This manual, as well as the software described in it, is furnished under license and may only be used or copied
in accordance with the terms of such license. The information in this manual is furnished for informational use
only, is subject to change without notice, and does not represent product specifications or commitment on the
part of Zaxwerks. Zaxwerks assumes no responsibility or liability for any error or inaccuracies that may appear
in this document.
The Zaxwerks 3D Invigorator is a trademark of Zaxwerks Inc. After Effects, Illustrator and Photoshop are trademarks of Adobe Systems Inc. FreeHand is a trademark of Macromedia Inc. Apple and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. Windows 2000 and Windows XP are registered trademarks of
Microsoft, Inc. OpenGL is a trademark of Silicon Graphics Inc. All other product names or trademarks are the
property of their respective owners.
Zaxwerks 3D Invigorator - ProAnimator / ProModeler - User Guide2
Zaxwerks 3D Invigorator - ProAnimator / ProModeler - User Guide13
This user guide covers the ProAnimator and the ProModeler software.
The ProModeler is used for creating 3D models and rendering still (single) images. The ProAnimator is used for creating
3D models, animating them and rendering movies. The two programs are very similar. If you took the ProModeler and
added an animation window you would have the ProAnimator.
This user guide is divided into four major sections. The first section is a series of tutorials on how to create animations
with the ProAnimator.
The second section breaks down and explains the animation capabilities, feature by feature.
The third section is a series of tutorials on text creation, logo creation, surface coloring, manipulating the objects, moving
the camera, setting up lights and finally rendering. These features are the same in both the ProModeler and the
ProAnimator. Since these features are nearly identical in both programs, the word ProAnimator is used to talk about the
software. However if you have the ProModeler just understand that we are talking about your program too. When there
are differences in the way the two programs work, these differences will be noted in the text.
The fourth section breaks down and explains each feature for modeling, surface coloring, object and camera manipulation,
and lighting.
For further assistance we have additional resources on our Web site: These include a User Forum,
Troubleshooting page, and a list of Frequently Asked Questions.
Have loads of fun with your new program! The Invigorator ROCKS!
Zaxwerks 3D Invigorator - ProAnimator / ProModeler - User Guide14
Installation Instructions
Zaxwerks 3D Invigorator - ProAnimator / ProModeler - User Guide
System Requirements
System Requirements - MACINTOSH
- G3 Power Mac (G4 recommended)
- Mac OS 9.1, 10.1 or 10.2.6.
- Apple’s OpenGL system extension
- QuickTime 5 or 6.1
- Color monitor capable of displaying at least
1024 x 768 in Millions of colors
- 128 MB RAM, (256 MB recommended)
- 100MB unused hard-disk space
- CD ROM drive
Software specifications subject to change without notice. Software used under license.
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Refer to the Zaxwerks End User License for more information.
System Requirements - WINDOWS
- Intel Pentium III or 4 processor
- Windows 2000 or Windows XP Pro or Home Edition
- OpenGL system .dll file
- QuickTime 5 or 6.1
- Color monitor capable of displaying at least
1024 x 768 in True color
- 128 MB RAM (256 MB recommended)
- 100MB unused hard-disk space
- CD ROM drive
Zaxwerks 3D Invigorator - ProAnimator / ProModeler - User Guide16
Installing the Software
The Invigorator does not use an automatic installer. You only
need to do one step to install the software.
If you are installing from a CD...
1- Find the ProAnimator (or ProModeler) folder on the CD and
drag it into the Applications folder on your main hard drive.
If you are installing from a downloaded file...
1- Unstuff or Unzip the download, then drag the ProAnimator
(or ProModeler) folder into the Applications folder on your
main hard drive.
The ProAnimator/ProModeler folder contains many files
and folders. DO NOT touch the contents of the main folder.
Drag ONLY the ProAnimator/ProModeler folder to the
Applications folder and all these other files and folders will
be moved to the Applications folder too.
You are now ready to launch the program and create your first
Invigorator project. Open the Applications folder, then open the
ProAnimator or ProModeler folder, and double click on the
program icon.
Zaxwerks 3D Invigorator - ProAnimator / ProModeler - User Guide
Fill in all fields then click the OK button.
Entering An Authorization Code For The First Time
The first time you launch the software it will ask you to enter
some information. Type your Name and Organization, and type
the Authorization Code exactly as it was given to you. Then press
the OK button.
A Temporary Code looks like this: A1234-B1234. A Permanent
Code looks like this: IPMS30-A1234-B1234-C1234 A Temporary
Code lasts for 30 days to give you time to contact Zaxwerks and
register the software. Once registered, Zaxwerks will give you a
permanent authorization code. (See the next section for infor-
mation on how to enter a permanent code.)
If you already have a Permanent Code there is no need to enter
the Temporary Code first. Type the Permanent Code when you
see the Authorization window and you’ll be ready to go.
On some Windows systems you may have trouble typing
into the Authorization Window. If this is the case, open a
program such as NotePad and type the information there.
Then copy and paste the information, one line at a time,
into the Authorization window.
Zaxwerks 3D Invigorator - ProAnimator / ProModeler - User Guide18
Demo Mode
If you don’t have either a Temporary or a Permanent Authorization Code you can run the program in Demo Mode by clicking the
DEMO button at the bottom of the authorization window. Demo
mode adds a watermark to the renderings and also limits the
program in some ways, but other than that most everything
works. Demo mode lets you get an idea of how the program runs
so you can see how fast and easy it is.
Entering A Permanent Authorization Code
(If this is the first time you have run the software see the
previous section titled: Entering An Authorization Code For
The First Time.)
If you have been running the software using a Temporary Authorization Code, double click on the program icon to launch it. You
will see a message window saying how many days you have left
to run the program. At the bottom of this message window will
be a “Register” button. Click the “Register” button then enter
your Permanent Authorization Code.
A Permanent Code looks like this: IPAS30-A1234-B1234-C1234
Zaxwerks 3D Invigorator - ProAnimator / ProModeler - User Guide
How To Get A Permanent Authorization Code
A Permanent Authorization code is sent to you directly from
Zaxwerks. Contact Zaxwerks in one of the following ways:
Register by email:
Register online:
Register by phone: 1-800-549-0250
You will be asked for your Temporary Authorization Code and
your contact information so you can receive notices about bug
fixes and updates.
Click this link on the Zaxwerks Home page to
get to the registration page.
If you bought the program directly from Zaxwerks you will have
received a green Invoice/Receipt with the Permanent codes
printed on stickers at the bottom.
Zaxwerks 3D Invigorator - ProAnimator / ProModeler - User Guide20
Basic Concepts
Zaxwerks 3D Invigorator - ProAnimator / ProModeler - User Guide
Zaxwerks 3D Invigorator - ProAnimator / ProModeler - User Guide22
The Invigorator creates its own models and images. It does not
process existing footage to give it a “3D effect”. You create
models that have depth and size, arrange them in space, and then
take pictures of them.
The Invigorator is a true 3D program, but it has differences that
make it unique from any other 3D program. There is a tremendous amount of technology and workflow design packed into this
program, in order to make it easier to learn and faster to use.
If you are new to creating 3D graphics here is a short overview of
the steps involved:
The Invigorator creates models out of Adobe Illustrator files and
fonts installed on your computer. Models can be modified using
the controls in the Object Tab. A selection of over 100 preset
edge profiles come built into the program or you can make your
own. You can also import models created in other programs.
The creation of the objects and adjustment of
their shape.
Surface Set-Up
The paint job that is applied to the surface of
the objects. Often called “Surfacing”.
Scene Set-Up
The positioning of the objects and lights within
the 3D scene and the positioning of the
camera which views the scene and takes the
Moving the objects or camera over time.
Creation of the final 3D image or movie.
“Taking the picture”.
Zaxwerks 3D Invigorator - ProAnimator / ProModeler - User Guide
Surface Set-Up
The Invigorator has a completely unique way of handling
surfaces. Up to six different materials can be applied to
each object and those materials can be used in a variety of
ways. Once you try it you will see how the Invigorator has
finally given artists the tools to create a new generation of
3D title and logo graphics. Graphics like you have never
seen before.
Scene Set-Up And Lighting
Setting up a 3D scene has been streamlined to make it
easier for 2D graphic artists to make the jump to 3D. A
scene can have as many objects as you need and objects or
groups of objects can be rotated and positioned independently. Up to six lights can be used, and once you get your
lights perfect they can be saved and reused in future
Object manipulation within the 3D scene is done in a way
that’s completely new. Single and multiple objects can be
manipulated with speed and fluidity. There are a full
compliment of short cut keys. Even nudge keys are
Animation is created in a new way that is visual rather than
technical. Feedback is continuous so you can watch the
animation as you edit it. There is no need to stop and
render a preview.
The rendering engine is designed for the rigors of professional production. It creates beautiful images of any
resolution with excellent antialiasing, image mapping, soft
shadows, transparencies for glass and chrome effects.
Images and movies come with alpha channels for compositing without the need to key the source footage.
Zaxwerks 3D Invigorator - ProAnimator / ProModeler - User Guide24
Zaxwerks 3D Invigorator - ProAnimator / ProModeler - User Guide
Zaxwerks 3D Invigorator - ProAnimator / ProModeler - User Guide26
ProAnimator Introduction
Hello and welcome to the world of the Invigorator ProAnimator!
The ProAnimator is different than any other animation program.
Other animation programs make you fiddle with things like
keyframes and velocity curves. The more objects you are animating the more keyframes you have to fiddle with. Projects can get
very complicated very quickly.
The ProAnimator, on the other hand creates animations in a new
and unique way. The creation of an animation is more like
directing a movie. The user is freed to create and design rather
than be forced into the roll as technician. Start to finish is only a
few steps and animating one object or 50 is the same amount of
There are several ways to create your animation. The first we’ll
look at is how to use a preset to make the entire animation in just
a few clicks.
Zaxwerks 3D Invigorator - ProAnimator / ProModeler - User Guide
Beginning Tutorials
Creating An Animation In Five Clicks
Our first project will show you how fast it is to create an animation from start to finish using the presets supplied with the
TROUBLESHOOTING TIP: You must have installed the
program properly for the factory presets to be present. If
the TRY button doesn’t do anything or you don’t see any
presets in the menus when doing the following project, you
must quit and reinstall the program following the installation instructions.
1- Double click the ProAnimator icon to launch the program.
2- When you see four large buttons click the “Create 3D Text”
3- Type the words News Update. Then click the OK button.
The flat text will be turned into 3D models automatically. You
will now see many pictures of Object Styles on the right side of
the main window. An Object Style is a snapshot of all the settings
for creating an object’s “Look”.
Type the words that will become 3D.
Zaxwerks 3D Invigorator - ProAnimator / ProModeler - User Guide28
4- Click on the top right Object Style (the blue and white one).
Hold your mouse button down and then drag to the left. As you
drag you will see a dotted rectangle moving along with the mouse
cursor. When the tip of the mouse is over one of the text letters
let up on the mouse button.
You will see that all of your letters have turned blue and white.
This “click down - hold - drag to position - and let up” procedure
is called “Drag and Drop”. Drag and Drop can be done with many
things inside the ProAnimator.
Below the main window is another window which may be
partially hidden if your monitor isn’t big enough to hold them
both. Click once on the lower window to bring it to the front.
This window is called the Animation window.
5- At the top of the Animation window find the first red button
labled “TRY”. It is next to the button labled “Object Animations”.
Click it once.
Watch as an animation is constructed before your eyes. The
timeline will get several colored bars in “Object Track 1”, the
objects will jump to new positions, and the animation will play
back over and over.
That’s it. You’ve just created a complete 3D animation, and did
the whole thing in five mouse clicks!
Zaxwerks 3D Invigorator - ProAnimator / ProModeler - User Guide
Drag and Drop an Object Style to color the letters.
Click TRY to auto-create an animation.
The colored bars represent the animation.
Click the Stop button to halt playback of the animation.
To experiment with other animations click the “TRY” button
again. Each time you click TRY a new animation will be constructed using the text you typed.
Stop the playback of your animation by clicking the Stop button
and continue on to the next exercise.
Changing The Text In An Animation
Once you have created an animation you can change the text
without having to redo any other work.
1- Stop the animation if you haven’t already done so.
2- Click on the main Set-Up window (the large top window) to
bring it to the front, then double click on one of the letters. This
will open the same text window where you first typed the words,
News Update.
3- Erase the words “News Update.” In their place type “Evening
News”. Then click the OK button. If you get a message asking if
you want to modify the objects, click “Modify”. In the 3D window
you will see the letters change.
The gray Play button only plays the area
between the green and red markers.
4- In the Animation window click the gray Play button to play the
new animation. Notice that the animation is the same even
though the text is different.
Zaxwerks 3D Invigorator - ProAnimator / ProModeler - User Guide30
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