Yamaha Audio PSR-77, PSR-185 User Manual

Getting Playing Your New PortaTone
Voice Style Mode Song Sound Effect and Drum Pads
Sound Effect and Drum List
Percussion Assign List
(Voices 40 and 00). Jam Track Chord Progression List One Touch Settiing
2 3
5 6 9
12 13 23
C o ng ra tula tions o n yo ur purc ha se o f the Ya m a ha Po rta To ne
You now own a portable keyboard that packs advanced functions and great sound in a highly compact size. Its outstanding features also make it an exceptionally expressive and versatile instrument. Read this Owner’s Manual carefully while playing your new PortaTone in order to take full advantage of its various features.
Ma in Fe a ture s
The PortaTone is a sophisticated musical instrument with the following features and functions:
Exceptionally realistic sounds with 100 AWM (Advanced Wave Memory) Voices, utilizing digital recordings of actual instruments.
Dynamic, versatile rhythms and accompaniment with 100 music Styles.
20 Songs, for listening enjoyment or for playing along with when using the Minus One function.
20 Jam Track patterns, providing specially programmed rhythms and chord progressions for playing along
(On the PSR-185) a set of four Pads that allow you to play drum and percussion sounds as well as special
sound effects.
One Touch Setting, for automatically calling up an appropriate Voice for playing with the Style, Song or Jam Track you select.
High-quality amplifier/speaker system (stereo for the PSR-185).
Your new PortaTone is a fine musical instrument — and should be treated as such. Handle it with care and common sense, and it will give you years of enjoyment.
— Taking Care
Loc a tio n
Avoid exposure to direct sunlight or other sources
of heat. Never leave it inside a car where it can get
very hot. Also avoid highly humid or dusty places.
Inte rfe re nc e Fro m Ele c trom a g ne tic Fie lds
Do not use your PortaTone close to television sets,
radios or similar equipment since this may cause interference noise in the other appliance.
Ha ndling
Protect your PortaTone from strong impact. Be
careful not to drop it or place heavy objects on it. Avoid applying excessive force to the controls and keys.
Your PortaTone
C le a ning
Clean the exterior with a soft, dry cloth. To remove stubborn stains, use a slightly moistened cloth. Never use alcohol, thinner, or other chemical solvents, since they will damage the finish. Also, do not leave vinyl chloride material on the PortaTone
for a long time, since it may adhere to the exterior.
Yamaha is not responsible for damage caused by improper usage.
Whe n No t Using the Po rtaTone
After use, always turn off the POWER switch. When
not using your PortaTone for long periods, be sure
to remove the batteries to avoid damage through
battery leakage.
Getting Started
Power Requirments
Your PortaTone can run either on batteries (sold separately) or on normal household current by using the optional Yamaha PA-3/4/40 Power Adaptor.
Using an AC Power Adaptor
To connect your PortaTone to a wall socket, you will
need the optionally available Yamaha PA-3/4/40 Power Adaptor. Use of other AC adaptors could result in damage to the instrument, so be sure to ask for the right kind. Plug the adaptor into a convenient wall outlet and its connector into the DC 10-12V IN
jack on the back of your PortaTone.
Using Batteries
Inserting Batteries
Turn the instrument upside-down and remove the
battery compartment lid. Insert six 1.5-volt size “D” batteries as shown in the illustration, making
sure that the positive and negative terminals are properly aligned. Replace the lid.
Accessory Jacks
Using Headphones
For private practicing and playing without disturbing
others, connect a set of stereo headphones to the rear
panel HEADPHONES/AUX OUT jack. Sound from the built-in speaker system is automatically cut off when you insert a headphone plug into this jack.
When the Batteries Run Down
When the batteries run low and the battery voltage drops below a certain level, the PortaTone may not sound or function properly. As soon as this happens, replace them with a complete set of six new batter­ies.
Never mix old and new or different types of
batteries (e.g., alkaline and manganese).
Auto Power OFF
The PSR-185/77 features an Auto Power OFF func­tion that automatically turns the power OFF if the
instrument is not used for approximately 30 minutes. This functions whether batteries or the AC power adaptor is used.
Connecting a Keyboard Amplifier
or Stereo System
After making sure the PortaTone and any external devices are turned off, connect one end of a stereo audio cable to the LINE IN or AUX. IN jack(s) of the other device and the other end to the HEADPHONES/
AUX OUT jack of the PortaTone.
The Music Stand
Insert the bottom edge of the music stand into the slot located at the top rear of the PSR-185/77 control panel.
Playing Your New PortaTone
This section briefly shows you how to use the various controls on the panel of the PortaTone.
Turning on the Power
Press the POWER ON/OFF power of the PortaTone. Whenever the power is
turned on, Voice 01 (PIANO) is automatically selected.
to turn on the
Selecting a Mode
Your PortaTone has three different operating modes:
Voice, Style and Song —
sponding panel buttons. VOICE lets you select and play a Voice. STYLE lets you select and play a setting that includes a rhythm/accompaniment pat­tern. SONG lets you select and play either a Song or a Jam Track pattern.
To select one of the modes:
Press the button corresponding to the desired mode. For now, press SONG to select the Song mode.
each selected from the corre-
Playing a Song in the Song Mode
A variety of Songs and special Jam Tracks have been recorded to your PortaTone to give you a taste of
what you can do with the instrument, and to provide
music and patterns for you to play along with.
To select and play one of the Songs:
With the Song mode selected, use the Numeric Keypad to enter the desired Song or Jam
Track number. Be sure to enter a two-digit
number, as is printed next to each song on the panel. For example, to select Song 09, first press ‘0” on the Numeric Keypad, then “9.”
You can also use the +/- buttons on the Numeric
Keypad to step up or down through the preset numbers; holding down the appropriate button continuously changes the number. Note that the
+/- buttons have a “wrap around” feature. For example, pressing the + button from the last
number returns to Song 01. (Song 01 is also automatically selected when you turn the power
To play the selected Song, press the START/STOP
Note that the dots in the MULTI DISPLAY
in time with the music. The left dot flashes at the
first beat of every measure, and the right dot flashes at the other beats. (For more information on the MULTI DISPLAY, see box at right.)
As mentioned above, the dots in the MULTI DIS-
PLAY flash in time with the rhythm, and the indi­cation is used when a Song or Style plays back. This flashing provides a visual indication of both the tempo and the time signature of the rhythm.
Adjust the volume of the Song by using the
VOLUME control
Although the Song is automatically set to play at a
default tempo, you can change the speed of the Song by using the TEMPO buttons TEMPO + to increase the speed and TEMPO - to decrease it; holding down the appropriate button continuously increases/decreases the speed. (Note that the tempo value is briefly shown in the MULTI DISPLAY.)
if you want to set the tempo back to its original
default setting, press both TEMPO buttons simul­taneously. (For more information on the Tempo functions, see box at right.)
To stop the Song, press the START/STOP button
You should enter numbers on the Numeric Keypad relatively
quickly, If YOU do not enter the second digit of a number
within about ten seconds after entering the first digit, the
first digit will be carcelled. Entry of a first digit is also
automatically cancelled if any other button on the panel
(except for those on the Numeric Keypad) is pressed before
entering the second digit. Also, keep in mind that entry of numbers higher than 40 in the Song mode are ignored.
For Songs and Styles in 4/4 time, the dots flash like this:
For Songs and Styles in 3/4 time, the dots flash like this:
About the Tempo Functions
Tempo Values
As mentioned above, the tempo value is shown briefly in the MULTI DISPLAY when one of the TEMPO buttons is pressed. The displayed tempo range is from 10 to 60; in actual tempo values, the range is from 40 to 240 beats per minute. (Each step in the tempo adjustment corresponds to 4 beats per minute.)
Default Tempos
Each Song and Style has been given a default or standard tempo. If you change the tempo, you can set it back to the original default setting, by press­ing both TEMPO buttons simultaneously. Also, the tempo of a Song or Style returns to the default setting when selecting a different Song or Style. (The set tempo remains, however, when switching
Styles during playback.) When you turn on the power of the PortaTone, the tempo is automatically set to the default setting of Style 01.
Voice Mode
The Voice mode features 100 authentic Voices. Many of these Voices have special preset character­istics or embellishments. The Voices are divided into various categories depending on their characteris­tics or the effects used.
Dual Voices (#41 - X56) feature two Voices mixed together in a layer for rich ensemble sounds. Split Voices (#57 - #67) also have two Voices, but rather than being layered, each is played from a different range of the keyboard. Sustain Voices (#66 - #72) extend the sound by adding a natural, slow release. Harmony Voices (#73 - #85) have an additional one-, two- or three-note harmony added to the original monophonic Voice. Finally, Echo Voices (#86 - #00) have an echo effect that adds delayed repeats to the original Voice.
Included in the Voices are special PERCUSSION
Voices (#40 and #00 that lets you play various drum
and percussion sounds from the keyboard. (Refer to the Percussion Assign list page 11.)
Selecting a Voice
Press the VOICE button to select the Voice mode.
About the Harmony Voices
Since Harmony Voices are designed to automati­cally play two or more notes with the notes you
play on the keyboard, only one note can be played
on the keyboard at a time. If several notes are
played together, only the last note or highest note played will be heard.
The type of harmony used depends on the Voice that is selected. When a Style or Song/Jam Track
is not being played back, the basic key for the harmony is always C. When a Style is played or
the Stopped Accompaniment function is active, the
harmony changes according to the chord played with the left hand. When a Song is played back, the harmony changes according to the chord progres­sion of the Song or Jam Track.
The PortaTone is polyphonic up to a maximum of 12 notes. (Depending on the Voice selected, fewer notes may be
available.) This includes not only the Voices played from the
keyboard, but also the notes in a style pattern, and so on. Thus, if you play too many notes at one time, some may not sound and/or others may be cancelled.
Use the Numeric Keypad to select the desired Voice number. Each Voice is automatically called up with the most suitable octave range setting. Thus, playing middle C with one Voice may sound higher or lower than another Voice at the same key.
Play the newly selected Voice. To change to
another Voice, repeat step 2 above.
You can also play rhythm Styles in the Voice mode
by simply pressing the START/STOP button. The
Style last selected from the Style mode will be
Style Mode
The Style mode provides dynamic rhythm/accom­paniment patterns — as well as Voice settings appro­priate for each pattern — for various popular music styles, as listed on the panel. A total of 100 different Styles are available, and are divided into ten differ-
ent categoties. Each rhythm pattern also has a spe­cially created companion Fill In pattern, which can be
played by using the SYNC-START/FILL IN button.
Auto Accompaniment features built into the rhythms add the excitement of instrumental back­ing to your performance, letting you control the accompaniment by the chords you play. Auto Accompaniment effectively splits the keyboard into two sections: The upper is used for playing a melody line, and the lower (labeled "AUTO ACCOMP. SECTION” on the keyboard, including keys C1 through F2) is for
the Auto Accompaniment function.
Selecting a Style
Press the STYLE button to select the Style mode.
The Fill In pattern may not play precisely when you press the
SYNC-START/FILL IN button, but instead starts on the beat
immediately following your press of the button. Also,
depending on when you press the button, only a portion of
the Fill In might be played. Both of these situations are
normal and are done to ensure that the Fill In pattern comple-
ments the basic rhvthm, rather than disrupting it.
With the rhythm running, you’re ready to try out
the Auto Accompaniment feature. Try playing a few single notes with your left hand, and notice
how the bass and chord accompaniment change
with each key you play. (Refer to the boxed sections on pages 7 and 8 for more information on how to use Auto Accompaniment.)
Use the TEMPO buttons to change the tempo of the Style as it’s playing. (For more information on
the Tempo functions, see page 4.)
While the Style is playing, you can add variation
to the rhythm by playing special Fill In patterns. To play a Fill In pattern, press the SYNC-START/ FILL IN button.
Use the Numeric Keypad to select the desired
Style number.
You can start the selected rhythm by pressing the
START/STOP button.
The PortaTone also has a Synchro Start function
that allows you to start the rhythm by simply pressing a key on the keyboard. To use Synchro Start, first press the SYNC-START/FILL IN button, then press one of the keys in the AUTO
Synchro Start is automatically set to stand-by when you
select the Style mode. (The dots in the MULTI DISPLAY flash
to indicate stand-by status.)
To stop the rhythm, press the START/STOP
button again.
Pressing the START/STOP button while the
rhythm is playing produces a simple ending phrase. This also applies to playing Jam Track patterns in the Song mode.
Using the Auto Accompaniment Function/Multi Fingering
The Auto Accompaniment function automatically gener­ates bass and chord accompaniment for you to play along
with, by using Multi Fingering operation. You can change the chords of the accompaniment by playing keys in the AUTO ACCOMP. SECTION of the keyboard using either the
Single Finger Chords
Chords that can be produced in Single Finger opera­tion are major, minor, seventh and minor seventh. The illustration below shows how to produce the
four chord types. (The key of C is used here as an
example; other keys follow the same rules. For example, B7 is played as B and A.)
“Single Finger” or “Fingered” method. With Single
Finger you can simply play a one-, two- or three-finger chord indication (see Single Finger Chords below). The Fingered technique is that of conventionally playing all the notes of the chord. Whichever method you use, the
PortaTone “understands” what chord you indicate and
then automatically generates the accompaniment
Chords played in the AUTO ACCOMP. SECTION of the key-
board are also detected and played when the accompaniment
is stopped (Stopped Accompaniment function). In this
condition, the Voices used for the bass and chords are
automatically selected.
Press the root of the chord.
Press the root note together with
any white key to the left of it.
To use the Minus One function with one of the styles, press
the MINUS ONE button. (The LED next to the button lights.)
Minus One cancels all chord accompaniment, leaving only the
bass and basic rhythm of the Style.
Setting Auto Accompuniment to Single Finger or Fingered
Though detection of the Single Finger and Fingered methods is automatic, you can set Auto Accompa­niment to function exclusively in either the Single Finger or Fingered mode.
To set Auto Accompaniment to Single Finger, turn the power off, then hold down the “-” button on the
Numeric Keypad and simultaneously turn the power on. "SF" (Single Finger) briefly appears in the MULTI
In Single Finger, the AUTO ACCOMP. SECTION is set between
the C1 key (the lowest key) and the C
2 key.
Pess the root note together with any black key to the left of it.
Press the root note together with any white and black key to the left of it (three keys altogether).
To set Auto Accompaniment to Fingered, follow the same steps, holding down the “+” button instead. “F” (Fingered) briefly appears in the MULTI
To switch back to Multi Fingering operation, simply turn the power off and on again.
Fingered Chords
Using the key of C as an example, the chart below shows the types of chords that can be recognized in the
Fingered mode.
Fingered Chords in the Key of C
Notes enclosed in parentheses are optional; the chords will be recognized without them.
If the chord is inverted (i.e., C-E-G is played as G-C-E) the PortaTone will still recognize it as a C chord.
Minor 6th chords are recognized only in root position, however; all other inversions are interpreted as minor 7th/flatted 5th.
If augmented and diminished 7th chords are inverted, the lowest note will be recognized as the root.
7th flatted 5th chords may be played with the lowest note as the root or the 7th.
9th chords are recognized only in root position; all other inversions are interpreted as suspended 4th.
Augmented 7th and diminished 7th chords are interpreted as simple augmented and diminished.
The PortaTone also has a Chord Cancel function to stop the chord accompaniment but allow the rhythm pattern to continue playing.
To use Chord Cancel, simultaneously press any three consecutive notes in the AUTO ACCOMP. SECTION; for example, C, C
and D.
One Touch Setting in the Style Mode
The One Touch Setting function automatically
selects an appropriate Voice for playing with the Style you select. In other words, when One Touch Setting is on, the Voice automatically changes
when you change the Style.
To turn on the One Touch Setting function, press
the ONE TOUCH SETTING button. (The LED next to
the button lights.)
To turn the function off, press the button again.
When the One Touch Setting is on, selecting another Style
will automatically reset the tempo to the default of the
selected Style.
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