Zenith B09A02X Owner’s Manual

machinenumbers I BOgAO2X
operating guide / warranty
RECORDYOURMODELNUMBER | (Now, wfiibeyou cansee tt)
The modeland serialnumberof yournewW art Located on the backof the W cabinet. Foryourfuture convenience, we suggestthat yourecordthese numbershere:
The Ughtningflashwith arrowheadsymboL,within an equiLateraLtriangle,is intended to alert the userto the presence
of uninsuLated"dangerousvoltage" within the product'senclosurethat maybe of sufficientmagnitudeto constitutea risk of electricshockto persons.
TheexcLamationpointwithin an equiLateraLtriangleis intendedto alertthe userto the presenceof importantoperating and maintenance(servidng)instructions in the literaturt accompanyingthe appliance.
CAUTION:ToPreventELectricShock,Matchwide bladeof plugto wideslot,fuLLyinsert.
ATTENTION:Pour_viter Leschocs6Lectriques,intrtduirt LaLameLaplusLargedeLafiche dansLahome correspondantedeLapriseet pousserjusqu'au fond.
Thisreminderis providedto cal!.the cableW system instag.er'sattentionto ArticLe820-40 ofthe NationalELectricCode (U.S.A.). Thecodeprovidesguidelinesforpropergroundingand,in particuLar,specifies that the cable groundshag.be connectedto the groundingsystemof the building,ascloseto the point of the cableent_ aspracticaL.
Thisequipmenthasbeen testedand found to complywith the limits for a CLassBdigital device,pursuantto Part15 of the FCCRuLes.TheseLimitsart designedto providereasonableprotectionagainstharmfulinterference whenthe
equipment is operatedin a residentialinstallation. Thisequipmentgenerates,usesandcan radiate radiofrequency energyand,if not instaLLedand usedin accordancewith the instruction manuaL,maycauseharmfulinterference to radio communications.However,there is no guaranteethat interferencewiU.not occurin a pa_cuLarinstallation. If this equipmentdoescauseharmfulinterferenceto radioor televisionreception,whichcanbe determinedbyturning the equipmentoffand on, the useris encouragedto W to correcttheinterferencebyoneor mort ofthe foLLowing measures: Reorientor rtLocate the receiving antenna.
Increasethe separation betweenthe equipmentand receiver.
Connectthe equipmentinto an outlet on a circuit differentfrom that to whichthe receiveris connected.
ConsuLtthe dealeror an experiencedradio/TVtechnicianfur help.
Donot attemptto modifij this productin anywaywithout written authorizationfromZenith ELectronicsCorporation. Unauthorizedmodificationcouldvoidthe user'sauthorityto operatethis product.
Importantsafeguardsforyouandyournewproduct Yourproducthasbeenmanufactured and tested with your safety in mind. However, improper use can resuLt in potential
eLectricaL shock or fire hazards. To avoid defeating the safeguards that have been built into your new product, please read
and observe the foLLowingsafety points when instaLLing and using your new product, and save them for future reference. Observing the simpLe precautions discussed in this booklet can heLpyou get many years of enjoyment and safe operation
that are built into your new product. This product complies with at[ appLicabLeU.S. Federal safety requirements, and those of the Canadian Standards Association.
1. Read InstrucUons
ALLthe safety and operatinginstructions shouLdbe read beforethe productis operated.
E. FoLLow Instructions
ALLoperatingand use instructions shouLdbe fu[towed.
3. Retain Instructions The safety andoperatinginstructions shouLdbe retained
for future reference.
4.Heed Warnings ALlwarningson the productand in the operatinginstruc-
tions shouldbe adheredto.
5. CLeaning
UnpLugthis productfrom the waLLoutlet beforecleaning. Do not useLiquidcleanersor aerosolcleaners.Usea damp
cLothfor cleaning.
6. Water and Moisture
Do not usethis productnear water for exampLe,near a bath tub, washbowL,kitchen sink, or Laundrytub, in a
wet basement,or neara swimmingpool
7.Accessories Do not placethis producton an unstabLecart, stand,tri-
pod, bracket,or table. TheproductmayfaLL,causingseri- ousinjury to a child or adult, and seriousdamageto the product.Useonlywith a cart, stand,tripod, bracket,or
table recommendedbythe manufacturer,or sold with the
product.Any mounting of the productshouldfu[Low the manufacturer's instructions, andshoulduse a mounting
accessoryrecommendedby the manufacturer.
8. Transporting Product A productand cart combinationshouldbe movedwith
care. Quickstops,excessiveforce, and unevensurfaces may causethe productand cart combinationto overturn.
9. Attachments
Do not useattachmentsnot recommendedby the product manufacturer asthey maycausehazards.
10. Venti|aUon
SLotsand openingsin the cabinetareprovidedforventiLa- tion andto ensurereLiabLeoperationof the productandto
protectit fromoverheating,andthese openingsmust not be blockedor covered.The openingsshouLdneverbe bLockedby placingthe producton a bed, sofa,rug, or
other similarsurface.Thisproductshouldnot be pLacedin a buiLt-ininstaLLationsuchas a bookcaseor rack unless
properventiLationis providedor the manufacturer's instructions havebeenadheredto.
11. Power Sources
Thisproductshouldbe operatedonlyfrom the type of powersourceindicatedon the marking LabeL.If you are not sureofthe type of powersupplyto yourhome,con- suLtyourproductdealeror Localpowercompany. Forprod- uctsintendedto operate from battery power,orother sources,referto the operatinginstructions.
12. Line-Cord PotarizaUon
Thisproductis equippedwith a polarizedaLternating-cur- rent Lineplug(a plug having one bladewider than the other). ThispLugwiLt fit into the poweroutLetonly one way.Thisis a safety feature. If you are unabLeto insert the plugfuLLyinto the outlet, try reversingthe plug.If the plugshouldstiLLfail to fit, contactyourelectricianto
replaceyourobsoleteoutLet.Donot defeat the safetypur- poseof the polarizedplug.
13. Power-Cord Protection Power-suppLycordsshouldbe routedso that they are not
LikeLyto be waLkedon or pinchedbyitemsplaceduponor againstthem, payingparticularattention to cordsat plugs,conveniencereceptacles, and the point wherethey exit from the product.
(Continuedon next page)
zo6-3485 PA G E 3
(Con_nued_om previouspage)
14. Outdoor Antenna Grounding
If an outside antenna or cablesystemis connectedto the product,be surethe antenna orcablesystemis groundedso
as to providesomeprotectionagainst vottage surgesand buitt-up static charges.Articla 810 ofthe National Elactricat
Code(U.S.A.), ANSI/NFPA 70 providesinformationwith regardto proper groundingof the mastand supporting
structure,groundingofthe laad-in wireto an antenna dis- chargeunit, size of groundingconductors,tocation of anten- na-dischargeunit, connectionto groundingelactrodes,and requirementsfor the groundingelectrode.
Example of GroundingAccordingto NaUonat Etectrical CodeInstructions
GroundClamp _
NEC- Nationa[EtectricatCode
Anlenna load in Wire
Art250. PartH)
15. Lightning
Foradded protectionfor this product(receiver) duringa lightning storm, or when it is left unattendedand unused for tong periodsoftime, unptug it from the wattoutlet and disconnectthe antennaor cablasystem.Thiswitt prevent damage to the productdueto lightning and power-Line
16. Power Lines
An outsideantenna systemshoutdnot be tocated in the vicinity of overheadpowertinesor otherelactric Lightor
powercircuits, or whereit canfail into suchpowertines or circuits. Wheninstattlngan outsideantennasystem,extreme
careshould be taken to keep from touchingsuchpowertines or circuitsas contact with them might be fatal.
17. Overloading
o Do not overtoadwattoutlets and extensioncordsasthis can
resultin a risk of fire or elactric shock.
18. Object and Liquid Entry
Neverpushobjectsof any kind into this productthrough openingsasthey may touch dangerousvottagepointsor
short-outpartsthat coutdresult in a fire or electricshock. NeverspirtLiquid of any kindonthe product.
19. Senfidng Donot attempt to servicethis productyourselfas opening
or removingcoversmayexposeyouto dangerousvottageor other hazards.Referartservicingto qualifiedsen/ice personnet.
20. Damage Requiring Service Unptugthis productfrom the wattouttet and refer servicing
to quaLifiedservicepersonnetunderthe fottowing
a. If the power-supptycord orptugis damaged. b. If Liquidhas beenspirted,or objects havefatteninto the
c. If the producthasbeenexposedto rain or water. d. If the productdoesnot operatenormattybyfoUowing
the operatinginstructions. Adjustonly those controls that are coveredbythe operatinginstructionsasan improper adjustmentof other controlsmayresultin damageand wittoften requireextensiveworkby a quatified technicianto restorethe productto its normat operation.
e. If the producthasbeendroppedorthe cabinethas been
f. If the productexhibitsa distinct changein performance.
21. Reptacement Parts
Whenreplacement partsare required,be surethe service technician hasusedreplacementpartsspecifiedbythe man-
ufactureror havethe same characteristicsas the originatpart. Unauthorizedsubstitutionsmay resuttin fire,
electricshock,or otherhazards.
22. Safety Check Uponcomptetionof any serviceor repairsto this product,
askthe servicetechnician to performsafety checksto determinethat the productis in properoperatingcondition.
23. Watt or Ceiling Mounting
Theproductshoutdbe mountedto a watt or celting ontyas recommendedby the manufacturer.
24. Heat
The productshoutdbe situatedawayfrom heatsourcessuch
asradiators, heat registers,stoves,or other products (incLudingamplifiers)that produceheat.
Thispage will direct you to whichpage to go to .for proper hook- up of your Entertainment Machine _ ,
Use thispageto decidewhereyou needtobeginyoursetup.First,findtheline belowthatbestdescribeswhatyou want todo,thengo tothatpagenumber.
Ifyouareusingan antenna,go to ................................... page8
w --
If you have cableor are using a cable box,go to ......................... page8
Ifyouareusingan antennaand havea VCR,go to ....................... pageg
If you have cable or are using a cable box anda VCR,goto .................. page g
zo6-3485 PA G E 5
Yourjack-packand its varfoususes.
!!_k_o°fa_On_i! ng headphones,
_. puVmsCR!_i i em_oSi!_islSand / ipT:;d3_mat( ll/85"_at_ (_ ?rb 8ml_hn_te re \
theTV, connect this DCInput Jack
to the Antennajack.
For DCoperation, use only a 12.volt negatiw ground power
sourceor the TV may be damaged.
JACK A connection on the backof a TV,VCRor any other A/V device.This includesthe RFjacks and the Audio/Videojacks
that are color-coded.
SIGNAL Pictureand soundtraveling through cableor in theair to yourtelevision screen.
Thisisthejackto use when you want toconnect
yourDC cordfordirect cunent(DC)powerfroma
car cigarette Lighter, etc.
PAGE 6 2o6-3_s
Seeat a glance what each button on the front ofyour TVcontrols and operates.
{ t t I l o
Thisis the RemoteControlWindow.
Point the RemoteControlat this
_ndow to operatethe W.
Thisis the SOURCEbutton. Pressit to select your picturesource,either
m I
from Antenna or from Video.
Pressrepeatedlyto choosethe dif-
ferent picture adjustmentoptions.
Whenthe PowerIndicator Light is dimlytit, it indicatesthat the power isconnectedto the TV Whenthe
PowerIndicator Lightis brightlylit it indicatesthat the TVis turnedon.
Pressthe Up/Down A_UST buttons
to changethe selectedmenu opUon.
Useeither of the VOLUMEUp/Down buttons to increaseor decreasethe
audio Levelof your Entertainment
Alwaystry to keepthe immediate area infront of the RemoteControl Window clearfor easierremotecontrolacce._,
Pressthe CHANNELUp/Down buttons
to select a higheror Lowernumbered
channelthan you arecurrently watching.
Thisis the PowerIndicator Ught that Letsyou knowthat your
EntertainmentMachineis receiving power.
Thisis the POWERbutton. Pressto turn the the TV on and off.
SOURCE Thisis the term forthe equipmentthat providesaudioand video informationto yourEntertainment
Machine Antenna,CabLeBoxesor VCRsareexamplesof a source.
zo6-3_s PA G E 7
Connectan antenna/cableor cableboxto your EntertainmentMachine.
Ptease referto diagramthen hook up your
Removethe back of the remote
and put in two AAAbatteries.
CableTV WailJack
CeblsTV WallJack
m I
Pl.ugin your TV. Donot p!.ugit
into a switchedouttet.
Go to page 10 to Auto Search your Entertainment Machine.
Thewire that comesflora an off-air antennaor cable serviceprovider.Eachend |ooksEke a hex-shapednut with a wire stickingthrough the middte,and it screwsontothe threadedjack on the hack of your W.
A smalldevicethat connectsa two-wire 300 ohm antennato a 75 ohm RFjack. They are usuallyabout an inch tongwith two screwsonone end anda round openingwith a wire suckingout on the otherend.
Remember,when connectingRF cablesontojacks, clockwise tightensand counterclockwise
PAGE 8 zc_-3_s
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