Montage de r W ande inh e it.....................................................................1
Staub s auge r verw e nde n........................................................................1
Ge rät reinige n......................................................................................3
W ich tige r H inw e is e zum Ents orge n von Batte rie n.....................................3
Batte rie n e ntne h m e n.............................................................................3
Au s Um w e lts ch utzgründe n k e in Ve rpack ungs m ate rial w e gw e rfe n.............5
Mou nting of w all unit............................................................................1
Us ing th e vacuu m cle ane r..................................................................... 1
Cle aning th e appliance .........................................................................3
Im portant instructions for th e dis posal of batte rie s ...................................3
Re m oving th e batte rie s ..........................................................................3
For th e s ak e of th e e nvironm e nt do not th row aw ay pack aging m ate rial...5
Montage de la s tation m urale ................................................................2
Utilisation de l'as pirate ur....................................................................... 2
Ne ttoyage de l’appare il.........................................................................4
Instructions im portante s conce rnant l’élim ination de s batte rie s .................4
Re trait de s batte rie s ...............................................................................6
Par re s pe ct de l’e nvironne m e nt, ne je te z pas le s m atériaux d’e m ballage ..6
D uvar ünite sinin m ontajı........................................................................2
Şarjlı e l sü pü rge sini çalıştırm a................................................................2
Cih azı te m izle m e .................................................................................. 4
Bataryaların atılm as ıyla ilgili öne m li yöne rge le r ......................................4
Bataryaların çık arılm ası.........................................................................6
Ç e vreye zarar ve rm e m e k için am balaj m alze m e le rini atm ayın.................6

D e uts ch English
3,5 m m
A Lade anze ige
B W andm ontage e inh e it m it
Ne tzk abe laufnah m e
C EIN/AU S-Sch alte r
D Staubbe h älte r
E Lade ge rät
ABB. 1
Montage de r W ande inh e it
D ie Einh e it e igne t sich zur s e nk re ch te n
W andm ontage am Ge h äus e . Ge w äh rleis te n,
das s die se s o in de r Näh e e ine r Ste ck dos e
m ontie rt is t, dass s ie je de rze it e rre ich bar ist.
Se nk re ch te r Abs tand zw isch e n Sch raub e nm itte n
72 m m , Sch raube ndu rch m e ss e r 3,5 m m .
Üb e rsch üs sige s Kabe l h ine in sch ie be n und
Lade ge rät m it Ste ck dos e ve rbinde n.
72 m m
Staubsau ge r ve rw e nde n
D ie se s Produ k t is t nur fü r de n Einsatz im
H aus h alt ge eigne t.
D ie Ne tzspannung m us s m it de m Type nsch ild
am Lade ge rät übe re instim m e n.
Ak k us taub s auge r bis zum Ansch lag in
W ande inh e it drück e n. Vor de r e rste n
Inbe trie b nah m e de s Staubsauge rs ist e ine Lade ze it
von e tw a 24 Stunde n e rforde rlich . Die
Batte rie ze lle n k önnen nich t übe rlade n w e rde n. D as
Ge rät sollte be i Nich tge brauch im m er im
Lade ge rät be lasse n w e rde n. W e nn die Batte rie be i
volle r Ladung nur für e inen Be trieb von w e niger als
ach t Minute n re ich t, k ann die s am W ide rstand
be im Lade n lie ge n, de r sich be i aus s ch lie ßlich
k urzze itige r Nutzung de s Staub s auge rs aufbaut. In
die se m Fall Batte rie volls tändig lade n und
Staubsauge r ve rw e nde n, bis die Batte rie
vollk om m e n e ntlade n ist. Ansch lie ße nd Batte rie
w ie de r auflade n. Be i Be darf Vorgang w ie de rh ole n.
Z um Sauge n m us s de r Ak k us taubs auge r vom
Lade ge rät ge nom m e n w e rde n. Ke ine fe uch te n
ode r glü h e nde n Ge ge nstände e insauge n.
Au s sch lie ßlich originale s Lade ge rät für die se s
Mode ll ve rw e nde n.
W ich tig: Staubsauge r m öglich st nich t be i eine r
Raum te m pe ratur unte r 0 °C und übe r 40 °C lade n.
D as Lade ge rät e rw ärm t s ich be im Lade vorgang.
D ie s is t vollk om m en norm al.
D ie rote Lade anze ige le uch te le uch te t, s olange
sich de r Ak k us taubs au ge r in de r
W andm ontage e inh e it be finde t.
D as Ge rät darf von Kle ink inde rn ode r
Be h inde rte n nur unte r Au fs ich t ve rw e nde t
w e rde n. K le ink inde r m üs s e n be aufs ich tigt
w e rde n, um zu ge w äh rle is te n, das s die se m it
de m Ge rät nich t s pie le n.
A Ch arge indicator ligh t
B W all m ounting unit w ith
m ains-cable h ous ing
C O N/O FF s w itch
D D us t containe r
E Ch arge r
Mou nting of w all unit
Th e unit is s uitab le for w all m ounting on h ousing
in a ve rtical pos ition. Ensure th at is it m ounte d
so it is re adily acce ss ible , ne ar a plug s ock e t.
Ve rtical dis tance be tw e en s cre w ce nte rs 72 m m ,
scre w diam e te r 3,5 m m . Pus h in s u rplus cable
and conne ct ch arge r to plug s ock e t.
Using th e vacuum cle ane r
Th is product is inte nde d for h ouse h old us e only.
Ch e ck th at your supply voltage is th e sam e as
th at state d on th e rating plate of th e ch arge r.
Push re ch arge able vacuum cle ane r into th e w all
unit until it can fe lt e ngaging. A ch arging tim e of
approx. 24 h ours is ne ce ss ary be fore us ing th e
cle ane r for th e first tim e . Th e re is no dange r of
ove rch arging th e batte ry ce lls . Th e appliance
sh ould be le ft pe rm ane ntly on th e ch arge r w h e n
not in use . If th e batte ry, w h e n fully ch arge d,
las ts le ss th an 8 m inute s, th is m ay be due to
som e re s istance to ch arging, w h ich b u ilds up
w h e ne ve r your vacuum cle ane r is be ing us e d for
a sh ort tim e only. In su ch a case , you s h ou ld
ch arge th e batte ry fu lly and th e n us e th e vacuu m
cle ane r until th e batte ry is com ple te ly e m pty.
Th e n re ch arge th e batte ry. Re pe at th e proce ss if
ne ce ss ary.
D uring vacuu m ing, th e batte ry-ope rate d vacuum
cle ane r is to be se parate d from th e ch arge r.
Ne ve r vacuum any dam p or glow ing obje cts .
Us e only original ch arge r de signe d for th is
m ode l.
Im portant: Avoid ch arging your vacuum cle ane r
w h e n th e room te m pe rature is b e low 0°C or
above 40 °C.
Th e ch arge r ge ts w arm du ring th e ch arging
cycle , th is is com ple te ly norm al.
Th e re d ch arge indicator ligh t w ill re m ain on as
long as th e batte ry vacuu m cle ane r is s u s pe nde d
in th e w all m ounting.
Th e appliance is not inte nde d for us e by you ng
ch ildre n or infirm persons w ith out supe rvis ion.
Young ch ildre n s h ou ld be s upe rvise d to e nsu re
th at th e y do not play w ith th e appliance .