YOKOGAWA AQ6370C, AQ6373, AQ6375, AQ6370D, AQ6375B User Manual

User’s Manual
IM AQ6370C-17EN
9th Edition
AQ6370C/AQ6370D/AQ6373/ AQ6373B/AQ6375/AQ6375B Optical Spectrum Analyzer Remote Control
nbn Austria GmbH
IM AQ6370C-17EN
Thank you for purchasing the AQ6370C/AQ6370D/AQ6373/AQ6373B/AQ6375/AQ6375B Optical Spectrum Analyzer. This remote control user’s manual covers the AQ6370C, AQ6370D, AQ6373, AQ6373B, AQ6375 and AQ6375B. It describes the following and.
• GP-IB Interface
• RS-232 Interface
• Ethernet Interface and Communication Commands
• Program Functions
To ensure correct use, please read this manual thoroughly before beginning operation. After reading this manual, keep it in a convenient location for quick reference in the event a question arises during operation. In addition to this manual, there is one individual manual each for the AQ6370C, AQ6370D, AQ6373, AQ6373B, AQ6375 and AQ6375B. Read them along with this manual.
List of Manuals
Manual Title Manual No. Description
AQ6370C Optical Spectrum Analyzer User’s Manual
IM AQ6370C-01EN The manual is located on the CD included in
your package (pdf format). Explains all functions and operating procedures of the AQ6370C
except remote control and program functions. AQ6370C Optical Spectrum Analyzer Getting Started Guide
IM AQ6370C-02EN Explains the handling precautions, installation
procedure, component names, and
specifications of the AQ6370C.
Manual Title Manual No. Description
AQ6370D Optical Spectrum Analyzer User’s Manual
IM AQ6370D-01EN The manual is located on the CD included in
your package (pdf format). Explains all functions
and operating procedures of the AQ6370D
except remote control and program functions. AQ6370D Optical Spectrum Analyzer Getting Started Guide
IM AQ6370D-02EN Explains the handling precautions, installation
procedure, component names, and
specifications of the AQ6370D.
Manual Title Manual No. Description
AQ6373 Optical Spectrum Analyzer User’s Manual
IM AQ6373--01EN The manual is located on the CD included in
your package (pdf format). Explains all functions
and operating procedures of the AQ6373 except
remote control and program functions. AQ6373 Optical Spectrum Analyzer Getting Started Guide
IM AQ6373-02EN Explains the handling precautions, installation
procedure, component names, and
specifications of the AQ6373.
Manual Title Manual No. Description
AQ6373B Optical Spectrum Analyzer User’s Manual
IM AQ6373B-01EN The manual is located on the CD included in
your package (pdf format). Explains all functions
and operating procedures of the AQ6373B
except remote control and program functions. AQ6373B Optical Spectrum Analyzer Getting Started Guide
IM AQ6373B-02EN Explains the handling precautions, installation
procedure, component names, and
specifications of the AQ6373B.
9th Edition: October 2017 (YMI) All Rights Reserved, Copyright © 2010 Yokogawa Test & Measurement Corporation
IM AQ6370C-17EN
Manual Title Manual No. Description
AQ6375 Optical Spectrum Analyzer User’s Manual
IM AQ6375-01EN The manual is located on the CD included in
your package (pdf format). Explains all functions and operating procedures of the AQ6375 except
remote control and program functions. AQ6375 Optical Spectrum Analyzer Getting Started Guide
IM AQ6375-02EN Explains the handling precautions, installation
procedure, component names, and
specifications of the AQ6375.
Manual Title Manual No. Description
AQ6375B Optical Spectrum Analyzer User’s Manual
IM AQ6375B-01EN The manual is located on the CD included in
your package (pdf format). Explains all functions
and operating procedures of the AQ6375B
except remote control and program functions. AQ6375B Optical Spectrum Analyzer Getting Started Guide
IM AQ6375B-02EN Explains the handling precautions, installation
procedure, component names, and
specifications of the AQ6375B.
• The contents of this manual are subject to change without prior notice as a result of improvements in the instrument’s performance and functions. Display contents illustrated in this manual may differ slightly from what actually appears on your screen.
• Every effort has been made in the preparation of this manual to ensure the accuracy of its contents. However, should you have any questions or find any errors, please contact your nearest YOKOGAWA dealer.
• Copying or reproducing all or any part of the contents of this manual without the permission of YOKOGAWA is strictly prohibited.
• Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
• Adobe and Acrobat are registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems incorporated.
• In this manual, the ® and TM symbols do not accompany their respective registered trademark or trademark names.
• Other company and product names are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective companies.
• 1st Edition September, 2010
• 2nd Edition January, 2011
• 3rd Edition October, 2011
• 4th Edition April, 2014
• 5th Edition March, 2015
• 6th Edition July, 2015
• 7th Edition November, 2015
• 8th Edition May, 2017
• 9th Edition October, 2017
IM AQ6370C-17EN
Safety Precautions
This product is designed to be used by a person with specialized knowledge. This instrument is an IEC protection class I instrument (provided with terminal for protective earth grounding). The general safety precautions described herein must be observed during all phases of operation. If the instrument is used in a manner not specified in this manual, the protection provided by the instrument may be impaired. This manual is an essential part of the product; keep it in a safe place for future reference. YOKOGAWA assumes no liability for the customer’s failure to comply with these requirements.
The following safety symbols and wording is used in this manual.
Warning: Handle with care. Refer to the user’s manual or service manual.
This symbol appears on dangerous locations on the instrument which require
special instructions for proper handling or use. The same symbol appears in the corresponding place in the manual to identify those instructions.
Alternating current
ON (power)
OFF (power)
Avertissement : À manipuler délicatement.
Toujours se reporter aux manuels d’utilisation et d’entretien. Ce symbole a été
apposé aux endroits dangereux de l’instrument pour lesquels des consignes spéciales d’utilisation ou de manipulation ont été émises. Le même symbole apparaît à l’endroit correspondant du manuel pour identifier les consignes qui s’y rapportent.
Courant alternatif
Marche (alimentation)
Arrêt (alimentation)
IM AQ6370C-17EN
Conventions Used in This Manual
Safety Markings
The following markings are used in this manual.
Improper handling or use can lead to injury to the user or damage
to the instrument. This symbol appears on the instrument to indicate that the user must refer to the user’s manual for special instructions. The same symbol appears in the corresponding place in the user’s manual to identify those instructions. In the manual, the symbol is used in conjunction with the word “WARNING” or “CAUTION.”
Calls attention to actions or conditions that could cause serious or
fatal injury to the user, and precautions that can be taken to prevent such occurrences.
Calls attentions to actions or conditions that could cause light injury to
the user or damage to the instrument or user’s data, and precautions that can be taken to prevent such occurrences.
Attire l’attention sur des gestes ou des conditions
susceptibles de provoquer des blessures graves (voire mortelles), et sur les précautions de sécurité pouvant prévenir de tels accidents.
Attire l’attention sur des gestes ou des conditions
susceptibles de provoquer des blessures légères ou d’endommager l’instrument ou les données de l’utilisateur, et sur les précautions de sécurité susceptibles de prévenir de tels accidents.
Calls attention to information that is important for proper operation of
the instrument.
IM AQ6370C-17EN
Notations Used in the Procedural Explanations
On pages that describe the operating procedures in each chapter, the following notations are used to distinguish the procedure from their explanations.
This subsection contains the operating procedure used to carry out
the function described in the current section. The procedures are written with inexperienced users in mind; experienced users may not need to carry out all the steps.
This subsection describes the setup parameters and the limitations
on the procedures.
Terms Used in Explanations of Procedures
Panel Keys and Soft Keys
Bold characters used in the procedural explanations indicate characters that are marked on the panel keys or the characters of the soft keys displayed on the screen menu.
SHIFT+Panel Key
SHIFT+key means you will press the SHIFT key to turn it ON and then press the panel key. The setup menu marked in purple below the panel key that you pressed appears on screen.
k Denotes 1000. Example: 12 kg, 100 kHz K Denotes 1024. Example: 459 KB (file size)
Conventions Used in This Manual
IM AQ6370C-17EN
How To Use This Manual
Structure of This Manual
This user’s manual consists of the following eight chapters, an appendix, and an index.
Chapter 1 Remote Control Functions
This section describes the various types of communication interfaces and program
Chapter 2 GP-IB Interface (GP-IB1 Port)
Describes the functions and lists the specifications of the GP-IB1 port.
Chapter 3 Ethernet Interface
Describes the functions and lists the specifications of the Ethernet interface.
Chapter 4 Serial (RS-232) Interface
Describes the functions and lists the specifications of the RS-232 interface.
Chapter 5 GP-IB Interface (GP-IB2 Port)
Describes the functions and lists the specifications of the GP-IB2 port.
Chapter 6 Status Registers
Explains the status byte and describes the various kinds of registers, cues, and other
Chapter 7 Remote Commands
Describes each individual command that can be used.
Chapter 8 Program Function
Explains the program function for controlling another instrument using the AQ6370C/
AQ6370D/AQ6373/AQ6373B/AQ6375/AQ6375B as the controller.
Lists commands that are compatible with the AQ6317.
An alphabetical index.
IM AQ6370C-17EN
List of Manuals ...................................................................................................................................i
Safety Precautions ........................................................................................................................... iii
Conventions Used in This Manual ...................................................................................................iv
How To Use This Manual ................................................................................................................. vi
Chapter 1 Remote Control Functions
1.1 Remote Interfaces ............................................................................................................ 1-1
1.2 Switching between Local and Remote ............................................................................. 1-2
1.3 Sending/Receiving Remote Commands .......................................................................... 1-3
Chapter 2 GP-IB Interface (GP-IB1 Port)
2.1 Connecting via GP-IB ....................................................................................................... 2-1
2.2 GP-IB Interface Function .................................................................................................. 2-3
2.3 GP-IBInterfaceSpecications ......................................................................................... 2-4
2.4 Setting the GP-IB Address ............................................................................................... 2-5
2.5 Responses to Interface Messages ................................................................................... 2-7
2.6 Sample Program .............................................................................................................. 2-9
Chapter 3 Ethernet Interface
3.1 Connecting via Ethernet ................................................................................................... 3-1
3.2 Setting Up Ethernet .......................................................................................................... 3-2
3.3 Sample Program .............................................................................................................. 3-8
Chapter 4 Serial (RS-232) Interface
4.1 Connecting via the Serial (RS-232) Interface .................................................................. 4-1
4.2 Remote Control Using Commands ................................................................................... 4-4
4.3 Setting Up RS-232 ........................................................................................................... 4-5
Chapter 5 GP-IB Interface (GP-IB2 Port )
5.1 Connecting via GP-IB2 ..................................................................................................... 5-1
5.2 GP-IBInterfaceSpecications ......................................................................................... 5-2
5.3 Setting the GP-IB Address ............................................................................................... 5-3
Chapter 6 Status Registers
6.1 Status Registers ............................................................................................................... 6-1
6.2 Status Byte Registers ....................................................................................................... 6-3
6.3 Standard Event Status Registers ..................................................................................... 6-5
6.4 Operation Status Registers .............................................................................................. 6-7
6.5 Questionable Status Registers ....................................................................................... 6-10
IM AQ6370C-17EN
Chapter 7 Remote Commands
7.1 Rules of Syntax and Command Types ............................................................................. 7-1
7.2 Table of Correspondence between Soft Keys and Remote Commands .......................... 7-4
7.3 ANALYSIS Setting Parameters ...................................................................................... 7-20
7.4 Remote Command Tree ................................................................................................. 7-29
7.5 Common Commands ..................................................................................................... 7-37
7.6 Instrument-SpecicCommands ..................................................................................... 7-40
ABORt Sub System Command .............................................................................. 7-40
APPLication Sub System Commands .................................................................... 7-40
CALCulate Sub System Command ........................................................................ 7-43
CALibration Sub System Command ....................................................................... 7-68
DISPlay Sub System Command............................................................................. 7-70
FORMat Sub System Command ............................................................................ 7-76
HCOPY Sub System Command ............................................................................. 7-76
INITiate Sub System Command ............................................................................. 7-77
MEMory Sub System Command ............................................................................ 7-77
MMEMory Sub System Command ......................................................................... 7-78
PROGram Sub System Command ......................................................................... 7-82
SENSe Sub System Command .............................................................................. 7-83
STATus Sub System Command ............................................................................. 7-86
SYStem Sub System Command ............................................................................ 7-87
TRACe Sub System Command .............................................................................. 7-91
TRIGger Sub System Command ............................................................................ 7-95
UNIT Sub System Command ................................................................................. 7-97
7.7 Output Format for Analysis Results ................................................................................ 7-98
Chapter 8 Program Function
8.1 Editing a Program ............................................................................................................. 8-1
8.2 Executing a Program ........................................................................................................ 8-9
8.3 Program Function Commands ....................................................................................... 8-15
8.4 Controlling an External Instrument with the Program Function ...................................... 8-57
8.5 Sample Program ............................................................................................................ 8-59
Appendix AQ6317-Compatible GP-IB Commands
Switching Command Modes ..................................................................................................... App-1
AQ6317 Status Byte .................................................................................................................App-3
List of the AQ6317-Compatible Commands..............................................................................App-4
HIGH1, HIGH2, HIGH3 of Measurement Sensitivity .............................................................. App-17
IM AQ6370C-17EN
Remote Control Functions
1.1 Remote Interfaces
This instrument is equipped with the following remote interfaces.
GP-IB1 (IEEE 488.2, See Chapter 2)
This port is used to connect a controller such as a PC to remote control this instrument. Connect a controller or another device controlled by the controller to this port. This instrument is controlled using remote commands. Two types of remote commands are provided: the instrument’s native commands complying with SCPI (Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments), and commands compatible with the conventional model AQ6317 (see the appendix). The GP-IB on the AQ6370D/AQ6373B/AQ6375B corresponds to this function.
GP-IB2 (IEEE 488.1, See Chapter 5)
The instrument acts as a controller for remote control of external instruments. Connect to the external device to be controlled using the instrument’s program function. This functions is not available on the AQ6370D/AQ6373B/AQ6375B.
Ethernet (See Chapter 3)
This port is used to connect a controller such as a PC to control the instrument remotely via network.
RS-232 (See Chapter 4)
This port is used to connect a controller such as a PC to control the instrument remotely.
GP-IB1 and GP-IB2 Ports
The GP-IB1 and GP-IB2 ports must be used differently for different purposes. The GP-IB port on the AQ6370D/AQ6373B/AQ6375B corresponds to the GP-IB1 port. The GP-IB2 port is not available on the AQ6370D/AQ6373B/AQ6375B. The GP-IB1 port is used when controlling the instrument from a PC. The GP-IB2 port is used when controlling an external instrument from the AQ6370C/ AQ6373/AQ6375. Therefore, please note the following.
• A controller such as a PC that is connected to the GP-IB2 port cannot remotely control
the AQ6370C/AQ6373/AQ6375.
• Even if a turnable laser source or an external device to be controlled by the AQ6370C/
AQ6373/AQ6375 using program functions is connected to the GP-IB1 port, it cannot remote control the AQ6370C/AQ6373/AQ6375.
• The GP-IB1 and GP-IB2 ports are independent of each other. Thus, a controller
connected to the GP-IB1 port cannot directly send a message to an external device connected to the GP-IB2 port.
• When a PC or other controller is connected to the GP-IB1 port, connecting the GP-IB1
port with the GP-IB2 port results in improper operation. Do not connect these ports together, or turn OFF the system controller function. The default is ON.
Chapter 1 Remote Control Functions
IM AQ6370C-17EN
1.2 Switching between Local and Remote
Switching from Local to Remote
When in Local mode, if a listen address is sent from the controller that sets REN (remote enable) and ATN to “True,” the instrument enters Remote mode.
• When in Remote mode, the REMOTE indicator lights.
• Keys other than the LOCAL key are disabled.
• Settings entered in Local mode are held even if switching to Remote mode.
• When an LLO (Local Lock Out) message is received from the controller, the instrument enters local lockout status. In LLO status, the LOCAL key is disabled and does not return the instrument to Local mode even when pressed. After cancelling the local lockout status, press the LOCAL key. To cancel the local lockout status, set REN to “False” from the controller.
Switching from Remote to Local
If you press the LOCAL key when in Remote mode the instrument enters Local mode. However, it does not return to Local mode if in the local lockout state.
• The REMOTE indicator turns off.
• All keys are enabled.
• Settings entered in Remote mode are held even if switching to Local mode.
• When a GTL (Go to Local) message is received from the controller, the instrument enters Local mode even if REN is set to False.
IM AQ6370C-17EN
Remote Control Functions
1.3 Sending/Receiving Remote Commands
Input Buffer
The instrument’s input buffer is a single stage 1 MB buffer. When receiving data that exceeds the buffer size, the data after the first megabyte is discarded. The remote command after the last command separator of the 1 MB of data is deleted.
Output Buffer
The instrument’s output buffer is a single stage 1 MB buffer. Only the most recent data is held. (When a talker command is received while there is data in the buffer, the old data in the buffer is replaced with the incoming data.) When talker commands are combined and executed resulting in generation of talker data that exceeds the buffer size, the following process is carried out.
• The query error bit (QYE) of the standard event status register is set to 1.
• The talker output buffer is cleared.
• Commands received even after the buffer overflow are processed. Note, however, that talker data by talker commands is not stored at the output buffer.
Error Buffer
This instrument’s error buffer is of a single stage and stores only the latest error information.
Message Terminators
This instrument allows the following message terminators to be used.
Program Message Terminators
• Assertion of EOI (End-Of-Identify) signal
• LF (line feed) character
Here, LF is a line feed (0Ah) in ASCII. For CR + LF, because CR (0Dh) is recognized as “wsp,” CR + LF can consequently also be used as a message terminator. Also, for waveform binary transfer, only EOI is used as a message terminator.
Response Message Terminator
LF+EOI is used as the response message terminator.
Receiving Remote Commands
• When completing receipt of a remote command, the instrument releases the GP-IB bus.
• When receiving the next command while a command action is being executed, the instrument captures that command to store it in the receive buffer, and then releases the GP-IB bus.
• When there is a remote command in the receive buffer, the instrument does not capture a successive command even if there are commands on the GP-IB bus.
• When the action of the preceding command is complete, the instrument executes the command stored in the receive buffer and clears the buffer. Then it captures the next command into the receive buffer if there is one on the bus.
• When an output statement contains multiple remote commands, this instrument captures them all and services them in the order they were written. In this case, unless the last command in the statement has started to be executed, this instrument cannot capture the next command.
IM AQ6370C-17EN
Data Inquiry
• Inquiry of data by the external controller is made using a query command or a data output request from the controller.
• Query commands end with a question mark (?).
• For query commands with an argument, the argument is specified in the form of <wsp> + <argument> at the end of the “?”.
• When a query command is received, the instrument prepares a reply to the query command in the output buffer.
• Data in the output buffer will be retained until the instrument receives an input statement or a new query command from the controller.
• If multiple query commands are specified and written in succession using a semicolon “;”, the instrument prepares replies to all of them in the output buffer. In this case, the instrument will collectively output all of the prepared data when receiving the next data output request.
Setting the timeout time
A timeout time setting of 30 seconds or more is recommended. At approximately 10 minute intervals, the instrument performs an auto offset for approximately 30 seconds. The communication timeout of the external controller should be set to 30 seconds or more so that a timeout does not occur during the execution of the offset. See the user’s manual of your remote interface card for instructions on how to set the communication timeout time.
The instrument's auto offset function is set to ON by default, and it performs offset of the analog circuits at approximately 10 minute intervals. The offset process takes about 30 seconds. On the AQ6373 and AQ6375, during this offset process, the receiving of remote commands, execution of remote commands, and talker data transmission processes are suspended. If an external controller sends a remote command or requests output of talker data while the suspension is in effect, the external controller may experience a communication timeout error because the instrument cannot perform the requested action until the offset process is complete.
If you do not want to set the communication timeout to 30 seconds or less
To avoid remote malfunctions due to communication timeouts, offset processing can be performed manually. Turn the auto offset function OFF in advance, and perform the offset manually during a gap in measurement sequences. Wait approximately 30 seconds until the offset process is finished. After the offset is complete, restart the measurement sequence. The remote commands are as follows. Turn OFF the auto offset function
:CALibration:ZERO off
Perform a manual offset
:CALibration:ZERO once
• An offset interval of 10 minutes is recommended.
• If the AUTO OFFSET key is OFF, the offset can fluctuate over time, and the level axis performance can degrade. Always have it turned ON.
• When the AUTO OFFSET key is set to ON, is displayed at the bottom of the screen.
Device Trigger Function
When GET (Group Execute Trigger) is received, the instrument will perform a single sweep.
1.3 Sending/Receiving Remote Commands
IM AQ6370C-17EN
GP-IB Interface (GP-IB1 Port)
2.1 Connecting via GP-IB
GP-IB Cable
This instrument is equipped with an IEEE standard 488-1978 24-pin GP-IB connector. Use a GP-IB cable that conforms to the IEEE standard 488-1978.
The instrument has two ports, GP-IB1 and GP-IB2. The GP-IB port on the AQ6370D/ AQ6373B/AQ6375B corresponds to the GP-IB1 port. The GP-IB2 port is not available on the AQ6370D/AQ6373B/AQ6375B. GP-IB1 port: Can be connected to a PC for remote control of the instrument from the PC. GP-IB2 port: Can be connected to another instrument for remote control of that
instrument using the AQ6370C/AQ6373/AQ6375’s program function.
For now, you will connect a PC to the GP-IB1 port. Turn OFF all the power switches of the AQ6370C/AQ6370D/AQ6373/AQ6373B/AQ6375/ AQ6375B and any devices to be connected to it. Connect a cable to the GP-IB1 port on the rear panel of the instrument.
Always turn OFF the power to the instrument and the PC when connecting or disconnecting communication cables. Failure to turn OFF the power can result in malfunction or damage to internal circuitry.
Veillez à mettre le PC et l'oscilloscope DLM4000 hors tension lorsque vous branchez ou débranchez les câbles de communication, car cela risquerait de provoquer des dysfonctionnements ou des courts-circuits internes.
AQ6370C/AQ6373/AQ6375 AQ6370D/AQ6373B/AQ6375B
Chapter 2 GP-IB Interface (GP-IB1 Port)
IM AQ6370C-17EN
Precautions When Making Connections
• Securely fasten the screw that is attached to the GP-IB cable connector.
• You can connect several cables to connect to several devices. However, fifteen or more devices including the controller cannot be connected to a single bus.
• When connecting several devices, you cannot specify the same address for more than one.
• Use a cable of two meters or longer to connect between devices.
• Ensure that the total length in cables does not exceed twenty meters.
• When carrying out communications, make sure that at least two-thirds of all connected devices are turned ON.
• When connecting multiple devices, use a star or linear configuration as shown in the figure below. A loop or parallel configuration cannot be used.
2.1 Connecting via GP-IB
IM AQ6370C-17EN
GP-IB Interface (GP-IB1 Port)
2.2 GP-IB Interface Function
GP-IB Interface Function
Listener Function
• All of the same settings can be performed using the interface (except for power ON/ OFF and communication settings) as when using the instrument’s panel keys.
• Settings, waveforms, and other data can be received through output commands from the controller.
• Additionally, you can also receive commands regarding status reports and other data.
Talker Function
• Settings, waveforms, and other data can be output.
Listen only, talk only, and controller functions are not available.
Switching between Remote and Local
Switching from Local to Remote
When in Local mode, if the instrument received a listen address from the controller that sets REN (remote enable) and ATN to “True,” the instrument enters Remote mode.
• When in Remote mode, the REMOTE indicator lights.
• Keys other than the LOCAL key are disabled.
• Settings entered in Local mode are held even if switching to Remote mode.
• When an LLO (Local Lock Out) message is received from the controller, the instrument enters local lockout status. In LLO status, the LOCAL key is disabled and does not return this instrument to Local mode even when pressed. After cancelling the local lockout status, press the LOCAL key. To cancel the local lockout status, set REN to "False" from the controller.
Switching from Remote to Local
If you press the LOCAL key when in Remote mode the instrument enters Local mode. However, it does not return to Local mode if in the local lockout state.
• The REMOTE indicator turns off.
• All keys are enabled.
• Settings entered in Remote mode are held even if switching to Local mode.
• When a GTL (Go to Local) message is received from the controller, the instrument enters Local mode even if REN is set to False.
The GP-IB interface cannot be used simultaneously with other communication interfaces (RS-232, USB, or Ethernet).
IM AQ6370C-17EN
2.3 GP-IB Interface Specifications
GP-IB Interface Specifications
Electromechanical specifications: Conforms to IEEE std. 488-1978 Functional specifications: See table below Protocols: Conforms to IEEE std. 488.2-1992 Encoding: ISO (ASCII) Mode: Addressable mode Address setting: Addresses 0 to 30 can be set in the GP-IB setting
screen in the SYSTEM menu.
Remote mode cancel: Press LOCAL to cancel Remote mode. Note that
this is disabled when under Local Lockout by the controller.
Functional Specifications
Function Subset Description
Source handshake SH1 All capabilities of send handshake Acceptor handshake AH1 All capabilities of receive handshake Talker T6 Basic talker function, serial polling, and talker
cancel function through MLA (my listen address). Talker only not provided.
Listener L4 Basic listener function, serial polling, and listener
cancel function through MLA (my listen address).
Listener only not provided. Service request SR1 All service request functions Remote local RL1 All Remote/Local functions Parallel port PP0 Parallel polling function not provided Device clear DC1 All device clear functions
Output buffer clear Input buffer clear (clearing of an unexecuted
commands) Error buffer clear STB, ESR clear
Device trigger DT0 Device trigger function Controller C0 Controller function not provided Electrical characteristics E1 Open collector
IM AQ6370C-17EN
GP-IB Interface (GP-IB1 Port)
2.4 Setting the GP-IB Address
Selecting the Communication Interface
Press SYSTEM. The system setting menu is displayed.
Press the MORE1/4 soft key. The communication interface setting menu is
Press the REMOTE INTERFACE soft key. The setting menu for the interface to
be used is displayed.
Press the GP-IB soft key to specify GP-IB as the communication interface.
Setting the Address
Press the GP-IB SETTING soft key. The GP-IB setting menu is displayed.
Press the MY ADDRESS soft key. The GP-IB address setting screen is displayed.
Set the GP-IB address using the rotary knob or the arrow keys, and press
GP-IB address setting
See chapter 5
Command format
See chapter 5
See chapter 5
IM AQ6370C-17EN
Setting the Command Format
Perform these steps if you will use AQ6317 commands. Press the COMMAND
FORMAT soft key. The command format setting menu is displayed.
Normally, you will enter AQ6370C, AQ6370D, AQ6373, AQ6373B, AQ6375 or
AQ6375B. If you wish to use AQ6317 commands, enter AQ6317.
The settings below are used when entering the settings that can be entered using the instrument’s panel keys from a controller, or when outputting settings or waveform data to the controller.
GP-IB Address Settings
When in Addressable mode, set the instrument’s address within the following range. 0 to 30 Each device that can be connected via GP-IB has its own unique GP-IB address. This address allows each device to be distinguished from other devices. Therefore, when connecting the instrument to a PC or other device, make sure not to set the same address on the instrument as any of the other devices.
• Do not change an address while the controller or other devices are using GP-IB.
• Set addresses other than those used by the GP-IB2 port.
Command Format Settings
Normally, you will enter AQ6370C, AQ6370D, AQ6373, AQ6373B, AQ6375 or AQ6375B mode. If you wish to use the commands of the AQ6317 (another product in the series), enter AQ6317. See the appendix for AQ6317 commands that are compatible with the AQ6317.
Controller functions and TLS address settings are entered when controlling an external device using the GP-IB2 port. These settings are invalid for the GP-IB1 port.
2.4 Setting the GP-IB Address
IM AQ6370C-17EN
GP-IB Interface (GP-IB1 Port)
2.5 Responses to Interface Messages
Responses to Interface Messages
Responses to Uniline Messages
IFC (Interface Clear)
Clears talker and listener. Output is cancelled if outputting data.
REN (Remote Enable)
Switches between Local and Remote.
IDY (Identify) is not supported.
Responses to Multiline Messages (Address Commands)
GTL (Go To Local)
Switches to Local mode.
SDC (Selected Device Clear)
• Clears program messages (commands) being received, and the output queue.
• The *OPC and *OPC? commands are invalid during execution.
• The *WAI command closes immediately.
PPC (parallel poll configure), GET (group execute trigger), and TCT (take control) are not supported.
Responses to Multiline Messages (Universal Commands)
LLO (Local Lockout)
Disables the front panel SHIFT+CLEAR operation, and prohibits switching to Local
DCL (Device Clear)
Same operation as SDC.
SPE (Serial Poll Enable)
Places the talker function of all devices on the bus in Serial poll mode. The controller
polls each device in order.
SPD (Serial Poll Disable)
Cancels Serial poll mode for the talker function of all devices on the bus.
PPU (Parallel Poll Unconfigure) is not supported.
Definition of Interface Messages
Interface messages are also called interface commands or bus commands, and are commands that are issued from the controller. Interface messages come in the following categories.
Uniline Messages
A message is sent through a single command line. The following are the three types of uniline messages. IFC (Interface Clear) REN (Remote Enable) IDY (Identify)
IM AQ6370C-17EN
Multiline Messages
A message is sent through eight data lines. Multiline messages come in the following categories.
Address Commands
These commands are valid when the device is specified as the listener or the talker.
The following are the five types of address commands.
Commands valid for devices specified as listeners
GTL (Go To Local) SDC (Selected Device Clear) PPC (Parallel Poll Configure) GET (Group Execute Trigger)
Commands valid for devices specified as talkers
TCT (Take Control)
Universal Commands
These commands are valid for all devices regardless of whether they are specified as
listeners, talkers, or neither. The following are the three types of universal commands. LLO (Local Lockout) DCL (Device Clear) PPU (Parallel Poll Unconfigure)
Additionally, an interface message can consist of a listener address, talker address, or secondary command.
Interface Messages
Multiline messages
A star indicates an interface message supported by this instrument.
Differences between SDC and DCL
Of the multiline messages, SDC is an address command requires specification of the talker
or listener, and DCL is a universal command that does not require specification of the talker or listener. Therefore, SDC is applicable only to certain devices, but DCL is applicable to all devices on the bus.
2.5 Responses to Interface Messages
IM AQ6370C-17EN
GP-IB Interface (GP-IB1 Port)
2.6 Sample Program
The following shows an example of controlling the AQ6370C/AQ6370D/AQ6373/AQ6373B/ AQ6375/AQ6375B remotely using the GP-IB port. The sample program uses Visual Basic
6.0 as the programming language. Also, a GP-IB board by National Instruments (hereinafter, “NI”) is used as the GP-IB controller and the NI-supplied driver is used as a library.
Sample Program 1
The program sets the measurement conditions (center wavelength, span, sensitivity, and the sampling number) and then performs a sweep. After completing this sweep, the program executes a thresh-based spectrum width analysis and then outputs the results to the screen.
Const BOARD_ID = 0 ' GP-IB Interface card
Const osa = 1 ' OSA GP-IB Address
Private Sub AQ637XTEST() Dim intData As Integer Dim dblMeanWL As Double Dim dblSpecWd As Double Dim strData As String
' === GP-IB Interface setting === ' send IFC Call SendIFC(BOARD_ID)
' assert th REN GPIB line intAddrList(0) = NOADDR Call EnableRemote(BOARD_ID, intAddrList())
' GPIB time out setting Call ibtmo(BOARD_ID, T30s) ' Time out = 30sec
' === Set the measurement parameter === Call SendGPIB(osa, "*RST") ' Setting initialize Call SendGPIB(osa, "CFORM1") ' Command mode
set(AQ637X mode) Call SendGPIB(osa, ":sens:wav:cent 1550nm") ' sweep center wl Call SendGPIB(osa, ":sens:wav:span 10nm") ' sweep span Call SendGPIB(osa, ":sens:sens mid") ' sens mode = MID Call SendGPIB(osa, ":sens:sweep:points:auto on")
' Sampling Point = AUTO
' === Sweep execute === Call SendGPIB(osa, ":init:smode 1") ' single sweep mode Call SendGPIB(osa, "*CLS") ' status clear Call SendGPIB(osa, ":init") ' sweep start
' === Wait for sweep complete === Do Call SendGPIB(osa, ":stat:oper:even?") ' get Operation Event
Register strData = RecieveGPIB(osa) intData = Val(strData) Loop While ((intData And 1) <> 1) ' Bit0: Sweep status
' === Analysis === Call SendGPIB(osa, ":calc:category swth") ' Spectrum width
analysis(THRESH type) Call SendGPIB(osa, ":calc") ' Analysis Execute Call SendGPIB(osa, ":calc:data?") ' get data strData = RecieveGPIB(osa)
IM AQ6370C-17EN
' === Capture analytical results === dblMeanWL = Val(Left(strData, 16)) ' get mean wavelegnth dblSpecWd = Val(Mid(strData, 18, 16)) ' get spectrum width
' === Output the result to the screen === MsgBox ("MEAN WL: " & dblMeanWL * 1000000000# & " nm" & vbCrLf & _ "SPEC WD: " & dblSpecWd * 1000000000# & " nm")
' === Disconnect === Call EnableLocal(BOARD_ID, intAddrList()) End Sub
'================================================== ' Sub routine ' Send Remote Command '================================================== Sub SendGPIB(intAddr As Integer, strData As String) Call Send(BOARD_ID, intAddr, strData, NLend) If (ibsta And EERR) Then MsgBox " GP-IB device can't write" End If End Sub
'================================================== ' Sub routine ' Recieve query data '================================================== Function RecieveGPIB(intAddr As Integer) As String Const READSIZE = 10000 Dim strBuffer As String
strBuffer = Space(READSIZE) RecieveGPIB = "" Do DoEvents
Call Receive(BOARD_ID, intAddr, strBuffer, STOPend) If (ibsta And EERR) Then MsgBox " GP-IB device can't read." RecieveGPIB = "" Exit Function Else RecieveGPIB = RecieveGPIB & Left(strBuffer, ibcntl) End If Loop Until ((ibsta And EEND) = EEND) End Function
2.6 Sample Program
IM AQ6370C-17EN
GP-IB Interface (GP-IB1 Port)
Sample Program 2
Save an image of the instrument's screen to a BMP file, then use a file transfer command to load the file onto the PC. Save the image on the PC under the file name, "C:\test. bmp".
Const BOARD_ID = 0 'GP-IB Interface card Address Const osa = 1 'OSA GP-IB Address
Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim intAddrList(31) As Integer Dim intData As Integer Dim lngDataSize As Long Dim strData As String Dim intI As Integer Dim byteData() As Byte Dim byteSaveData() As Byte Dim lngL As Long
'----- GP-IB Interface setting ' send IFC Call SendIFC(BOARD_ID)
' assert th REN GPIB line intAddrList(0) = NOADDR Call EnableRemote(BOARD_ID, intAddrList())
' GPIB time out setting Call ibtmo(BOARD_ID, T30s) 'Time out = 30sec
'----- send command to OSA Call SendGPIB(osa, "CFORM1") ' Command mode set(AQ637X mode)
Call SendGPIB(osa, ":mmem:stor:grap color,bmp,""test"",int") ' Save bmp file to internal memory Call SendGPIB(osa, ":mmem:data? ""test.bmp"",int") ' get file data from OSA lngDataSize = RecieveBinaryGPIB(osa, byteData()) ' Recieve binary block data
If byteData(0) <> Asc("#") Then ' check first data MsgBox "Data format error" Exit Sub End If
'----- calculate data size intData = byteData(1) - Asc("0") strData = "" For intI = 1 To intData strData = strData + Chr(byteData(intI + 1)) Next intI lngDataSize = Val(strData) ' data size
'----- make save data ReDim byteSaveData(lngDataSize) For lngL = 0 To lngDataSize - 1 byteSaveData(lngL) = byteData(lngL + intData + 2) Next lngL
'----- save data to file Open "c:\test.bmp" For Binary As #1 Put #1, , byteSaveData Close #1
'----- Disconnect Call EnableLocal(BOARD_ID, intAddrList()) MsgBox "Complete" End Sub
2.6 Sample Program
IM AQ6370C-17EN
'================================================== ' Sub routine ' Send Remote Command '================================================== Sub SendGPIB(intAddr As Integer, strData As String) Call Send(BOARD_ID, intAddr, strData, NLend) If (ibsta And EERR) Then MsgBox " GP-IB device can't write" End If End Sub
'================================================== ' Sub routine ' Recieve Binary query data '==================================================
Function RecieveBinaryGPIB(intAdr As Integer, byteArray() As Byte) As
Long Const READSIZE = 1200000 ' MAX 1.2MB Dim lngSize As Long Dim lngL As Long Dim lngPos As Long Dim ud As Integer Dim byteLow As Byte Dim byteHigh As Byte Dim strA As String
Dim intDummy(READSIZE) As Integer lngSize = 0
'----- open device ud = ildev(0, intAdr, 0, T30s, 1, 0) lngPos = 0
'----- read data Do DoEvents Call ibrdi(ud, intDummy, READSIZE) If (ibsta And EERR) Then MsgBox "GP-IB device can't Read(GPIB:" & intAdr & ")" RecieveBinaryGPIB = 0 Exit Function Else ReDim Preserve byteArray(lngPos + ibcntl + 2) For lngL = 0 To ibcntl / 2 - 1 strA = Right("0000" & Hex(intDummy(lngL)), 4) byteHigh = Val("&H" + Left(strA, 2)) byteLow = Val("&H" + Right(strA, 2)) byteArray(lngPos) = byteLow byteArray(lngPos + 1) = byteHigh lngPos = lngPos + 2 Next lngL End If Loop While (ibcntl = READSIZE)
RecieveBinaryGPIB = lngPos End Function
2.6 Sample Program
IM AQ6370C-17EN
Ethernet Interface
3.1 Connecting via Ethernet
You can connect to a LAN using the Ethernet interface for control of the instrument from a PC.
Ethernet Interface Specifications
Communication ports: 1 Electromechanical specifications: Conforms to IEEE802.3 Transmission method: Ethernet (10BASE-T/100BASE-TX/
1000BASE-T (AQ6370D/AQ6373B/AQ6375B only))
Transmission speed: 10 Mbps/100 Mbps/1000 Mbps (AQ6370D/AQ6373B/
AQ6375B only) Communication protocol: TCP/IP Connector type: RJ45 Port number used: 10001/tcp (default)
Connect a UTP (unshielded twisted-pair) cable or an STP (shielded twisted-pair) cable that is connected to another device to the ETHERNET port on the rear panel of the instrument.
Precautions When Making Connections
• Be sure to use a straight cable through a hub when connecting a PC to the instrument.
Performance cannot be guaranteed if a 1-to-1 connection is made with a cross cable.
• When using a UTP (straight) cable, make sure that it is a category 5 cable.
Chapter 3 Ethernet Interface
IM AQ6370C-17EN
3.2 Setting Up Ethernet
Selecting the Communication Interface
Press SYSTEM. The system setting menu is displayed.
Press the MORE1/4 soft key. The communication interface setting menu is
Press the REMOTE INTERFACE soft key. The setting menu for the interface to
be used is displayed.
In AQ6370D (R02.01 or later), press the
soft key to set the communication interface to Ethernet.
In models other than AQ6370D, press the ETHERNET soft key to set the
communication interface to Ethernet.
NETWORK(SOCKET)(AQ6370D) NETWORK(except for AQ6370D)
Setting Up TCP/IP
Press the NETWORK SETTING soft key. The ethernet setting menu is displayed.
Press the TCP/IP SETTING soft key. The TCP/IP setting menu is displayed.
Using the <, > soft keys, select AUTO (DHCP) or MANUAL.
Press the SELECT soft key. The item is selected.
IM AQ6370C-17EN
Ethernet Interface
If you select MANUAL, enter the IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway.
Using the arrow soft keys, select an input position, and press ENTER. If you selected AUTO, skip to step 10.
Enter a number using the rotary knob or the <, >,
keys, and press ENTER.
When all settings are entered, press the DONE soft key.
Setting the Remote Port Number (not used with the VXI-11)
Press the REMOTE PORT NO. soft key. The port number setting screen is
Enter a port number using the rotary knob or the arrow keys, and press ENTER.
Command format setting
Remote port number setting
Setting the Command Format
Perform these steps if you will use AQ6317 commands.
Press the COMMAND FORMAT soft key. The command format setting menu is
Normally, you will enter AQ6370C, AQ6370D, AQ6373, AQ6373B, AQ6375 or
AQ6375B. If you wish to use AQ6317 commands, enter AQ6317.
Setting the User Name and Password (not used with the VXI-11)
Press the REMOTE USER ACCOUNT soft key. The user name and password
setting menu is displayed.
Press the USER NAME soft key. The user name setting screen appears. The
default is anonymous.
Specify a user name using 11 alphanumeric characters or fewer.
If the user name is set to anonymous, the password setting is not required.
Press the PASSWORD soft key. The password setting screen is displayed.
Specify a password using 11 alphanumeric characters or fewer.
3.2 Setting Up Ethernet
IM AQ6370C-17EN
Configuring the Remote Monitor Settings (On the AQ6370C/AQ6370D/ AQ6373B/AQ6375B)
Press the REMOTE MONITOR soft key. The remote monitor setup menu appears.
Press the MONITOR PORT soft key. Each time you press the soft key, the setting
toggles between ON and OFF. Remote monitoring is possible when the setting is ON.
Turns the monitor port on and off.
Set the port number (fixed).
Disconnects the monitor connection
• Disconnecting the Monitor Connection
Press the DISCONNECT soft key. The monitor connection from the PC is
Setting Directory Sharing (Only on the AQ6370D/AQ6373B/AQ6375B)
Press the FOLDER SHARING soft key. A directory sharing setup menu appears.
Press the READ ONLY soft key. The user area directory of the AQ6370D/
AQ6373B/AQ6375B is shared (read only).
Disables directory sharing
Enables directory sharing
• Disabling Directory Sharing
Press the DISABLE soft key. The sharing of the user area directory is disabled.
TCP/IP Settings
It is necessary to set up the IP address for correct use of the instrument. If a DHCP server is provided on the network to which this instrument is connected, the IP address given to the instrument is automatically set. Thus, set the item IP ADDRESS SETTING under SYSTEM <NETWORK SETTING><TCP/IP SETTING> to “AUTO.” Please ask your network administrator for details about network connections.
• If you start the AQ6370C/AQ6370D/AQ6373/AQ6373B/AQ6375/AQ6375B when it is connected to a network, it may take a few minutes for the start procedure to finish. (The progress of initialization is indicated at the bottom of the screen with indications from “STEP 1/9” to “STEP 9/9.”)
• When the start procedure is finished and the measurement screen appears, it may take a few more minutes before you can access the AQ6370C/AQ6370D/AQ6373/AQ6373B/ AQ6375/AQ6375B from a PC over the network. In addition, the DONE key of TCP/IP settings may be unavailable for a certain time.
3.2 Setting Up Ethernet
IM AQ6370C-17EN
Ethernet Interface
REMOTE PORT NO. (not used with the VXI-11)
Sets the port number for remote control via ETHERNET. (Default: 10001.)
User Authentication
(not used with the VXI-11)
User authentication is required to connect to the instrument from a PC over an Ethernet network. If the user name is anonymous, a password is not required. This instrument supports plain text authentication and the MD5 Message Digest Algorithm by RSA Data Security, Inc.
Remote Monitoring
You can use the ETHERNET port to monitor the AQ6370C/AQ6370D/AQ6373B/AQ6375B screen or control the AQ6370C/AQ6370D/AQ6373B/AQ6375B from a PC over a network. To use this feature, you need remote monitoring software (not included). For information on remote monitoring software, contact your nearest YOKOGAWA dealer.
Sharing Directories
The user area directory of the AQ6370D/AQ6373B/AQ6375B internal memory can be shared on a PC. When the user area directory is shared, the following files can be copied to the PC over the network. You cannot save files to the AQ6370D/AQ6373B/AQ6375B.
Timeout Period (AQ6370D (R02.01 or later))
This is enabled when REMOTE INTERFACE is NETWORK (SOCKET). When a non-communication period reached the set period in a remote state, the communication is automatically disconnected to enter the local state. The change in the timeout period resets the time elapsed. You can set INFINITE (0 second) or 1 through 21600 seconds (six hours).
Remote Control Using Commands
The AQ6370C/AQ6370D/AQ6373/AQ6373B/AQ6375/AQ6375B can be remote controlled using the LAN port. For remote commands, use the same commands as those for control via the GP-IB interface. AQ6370D (R02.01 or later) also supports control with VXI-11.
Switching Interfaces
Select GP-IB, RS-232C, or ETHERNET as an interface to use for remote control. When set to ETHERNET, the LAN mode connection status is reset. Otherwise, the connection is kept open unless closed by the controller.
Remote Commands
As with GP-IB-based remote control, you can select the command format from the AQ6370C, AQ6370D, AQ6373, AQ6373B, AQ6375 or AQ6375B mode or from the AQ6317-compatible mode.
Interrupt by SRQ
An SRQ interrupt does not occur during LAN-based remote control.
3.2 Setting Up Ethernet
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