2995-009 & 2995-010
2565-756_REV_A 12/2011

1. Adjust row unit down pressure springs to the minimum setting, remove planter transport locks and
lower the planter frame down to allow the planter row units to just touch ground level.
2. Attach the 2995-235 rear mount brackets to the planter row units using the 1/2” bolts, washer, and
lock nuts.
3. Clamp the 2995-345 22” cross tube to the 2995-235 rear mount brackets at or near the end of the
tubing using the ½” x 5” bolts, 2995-346 clamp plates and lock nuts.
4. Locate the row unit center and make a mark on the cross tube. Knowing the distance off of the row
center that you want to place the fertilizer, measure that distance and make a mark on the cross tube.
Now attach the attach the 2990-153 clamp kit to the front of the cross tube and center the clamp on
the mark where the fertilizer is to be placed. NOTE: It is best to consult the fertilizer supplier for
spacing requirements when placing starter fertilizer close to the seed.
5. Install the 2530-208, 3/8” x 2 ½” roll pin into the end of the 1-1/2” round shank, leaving equal amount
of the roll pin protruding out each side.
6. Insert the 2975-303 locking collar into the coulter pivot casting and slide the 22” shank up through the
casting and locking collar. Allow the coulter to pivot, do not align the roll pin with the slots in the
casting. Slide the shank until the roll pin has a 1/16” clearance with the casting. Install and slightly
tighten the 5/8” x 1” cupped set screw in the lock collar onto the shank.
7. Install the coulters into the clamp kit by installing the shank up through the clamp casting, hold the
shank in place using the cotter pin on top of the clamp casting. Install and triple tighten two 5/8” x 1”
cupped set screws into the clamp castings, torque to 110 ft. lbs. Coulter depth can be adjusted by
raising or lowering the shank at the clamp kit.
8. Adjust the locking collar to allow the coulter to swivel an equal distance left and right. Triple tighten
the 5/8” x 1” cupped set screw on the locking collar, torque to 110 ft. lbs.

9. Lubricate the coulter with grease before using.
10. After a two hour use, check all bolts and set screws for tightness. Check again after 20 hours of