Zebra SL5000r, T5000r Programmer's Reference Manual

Printer Protocol Interpreter (PPI) ZGL™
Programmer’s Reference Manual for ZGL,
a Zebra
ZPL® Printer Protocol Interpreter
Thermal Series Printers
Printer Protocol Interpreter (PPI) ZGL
Programmer’s Reference Manual for ZGL, a Zebra ZPL Printer Protocol Interpreter
Thermal Series Printers
Trademark Acknowledgments
ZPL, ZPL II, and Zebra are registered trademarks of Zebra Technologies Corporation.
PPI is a trademark of Printronix, Inc.
Printronix and PSA are registered trademarks of Printronix, Inc.
COPYRIGHT © 2002, 2006 PRINTRONIX, INC. All rights reserved.
1 Introduction ........................................................... 9
About This Manual................................................................................. 9
Coax/Twinax Interface Requirements ............................................. 9
PPI/ZGL SETUP Menu ........................................................................ 10
PPI/ZGL SETUP Submenus ......................................................... 11
ZPL Compatible ...................................................................... 11
Command Prefix ..................................................................... 12
Label Prefix............................................................................. 12
Delimiter.................................................................................. 12
LP+ Text Mode ....................................................................... 12
Preparser Command .............................................................. 12
Preparser Port ........................................................................ 12
MC Label Fmt ......................................................................... 13
PQ Label Fmt.......................................................................... 13
Label Buf Size......................................................................... 13
Host Form Length ................................................................... 13
Left Position ............................................................................ 14
Top Position............................................................................ 14
Resolution Mode ..................................................................... 14
Vertical Adjust ......................................................................... 14
Vertical Density ....................................................................... 14
IS Label Format ...................................................................... 15
FB Width Adjust ...................................................................... 15
Character Group And Character Sets..................................... 16
2 Fully Supported Commands ............................... 17
^Bx - Barcodes........................................................................ 17
^BY - Barcode Defaults........................................................... 18
~CC / ^CC - Change Caret ..................................................... 18
~CD / ^CD - Change Delimiter................................................ 18
^CF - Change Alphanumeric Default Font .............................. 18
~CT / ^CT - Change Tilde ....................................................... 18
^CV - Bar Code Validation...................................................... 18
^DD - Download Direct Bitmap ............................................... 18
^DF - Download Format.......................................................... 18
~DN - Abort Download ............................................................ 18
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
~DU - Download Unbounded TrueType Font ......................... 18
~EF / ^EF - Erase Format ....................................................... 19
~EG / ^EG - Erase Downloaded Images ................................ 19
^FA - Field Allocate................................................................. 19
^FC - Field Clock .................................................................... 19
^FD - Field Data...................................................................... 19
^FH - Field Hex ....................................................................... 19
^FN - Field Number ................................................................ 19
^FO - Field Origin ................................................................... 19
^FR - Field Reverse ................................................................ 19
^FS - Field Separator.............................................................. 19
^FT - Field Type Set ............................................................... 20
^FW - Field Orientation ........................................................... 20
^FX - Comment....................................................................... 20
^GB - Graphics Box ................................................................ 20
^GC - Graphic Circle............................................................... 20
^GD - Graphic Diagonal Line.................................................. 20
^GE - Graphic Ellipse ............................................................. 20
^GS - Graphic Symbol ............................................................ 20
~HI - Host Identification .......................................................... 20
^HG - Host Graphic ................................................................ 20
^HV - Host Verification............................................................ 20
^HY - Upload Graphic............................................................. 21
^IL - Image Load ..................................................................... 21
^IM - Image Move ................................................................... 21
^IS - Image Save .................................................................... 21
~JA - Cancel All ...................................................................... 21
~JL - Set Label Length ........................................................... 21
^JM - Set Half Density ............................................................ 21
^JR - Power On Reset ............................................................ 21
^JX - Cancel Partial Input Format........................................... 21
^LH - Label Home ................................................................... 21
^LL - Label Length .................................................................. 22
^LR - Label Reverse ............................................................... 22
^LS - Label Shift ..................................................................... 22
^LT - Label Top....................................................................... 22
~Lx - Base Emulation Support................................................ 22
^MM - Print Mode ................................................................... 22
^MT - Media Type ................................................................... 22
^MU - Mode Units ................................................................... 22
~NC - Network Connect.......................................................... 22
^NI - Network ID Number........................................................ 22
Table of Contents
~NR - Set All Network Printers Transparent ........................... 22
~NT - Set Currently Connected Printer Transparent .............. 23
^PM - Print Mirror Image of Label ........................................... 23
^PW - Print Width.................................................................... 23
^SF - Serialization Field .......................................................... 23
^SL - Set Mode/Language ...................................................... 23
^SN - Serialized Data.............................................................. 23
^SO - Set Offset...................................................................... 23
^ST - Set Date/Time ............................................................... 23
^SZ - Set ZPL ......................................................................... 23
^TA - Tear Off Adjust .............................................................. 23
^XA - Label Start..................................................................... 23
^XB - Suppress Backfeed ....................................................... 23
^XF - Recall Format ................................................................ 24
^XG - Recall Graphic .............................................................. 24
^XZ - Label End ...................................................................... 24
3 Command Enhancements And Differences........ 25
^A@ - Select Font by Name ................................................... 25
^Ax - Select Alphanumeric Font.............................................. 25
^B$x - Barcodes...................................................................... 25
^CI - Select International Set .................................................. 27
^CW - Font Identifier ............................................................... 30
~DB - Download Bitmap Font ................................................. 30
~DG - Download Graphics...................................................... 31
~DY - Download Graphic........................................................ 31
^FB - Field Block..................................................................... 31
^FV - Field Variable Data ........................................................ 31
^GF - Graphic Field................................................................. 31
~HM - Host Memory Status .................................................... 31
^HR - Calibrate RFID Transponder Position ........................... 32
~HS - Host Status Return ....................................................... 32
^HW - Host Directory List........................................................ 32
^ID - Item Delete ..................................................................... 32
^J$E - Switch Emulation ......................................................... 32
~JD / JE - Disable/Enable Diagnostics ................................... 32
^JE - Disable Diagnostics ....................................................... 33
~JP - Pause & Cancel............................................................. 33
^JU - Configuration Update..................................................... 33
^JV - Configuration Update..................................................... 33
^JZ - Reprint After Error .......................................................... 33
~Lx - Base Emulation Support ................................................ 33
Table of Contents
^MC - Mp Clear....................................................................... 34
^MD - Media Darkness ........................................................... 34
^MN - Media tracking .............................................................. 34
^PF - Slew Dot Rows .............................................................. 34
~PH / ^PH - Slew to Home ..................................................... 34
^PO - Print Orientation............................................................ 34
~PP / ^PP - Programmable Pause ......................................... 35
^PQ - Print Quantity ................................................................ 35
~PR / ^PP - Print Rate ............................................................ 35
^RB - Define EPC Data Structure........................................... 35
^RF - Read or Write RFID Format .......................................... 35
^RM - Enable RFID Motion ..................................................... 35
^RR - Specify RFID Retries for Read/Write ............................ 35
^RS - RFID Setup ................................................................... 35
^RT - Read RFID Tag ............................................................. 35
^RZ - Set RFID Tag Password ............................................... 36
~SD - Set Darkness ................................................................ 36
^SP - Start Print ...................................................................... 36
^SX - Set Alert ........................................................................ 36
~WC - Print Configuration....................................................... 36
^WD - Print Directory .............................................................. 36
^WT - Write RFID Tag ............................................................ 36
AUTOEXEC Bootup File ......................................................... 36
Missing Characters with Font E (OCR-B) ............................... 36
A ZGL Menu Conversions ...................................... 37
B ZGL-DBCS .......................................................... 43
Overview.............................................................................................. 43
ZGL-DBCS Series ............................................................................... 44
High Byte Menu............................................................................. 44
Command Syntax.......................................................................... 44
(A) Select Alphanumeric Font Command ............................... 44
(B) Select International Set Command ................................... 45
(C) Font Identifier Command .................................................. 46
C Contact Information ............................................. 47
Printronix Customer Support Center.................................................... 47
Printronix Supplies Department ........................................................... 47
Corporate Offices................................................................................. 48
1 Introduction
About This Manual
This manual explains the differences between the Printer Protocol Interpreter Zebra Graphic Language (ZGL) Utility and the Zebra
ZPL® language.
Use this manual with your
SL500r/T5000r User’s Manual
for complete printer-
protocol operation.
NOTE: When substituting a Zebra Xi III model printer with a SL5000r/T5000r
printer, refer to ZGL Menu Conversions on page 37.
Coax/Twinax Interface Requirements
ZGL uses a forms prefix of EBCDIC 0xB0. This is a valid code point for SCS but not for DSC/DSE. If you are using the DSC/DSE mode, you must select a different code point for DSC. Refer to the
Coax/Twinax Programmer’s
Reference Manual
for instructions on how to select a different code point.
Chapter 1 PPI/ZGL SETUP Menu
Enable* Disable
560K Bytes* 160-3600K Bytes
ZPL Compatible
Command Prefix
Label Prefix
LP+ Text Mode
Preparser Command
MC Label Fmt
Preparser Port
PQ Label Fmt
List Format*
Label Buf Size
Host Form Length
44* 1-255
HS Command* JA Command
Disable* Parallel
List Format* Bitmap Format
Auto Pass-thru
Left Position
0* -1000 to 1000
* = Default. Italicized items are available when you enable Admin User (in
When substituting a Zebra Xi III model printer with a SL5000r/T5000r printer, refer to the menu conversion in Appendix F.
Factory default for printers with 203 dpi printhead = 207 dpi.
Factory default for printers with 300 dpi printhead = 301 dpi.
Range for printers with 203 dpi printhead = 201 - 220 dpi.
Range for printers with 300 dpi printhead = 301 - 330 dpi.
Each character set will contain different individual characters. PPI uses scalable fonts rather than bitmapped fonts.
Top Position
0 dots/inch*
-100 to 100 dots/inch
Resolution Mode
Vertical Adjust
Vertical Density
IS Label Format
List Format* Bitmap Format
ZGL Quiet
Bitmap Format
(Continued on next
HS & JA Command
ZPL Compatible
This menu allows you to select the compatibility to ZPL-I or ZPL-II.
ZPL-I = Zebra Programming Language I.
ZPL-II = Zebra Programming Language II.
The default is ZPL-II.
Standard Sets*
Character Group
* = Default.
items are available when you enable Admin User (in
When substituting a Zebra Xi III model printer with a SL5000r/T5000r printer, refer to the menu conversion in Appendix F.
Factory default for printers with 203 dpi printhead = 207 dpi.
Factory default for printers with 300 dpi printhead = 301 dpi.
Range for printers with 203 dpi printhead = 201 - 220 dpi.
Range for printers with 300 dpi printhead = 301 - 330 dpi.
Each character set will contain different individual characters. PPI uses scalable fonts rather than bitmapped fonts.
Arabic Set Cyrillic Set European Set
Greek Set Hebrew Set Turkish Set
USA 1*
Standard Sets
USA 2 UK Holland
Denmark/Norway Sweden/Finaland German
France 1
France 2
IBM CP 850
FB Width Adjust
0 dots* FB Width Adjust -100 - 100 dots
Network ID
0* 0 - 999
Chapter 1 PPI/ZGL SETUP Menu
Command Prefix
This item allows you to select the prefix for the control instructions command.
The range is 1-255, and the default is 126.
Label Prefix
This item allows you to select the prefix for the format instructions command.
The range is 1-255, and the default is 94.
This item allows you to select the delimiter used to separate the parameter of a command.
The range is 1-255, and the default is 44.
LP+ Text Mode
PPI supports text printing using the LP+ emulation.
Absorb (default). Use this setting for ZPL compatibility. This setting
absorbs non-PPI data.
Auto Pass-thru. Use this setting for text printing. Non-PPI data is passed
to the LP+ emulation.
ZGL Quiet. All data and PPI commands are passed to the LP+ emulation.
Preparser Command
The incoming data will be checked for the string “HS” or “JA” prior to entering the ZGL emulation parser based on the HS Command or the JA Command. Once the string is detected, the command will take effect immediately.
The default is HS Command.
Preparser Port
Disable (default). Disables the Preparser Command feature.
Parallel. Select Parallel if the data is coming to the printer through the
parallel port.
Serial. Select Serial if the data is coming to the printer through the serial
MC Label Fmt
The ^MC command determines whether the printed label image should be retained for use in the immediately following label definition. The MC Label Fmt option determines the internal format to be used for storing the label image: list format or bitmap format.
List Format (default). Works for most applications and should be used for
applications where memory is sufficient.
Bitmap Format. Should be used in applications where a large amount of
data is sent. Bitmap format has greater efficiency of memory use. The label image of the next label is overlaid on the bitmap of the current label (instead of accumulating a list of stored print elements like List Format, which might eventually run out of memory in a large print job).
PQ Label Fmt
Allows selection of two methods of using Print Quantity Label Formats (^PQ) for printing a label from memory.
List Format (default). A list of all stored print elements (graphics, text,
and barcodes) is reprocessed and executed again for each label. Works for most applications.
Bitmap Format. The bitmap of the first label is stored and copied over for
each label printed without reprocessing a list of all print elements. Should be used in applications that print labels of the same data only, as it provides better print speed.
Label Buf Size
This option allows you to set the label buffer size.
The buffer is used to store the data from ^XA up to ^XZ for command processing. The maximum size of the buffer cannot exceed the amount of available memory in the system. If a menu value greater than the amount of memory available is selected, the menu value will be set to the amount available. To increase the amount of available memory, increase the Glob Mem Adjust setting (under the PRINTER CONTROL menu).
Also, the new buffer size only takes effect upon power-up, so do a Save Config. for the new setting and select that config as the Power-up.
The range is 160K Bytes to 3600K Bytes, and the default is 560K Bytes.
Host Form Length
Selects whether the Label Length set in the menu or sent by the host software command is used.
Enable (default). Label length will be determined by the ^LL command if it
is present. If the ^LL command is not present, it will be based on the Label Length value in the QUICK SETUP or MEDIA CONTROL menu.
Ignore. Label length as determined by the ^LL command is ignored.
Disable. Label length will be determined by the Label Length value in the
Chapter 1 PPI/ZGL SETUP Menu
Left Position
The ^LS command specifies a horizontal offset to be added to all label element positions. The Left Position option displays the value specified by the ^LS command and provides an alternative method for specifying the horizontal offset.
The default is 0.
Top Position
The value of this option specifies a vertical offset to be added to all label element positions in dots per inch. For example, if the value is 3 and the current form length is 6 inches, then 18 dots will be added to element's vertical position.
The range is -100 to 100 dots/inch, and the default is 0 dots/inch.
Resolution Mode
The ^JM command determines the apparent print resolution of the printed label. If half resolution mode is selected by the ^JM command, the printed output of a 300 dpi printer matches that printed by a 150 dpi printer (half resolution). This essentially doubles the size of the label image, including label dimensions. If full resolution mode is selected, the output is printed normally. The Resolution Mode option displays and selects the current setting associated with the ^JM command.
The default is Full.
Vertical Adjust
This option allows you to enable or disable vertical density adjustment.
Disable (default). No vertical density adjustment will take place.
Enable. Vertical density adjustment is active and will use the Vertical
Density value selected.
Vertical Density
When Vertical Adjust = Enable, this option allows you to fine tune the vertical print density (in the paper motion direction) on printers with 203 or 300 dpi print heads. The result is that the vertical position and height will be changed accordingly. Selecting a greater vertical density value causes the image to compress or expand vertically on the label.
On printers with 203 dpi printhead, the range is 201-220 dpi, and the default is 207 dpi.
On printers with 300 dpi printhead, the range is 301-330 dpi, and the default is 300 dpi.
IS Label Format
The ^IS command saves the printed label image by name for later recall as part of a label definition. The IS Label Fmt option determines the internal format to be used for storing the label image: list format or bit format.
List Format (default). Should be used for most applications due to its
greater efficiency of data process.
Bitmap Format. Should be used in applications that frequently recall the
saved label image, in which case the bitmap storage format provides the better print speed.
FB Width Adjust
The FB Width Adjust command allows the user to adjust (increase or decrease) the width of field block from the field block command ^FB, so that the text line in the block can be broken at a different word.
The selection is from -100 to 100 dots. The default is 0 dot.
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