YOKOGAWA AQ7280 User Manual

User ’s Manual
IM AQ7280-01EN
5th Edition

List of Manuals

Manual Title Manual No. Description
AQ7280 OTDR User’s Manual (included in CD)
AQ7280 OTDR Getting Started Guide IM AQ7280-02EN This guide focuses on the handling precautions, basic
AQ7280 OTDR Communication Interface User’s Manual (included in CD) Model 739883 Battery Pack Handling Precautions AQ7280 OTDR User’s Manual IM AQ7280-92Z1 A document for China.
The “EN” and “Z1” in the manual numbers are the language codes.
Contact information of Yokogawa offices worldwide is provided on the following sheet.
Document No. Description
PIM 113-01Z2 List of worldwide contacts
IM AQ7280-01EN This manual. The manual explains all the AQ7280
features other than the communication command features.
operations, and specifications of the AQ7280.
IM AQ7280-17EN This manual explains the feature for controlling the
AQ7280 using communication commands.
IM 739883-01EN This document explains the handling precautions of
the battery pack.
• The contents of this manual are subject to change without prior notice as a result of continuing improvements to the software’s performance and functionality. The figures given in this manual may differ from those that actually appear on your screen.
• Every effort has been made in the preparation of this manual to ensure the accuracy of its contents. However, should you have any questions or find any errors, please contact your nearest YOKOGAWA dealer.
• Copying or reproducing all or any part of the contents of this manual without the permission of YOKOGAWA is strictly prohibited.
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• Adobe and Acrobat are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated.
• Compact - VJE is a trademark of Yahoo! Inc.
• In this manual, the ® and TM symbols do not accompany their respective registered trademark or trademark names.
• FlashAir is a trademark of TOSHIBA CORPORATION.
• Other company and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
October 2014 1st Edition March 2015 2nd Edition July 2015 3rd Edition January 2016 4th Edition July 2016 5th Edition
5th Edition: July 2016 (YMI) All Rights Reserved, Copyright © 2014, Yokogawa Meters & Instruments Corporation
IM AQ7280-01EN

Conventions Used in This Manual

The notes and cautions in this manual are categorized using the following symbols.
Improper handling or use can lead to injury to the user or damage to the
instrument. This symbol appears on the instrument to indicate that the user must refer to the user's manual for special instructions. The same symbol appears in the corresponding place in the user's manual to identify those instructions. In the user's manual, the symbol is used in conjunction with the word “WARNING” or “CAUTION.”
Calls attention to actions or conditions that could cause serious or fatal injury to
the user, and precautions that can be taken to prevent such occurrences.
Calls attention to actions or conditions that could cause light injury to the user
or cause damage to the instrument or user’s data, and precautions that can be taken to prevent such occurrences.
Calls attention to information that is important for the proper operation of the
Attire l’attention sur des gestes ou des conditions susceptibles de
Attire l’attention sur des gestes ou des conditions susceptibles
de provoquer des blessures graves (voire mortelles), et sur les précautions de sécurité pouvant prévenir de tels accidents.
provoquer des blessures légères ou d’endommager l’instrument ou les données de l’utilisateur, et sur les précautions de sécurité susceptibles de prévenir de tels accidents.
Symbols and Conventions Used in Procedural Explanations
The contents of the procedural explanations are indicated using the following symbols.
Carry out the procedure according to the step numbers. All procedures are
written under the assumption that you are starting operation at the beginning of the procedure, so you may not need to carry out all the steps in a procedure when you are changing the settings.
This section describes the setup items and the limitations regarding the
procedures. It may not give a detailed explanation of the feature. For a detailed explanation of the feature, see chapter 2.
Character Notations
Panel Key Names and Soft Key Names in Bold Characters
Indicate panel keys that are used in the procedure and soft keys and menu items that appear on the screen.
k Denotes 1000. Example: 400 km K Denotes 1024. Example: 400KB (file size)
IM AQ7280-01EN


List of Manuals ...................................................................................................................................i
Conventions Used in This Manual ....................................................................................................ii
Chapter 1 Features
1.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.2 Optical Pulse Measurement ............................................................................................. 1-5
1.3 Optical Pulse Waveform Display ...................................................................................... 1-8
1.4 Optical Pulse Analysis .................................................................................................... 1-10
1.5 Light Source and Optical Power Meter ........................................................................... 1-15
1.6 File Operation and Printing ............................................................................................. 1-16
1.7 System Features ............................................................................................................ 1-18
Chapter 2 Optical Pulse Measurement (OTDR)
2.1 Setting the Measurement and Analysis Conditions .......................................................... 2-1
2.2 Performing Averaged Measurements ............................................................................. 2-15
2.3 Performing Averaged Measurement and Displaying the Results with Icons
(/SMP option).................................................................................................................. 2-17
2.4 Performing Averaged Measurement and Measuring the Distances to Breaks ............... 2-23
2.5 Performing Real-time Measurement .............................................................................. 2-27
2.6 Performing High Resolution Measurement .................................................................... 2-30
2.7 Displaying Reference Trace Waveforms ........................................................................ 2-33
2.8 Performing Multi-Core Fiber Measurement .................................................................... 2-34
2.9 Monitoring Optical Fiber Cables (/MNT option) .............................................................. 2-46
2.10 Using Convenient Touch Operation Features................................................................. 2-53
Chapter 3 Optical Pulse Waveform Display
3.1 Waveform Display Screen ................................................................................................ 3-1
3.2 Configuring the Waveform Display ................................................................................... 3-2
3.3 Zooming and Moving Displayed Waveforms .................................................................. 3-10
Chapter 4 Optical Pulse Analysis
4.1 Analyzing Waveforms ....................................................................................................... 4-1
4.2 Analyzing Events ............................................................................................................ 4-17
Chapter 5 Optical Output and Optical Power Measurement
5.1 Outputting Light (/SLS option, VLS) ................................................................................. 5-1
5.2 Measuring Optical Power (OPM, /PC option) ................................................................... 5-3
Chapter 6 File Operation and Printing
6.2 Connecting an SD Card ................................................................................................... 6-2
6.3 Saving and Loading Data ................................................................................................. 6-3
6.4 Copying and Deleting Files .............................................................................................6-11
6.5 Renaming Files .............................................................................................................. 6-13
6.6 Creating Folders ............................................................................................................. 6-15
6.7 Copying and Deleting Folders ........................................................................................ 6-17
6.9 Setting the Items to Display in File Lists ......................................................................... 6-25
IM AQ7280-01EN
Connecting USB Storage Media to the USB Ports ................................................................. 6-1
Creating Reports of Waveform Data as PDF Data ............................................................. 6-19
6.10 Printing the Current Displayed Waveform ...................................................................... 6-27
6.11 Printing Saved Waveforms ............................................................................................. 6-29
Chapter 7 System Configuration
7.1 Setting the Power Save Mode .......................................................................................... 7-1
7.2 Initializing the AQ7280 to Its Factory Default Condition ................................................... 7-2
7.3 Setting Operation Restrictions .......................................................................................... 7-3
7.4 Configuring Network Settings (/LAN option) ..................................................................... 7-5
7.5 Web Server Feature ......................................................................................................... 7-8
7.6 Other Features ................................................................................................................7-11
Chapter 8 Troubleshooting, Maintenance, and Inspection
8.1 If a Problem Occurs .......................................................................................................... 8-1
8.2 Error Messages ................................................................................................................ 8-2
8.3 Viewing the Product Information....................................................................................... 8-6
8.4 Executing a Self-Test ........................................................................................................ 8-7
8.5 Updating the Firmware ..................................................................................................... 8-8
8.6 Checking the Optical Fiber End Face for Stains .............................................................. 8-9
8.7 Mechanical Inspection and Operation Check ................................................................. 8-13
8.8 Replacing the Optical Adapter ........................................................................................ 8-14
8.9 Routine Maintenance ..................................................................................................... 8-16
8.10 Storage Precautions ....................................................................................................... 8-18
8.11 Recommended Part Replacement ................................................................................. 8-19
8.12 Calibration ...................................................................................................................... 8-20
IM AQ7280-01EN
Visible light (with the visible light source

Chapter 1 Features

1.1 Overview

System Configuration
The AQ7280 consists of a mainframe and OTDR unit. If necessary, an OPM module can be installed into the mainframe to measure loss in optical fiber cables and view the power of communication light. An VLS module can be installed to visually check the fault location.
USB memory, fiber inspection probe, printer
TypeA x2
Display block
Control block
Internal memory
OTDR unit
OPM module
Optical pulse: OTDR Measurement light: Light source (/SLS) Power checker (/PC)
feature; CW, CHOP)
Measurement light (CW, CHOP)
SD slot
Visible light (CW, CHOP)
VLS module
Control and computation block
Power supply block
Battery pack
AC adapter
SD card
ETHERNET (/LAN option)
USB (TypeB_mini)
The AQ7280OTDR mainframe. In combination with an OTDR unit, the mainframe can test for
breaks, connections, losses, and the like. In addition, by installing an option module, you can use the mainframe as an optical power meter or visible light source.
The main processes performed on the mainframe are as follows:
• Key and touch panel operations
• Set measurement conditions
• 8.4 inch large LCD
• Multi touch support
• Battery driven
• System that enables both units and modules to be controlled
• Remote control through external interfaces (USB, Ethernet (/LAN option))
The mainframe runs on an AC adapter (sold separately) or internal battery. The AC adapter (sold
separately) is required to charge the internal battery.
IM AQ7280-01EN
1.1 Overview
Install the OTDR unit into the mainframe to use the AQ7280 as an OTDR. There are several types
of OTDR units available for different wavelengths, dynamic ranges, and the like. You can choose the one that suits your application.
Based on user input through the mainframe, the light emitter (LD; laser diode) is driven, and
the generated optical pulse is emitted from the OTDR port into the optical fiber cable under measurement.
The backscatter and reflected light that occur in the optical fiber cable under measurement returns
to the OTDR port. The returned measurement light is received by the light detector (APD: Avalanche photodiode), read as a digital signal by the A/D section, subjected to averaging and other waveform processing, and output to the mainframe where the OTDR waveform is displayed.
With the light source option (/SLS), based on user input through the mainframe, the light emitter (LD;
laser diode) is driven, and CW or CHOP measurement light is emitted.
With the optical power checker option (/PC), the communication light (fiber in use) present in
the optical fiber cable under measurement is detected at the OTDR port, and its power level is measured.
OPM Module
Install the OPM module into the mainframe to use the AQ7280 as an optical power meter (OPM).
The measurement light applied to the optical port is received by the light detector (PD: photodiode), read as a digital signal by the A/D section, and output as measured values to the mainframe where they are displayed.
Modules with the visible light source function (AQ2780V, AQ2781V) can emit visible light like the
VLS module. The wavelength of the visible light source is 650 nm.
VLS Module
The VLS (visible light source) module is designed to test for breaks, connections, losses, and the
like in optical fiber networks. It can be used as a visible light source by installing it as an option to the AQ7280 OTDR mainframe. The wavelength of the visible light source is 650 nm.
OTDR Features
OTDR stands for optical time domain reflectometer. The AQ7280 displays waveforms that you can use to detect fault locations in optical fiber cables and monitor fault conditions (transmission loss, splice loss, etc.). It is mainly used in the following optical fiber cable installation and maintenance situations.
• Access network connecting telecom carriers and subscribers, including service providers (SM optical fiber cable)
• Core network between telecom carriers (multi-core SM optical fiber cable)
• Local area network in buildings (MM
1 SM: Single mode 2 MM: Multi mode
optical fiber cable)
Optical Pulse Measurement
• Averaged Measurement
A measurement in which measurements are taken several times and the measured values are
averaged to display the result.
• Icon Display of Results after Averaged Measurement (/SMP option)
After averaged measurement is performed, the OTDR waveform is automatically analyzed, and
the results are displayed using icons for each event type. To use this feature, start OTDR Smart Mapper from the top menu.
• Display of the Distances to Breaks after Averaged Measurement
After averaged measurement is performed, the OTDR waveform is automatically analyzed,
breaks (faults) are detected, and the distances to the breaks are displayed. To use this feature, start Fault Locator from the top menu.
IM AQ7280-01EN
1.1 Overview
• Real-time Measurement
While optical pulse measurement is in progress, measured values are updated and displayed in
real time.
• Multi-core Optical Fiber Cable Measurement
Multi-core fiber measurement takes time and effort. This feature makes it possible to efficiently
measure multi-core optical fiber cables through a dedicated menu. To use several measurement functions such as power meter and connector end face testing in addition to OTDR (optical pulse measurement), start Multi Fiber Project from the top menu.
• Optical Fiber Cable Monitoring (/MNT option)
This feature performs optical pulse measurement at regular intervals so that you can monitor for
errors in the optical fiber cable. To use this feature, start Schedule Measurement from the top menu.
Optical Pulse Waveform Display
This feature zooms in and out of displayed waveforms and moves waveforms.
Optical Pulse Analysis
• Waveform Analysis
The following events can be analyzed using cursors and markers.
• Distance
• Splice loss
• Return loss
Analysis is performed over the entire waveform or a section of the waveform using the following
• Multi trace analysis Up to four waveforms can be displayed simultaneously for comparison.
• 2 way trace analysis The waveform measured from one end of the optical fiber cable and that measured from the
other end are combined to verify events that could not be detected because of dead zones.
• Differential trace The difference between two waveforms is displayed to analyze the differences between event
• Section analysis Return loss between markers can be analyzed.
• Event Analysis
Events are automatically detected. In addition, you can edit events and event lists. Adjustments
can be made when certain events cannot be detected or when noise is detected as events.
IM AQ7280-01EN
1.1 Overview
Light Source Feature
• Stabilized Light Source (/SLS option)
This is used as a light source for measuring optical loss or as a light source for optical fiber
identification. The measurement light (CW, CHOP) is emitted from the OTDR port of the OTDR
The wavelength of the measurement light is the same as that of the optical pulse of the relevant OTDR unit. * AQ7282M is supported on firmware version 2.01 and later.
• Visible Light Source (VLS module, OPM module with a VLS function)
This is used to view the fault locations or check the cores of multi-core optical fiber cables. A 650
nm visible light (CW, CHOP (2 Hz)) is emitted from the optical output port of the VLS module or that of the OPM module with a visible light source.
Optical Power Meter Feature
• Optical Power Meter (OPM module)
This is used as an optical power meter for measuring optical loss or for measuring the power of
communication light. It measures the power of the light entering the optical input port of the OPM module. By logging and graphing the fluctuation in the optical power value, you can view the fluctuation in the optical power and loss.
• Power Checker (/PC option)
The OTDR port
feature (/PC option) that enables you to check the presence of communication light (fiber in use) within the optical fiber cable under measurement and view its power value. * Not applicable to the port 2 of AQ7283E and AQ7283F.
of the OTDR unit (except AQ7282M) is equipped with an optical power checker
USB Feature
• USB Storage Medium Connection (Type A)
USB storage media complying with USB1.0/1.1/2.0 can be used. Up to two media can be
You can save waveform data and measurement conditions to them.
• Fiber Inspection Probe Connection (Type A)
A fiber inspection probe specified by Yokogawa can be used to view stains on the optical fiber
cable end face on the AQ7280 screen. To use this feature, start Fiber Inspection Probe from the top menu. The fiber inspection probe is not included with the AQ7280. Please purchase your own fiber inspection probe. For information about compatible fiber inspection probes, contact your nearest YOKOGAWA dealer.
• PC Connection (Type B mini)
You can connect a PC to the AQ7280 and control it using communication commands. For details,
see the communication interface user’s manual, IM AQ7280-17EN.
ETHERNET Feature (/LAN option)
You can connect a PC to the AQ7280 and control it using communication commands. For details, see the communication interface user’s manual, IM AQ7280-17EN.
SD Card
You can use SD cards. Only one SD card can be inserted at any given time. You can save waveform data and measurement conditions to them. SD cards are not included with the AQ7280. Please use your own SD cards. For information about compatible SD cards, contact your nearest YOKOGAWA dealer.
IM AQ7280-01EN

1.2 Optical Pulse Measurement

Optical fiber cable being measured
Optical pulse output
The AQ7280 applies an incident optical pulse to the connected optical fiber cable and measures the power level of the reflected light from the different sections of the optical fiber cable such as its connections, bent sections, and the open end of the fiber. The AQ7280 uses the measured power level to determine the distance to the different points (splices, breaks, etc.) of the optical fiber cable and the loss and other phenomena that occur at those points. For details on how to view optical pulse waveforms, see section 1.3.
OTDR/Light source port
(optical port 1)
OTDR port (optical port 2)
Reflection point
Reflected light
Do not bend the optical fiber cable.
• Simple Mode
In optical pulse measurement, there are measurement conditions related to measurement
resolution—such distance range and pulse width—and analysis conditions related to the optical fiber cable—such as index of refraction and backscatter. These conditions must be set according to the item being measured or analyzed. The AQ7280 can perform an optical pulse measurement immediately before the actual measurement, calculate the distance, splice loss, and the like beforehand, determine the suitable range from these values, and perform the actual measurement.
• Detail Mode
If the distance to the measurement target or the optical fiber cable characteristics are known or
if you want to measure or analyze a specific event in detail, you can set the values individually as necessary. If you set the measurement conditions—such as the distance range and pulse width—to Auto, the AQ7280 will determine the suitable range and perform the measurement like in Simple Mode, described above.
• PON Mode
If the optical fiber cables to be measured are connected to a PON (passive optical network)
system, optical splitters that divide the optical fiber cables into the PON system is installed. The measurement and analysis conditions will vary depending on the installation conditions of the optical splitters. In PON mode, the AQ7280 determines the suitable measurement and analysis conditions based on the number of optical splitter stages, route information, and distance range to set the optimal values. These values can be changed if necessary.
IM AQ7280-01EN
Averaged Measurement
Averaged measurement is effective when you want to detect reflections, splice loss, and other faint events that are generated from connections or splice points but are buried in noise. The AQ7280 derives the measured data by averaging the specified number of optical pulse measurements or by averaging optical pulse measurements over the specified duration. During averaged measurement, you cannot change the measurement conditions. You can stop an averaged measurement before it completes.
1.2 Optical Pulse Measurement
Icon Display of Results after Averaged Measurement (/SMP option)
The AQ7280 can perform an averaged measurement and then automatically display the measured result events as icons on the screen. Detailed event analysis results are displayed along with the displayed icons. In addition, if pass/fail judgment specified, icons are displayed in different colors depending on the results.
Displays events as icons
Display of the Distances to Breaks after Averaged Measurement
The AQ7280 can perform an averaged measurement and then automatically search for breaks (faults) in the optical fiber cable or optical line and display the distances to the breaks on the screen. If there are no faults in the middle of the optical fiber cable, the end of the cable is detected as a fault. You can specify the search wavelength or the loss level that is used to determine the end of the optical fiber cable. You can also zoom the display scale of the measured waveform and move the display position.
Break (fault)
Loss level for determining whether this is the end of fiber
Real-time Measurement
Real-time measurement is a feature that measures optical pulses while updating and displaying the measured values. You can monitor in real time events, such as splice loss and return loss, while installing optical fiber cables. You can also view the changes in the waveform as you change the measurement conditions,* such as the wavelength, distance range, and pulse width.
* The measurement conditions that you can change vary depending on the measurement mode. For details on
the measurement conditions, see the procedural explanations in chapter 3.
IM AQ7280-01EN
1.2 Optical Pulse Measurement
Optical Pulse Measurement of Multi-core Optical Fiber Cables
Multi-core fiber measurement takes time and effort. This feature makes it possible to efficiently measure multi-core optical fiber cables through a dedicated menu.
Items required to make multi-core optical fiber cable measurements such as measurement
conditions, analysis conditions, and core information are managed as projects. By creating a project before a measurement, you can measure cores under the same conditions. You can save projects to files. You can load a previously saved project and make measurements
under the same conditions.
Cores are listed. You can easily distinguish between cores that have been measured, cores
that have not been measured, and cores that do not to be measured. This list prevents you
from forgetting measurements and from making unnecessary measurements. (You can make
measurements efficiently.)
Saving Measured Results
Measurement results of each core are automatically saved to a folder that is automatically created
in the folder that the project file is saved in. The folder will have the same name as the project file.
Optical Fiber Cable Monitoring (/MNT option)
This feature performs optical pulse measurement at regular intervals so that you can monitor for errors in the optical fiber cable. Results measured at regular intervals are saved to memory in CSV or SOR format (waveform data). Data and folders saved in memory are automatically assigned names with timestamps. During monitoring (while schedule measurement is in progress), measurement items, such as the loss between two points, of the logged optical pulses are shown on the AQ7280 screen. Because the changes in the measurement items, such as the loss between two points, can be seen on the time axis, if an interruption occurs in the optical pulse input, you can determine when the optical power level fell on the AQ7280 screen. After determining the time, you can view the measured results in the file with the corresponding timestamp. Up to four measurement items can be monitored.
IM AQ7280-01EN

1.3 Optical Pulse Waveform Display

Incident ray Backscatter Splice
Connector Bend
Dynamic range (SNR = 1)
Incident ray
Optical fiber cable
You can display the measured result as a waveform on the screen. You can zoom the displayed waveform and move the position that is displayed.
How to View Optical Pulse Waveforms
The optical pulse applied to the optical fiber cable is reflected at different points of the optical fiber such as its connections, bent sections, and the open end of the fiber. These sections generate loss. The measured result is displayed as a waveform that has distance represented in the horizontal direction and loss level represented in the vertical direction. On the waveform, detected losses or reflections are known as events.
Optical fiber cable
Near-end reflection
Approximated line
Splice loss
Reflection caused by a connector
Loss caused by bending
Reflection at the open end (Fresnel reflection)
Open end
Near-end Reflection
This is the reflection that occurs at the point where the AQ7280 and the optical fiber cable are connected. This also includes the AQ7280’s internal reflection. In the section where this near-end reflection is detected, even if there are other connections, the loss and reflections that occur at these points cannot be detected. This section is the near-end dead zone. When you are measuring a short distance, connect a launch fiber cable to reduce the effect of the near-end reflection.
When light travels through an optical fiber cable, Rayleigh scattering caused by changes in the density of materials that are smaller than the light’s wavelength and inconsistencies in the fiber's composition generates loss in the optical fiber itself. The portion of the scattered light that travels in the direction opposite to the direction of propagation is known as backscatter.
Small material
IM AQ7280-01EN
Incident ray (100%)
RMS level of noise
1.3 Optical Pulse Waveform Display
Splice Loss
Because spliced sections of optical fiber cables have a great number of changes in the material’s density and inconsistencies in the cable’s composition, loss due to Rayleigh scattering becomes large, and splice loss occurs in these sections.
Reflection at the Connection Point of Connectors
Using a connector to connect two optical fibers is different from splicing them together in that a small gap remains between the two fibers. Because this gap has a different index of refraction, reflection occurs.
Optical fiber cable Optical fiber cable
Fresnel Reflection at the Open End of the Fiber
This is the reflection that occurs at locations where the index of refraction changes (glass to air) such as where there are tears in the optical fiber cable or at the end of it. When the optical fiber cable end face is vertical, approximately 3% of the incident optical power (–14.7 dB) is reflected.
Glass Air
Reflected light (3%)
Dynamic Range
Dynamic range refers to the range of optical power levels that can be measured. The larger the dynamic range, the greater the distance that optical pulses can be measured over.
Measurement waveform
Noise peak
2.6 dB
Dynamic range
Zooming the Waveform Display Scale
You can zoom the displayed waveform in the direction of the optical power level (vertically) or in the direction of the distance (horizontally). A rectangular frame that shows the zoom position is displayed on the overview screen that appears in the bottom right of the screen.
IM AQ7280-01EN
Moving the Waveform Display Position
You can move the displayed waveform in the direction of the optical power level (vertically) or in the direction of the distance (horizontally). A rectangular frame that shows the display position is displayed on the overview screen that appears in the bottom right of the screen. This is the same rectangular frame that shows the zoom position.

1.4 Optical Pulse Analysis

Waveform Analysis
You can use cursors and markers to measure values such as the distance, splice loss, and return loss between two points.
Measuring Distance
The AQ 7280 measures the time that it takes for an incident optical pulse to be reflected and return to the device. It uses this information and the following equation to calculate the distance (L). L=C×T/(2N) [m] C : The speed of light in a vacuum 2.99792×10 T : The time measured from when the incident optical pulse was generated to when the
reflected light was received [s] N : Index of refraction In the above equation, the division by two accounts for the fact that the measured time represents the total time taken by the optical pulse to reach the reflection point and to return from it. If the correct index of refraction is not specified, there will be errors in the distance measurement.
Setting the Index of Refraction
The AQ7280 has preset indices of refraction that correspond to each wavelength. For details on the
settings, see section 4.1. Contact the optical fiber manufacturer for the optical fiber cable’s correct index of refraction.
Distance Range
You must select a distance range that is longer than the cable length of the optical fiber cable that
you want to measure. As the distance becomes greater, the measurement time also increases. For details on the setting range, see section 2.1.
Pulse Width
The following features are available depending on the length of the pulse width. The pulse width
that you can select varies depending on the distance range that you have specified. For details on the settings, see section 2.1.
• Short Pulse Width
You can separate and measure adjacent events (reflection points and losses). However, you
cannot measure long distances.
• Long Pulse Width
You can measure long distances. However, multiple adjacent events may be seen as one single
Pulse width
IM AQ7280-01EN
1.4 Optical Pulse Analysis
Dead Zone
An area where the influence of a large event such as a connector’s connection point makes it
impossible to recognize other events that exist in that area is a dead zone. There are the following types of dead zones.
• Event Dead Zone
An area where adjacent reflections cannot be separated. This is the area represented by the
pulse width between the two points on the waveform at the level that is 1.5 dB below the peak value.
• Attenuation Dead Zone
An area where, because there is a large reflection, the surrounding splice losses cannot be
Near-end Dead Zone Prevention
In sections where near-end reflection is detected, loss and reflections that occur at connections
cannot be detected. If you are measuring a short distance, connect a launch fiber cable to move events that are hidden in the near-end reflection the distance of the launch fiber cable.
1.5 dB
Event dead zone
Attenuation dead zone
Splice Loss
The AQ7280 measures the distance and the loss between the specified points.
2-point Method
The AQ7280 measures the distance and the loss between two points. If reflection is detected
between the two points, the return loss is also measured. The splice loss value changes depending on the approximation method that you have specified. This can be used when Marker Mode is set to Marker or Line.
Launch fiber cable
Do not bend the optical fiber cable.
Optical fiber cable being measured
Event generation point
Small reflection that was hidden within a large reflection
IM AQ7280-01EN
Splice loss a (dB) (Total loss)
(n when Marker Mode is set to Line)
(E when Marker Mode is set to Line)
d (km)
Splice loss : Return loss :
20 20
dB km
Splice loss
1.4 Optical Pulse Analysis
4-point Method
The AQ7280 uses the following four points to perform the measurement: the measurement start
, the splice loss start point 2, the splice loss end point Y2, and the measurement end point
. At position 2, the level difference between the approximated line 2–1 and the approximated line Y2– position of approximation method that you have specified. This can only be used when Marker Mode is set to Marker.
is calculated as the splice loss. The splice loss changes greatly depending on the
. Set the correct position for 2. The splice loss value changes depending on the
b (dB)
Approximated line
Y2 -
5-point Method
The AQ7280 uses the following five points to perform the measurement: the near-end point (n), a
point (N) that is used to calculate the near-end side's approximated line, a point (E) where splice loss is detected, a point (F) that is used to calculate the far-end side's approximated line, and the far-end point (f). At position E, the level difference between the approximated line n–N and the approximated line F–f is calculated as the splice loss. The splice loss changes greatly depending on the position of E. Set the correct position for E. The splice loss value changes depending on the approximation method that you have specified. This can only be used when Marker Mode is set to Line.
line n - N
c (km) f (km)
b (dB)
Approximated line F - f
a (dB)
e (dB)
c (km)
N f F
a (dB)
e (dB)
dB km
a dB
e f e/f
dB km
dB km
a dB
e f e/f
dB km
Splice loss : Return loss :
c b/c
f (km)
Splice loss : Return loss :
n-E E-f
b c b/c
6-point Method
The AQ7280 measures using the 6-point method when there are two adjacent splice loss events. The AQ7280 uses the following six points to perform the measurement: the first splice loss start
, start point Y1 used to calculate the approximated line, end point Y3 used to calculate the approximated line, the second splice loss start point and the measurement end point
. At the position of marker 2, the level difference between the
approximated line Y1–Y3 and the approximated line Y2–
a (dB)
e (dB)
f (km)
Approximated line Y1 - Y3
b (dB)
Approximated line Y1 -
c (km)
, the second splice loss end point Y2,
is calculated as the splice loss.
dB km
a dB
e f
IM AQ7280-01EN
Splice loss : Return loss :
c b/c
dB km
End A
End B
End A End B
End A End B
1.4 Optical Pulse Analysis
Return Loss
Return loss RL is the ratio, in dB, of the reflected optical power level Pr to the incident optical power level Pi. It is calculated using the following equation. The larger the return loss, the smaller the reflected optical power. This implies that the performance of the measured optical line is good.
RL = –10log(Pr/Pi) [dB]
Multi Trace Analysis
You can load up to four waveforms that have been measured on the AQ7280 and display them simultaneously for comparison. You can adjust the vertical display position of each loaded waveform.
2 Way Trace Analysis
Waveform events that have been measured from optical fiber cable end A to end B and those measured from end B to end A can be combined. This combination enables displaying of events that could not otherwise be measured because of dead zones. In the figure below, the event that is in the near-end dead zone (point S) when measured from end A is detected as event number 5 when measured from end B. In the 2 way trace analysis display, it is displayed as event number 1.
S 1 2 3 4 E
2 way trace analysis
2 3 4 E5
An event of the other waveform that exists within 6% of the position of an event of the current trace will be considered part of the current trace event. If multiple events of the other waveform that exists within 6% of the position of an event of the current trace, the closest event will be considered part of the current trace event. Waveforms that meet the following conditions can be combined.
• Both have the same wavelength.
• Both have the same pulse width.
• Their end position offset is within 6%.
• Both have event lists.
IM AQ7280-01EN
1.4 Optical Pulse Analysis
Differential Trace
You can load two waveforms that have been measured on the AQ7280 and display their difference as a waveform. The screen can display the loaded waveforms and the differential trace simultaneously. The differential trace is the result of subtracting the values of the current trace from those of the other trace. You can use markers to read the following values of the differential trace.
• Loss between markers (dB)
• Distance between markers (km)
• Loss per unit distance between markers (dB/km)
• Distance to each marker
Section Analysis
You can set two markers, start point S and end point E, to measure the return loss and total loss in the section that you have specified. By setting reference point B, you can calculate the return loss using the backscatter level you specify.
Event Analysis
You can search for events in the optical pulse measurement waveform and measure the splice loss and the return loss.
Editing Events
You can insert and delete events on the event screen. When you edit an event marker, the splice loss and the return loss can be recalculated.
reference point
Event number 1
Event number 2
Event E detected as the end of fiber
Editing Event Lists
You can set indices of refraction for each event period on the event list. Setting the indices of refraction in accordance with the connected optical fiber cable makes accurate distance measurements possible. These indices only affect event analysis. The do not affect the waveform display. You can also change event distances. However, the events shown on the screen will not change.
IM AQ7280-01EN

1.5 Light Source and Optical Power Meter

Loss-Measurement Light Source
The loss-measurement light source feature can be applied to the /SLS option of the OTDR unit. The following measurement light wavelengths can be generated.
Model Measurement Light Wavelength Model Measurement Light Wavelength
AQ7282A AQ7283A AQ7283H AQ7284A AQ7284H AQ7285A AQ7283J AQ7283E 1310 nm, 1550 nm, 1625 nm AQ7283K 1310 nm, 1490 nm, 1550 nm, 1625 nm AQ7283F 1310 nm, 1550 nm, 1650 nm AQ7282M 850 nm, 1330 nm
* Not applicable for 1383 nm for AQ7283J.
1310 nm, 1550 nm
You can produce continuous light or light that has been modulated at the selected frequency (modulation mode).
Visible Light Source
The visible light source feature can be applied to OPM modules with a visible light source and to VLS modules. Visible light can be used for the following purposes.
• Determine visually breaks in the optical fiber cable under test
• Check the cores of multi-core optical fiber cables
Model Measurement Light Wavelength
650 nmAQ2781V
AQ7282G 1310 nm, 1490 nm, 1550 nm
1310 nm, 1550 nm, 1625 nm
1310 nm, 1550 nm, 1625 nm
Optical Power Meter
The optical power meter feature can be applied to OPM modules. OPM modules are used as optical power meters for measuring loss and the power of the communication light. The following measurement lights can be measured.
Model Measurement Wavelength
AQ2780 AQ2780V AQ2781 AQ2781V
800 nm to 1700 nm (in 1 nm steps)
The logging feature can be applied to OPM modules. This feature measures short-term optical
power stability. The optical power value during logging can be displayed on a graph, and you can calculate the maximum, minimum, and average. In addition, you can use cursors to calculate the optical power at a specified location or the maximum, minimum, and average within a specified area. The logging results can be saved to memory in CSV format.
Power Checker (/PC option)
The /PC option of OTDR units is used as a power checker. The following measurement lights can be measured.
Model Measurement Wavelength Model Measurement Wavelength
AQ7282A AQ7283A AQ7283H AQ7284A AQ7284H AQ7285A AQ7283J AQ7283E AQ7283F
* Not applicable to the port 2 of AQ7283E and AQ7283F.
1310 nm, 1490 nm, 1550 nm, 1625 nm, 1650 nm
1310 nm, 1490 nm, 1550 nm, 1625 nm, 1650 nm
IM AQ7280-01EN

1.6 File Operation and Printing

File Operation
Measured results (waveform data, screen images, etc.), measurement and analysis conditions, system settings, and the like can be saved as files to internal memory or external memory (USB memory and SD card). You can efficiently configure multiple AQ7280s to the same conditions by loading a file containing measurement and analysis conditions, system settings, and the like. In addition, the AQ7280 can save measured waveform data as PDF data in report format.
Saving and Loading Files
The following types of files can be saved.
• .SOR
A file for saving optical pulse measurement results. Measurement and analysis conditions,
waveform data, event list data (when event analysis is executed) are stored in this file. When an SOR file is loaded, the measurement and analysis data is loaded into the AQ7280, the waveform data is displayed on the AQ7280 screen, and the event analysis results are displayed if event list data is stored in the file. This file is useful when you want to save an SOR file at a site where optical fiber cables are being installed and load the file into another AQ7280 at a different site.
• .SET
A file for saving the optical pulse measurement and analysis conditions. This file does not
include waveform data or event list data. Loading this file into the AQ7280 causes the saved measurement and analysis conditions to be applied to it. This file is useful when you want to set several AQ7280s to the same measurement and analysis conditions.
• .BMP, .JPG
A file for saving a screen image of the AQ7280. This file is useful when you want to view the
screen content on the PC screen. BMP and JPG files cannot be loaded into the AQ7280.
• .CFG
A file for saving the AQ7280 system settings (device, connection, etc.). This file is useful when
you want to apply the same system settings to several AQ7280s.
• .CSV
A file for saving the results of optical pulse measurement or optical power meter measurement in
ASCII format.
Measurement and analysis conditions are stored at the front of the file, and then data is stored in
a comma-separated format.
This file is useful when you want to analyze the data using a spreadsheet application on the PC.
• .PDF
A file for saving the current waveform displayed on the AQ7280 screen or waveform data of an
already saved file in a PDF report format.
The following types of files can be loaded depending on the feature that you are using.
• Top screen (.CFG)
• OTDR feature (.SOR, .SET)
• Optical power meter feature (.CSV)
• Schedule measurement feature (.CSV)
• Multi-core fiber measurement feature (.MPJ)
• OTDR Smart Mapper (.SMP) SOR files saved with the AQ7275 series or AQ1200 series can also be loaded.
IM AQ7280-01EN
1.6 File Operation and Printing
Copying and Deleting Files
You can copy or delete all the files and folders in the internal memory or external memory. You can
also copy or delete selected files or folders.
Renaming Files
You can rename existing files and folders.
Creating Folders
You can create a folder with a name of your choice in which optical pulse measurement results
are saved automatically. You can automatically save measured results to the specified folder by setting the destination folder mode to UserDefine and selecting a folder that you created in the measurement condition settings in section 2.1.
Creating Reports
You can save the current optical pulse measurement and analysis conditions, waveforms, and
events as a report on a single sheet in a PDF file. You can choose which items to include in the report.
File Reporting
You can specify several saved SOR files and save the content of the files one at a time as a report
on a single sheet in a PDF file. You can choose which items to include in the report.
Selecting Drives
You can set the save destination to the following internal and external memories.
• Internal Memory
The memory inside the AQ7280. The size is 480 MB. It cannot be removed.
• USB Memory 1, USB Memory 2
USB storage media. Up to two media can be connected.
• SD Card
SD cards are not included with the AQ7280. Please use your own SD cards.
You can print the screen image of measured results to a printer. The following printers can be used.
• Seiko Instruments printers (thermosensitive, black and white printing)
• HP printers (color/black and white printing)
• Epson printers (color/black and white printing)
Screen images of waveform data and analysis condition screen can be printed. In addition, the time
of measurement and event list can be added to screen images (when a Seiko Instruments printer is connected). Note file list screens cannot be printed.
IM AQ7280-01EN
File Printing
You can specify several saved SOR files and print screen images one at a time.

1.7 System Features

Power-Save Mode
To suppress battery consumption, you can set the screen brightness and a screen saver. You can
set different screen brightness levels for battery operation and AC adapter operation.
LCD Brightness
You can select from four brightness levels (including OFF). You can choose the appropriate level
depending on the ambient light during outdoor use. In addition, when using the optical fiber cable monitoring (/MNT option) feature, the optical power meter’s logging feature, or the like, you can turn off the display except when viewing the measured data to suppress battery consumption.
Auto Power Off
When battery operated, the AQ7280 can be automatically shut down if no key operation, touch
operation, communication command input, or the like is detected for a certain period of time when measurement is not in progress.
Screen Saver
When battery operated, the backlight can be automatically turned off if no key operation, touch
operation, communication command input, or the like is detected for a certain period of time when measurement is not in progress.
Factory Default Settings
• Setup
The following setup conditions are reset to their factory defaults. Note that files in the internal
memory are not deleted.
• Mode
• Measurement settings
• Analysis settings
• OTDR settings
• Optical power meter settings
• Visible light source settings
• System settings (except the date and time)
• All
All the above setup conditions are reset to their factory defaults. All the files in the internal
memory are deleted.
Operation Restrictions
You can set a PIN to restrict the following operations. This feature prevents settings from being
changed or laser light to be emitted by mistake.
• Mode Changing from Simple Mode to another mode
• Laser light output When an operation to emit the following laser light is performed
• Optical pulse
• Measurement light
• Visible light
IM AQ7280-01EN
1.7 System Features
Network Settings (/LAN option)
You can use the Ethernet port to send communication commands from a PC to the AQ7280 or
download measured results in the AQ7280 internal memory to a PC.
• User Name and Password
Set user names and passwords for authenticating connections from PCs to the AQ7280.
• Timeout Period
If a communication command is not sent from a PC or measured results are not downloaded
within the timeout period, the AQ7280 releases the network connection.
Set network address information.
• Enabling and Disabling Network Connection
Remote control can be disabled. When disabled, a PC cannot connect to the AQ7280.
Other Features
• Language Selection
If you are using an AQ7280 with a language suffix code that supports multiple languages, you
can change the language used on the screen. For details on suffix codes, see the Getting Started Guide, IM AQ7280-02EN.
• Start Menu
You can start the AQ7280 with the screen of a feature that you were using previously.
• Top Menu The top menu is displayed after startup.
• Start Menu to Last Function The menu of the feature that you were using immediately before you turned off the AQ7280
the last time is displayed after startup.
The waveform data that was displayed then is not displayed.
• Display Color
You can set the screen color (color or black and white).
• Touch Control
You can turn the touch panel control on and off.
• Alarm
The AQ7280 can generate sound when the rotary knob is turned or when an operation error
message is displayed.
• UTIL Key Selection
You can assign one of the following features to the UTIL key. You can execute a feature that you
use often with a single button.
• Save (see section 6.3)
• Print (see section 6.10)
• Report (see section 6.8)
• Utility menu screen (see section 2.10)
• Power meter (see section 5.2)
• Power checker (see section 5.2)
• Light source (see section 5.1)
• Visible light source (see section 5.1)
• Fiber inspection probe (see section 8.6)
• File name assignment (see section 6.5)
• File List Setting
You can select how file lists are displayed.
Detail, file name only, user defined
IM AQ7280-01EN
1.7 System Features
• USB (TypeB_mini)
You can use USB port type B to send communication commands from a PC to the AQ7280 or
• Version Update
You can update the firmware by storing a new firmware in a USB memory device and connecting
• Self-Test
Degradation of the AQ7280 touch panel, internal memory status, and so on can be diagnosed.
download measured results from the AQ7280 internal memory or SD card to a PC.
it to USB port type A.
Optical performance cannot be diagnosed.
IM AQ7280-01EN

Chapter 2 Optical Pulse Measurement (OTDR)

2.1 Setting the Measurement and Analysis Conditions

Setup Menu
Setting the Measurement Mode
Simple: In Simple mode, you set only a portion of the measurement and analysis conditions
Detail: In Detail mode, you set the measurement and analysis conditions individually. If you set
PON: In PON mode, the AQ7280 determines the suitable measurement and analysis conditions
From the top menu, select OTDR.
Press SETUP to display the Setup menu.
Set the measurement mode (Simple, Detail, PON).
Set the measurement conditions.
Set the analysis conditions.
Configure the waveform display.
See section 3.2.
Configure the system.
See chapter 7.
(wavelength, approximation method, etc.), and the AQ7280 automatically detects and sets the rest of the measurement conditions related to measurement resolution—such distance range and pulse width—and analysis conditions related to the optical fiber cable—such as index of refraction and backscatter.
the measurement conditions—such as the distance range and pulse width—to Auto, the AQ7280 will determine the suitable range and perform the measurement like in Simple Mode, described above.
based on the number of optical splitter stages, route information, and distance range to set the optimal values. These values can be changed if necessary.
Optical Pulse Measurement (OTDR)
When you change from Simple mode to Detail or PON mode, you may be asked to enter a password. This means that there are restrictions placed on operating the AQ7280. To change the measurement mode, you need to verify with the AQ7280 administrator. For details on operation restrictions, see “Operation Restrictions” in section 7.6.
IM AQ7280-01EN
Wavelength of the optical
2.1 Setting the Measurement and Analysis Conditions
Setting Measurement Conditions in Simple Mode
Press the Meas Setup soft key to display the following screen.
Set the wavelength (850nm, 1300nm, 1310nm, 1383nm, 1490nm, 1550nm, 1625nm, 1650nm, multi wavelength measurement).
The available options vary depending on the OTDR unit.
Set auto save (OFF, ON).
Select a drive (Int. Memory, SD card, USB memory 1, USB memory 2).
Selectable when auto save is ON.
• 850 nm, 1300 nm, 1310 nm, 1383 nm, 1490 nm, 1550 nm, 1625 nm, 1650 nm
Depending on the OTDR unit, you can set the following wavelengths.
Model Optical Pulse Wavelength Model Optical Pulse Wavelength
AQ7282A AQ7283A AQ7284H AQ7284A AQ7283J 1310 nm, 1383 nm, 1550 nm, AQ7285A AQ7283E 1310 nm, 1550 nm, 1625 nm AQ7283K 1310 nm, 1490 nm, 1550 nm, AQ7283F 1310 nm, 1550 nm, 1650 nm AQ7282G 1310 nm, 1490 nm, 1650 nm AQ7282M 850 nm, 1300 nm
1310 nm, 1550 nm
• Multi Wavelength Measurement
In a single measurement, multiple supported wavelengths are measured one at a time. If multi wavelength measurement is selected, the wavelength of optical pulse being measured is
displayed on the screen.
1310 nm, 1550 nm, 1625 nm
1625 nm
1625 nm
pulse being measured
Auto Save
After an optical pulse measurement is complete, the measurement waveform is automatically
saved. The AQ7280 creates a folder using the current date for its name in the root folder of the drive and saves the file.
Folders are automatically created. File names are automatically assigned. For details on file names,
see section 6.3.
IM AQ7280-01EN
2.1 Setting the Measurement and Analysis Conditions
Setting Analysis Conditions in Simple Mode
Press the Analysis Setup soft key to display the following screen.
Optical Pulse Measurement (OTDR)
Set the approximation method (LSA, TPA).
Approximation Method
When the AQ7280 calculates splice loss, it extrapolates straight lines. These straight lines are
known as approximated lines.
There are the following two kinds of approximated lines.
• Least squares approximation (LSA)
• Two point approximation (TPA)
The AQ7280 calculates the loss between two points by using the least squares method on all the
This method has the following characteristics. Merits: Because all the data between the two points is used, errors in the calculated value
Demerit: If a large reflection or splice loss is present in the section whose loss is being
If no events such as reflections and splice losses are present in the section being calculated, the
data between the two points (between 1 and 2).
are small. Fluctuations in the calculated values are reduced, and highly reproducible values can be obtained.
calculated, those values are also included in the calculation, so large errors result.
LSA provides a value that has a smaller degree of error than the TPA.
1 2
Approximated line calculation range
IM AQ7280-01EN
2.1 Setting the Measurement and Analysis Conditions
The AQ7280 uses the difference between the levels of the two specified points to calculate
the loss. The level of fluctuation and reproducibility in the calculated value may vary greatly. If events such as reflections and splice losses are present in the section being calculated, the TPA provides a value that has a smaller degree of error than the LSA.
Approximated line calculation points
IM AQ7280-01EN
Set the average duration (Auto, 5sec, 10sec, 20sec,
1 The available options vary depending on the OTDR unit.
2.1 Setting the Measurement and Analysis Conditions
Setting Measurement Conditions in Detail Mode
Press the Meas Setup soft key to display the following screen.
Set the wavelength1 (850nm, 1300nm, 1310nm, 1383nm, 1490nm, 1550nm, 1625nm, 1650nm).
Set the distance range1 (Auto, 200m, 500m, 1km, 2km, 5km, 10km, 20km, 30km, 50km, 100km, 200km, 300km, 400km, 512km).
Set the pulse width1 (Auto, 3ns, 10ns, 20ns, 30ns, 50ns, 100ns, 200ns, 300ns, 500ns,
1μs, 2μs, 5μs, 10μs, 20μs).
Set the high SNR mode (OFF, ON).
Set the sample interval (Normal, High Resolution).
Set the attenuation1 (Auto, 0.00dB, 2.50dB,
5.00dB, 7.50dB, 10.00dB, 12.50dB, 15.00dB,
17.50dB, 20.00dB, 22.50dB, 25.00dB, 27.50dB,
Executes initialization
Press to reset the measurement settings to their factory defaults.
When the screen is scrolled
Optical Pulse Measurement (OTDR)
Set the average method (Hi-Speed, Hi-Reflection).
Set the average unit (Duration, Times).
When the average unit is set to Duration:
30sec, 1min, 3min, 5min, 10min, 20min, 30min). When the average unit is set to Times:
Set the average count (Auto, 2^10, 2^11, 2^12, 2^13, 2^14, 2^15, 2^16, 2^17, 2^18, 2^19, 2^20).
Set the fiber-in-use alarm (OFF, ON).
Set the connection check (OFF, ON).
Set the event search (Auto, Manual).
Set auto save (OFF, ON).
The wavelengths set in Wavelength 1 to Wavelength 4 are measured one at a time (multi
wavelength measurement). You can set only the wavelengths of the same OTDR port.
For the wavelengths that you can set, see page 2-2.
IM AQ7280-01EN
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