NOTE: The RaDeKL radar unit has been tested to comply with FCC Part 15, Subpart C for WBT devices.
Changes or modifications to the radiating elements of RaDeKL not expressly approved by the party
responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
NOTE: The RaDeKL radar unit has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital
device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection
against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate
radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause
harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interfere nce will not
occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television
reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to
correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
—Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
—Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
—Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
—Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
RaDeKL Radar API Programmer’s Guide I
Table of Contents
Part I: Welcome to the RaDeKL Radar API....................................................................1
The RaDeKL Radar API provides a programming interface to the Multispectral Solution Inc. (MSSI)
RaDeKL Radar device. Using this interface removes the burden of designing code to access the USB
interface and dealing with the specifics of radar commands and operational parameter settings. Instead, this
interface provides a set of RaDeKL Radar specific functions to list available devices, open/close a specific
radar device, set operational parameters and request single and continuous range detectio n data.
Please refer to the enclosed folder “Code Example” for a complete and functional code example (in C) on
how to list devices, open a device, set operational parameters, read range detection data and close the
USB Driver Installation
The RaDeKL Radar USB port is based on the FTDI FT2232C USB Chip, which requires a driver to operate.
Note: Do not download any updated drivers directly from the FTDI website! The RaDeKL Radar
uses a custom PID (Product ID) in the USB definition and therefore requires a custom driver.
Please use only the driver provided with RaDeKL Radar devices.
Before the RaDeKL Radar device can be used, the USB driver must be installed. This driver can only be
installed if a RaDeKL Radar device is physically plugged into the USB port. Windows then detects the
presence of a new USB device and uses its Plug & Play feature to aid in the installation of the driver.
Please follow these steps:
1. Ensure that you are running Windows 2000, Windows XP (or newer) on the target PC and that the
PC has an available USB 2.0 (not 1.1 or 1.2) port. Have an A-B USB cable ready.
2. Extract the distribution ZIP file, containing the API and driver files. Note the location of the resulting
folder. It should contain a sub-folder named “Driver”.
3. Connect the RaDeKL Radar device to the power supply and insert the power supply into a suitable
electrical AC outlet (120 VAC).
4. Connect the RaDeKL Radar device to a free USB 2.0 port on your PC or laptop.
5. Windows should detect the new USB device and start the Found New Hardware Wizard.
6. Windows XP:
a. Click “No, not at this time” and then “Next”.
b. Click “Install from a list or specific location” and then “Next”.
c. Click “Search for the best driver in these locations” and “Include this location in the search”.
Click “Browse” and navigate to the folder noted in step 2 and then down to the “Driver”
folder. Click “OK” and then “Next”.
d. Windows XP will find the correct MSSI IUO driver and display a warning about the driver
not having passed Windows Logo testing. Click “Continue Anyway”.
e. Windows will then detect a second USB device. Repeat the above steps for Windows XP to
a. Click “Search for a suitable driver for my device”. Click “Next”.
b. Check the box “Specify a location”. Click “Next”.
c. Click “Browse” and navigate to the folder noted in step 2 and then down to the “Driver”
folder. Select the file named “FTDIBUS.inf” and click “OK” and then “Next”.
d. The driver will install. Windows will then detect a second USB device and the driver will
install automatically.
8. Note: The additional USB device installed represents an unused internal port on the USB chip . This
port is not used by RaDeKL Radar and can be entirely ignored. However, during driver install ation,
Windows will detect this unused port and insist on installing a driver for it.
9. The RaDeKL Radar is now ready for use. The driver needs to be installed only once for each PC. If
it ever needs to be upgraded, use the Windows Device Manager, ensuring that the radar device is
physically plugged in and powered up.
In order to use the RaDeKL Radar API, please follow these steps (illustrated using Visual C++ 6.0):
1. Copy FTD2XX.h, RaDeKLAPI.h and RaDeKLAPI.lib (from subfolder “Library” in the folder noted in
step 2 above, “USB Driver Installation “) into the folder that contains the development environment
of your project. Ensure that the files are copied (not moved) otherwise you won’t find them for the
next project.
2. Include RaDeKLAPI.h in your C program:
#include "RaDeKLAPI.h"
Note: RaDeKLAPI.h implicitly includes FTD2XX.h
3. Include RaDeKLAPI.lib in your project link command:
In Visual C++ (6.0), click Project > Settings. Select “All Configurations” and “Link”. Add
RaDeKLAPI.lib to the “Object/library modules” as follows:
Note: The FTD2XX.lib library is already included in RaDeKLAPI.lib and therefore does not
need to be included in your project link, nor does it need to be present in your development
environment folder. RaDeKLAPI.lib is entirely self-contained.
You can now use the RaDeKL API functions to operate the radar unit. The next section documents the
usage of the various RaDeKL API functions available.
For proper operation of the RaDeKL radar unit using this API, please consider these warnings:
1. When operating the RaDeKL Radar in continuous detection mode, range data is continuou sly
streamed from the radar unit to the PC. While in this mode, the only operation, other than reading
this data, should be to stop continuous mode (using RaDeKL_StopContinuousDetection or a lowlevel register write to do the same). Do not issue any other register read and/or write commands
(or high-level functions that read/write registers), as this will interfere with the continuous data
stream presented in continuous detection mode. Note: most functions that update (write) RaDeKL
registers attempt to read the data back to ensure that it was written correctly. Therefore any writeregister function (RaDeKL_SetXxxxx) will result in a read after write, which will interfere with an
ongoing continuous detection, producing unpredictabl e results (most likely resulting in an
input/output error). If a register must be updated, please first stop continuous detection mode,
change the register value and then restart continuous detection mode.
2. When operating the RaDeKL Radar in continuous detection mode and an error occurs (i.e. the
return value of the function called, if specified, is not equal RaDeKL_OK), it is up to the caller to:
a. Attempt to stop continuous detection mode on the radar unit by issuing a call to
RaDeKL_StopContinuousDetection. Depending on the specific error, it might not be
possible to actually communicate this command to the radar. The return code of this call
should therefore be ignored in this case only.
b. Ensure that the user interface or GUI appropriately shows that the radar is no longer
operating in continuous mode. This may entail updating indicators or graying out buttons.
c. In many error cases it may be necessary to close (if possible) and re-open the radar device
in order to re-establish communications with the unit (using RaDeKL_CloseRadar and RaDeKL_OpenRadar, respectively). In some (rare) cases the unit may have to be either
power-cycled or unplugged and re-connected to the USB cable. Contrary to the FTDI USB
Chip documentation, this cannot always be done under program control.
Get the text associated with a status code. Most functions in this API return a numeric status code.
RaDeKL_OK (0) indicates successful completion. Other codes (see below) indica te error conditions.
char *RaDeKL_GetStatusText (ULONG ftStatus);
ftStatus Numeric status code as returned by most RaDeKL API functions.
Return Value:
Pointer to a null-terminated character string containing the status de scription.
Possible Status Codes:
Symbol Value Description Text
FTDI specific status codes
RaDeKL_OK 0 Operation completed successfully
RaDeKL_INVALID_HANDLE 1 Invalid handle passed to function
RaDeKL_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND 2 Requested device not found
RaDeKL_DEVICE_NOT_OPENED 3 Specified device not open
RaDeKL_IO_ERROR 4 Input/output error
RaDeKL_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES 5 Insufficient resources to complete operation
RaDeKL_INVALID_PARAMETER 6 Invalid parameter passed to function
RaDeKL_INVALID_BAUD_RATE 7 Invalid baud rate specified
RaDeKL_DEVICE_NOT_OPENED_FOR_ERASE 8 Specified device not open for erase
RaDeKL_DEVICE_NOT_OPENED_FOR_WRITE 9 Specified device not open for write
RaDeKL_FAILED_TO_WRITE_DEVICE 10 Failed to write to specified device
RaDeKL_INVALID_ARGS 16 Invalid arguments passed to function
RaDeKL_NOT_SUPPORTED 17 Operation not supported
RaDeKL_OTHER_ERROR 18 USB unknown error
RaDeKL API specific status codes
RaDeKL_READ_TIMEOUT 201 Read from radar has timed out
RaDeKL_WRITE_TIMEOUT 202 Write to radar has timed out
RaDeKL_INCORRECT_SERIAL_NUMBER 203 Serial number opened does not match request
RaDeKL_WRITE_REGISTER_FAILED 204 Register write failed
RaDeKL_READ_REGISTER_FAILED 205 Register read failed
RaDeKL_READ_DETECTION_FAILED 206 Detection data read failed
RaDeKL_BAD_THRESHOLD 207 Invalid threshold(s) specified
RaDeKL_BAD_TX_ATTEN 208 Invalid transmit attenuation specified
RaDeKL_BAD_RX_ATTEN 209 Invalid receive attenuation specified
RaDeKL_BAD_RANGE_DELAY 210 Invalid range delay specified
RaDeKL_BAD_INTERVAL 211 Invalid interval specified
RaDeKL_UNKNOWN_RESOLUTION 212 Radar has an unknown resolution
Retrieve the version number of this API. The major version number is in the high-order word and the minor
version number is in the low-order word. See example for details of usage.
NOTE: The Version information returned by this function is the version of this API, not the version
of any radar unit attached. To obtain radar unit version information, use function
RaDeKL_GetDeviceInfo after the radar has been opened.
ULONG RaDeKL_GetAPIVersion ();
Return Value:
ULONG (32 bits) with the major version number in the high-order WORD (16 bits) and the minor
version number in the low-order WORD (16 bits).
Get and display the major and minor version numbers of this API.
ULONG version;
WORD major_version;
WORD minor_version;
version = RaDeKL_GetAPIVersion ();
major_version = (WORD)((version >> 16) & 0xFFFF);
minor_version = (WORD)(version & 0xFFFF);
printf (“This API is version %d.%d\n”, major_version, minor_version);
Get a list of all RaDeKL Radar devices connected to the system. Note: This function will only retrieve
RaDeKL Radar devices and will ignore other devices that may be based on the same FTDI USB Chip.
Each device has a serial number (up to 15 chars) and a device descriptio n (up to 63 chars). The serial
number can then be used in a call to RaDeKL_OpenRadar to open the device. The serial number is unique
to each unit sold, whereas the description string is unique to a particular version (or model) of RaDeKL
Radars and may change with future versions.
numdevsPointer to a DWORD to receive the device count. This may be NULL, in which
case no device count is returned.
serial_numbers Pointer to a pointer to a (null-terminated) list of character strings to receive the
serial numbers of the connected devices. (*numdevs) should initially be NULL, as
the function allocates the list and the individual strings. See example for
clarification. If NULL is passed as numdev, no serial numbers are returned.
descriptionsPointer to a pointer to a (null-terminated) list of character strings to receive the
descriptions of the connected devices. (*descriptions) should initially be NULL, as
the function allocates the list and the individual strings. See example for
clarification. If NULL is passed as descriptions, no descriptions are returned.
Return Value:
RaDeKL_OK (0) if successful, a non-zero status otherwise. See RaDeKL_GetStatusText for codes.
This function will automatically allocate the storage required for the serial number and descri ption lists and
the associated character strings. If valid pointers are p assed in, the existing storage (as allocated by a
previous call to RaDeKL_ListRadars) will first be de-allocated before the new lists are allocated. This way
the designer does not need to bother maintaining these lists (i.e. simplifying re-scanning of connected ra dar
units), as long as the pointers are initially set to NULL. See examples below for clarification. Any remaining
lists will be de-allocated when the program terminates. If the design requires an explicit de-allocation of the
lists, use RaDeKL_ListRadarsCleanup described below.
List all available radar units and display the information obtained.
ULONG status, i;
DWORD numdevs;
static char **snum = NULL, **desc = NULL; // or make these global
status = RaDeKL_ListRadars (&numdevs, &snum, &desc);
if (status != RaDeKL_OK)
printf (“Unable to list devices: %s\n”, RaDeKL_GetStatusText (status));
printf (“Number of devices detected: %d\n”, numdevs);
for (i = 0; i < numdevs; i++)
printf (“Device %d, Serial: %s, Description: %s\n”, i, snum[i], desc[i]);
Example 2:
Alternately, if we don’t care about the number of devices or their descriptions, the following code segment
will return only the (null-terminated) list of serial numbers:
ULONG status;
static char **snum = NULL; // or make this global
char **s;
status = RaDeKL_ListRadars (NULL, &snum, NULL);
if (status != RaDeKL_OK)
printf (“Unable to list devices: %s\n”, RaDeKL_GetStatusText (status));
for (s = snum; *s; s++)
printf (“Serial Number: %s\n”, *s);
De-allocates the memory that was allocated in a previous call to RaDeKL_ListRadars. Normally, this is not
required as each successive call to RaDeKL_ListRadars de-allocates these lists and Windows will do the
final de-allocation when the program terminates. However, if the design calls for an explicit de-allocation,
this function can be used.
void RaDeKL_ListRadarsCleanup (char **list);
list Pointer to a (null-terminated) list of character strings to de-allocate.
Return Value:
No return value. This function cannot fail.
List all available radar units and display the information obtained.
ULONG status, i;
DWORD numdevs;
static char **snum = NULL, **desc = NULL; // or make these global
status = RaDeKL_ListRadars (&numdevs, &snum, &desc);
if (status != RaDeKL_OK)
printf (“Unable to list devices: %s\n”, RaDeKL_GetStatusText (status));
printf (“Number of devices detected: %d\n”, numdevs);
for (i = 0; i < numdevs; i++)
printf (“Device %d, Serial: %s, Description: %s\n”, i, snum[i], desc[i]);
Open a RaDeKL Radar device as identified by its serial number. Serial numbers are unique for each
specific unit. A list of all available RaDeKL Radar devices and their serial numbers is obtained by calling
handle_ptrPointer to a RaDeKL_HANDLE to receive the handle for the opened device. All
further operations on that device will use this handle.
serial_number Pointer to a (null-terminated) character string containing the serial number of the
device to open. A list of all available RaDeKL Radar devices and their serial
numbers is obtained by calling RaDeKL_ListRadars.
Return Value:
RaDeKL_OK (0) if successful, a non-zero status otherwise. See RaDeKL_GetStatusText for codes.
Open (and close) the first radar unit found.
ULONG status;
DWORD numdevs;
static char **snum = NULL, **desc = NULL; // or make these global
static RaDeKL_HANDLE handle = NULL; // or make this global
status = RaDeKL_ListRadars (&numdevs, &snum, &desc);
if (status != RaDeKL_OK)
printf (“Unable to list devices: %s\n”, RaDeKL_GetStatusText (status));
status = RaDeKL_OpenRadar (&handle, snum[0]);
if (status != RADEKL_OK)
printf (“Open failed: %s\n”, RaDeKL_GetStatusText (status));
// Do some work and then close the radar and set the handle to NULL
RaDeKL_CloseRadar (handle);
handle = NULL;