Yaskawa YTerm User Manual

YTerm Software Manual

Figure 1: YTerm Software Manual

YTerm Software Manual
YASKAWA manufactures component parts that can be used in a wide variety of industrial applications. The selection and application of YASKAWA products remain the responsibility of the equipment designer or end user. YASKAWA accepts no responsibility for the way its products may be incorporated into the final system design.
Under no circumstances should any YASKAWA product be incorporated into any product or design as the exclusive or sole safety control. Without exception, all controls should be designed to detect faults dynamically under all circumstances. All products designed to incorporate a component part manufactured by YASKAW A must be supplied to t he end user with appropriate warnings and instructions as to that part’s safe use and operation. Any warnings provided by Yaskawa must be promptly provided to the end user.
YASKAWA offers an express warranty only as to the quality of its products in conforming to standards and specifications published in YASKAWA’S manual. NO OTHER WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IS OFFERED. YASKAWA assumes no liability for any personal injury, prop erty damage, losses or claims arising from misapplication of its products.
YTerm Software Manual


Overview ........................................................................ 1
What's New for Version 7 ............................................. 1
SMC4000 support ..................................................... 1
Syntax Checker ........................................................ 1
Variable Tool Tip ....................................................... 1
Windows Skins (Look & Feel) ................................... 1
Performance ............................................................. 2
Introduction to YTerm ............................................... 2
Features of YTerm .................................................... 2
Getting Started .............................................................. 4
Installing YTerm ........................................................ 4
Software Kit Contents .......................................... 4
System Requirements ......................................... 4
Software Installation ............................................ 4
Launching YTerm ..................................................... 7
Using YTerm ........................................................... 12
The Programming Screen ................................. 12
Navigating Around the Programming Screen .... 12
The Edit Windows .............................................. 13
The Help Window .............................................. 15
The Program Errors and Program Warnings
Windows ............................................................ 16
The Terminal Window ........................................ 17
The Event Logger .............................................. 19
Ethernet Status .................................................. 20
Program Monitoring ........................................... 21
The Next Button ................................................. 22
The Tuning Screen ............................................ 23
Manual Tuning ................................................... 24
Autotuning ......................................................... 25
Testing the Tuning ............................................. 27
Viewing the Tune Test Results .......................... 28
Printing The Graphs .......................................... 29
YTerm Software Manual
Storage Scope ...................................................30
Viewing the Scope Results ................................32
Saving the Gains on the SMC Controller ...........32
SMC Parameter Utility .......................................33
Sigma Servo Amplifier Setup .............................34
Emergency Stop Button .....................................36
The Monitoring Screen .......................................36
Axis Output ........................................................37
Local I/O .............................................................40
Dedicated I/O .....................................................41
Appendix ......................................................................42
SMC to RS-232 Connection (SMCCBL7 cable) ......42
Sigma Servo Amplifier to PC Connection
(YS-11 cable) ..........................................................43
Theory of Operation of the Autotuning Algorithm ....44
Index .............................................................................45
YTerm Software Manual
Overview What's New for Version 7

SMC4000 support

The latest version was modified and tested to work with the recently released SMC-4000 controller.

Syntax Checker

Programs are automatically syntax checked before being transferred to the controller. This will save the programmer considerable time by helping to identify errors that would prevent the program from running. Warnings and recommendations are also given when the program is analyzed. In addition, the syntax check is performed based on the selected controller, allowing it to identify and check for compatibility or command differences from controller to controller.

Variable Tool Tip

When the mouse is held over a highlighted user or internal variable in the program window, the tool tip reports the current value in the controller. This is very helpful for debugging. The variable can be an entire math expression, and it doesn't even need to be in the program currently executing in the controller. This allows programmers to test a calculation of formula live. Any phrase that can be typed into the terminal window by preceding it with the MG command can be updated with a tool tip in the programming window.

Windows Skins (Look & Feel)

A new look has been given to YTerm; the user can select the appearance of the windows and controls on each of the windows. The toolbar has been changed from a vertical toolbar to a more standard, horizontal style. Finally, a standard menu system has been incorporated.
Other visual changes include the addition of a tab system for the Terminal Window, Help, and Syntax Checker.
YTerm Software Manual


Communications have been improved to process data at much higher rates. This allows faster upload and download of programs and faster viewing of graphical data such as during tuning and scope.
Finally , the speed of program formatting to show comments in green has been dramatically increased, and a utility has been added to format the program into an easier to read layout, especially when it has been uploaded from a controller.

Introduction to YTerm

YT erm is a front-end software package for the Yaskawa SMC Series Motion Controller. YTerm provides a user-friendly Windows interface for design, development and debugging of motion control applications. The software package consists of three main sections:
• Programming Section - edit, transfer, and monitor programs for the
motion controller.
• Tuning Section - tune the SMC's axis and test the servo system's
performance using a four-channel scope to graph performance data.
• Monitoring section - monitor motion and I/O on the controller.

Features of YTerm

YTerm enables full control and programming of the SMC using:
• Text editor with dual edit windows for user programs and ar ray data.
• Find/replace support.
• Multiple step Undo function.
• Selectable program compression and error checking during upload.
• Real-time monitoring of program execution (includes multi-tasking).
• Full screen zoom capability in programming, online manual, and
terminal window section.
• Extensive on-screen context sensitive SMC keyword help text.
• Graphical online manual and auto tuning.
• Online scoping of up to four channels of data.
• Quick load/save of SMC parameters in and out of the controller.
• Real-time monitoring speed, position error, position, and torque for all
connected motors (numerical and graphical).
• Real-time monitoring of all analog and digital I/O.
• Sigma servo amplifier quick setup (Hardware required: YS-11 cable).
• Context sensitive pop-up menus and standard menus.
• Online ASCII Terminal emulator window.
YTerm Software Manual
• Scroll-back buffer for viewing data in the Terminal window.
• Clipboard access to the Ter minal window.
• Full text logging of all events in the Terminal window.
• Context sensitive help in all screens, accessible through F1 key.
• Event logging of program status.
• Ethernet communications and support.
• Firmware upgrading.
• Live evaluation of variables and expressions.
• Clipboard access to the Ter minal window.
• Scroll-back buffer for viewing data in the Terminal window.
• Full text logging of all events in the Terminal window.
• Find/replace support.
• Multiple step Undo & Redo functions.
• Context sensitive pop-up menus.
YTerm Software Manual

Getting Started

Installing YTerm

Software Kit Contents

The YTerm software kit (SMCGUI1) should include the following:
• One CD ROM labeled 'YTerm SMC Development Environment.'
• The YT erm Software Manual, YEA-SIA- SMC-1.1.
• One programming serial cable, SMCCBL7.
• A Software Registration card.
If any of the YTerm items are missing or damaged, contact Customer Service at Yaskawa Electric America for replacement, telephone number 1­800-YASKAWA.

System Requirements

YTerm requires the following minimum PC system configuration:
• A Pentium 233 MHz, 32MB RAM.
• VGA resolution monitor.
• An asynchronous adapter (RS-232 Serial port) on the computer.
• Microsoft Windows 95, 98, NT, 2000, or XP.

Software Installation

Exit other programs as a precaution against a program conflict occurring the first time the software is installed.
All the files required for setup are contained on the CD ROM. Before using YT erm, run the YTerm YTERM.EXE program. This program decompresses and copies the YTerm program and its associated files onto your PC hard disk.
YTERM.EXE does not modify CONFIG.SYS, AUTOEXEC.BAT, WIN.INI or SYSTEM.INI. It may update Windows components.
YTerm Software Manual
To run the INSTALL program:
1. Start Microsoft Windows.
2. Insert CD ROM into CD ROM drive.
3. Select the Run option from the Start Menu in Windows 95, 98, NT, 2000 and XP.
4. Type D:\yterm.exe (Your system may use a different letter designation for the CD ROM drive).
Figure 1: Run Dialog Screen
5. Press OK. Click the YTerm Software butt on under the Install Software heading.
6. Read the instruction screen and press Next to proceed.
7. Enter the user name and company name information and press Next.
8. Select in the desired folder for copying the YTerm files. Press Next to proceed.
9. The “Ready to install the application” window appears. Press Next to proceed.
10. The INST ALL program will now copy files from the CD ROM to the selected folder.
Note: At this time, please complete your Yaskawa software registration card found in the YTerm Software kit. This is necessary in order to provide updates and support to registered users.
11. The installation is now complete. Press Finish to end the installation program.
YTerm Software Manual
Upon completion of a successful installation, the YTerm icon will appear on the PC desktop window:
Figure 2: YTer m Program Group in Windows 95
Figure 3: YTerm Program Group in Windows XP
YT erm creates a W indows program group that defaults to Yaskawa Software and creates four program items ("shortcuts"):
1. YTerm (The SMC communication program)
YTerm Software Manual
Launching YTerm
To run YTerm, double click on the YTerm icon.
The following screen (Figure 4) will appear, while the application loads indicating the version number and release date, and any user information entered during the installation process.
Figure 4: YTerm Startup Splash Screen
This screen will display for a few seconds while the application loads. When the application is loaded, it will attempt to establish communication with an SMC. The connection will be based on previously saved communication parameters. The first time the program runs, it will use the first free communication port in the computer, and the connection will default to 19200 baud.
YTerm Software Manual
If the communication access attempt was successful, the following screen appears:
Figure 5: Communication Setup Screen Showing Successful Communication
To enable hardware handshaking, select the Enable Hardware Handshaking check box. Press Continue to proceed to the first (Programming) screen.
Note: Hardware handshaking is the recommended mode of operation.
The default setting is enabled.
To view the “About YTerm” screen, double click on the About YTerm button. Press Exit to exit YTerm.
YTerm Software Manual
If the communication access attempt failed, this screen will display the "No Connection" message as follows:
Figure 6: Communication Setup Showing Unsuccessful Communication Attempt.
Figure 7: Communication Setup Showing Ethernet Setup
YTerm Software Manual
Baud Rate: Select the baud rate that has been set by either DIP switches or
jumpers on the SMC, depending on the controller. For all controllers, the default baud rate is 19200.
Port: Select the port which corresponds to the location on the computer
where the serial cable has been connected. If a LEGEND–MC or SMC–4000 controller is used, Ethernet is a communication option. If Ethernet is selected, the controller’s IP address must be entered. The window will change display to allow entry of this information as shown in Figure 7. Note: The local IP address setting is shown on the screen. If the number is all zeros or something like, this means that the PC’s Ethernet settings are not properly set (in Network, TCP/IP settings). Also note that if the cable is properly connected, both the PC’s Ethernet status LED and the one on the controller will show a valid connection (Typically via a green LED next to the Ethernet Port). The LEDs should be ON even before the actual software connection is established.
About YTerm: Click to view the “About YTerm” window, including
version information. System information can be gathered from this window by pressing the system information button. This information may be helpful to Yaskawa software development should incompatibility issue arise.
Enable Hardware Handshaking: To enable hardware handshaking, check
the check box. This is the recommended method for serial communication. The default setting is “enabled”.
Default Port: The check box that refers to the default port will send the CF
command to the controller after connection. This will cause the controller to redirect unsolicited information to the port that YTerm has just opened. This will allow messages from the controller to be viewed in the terminal window.
Force Connection to Last Handle: If checked, YTerm queries the
controller using _IA3 to determine what handle it is on. If it is not on the “P” for LEGEND-MC or “H” for SMC4000, then YTerm sends the HS command to switch handles making the YTerm connection on either “P” or “H.” This keeps YTerm out of the way of other devices that the controller might make a connection to later.
Test Connection: Initiates communication with the controller. Once
communication has been verified, the status panel at the upper right of the form will turn green, and the controller’s serial number, axis count, and the firmware version are displayed. Press Continue after the connection window appears. If connection was not verified, the status panel will turn yellow.
YTerm Software Manual
Editor Only: If YT erm is to be used for viewing or editing programs while a
controller is not present, select Editor Only. This will allow YTerm to operate without using a communications driver. Only the programming window will be accessible in the Editor Only mode.
Note: If the controller is in “monitor mode”, a mode where the firmwar e is not executing, YTerm will detect this and assume that a firmware upgrade attempt has previously failed. If this is the case, YTerm will attempt to download firmware to the controller again if requested. This feature is only applicable if connected to an SMC–3010 or SMC4000 controller.
When establishing communications with an SMC, check all cable and power connections. Make sure that the cable between the computer and motion controller is plugged into the correct computer port. Verify the computer port matches the one selected in YTerm.
Press Test (A) to try to establish communication once more and press Continue (B) upon seeing the connection screen.
If problems persist, contact technical support.
Press Editor Only (C) to work in offline mode if there is no SMC connected. In offline mode, only the Programming screen is available.
Press Exit (D) to exit YTerm.
Note: All SMC units are configured for 19200 baud rate by default.
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