Yamaha Audio MSP10M, MSP10 User Manual

Owner’s manual Mode d’emploi Bedienungsanleitung Manual de instrucciones
Thank you for purchasing the Yamaha MSP10/10M monitor speaker system. The MSP10/10M features a compact bass reflex cabinet, with a 20 cm two-way cone speaker and a 2.5 cm titanium dome speaker. This powered bi-amplifier speaker system faithfully reproduces sound and can be used for a wide range of applications, from personal home recordings to serious professional use. Please read this Owner’s Manual thoroughly to make the best use of the MSP10/10M’s quality functions for the longest period of time, and keep the manual in a safe place.


• Do not allow water to enter this unit or allow the unit to become wet. Fire or electrical shock may result.
• Connect this unit’s power cord only to an AC outlet of the type stated in this Owner’s Manual or as marked on the unit. Failure to do so is a fire and electrical shock hazard.
• Do not scratch, bend, twist, pull, or heat the power cord. A damaged power cord is a fire and electrical shock hazard.
• Do not place heavy objects, including this unit, on top of the power cord. A damaged power cord is a fire and electrical shock hazard. In particular, be careful not to place heavy objects on a power cord covered by a carpet.
• If you notice any abnormality, such as smoke, odor, or noise, or if a foreign object or liquid gets inside the unit, turn it off immediately. Remove the power cord from the AC outlet. Consult your dealer for repair. Using the unit in this condition is a fire and electrical shock hazard.
• Should this unit be dropped or the cabinet be damaged, turn the power switch off, remove the power plug from the AC outlet, and contact your dealer. If you continue using the unit without heeding this instruction, fire or electrical shock may result.
• If the power cord is damaged (i.e., cut or a bare wire is exposed), ask your dealer for a replacement. Using the unit with a damaged power cord is a fire and electrical shock hazard.
• Do not remove the unit’s cover. You could receive an electrical shock. If you think internal inspection, maintenance, or repair is necessary, contact your dealer.
• Do not modify the unit. Doing so is a fire and electrical shock hazard.
• When rack-mounting the unit, allow enough free space around the unit for normal ventilation. This should be: 10 cm at the sides, 30 cm behind, and 60 cm above. For normal ventilation during use, remove the rear of the rack or open a ventilation hole. If the airflow is not adequate, the unit will heat up inside and may cause a fire.
• This unit has ventilation holes at the rear to prevent the internal temperature rising too high. Do not block this. Blocked ventilation holes are a fire hazard.
• This unit is heavy. Use two or more people to carry it.
• Keep this unit away from the following locations: —Locations exposed to oil splashes or steam, such
as near cooking stoves, humidifiers, etc.
—Unstable surfaces, such as a wobbly table or
—Locations exposed to excessive heat, such as
inside a car with all the windows closed, or places that receive direct sunlight.
—Locations subject to excessive humidity or dust
• Hold the power cord plug when disconnecting it from an AC outlet. Never pull the cord. A damaged power cord is a potential fire and electrical shock hazard.
• Do not touch the power plug with wet hands. Doing so is a potential electrical shock hazard.
Operating Notes
• Turn off all musical instruments, audio equipment, and speakers when connecting to this unit. Use the correct connecting cables and connect as specified.
• Always lower the volume control to minimum before turning on the power to this unit. A sudden blast of sound may damage your hearing.
• Do not raise the volume of headphones or speakers to a level that makes you feel uncomfortable. Listening to loud music for long periods can damage your hearing.
• This speaker is magnetic shielded. However, if a nearby monitor displays any uneven colors, place it further away from the monitor.
• You may feel a flow of air in and out of the port on this unit. This is not abnormal and sometimes occurs when a program with a lot of bass range is played.
• XLR-type connectors are wired as follows: pin 1: ground, pin 2: hot (+), and pin 3: cold (–).
GREEN-AND-YELLOW : EARTH BLUE : NEUTRAL BROWN : LIVE As the colours of the wires in the mains lead of this apparatus may
not correspond with the coloured markings identifying the terminals in your plug, proceed as follows:
The wire which is coloured GREEN and YELLOW must be connected to the terminal in the plug which is marked by the letter E or by the safety earth symbol or coloured GREEN and YELLOW.
The wire which is coloured BLUE must be connected to the terminal which is marked with the letter N or coloured BLACK.
The wire which is coloured BROWN must be connected to the terminal which is marked with the letter L or coloured RED.
* This applies only to products distributed by YAMAHA KEMBLE

Front panel/Rear panel

Power/Clip indicator
This indicator lights up green when you turn the POWER switch on the rear panel ON. If the output level is too high, causing clipping at the amplifier, the indicator lights up red. In this case, lower the input level.
2 3 5
–2 –1
0 –1 ON0
HIGH (80Hz)
+1 OFF
MIN –6dB
TRIM switches
These switches enable you to adjust the bass and treble for the MSP10/10M.
LOW: three positions
The LOW switch adjusts the bass range. With the “–1” and “–2” settings, the bass range is cut by
1.5 dB when based on a reference value of 50 Hz with the “0” setting.
HIGH: three positions
The HIGH switch adjusts the treble. With the “+1” setting, the treble range is boosted by 1.5 dB when based on a reference value of 10 kHz with the “0” setting. With “–1” setting, the treble range is cut by
1.5 dB.
LOW CUT switch
This switch turns on or off the high-pass filter that cuts frequency ranges below 80 Hz.
Adjust the volume according to the output sensitivity of the connected device. (The factory default setting is “MIN.”)
INPUT jack
This is an XLR-type balanced input jack.
POWER switch
This switch turns the power to the MSP10/10M on and off. When you turn this switch on, the power/ clip indicator lights up green.
General specifications
Type........................................... Amplified 2Way Bass Reflex Powered Speaker (Bi-Amp.)
Crossover Frequency .................. 2.0 kHz, 30 dB/oct
Frequency Range ....................... 40 Hz to 40 kHz (–10 dB)
Sensitivity ..................................–10 dB at –6 dB position (for 100 dB/SPL, 1 m on Axis)
Maximum Output Level............. 110 dB (1 m on Axis)
Dimensiones (W
Weight.......................................20 kg
Speaker unit
Speaker Unit.............................. LF: 20 cm Cone (4
Enclosure................................... Type: Bass Reflex
Maximum Output Power............LF: 120 W at 400 Hz, THD= 0.02%, RL= 4
Input Sensitivity/Impedance ....... –6 dB to +4 dB/10 k
Hum & Noise.............................
Signal to Noise Ratio..................
Controls..................................... TRIM Switch
Connectors ...............................Input XLR-3-31
Power Indicator/Clip Indicator ... Green/Red LED
Power Requirement....................USA and Canada: AC 120 V, 60 Hz
Power Consumption...................150 W
Option....................................... Wall mounting bracket BWS251-300
D).......... 265
329 mm
, magnetic shielded)
HF: 2.5 cm Titan Dome (8
HF: 60 W at 10 kHz, THD= 0.02%, RL= 8
–67 dBu (Volume= Min) DIN Audio filter
98 dB (IEC-A Weighting)
LOW: 3 positions (0 dB, –1.5 dB, –3 dB at 50 Hz)
HIGH: 3 positions (+1.5 dB, 0 dB, –1.5 dB at 10 kHz) LOW CUT Switch: ON/OFF SENSITIVITY Control POWER Switch: ON/OFF
Europe: AC 230 V, 50 Hz Others: AC 240 V, 50 Hz
, magnetic shielded)
Specifications and appearance are subject to change without notice.
For European Model Purchaser/User Information specified in EN55103-1 and EN55103-2. Inrush Current: 11A Conformed Environment: E1, E2, E3 and E4


Performance graph

Standard frequency response
W: 265
2-M8 Screws
H: 420
2625.5 D: 329
Unit: mm

Block Diagram


Mounting the MSP10/10M on the wall

You can install the MSP10/10M on the wall using an optional Yamaha wall bracket BWS251-300. For more information on how to install it, refer to the instructions that come with the wall bracket. For the angle and position of installation, refer to the figure below. The wall should be strong enough to support the speaker and equivalent to a sheet of plywood with a thickness of 18 mm (11/16 inches) or more. Use appropriate tools for installation.
• Recommend for new constructions.
• Ask an installation specialist for instruction.
• Some installation parts may deteriorate due to friction or corrosion over a long period of time. For safety, check these parts and condition regularly.

MSP10/10M Mode d’emploi

Nous vous remercions d’avoir opté pour le système d’enceinte d’écoute MSP10/10M de Yamaha. Le système MSP10/10M dispose d’un coffret bass reflex compact avec un haut-parleur deux voies en cône de 20 cm et un haut-parleur avec un dôme en titane de 2,5 cm. Ce système d’enceinte active biamplifiée reproduit le son avec fidélité et peut avoir de nombreuses applications allant de l’enregistrement à domicile à un usage professionnel intensif. Veuillez lire attentivement ce Mode d’emploi afin de tirer le meilleur parti des qualités du MSP10/10M durant de longues années. Conservez ensuite ce mode d’emploi dans un endroit sûr.


• Evitez de mouiller l’appareil. Il y a risque d’incendie ou d’électrocution.
• Ne branchez le cordon d’alimentation de cet appareil qu’à une prise secteur qui répond aux caractéristiques données dans ce manuel ou sur l’appareil, faute de quoi, il y a risque d’incendie.
• Evitez de griffer, tordre, plier, tirer ou chauffer le cordon d’alimentation. Un cordon d’alimentation endommagé constitue un risque d’incendie ou d’électrocution.
• Ne posez pas d’objets pesants (à commencer par l’appareil lui-même) sur le cordon d’alimentation. Un cordon d’alimentation endommagé peut provoquer un incendie ou une électrocution. Cette précaution est notamment valable lorsque le cordon d’alimentation passe sous un tapis.
• Si vous remarquez un phénomène anormal tel que de la fumée, une odeur bizarre ou un bourdonnement ou, encore, si vous avez renversé du liquide ou des petits objets à l’intérieur, mettez l’appareil immédiatement hors tension et débranchez le cordon d’alimentation. Consultez votre revendeur pour faire examiner l’appareil. L’utilisation de l’appareil dans ces conditions constitue un risque d’incendie ou d’électrocution.
• Lorsque l’appareil tombe ou si le boîtier est endommagé, coupez l’alimentation, débranchez le cordon de la prise secteur et contactez votre revendeur. L’utilisation de l’appareil dans ces conditions constitue un risque d’incendie ou d’électrocution.
• Si le cordon d’alimentation est endommagé (s’il est coupé ou si un fil est à nu), veuillez en demander un nouveau à votre revendeur. L’utilisation de l’appareil avec un cordon d’alimentation endommagé constitue un risque d’incendie ou d’électrocution.
• N’ouvrez jamais le boîtier de cet appareil. Il y a risque d’électrocution. Si vous pensez que l’appareil doit subir une révision, un entretien ou une réparation, veuillez contacter votre revendeur.
• Cet appareil ne peut pas être modifié par l’utilisateur. Il y a risque d’incendie ou d’électrocution.
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