Zenith B13A03D, B19A21D, B19A02D, B13A02D, B13A01L Owner’s Manual

machine numbers I B13AOIL B13AO2D I B13AO3D I BlgAO2D B19A21D
_inedthat this
for energy
of _merica
operating guide / warranty
RECORDYOURMODELNUMBER J (Now, while you cansee R)
The mode[andserialnumber ofyournewIV areLocated
onthe backof the TV cabinet.Foryourfutureconvenience, wesuggestthat your recordthesenumbershere:
Thelightningflashwitharrowheadsymbol withinan equiLateraLtriangle,isintendedtoalerttheusertothepresence ofuninsuLated"dangerousvoltage"withintheproduct'senclosurethatmay be ofsufficientmagnitudetoconstitutea
Theexclamationpoint within an equibteral triangleis intendedto alert the user to the presenceof importantoperating and maintenance(servicing)instructions in the literatureaccompanyingthe appliance.
CAUTION:ToPreventELectricShock,Matchwide bladeof plug to wide slot,fully insert.
ATTENTION:Pour_viter les chocs_iectriques, introddireta Lamela plus LargedeLafiche dansLaborne
correspondantede la priseet pousserjusqu'au fund.
Thisreminderis providedto call thecable IV systeminstailer's attention to Article820-40 of the National ELectricCode (U.S.A.). Thecode providesguidelinesfur propergroundingand,in particuLar,specifiesthat the cablegroundshaUbe connectedto the groundingsystemofthe building,ascloseto the point of the cableentry as practical
This equipmenthasbeentested andfoundto complywith the Limitsfur a CLassBdigitaldevice,pursuantto Part 15 of the FCCRules.TheseLimitsare designedto providereasonableprotectionagainstharmfulinterferencewhenthe equipment is operatedin a residentia| instaEation.Thisequipmentgenerates,usesandcanradiate radiofrequency energyand, if not installed and usedin accordancewith the instructionmanual may causeharmfulinterference to radio
communications.However,thereis no guaranteethat interference wil.I not occurin aparticularinstallation.If this equipment doescauseharmfulinterference to radio or television reception,which can be determinedbyturning the equipmentoft andon, the useris encouragedto try to correctthe interference byone or more of the fullowing
measures: Reorientor ra|ocate the receivingantenna.
Increasethe separation betweenthe equipment andreceiver.
Connectthe equipmentinto an outi_eton a circuit differentfTomthat to whichthe receiveris connected.
Donot attempt to modify this product in any waywithout writtenauthorization from Zenith ELectronicsCorporation. Unauthorizedmodification could void the user'sauthority to operatethis product.
EntertainmentMachineTM isa trademarkofZenithElectronicsCorporation.© Copyright1999ZenithEiectronicsCorporation
Consu|tthe dealeror anexperiencedradio/iv technician fur help.
PA GE 2 B-WARN-DV-17/98
Important safeguards for you and your new product
Your product has been manufactured and tested with your safety in mind. However, improper use can resuLtin potential
electrical shock or fire hazards. To avoid defeating the safeguards that have been built into your new product, please read and observe the fottow!_ngsafety points when installing and using your new product, and save them for future reference. Observlng the simple p_ecautioris discussed in this operating guide can help you get many years of enjoyment and safe
operation that are built into your new product. This product complies with at[ applicable U.S. Federal safety requirements, and those of the Canadian Standards Association.
1. Read Instructions ALLthe safetyand operatinginstructions shouldbe read
beforethe productis operated.
2. Follow Instructions At[operatingand useinstructions shouldbe followed.
3. Retain Instructions The safetyand operatinginstructions shouldbe retained
for future reference.
4. Heed Warnings
A[twarningsonthe productandin the operatinginstruc- tions shouldbe adheredto.
5. CLeaning
Unplugthis productfrom the watt outlet beforecleaning. Donot useLiquidcleanersoraerosolcleaners.Usea damp
clothfor cleaning.
6. Water and Moisture
Do not usethis productnearwater for example,near a bath tub, washbow[, kitchen sink, or Laundrytub, in a
wet basement,or near a swimmingpool
7. Accessories
Do notplacethisproducton an unstablecart,stand,tri-
pod,bracket,or table.The productmay fall,causingseri- ousinjuryto a childoradult,and seriousdamage tothe
product.Useonlywitha cart,stand,tripod,bracket,or
product.Any mountingoftheproductshouldfollowthe manufacturer'sinstructions,and shouldusea mounting accessoryrecommendedbythemanufacturer.
A productandcartcombinationshouldbe moved with care.Quickstops,excessiveforce,and unevensurfaces may causetheproductand cartcombinationto overturn.
9. Attachments
Do notuseattachmentsnotrecommendedby theproduct manufacturerastheymay causehazards.
10. VenUtation
SLotsand openingsin the cabinetare provided for ventila- tion and to ensurereliableoperationof the productand to
protectit from overheating, and these openingsmustnot be blockedor covered.The openingsshouldnever be blocked by placingthe producton a bed,sofa,rug, or othersimilar surface.This productshouldnot be placedin
a built-in installation suchasa bookcaseorrackunless properventilation is providedorthe manufacturer's
instructions have been adheredto.
11. Power Sources
Thisproduct shouldbe operated onlyfrom the type of
power sourceindicated on the marking[abet.If you are not sureof the type of powersupplyto yourhome, con-
suit your productdealer or Local powercompany,for prod-
uctsintended to operatefrom battery power,or other
sources,referto the operatinginstructions.
12. Line-Cord Pol.arization
This product is equipped with a polarized alternating-cur-
rent Lineplug (a plug havingone bLadewider than the other). This plug will fit into the poweroutlet onlyone way.Thisis a safety feature. If youare unableto insert
the plug fully into the outlet, try reversingthe plug. If the plugshouldstilt fail to fit, contactyour electricianto
replaceyourobsolete outlet. Donot defeat the safety pur- poseof the polarized plug.
13. Power-Cord Protection
Power-supplycordsshould be routed sothat they are not Eke[yto be walkedon or pinchedby items placeduponor
against them, paying particularattention to cordsat plugs, conveniencereceptacles,andthe point wherethey
(ConUnued on next page)
14. Outdoor Antenna Grounding
If an outsideantenna or cable systemis connectedto the product,be surethe antenna or cablesystemis grounded
so asto providesomeprotectionagainst voltagesurges and built-up static charges.A_cie 810 of the National
Etectrlca[Code(U.S.A.), ANSI/NFPA 70 providesinforma-
tion with regardto propergroundingof the mastandsup- porting structure,groundingof the lead-in wire to an
antennadischargeunit, size of groundingconductors,Loca- tion of antenna=dischargeunit, connectionto grounding electrodes,and requirementsfor the groundingelectrode.
Examp|eof Grounding Accordingto National Electrical CodeInstructions
Antenna Discharge Unit
(NEC Section 810-20)
Gto=J_!dingConductor (NEC Section 810-21)
Power Service Grounding Electrode System (NEC
NEC- NationalELectricaLCode
15. Lightning
Foradded protectionfor this product(receiver) duringa
lightning storm, or whenit is [eft unattended and unused for longperiodsof time, unplugit from the wait outlet and
disconnectthe antenna or cable system. Thiswit[ prevent damageto the productdueto lightningand power-Line
16. Power Lines
An outside antenna system should not be located in the vicinity of overhead power lines or other electric tight or power circuits, or where it can fair into such power lines or
circuits. When instaiting an outside antenna system, extreme care shoutd be taken to keepfrom touching such power lines or circuits as contact with them might be
17. OverLoading
Donot overload watt outlets and extensioncords asthis
can resutt in a risk of fire or electric shock.
A_ 250, Part H)
18. Object and Liquid Entry
Neverpushobjectsof any kind into this productthrough openingsasthey maytouch dangerousvoltagepointsor
short-outpartsthat couldresultin a fire or electricshock. Neverspilt llquid of anykind on the product.
19. Servicing
Do not attempt to servicethis productyourselfasopening or removingcoversmayexpose you to dangerousvoltage
or other hazards. Referatl servicing to qualified service personnel
20. Damage Requiring Service
Unplugthis product from the waitoutlet and refer servic-
ing to quatified service personne[underthe followingcon- ditions:
a. If the power-supplycordor plugis damaged. b. If liquid hasbeen spiited, or objectshave fatten into
the product.
c. If the product hasbeenexposedto rain or water. d. If the product doesnot operatenormaLLyby foLlowing
the operatinginstructions.Adjustonly those controLsthat
arecoveredby the operatinginstructionsas animproper adjustmentof other controLsmayresultin damageand wii[
often requireextensivework by a qualified technician to restore the productto its normaloperation.
e. If the producthas beendroppedor the cabinethas
f. If the productexhibitsa distinct changein perform-
21. RepLacement Parts
Whenreplacementpartsare required,be sure the service technician has usedreptacementparts specified bythe
manufactureror havethe samecharacteristicsas the origi- nal part. Unauthorizedsubstitutionsmay resultin fire,
electricshock, or other hazards.
22. Safety Check
Upon compietlonof any service or repairs to this product, askthe service technician to performsafety checksto determine that the product is in proper operating condi-
23. WaLLor CeiLing Mounting
The product shoutd be mountedto a wail or ceiling ontyas
recommendedby the manufacturer.
24. Heat
The product should be situated awayfrom heatsources
such as radiators, heat registers,stoves, or other products
(inctuding amptifiers) that produce heat.
Note: This operating guide describesfeatures for a family of TV models, as a result, not all features are
available on all models!
See the feature by mode[ chart below to identify which features are on your W.
Turnto the nextpage to beginyour TV setup.
SafetyWarnings 2 ImportantSafetyInstructions 3 Tableof ContentsandModelby FeaturesChart 5
Step 1. Hook Up W
Hookup Directory 6
TV and other Equipment Hookups
Antenna, accessoryDi-poLeantenna 7
Cable service 8
Antenna with VCR g Cableservicewith VCR 10
Step 3. Customize Your W's Features
Setup Menu (Start with page 11, Auto Program)
Language 17 Ch Add/Det 18
CLockSet Menu
Set Time 19 Timer Setup, On and Off Time, On/Off Timer 20
SLeepTimer 21
Video Menu 22
Special FeaturesMenu
Caption/Text 23 CCWhenMute (CLosedCaptions) 24
Step 2. Reception Set Up and Channel Search
Signal Setup/Auto Program 11
(Select Antenna, or cable service and perform
RemoteControlKeyFunctions 12 On-ScreenMenuOperationUsingRemote 13
On-ScreenMenu OperationUsingIV FrontPanel 14
Gtossary 28 Maintenance 29
TroubLeShooting 30 Recommended Accessories InsideBackCover
Warranty BackCover
ParentalControl 25
Audio 27
BasicTV Operation 15
On-ScreenMenus FeaturesOverview 16
Features AvaiLable by TV Mode[ Chart
Note: Eventhough this operatingguide showsa completelisting of features avail.abLefor this model [ine, aLLmodels do not have aLL
the features shown. ForexampLe,Model B13AOIL does not havea remotecontroL,or On/Off Timer features. See note above.
RemoteControl No Yes Yes Yes Yes DipoLeAntenna No Yes Yes No No
Earphone3ack Yes No Yes/Front No No Sound Monaural Monaural Monaural Monaural Stereo
Audio/VideoIn 3acks No No Yes/Front No No On/Off Timers No Yes Yes Yes Yes
SLeepTimer No Yes Yes Yes Yes ParentalControl Y_ Yes Yes Yes Yes
CLosedCaptionsWhen Mute'-NoJ Yes Yes Yes Yes
Yes-featureisavailableon thatmodel. No=featureisnotavailableon thatmodel.
ALLModelsincLude: Antenna Hookup3ack; FrontTVControls Pane[;EngLish,Spanish, French On-ScreenMenus;andCustom/Preset
Picture Preference.
Note: Design and spedflcations are subject to change without prior notice.
Directs you to which page to go to for proper hook up oj:your Entertainment MachineTM
Usethis page to decide whereyou need to begin your setup. First, find the tine betow that best describes
what you want to do, then go to that page number.
If youare using an antenna and no other equipment,go to .................. page 7
If subscribe
you to cabteserviceand no other equipment,go to ............... page 8
Cable P/
waU jack
If you are usingan antennaand havea VCR,go to ....................... page9
If yousubscribeto cable service and have aVCR,goto ..................... page10
r.ablelV waajad<
Ifyou haveearphonesandwantto usethe earphonejack,goto ............... page15
Connecting an antenna to your Entertainment MachineTM
Hookupyour EntertainmentMachineTM, see diagramsat right.
Removethe backof the remoteand put in two AAAbatteries.
PI.ugin your TV. Do not ptug it into a switchedoutLet.
Goto page11 to Auto Programyour EntertainmentMachineTM.
[] []
If you haveo 75 ohm RFcable,
thenyou don't need any adapters!
Remember,whenscrewingRF cablesontojacks,dock_se tight- ens,and counterclockwiseloosens.
Over-the-Air Antennas
_ J 300/75 ohm
V Feoa aL
75 OHM RFCabte
300-75 OHH Adapter
2o_s4 PAGE 7
The wire that comesfToman off-air antennaor cabLeserviceprovider.Eachend rookstike a hex shapednut with a wire stickingthroughthe middle, and it screwsonto the threadedjack on the backof yourW.
A smalldevicethat connectsa two-wire300 ohmantennato a 75 ohm RFjack. Theyare usuat|yaboutan
inch longwith two screwsononeend anda roundopeningwith a wire stickingout on the other end.
Connecting Cableservice to your Entertainment MachineTM
Hookup your EntertainmentHachineTM, see diagramsat right.
Removethe backof the remote and put in
two AAAbatteries.
PLugin your W. Do not p!.ugit into a switchedoutl.et.
Go to page 11 to Auto Programyour
If you'reusing a cable box, leaveyour 1Van channel 3 or 4 and useyour cable box to change channels.
Without CabLeBox
With CabLeBox
jacks, clockwise tightens,and counterclock-
_ ....................................................................................... _
' CABLESERVICE Thewire that supp[ies a[[ your cab[eTV (CAW)stations. |
If you're usinga cable box,Auto Program
(page I1) might onlyfind the channelyour
cable serviceis on (usually channel3 or4). Don't worry,that's o[lyou need!
Connecting your oj_-air antenna and VCR to your Entertainment Machine TM
(VCRwith Fiat Wire Antenna Adapter)
Hookup your EntertainmentMachineTM, seedia- gramsat right.
Removethe backof the remote and put in two AAAbatteries.
P[ugin your TV. Do not p[ug it into a switched
Goto page11 to Auto Programyour EntertainmentMachineTM.
z fiat wire
300/75 ohm Adapter
(VCRwith Round Antenna Wire)
[] Remember,whenscrewingRFcablesontojocks,
clockwisetightens, and counterclockwiseloosens.
+ 21 hidden pages