equippedwith a polarizedalternating-cur-
rent line plug (a plug havingone bladewiderthan the
other). This plugwill fit into the poweroutlet only one
way.Thisis a safetyfeature. If you are unableto insert
the plugfully into the outlet, try reversingthe plug. Tf
the plugshouldstill fail to fit, contactyourelectricianto
replaceyour obsoleteoutlet. Donot defeatthe safety pur-
poseof the polarizedplug.
13. Power-Cord Protection
Power-supplycordsshouldbe routedso that they are not
Likelyto be walkedon or pinchedby items placedupon or
againstthem, payingparticularattention to cordsat
plugs,conveniencereceptacles,andthe point wherethey
exit fromthe product.
(Continuedon next page)
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