This manual contains installation and operation information for the Zebra P330i Card
Printers manufactured by Zebra Technologies Corporation, Camarillo, California.
Return Materials Authorization
Before returning any equipment to Zebra Technologies Corporation for in-warranty or outof-warranty repair, contact Repair Administration for a Return Materials Authorization
(RMA) number. Repack the equipment in the original packing materia l and mark the RMA
number clearly on the outside. Ship the equipment, freight prepaid, to the address listed
• For USA, Latin America, and Asia / Pacific:
Zebra Technologies Corporation
Zebra Card Printer Solutions
1001 Flynn Road
Camarillo, CA. 93012-8706.USA
Phone: +1 (805) 578-5001
FAX: +1 (805) 579-1808
• For Europe and Middle East:
Zebra Technologies Corporation
Zebra Card Printer Solutions
Pittman Way, Fulwood
Preston, PR2 9ZD
Lancashire, U.K.
Phone: +44 - 1 - 772 - 797555
FAX: +44 - 1 - 772 - 693000
Copyright Notice
© 2004, 2005 ZIH Corp.
980459-001 Rev C P330i User’s Manual iii

This document contains information proprietary to Zebra Technologies Corporation. This
document and the information contained within is Copyrighted by Zebra Technologies
Corporation and may not be duplicated in ful l or in part by any person without written
approval from Zebra. While every effort has been made to keep the information contained
within current and accurate as of the date of publication, no guarantee is given that the
document is error-free or that it is accurate with regard to any specificat ion. Zebra reserves the
right to make changes, for the purpose of product improvement, at any time.
P330i is a trademark and Zebra is a re gistered trademark of Zebra Technologies Corporation.
Windows and MS.DOS are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corp. All other trademarks or
registered trademarks are marks of their respective holders.
Product Disposal
Product Disposal Information • Do not dispose of this product in unsorted municipal
waste. This product is recyclable, and should be recycled ac co rding to your local
standards. For more information, please see our web site at:
Declarations of Conformity
modified by
92/31/EEC and
73/23/EEC modified
by 93/68/EEC
EMC Directive
EMC Directive
EMC Directive EN55024 (2001)
Low voltage
R&TTE Directive
EN 55022 (1998) RF Emissions control
EN 301489-3 V1.4.1
EN 60950-1 (2001) Product safety
EN300330-2 V1.1.1 Radio Frequency Interferences
RF Emissions and Immunity for radio
Immunity to Electro-Magnetic
For a formal certificate, please contact the Compliance Office at Zebra’s Camarillo facility.
iv P330i User’s Manual 980459-001 Rev C