Yamaha Audio DM1000 Version 2 User Manual

DM1000 Editor
DM1000 Editor
DM1000 Editor
Owner’s Manual
Owner’s Manual
Owner’s Manual
Getting Started

Special Notices

•The software and this owner’s manual are the exclu­sive copyrights of Yamaha Corporation.
•Copying of the software or reproduction of this man­ual in whole or in part by any means is expressly for­bidden without the written consent of the manufacturer.
•Copying of the commercially available music sequence data and/or digital audio files is strictly pro­hibited except for your personal use.
•Yamaha makes no representations or warranties with regard to the use of the software and documentation and cannot be held responsible for the results of the use of this manual and the software.
•This disc is a CD-ROM. Do not attempt to play the disc on an audio CD player. Doing so may result in irreparable damage to your audio CD player.
•The screen displays as illustrated in this owner’s man­ual are for instructional purposes, and may appear somewhat different from the screens which appear on your computer.
•Future upgrades of application and system software and any changes in specifications and functions will be announced separately.
•The company names and product names in this Owner’s Manual are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.

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Getting Started ......................................... 2
Overview of DM1000 Editor ................................ 2
Configuring DM1000 Editor ................................ 2
Synchronizing DM1000 Editor ............................ 4
Offline Edit Function ............................................ 4
Working with Sessions ......................................... 4
Undo/Redo Function ........................................... 5
Other Functions .................................................... 6
Using DM1000 Editor Windows ............... 7
Master Window .................................................... 7
Layer Windows ..................................................... 8
Selected Channel Window ................................. 12
Library Window .................................................. 17
Patch Editor Window ......................................... 19
Surround Editor Window .................................. 24
Timecode Counter Window .............................. 25
Effect Editor Window ......................................... 25
Meter Window .................................................... 27
Keyboard Shortcuts ................................ 28
Index ....................................................... 29
*Specifications and descriptions in this owner ’s manual
are for information purposes only. Yamaha Corp. reserves the right to change or modify products or specifications at any time without prior notice. Since specifications, equipment or options may not be the same in every locale, please check with your Yamaha dealer.
WindowsKeyboard Shortcuts
Using DM1000 Editor
Description of menus and buttons
In the event that menu and button names on a Windows system are different from those on a Macintosh, this manual uses the Windows menu and button names followed by the Macintosh menu and button names in parentheses.
DM1000 Editor—Owner’s Manual

Getting Started

Overview of DM1000 Editor

DM1000 Editor enables you to remotely control the Yamaha DM1000 mixing console and to save the parameter settings on your computer. To use DM1000 Editor, you must first perform the fol­lowing operations:
Start and configure Studio Manager.
Start and configure DM1000 Editor.
Synchronize DM1000 Editor with your DM1000 console (see page 4).
For more information on using Studio Manager, refer to the Studio Manager Owner’s Manual.
Configuring DM1000 Editor
You must configure the following settings for each open Editor.
•Specify MIDI ports in the Setup window of Studio Manager before making the following settings.
•To open each Editor, double-click the icon of the console or device you want to edit.
System Setup
To open the System Setup window, choose [System Setup] from the [File] menu.
Be sure to specify the Input port and Output port.
Getting Started
Using DM1000 Editor
Keyboard Shortcuts
Input port/Output port: From the ports you specified in Studio Manager, select the ports that
the editor will use to communicate with the DM1000 console.
Console Device ID: DM1000 Editor can control any one of up to eight DM1000 consoles, each
with its own exclusive ID. Select the ID of the console you want to control.
DM1000 Editor—Owner’s Manual
Channel Select: These options determine whether or not channel selection is linked. When the
PC->Console option is on, selecting a channel in DM1000 Editor selects the same channel on the console. When the Console->PC option is on, selecting a channel on the console selects the same channel in DM1000 Editor.
Confirmation: These options determine whether or not a confirmation dialog box appears
when storing, recalling, or patching.
Layer Select: These options determine whether or not Layer selection is linked. When the
PC->Console option is on, selecting a Layer in DM1000 Editor selects the same Layer on the con­sole. When the Console->PC option is on, selecting a Layer on the console selects the same Layer in DM1000 Editor.
Window Control from Console: This option determines whether or not using the USER
DEFINED KEYS on the console enables you to remotely open and close the DM1000 Editor win­dows.
Level Meter: This option determines whether or not the level meters in DM1000 Editor are
Console Setup
Getting Started
Using DM1000 Editor
To open the Console Setup window, choose [Console Setup] from the [File] menu.
Surround Mode: Select a Surround mode from STEREO, 3-1, 5.1, and 6.1.
Pair Mode: These options determine whether the fader pair is Horizontal or Vertical.
Channel Copy Parameter: Select desired parameters to copy from channel to channel.
Keyboard Shortcuts
DM1000 Editor—Owner’s Manual

Synchronizing DM1000 Editor

When DM1000 Editor starts up, the parameter settings on the console and the parameter settings in DM1000 Editor may be different. Therefore, you must first match the parameter settings on the console with those in DM1000 Editor. This operation is called “synchronization.” Follow the steps below to synchronize DM1000 Editor.
Select [Synchronize], then [Total Recall...].
The following window opens.
Select whether you want to transfer your settings to DM1000 Editor, or vice versa.
At this time, the All Libs option determines whether or not Scene and Library data is synchronized.
PC -> Console: Tr ansfers the current parameter settings in DM1000 Editor to your console.
Console -> PC: Tr ansfers the current parameter settings of your console to the DM1000 Editor.
Click [OK].
Getting Started
Using DM1000 Editor
Do not operate the console while synchronization is in progress.
Note: If you use the “Total Recall” function in Studio Manager, all selected Editors in Studio Manager
are synchronized with the corresponding devices.
Offline Edit Function
If you do not want to synchronize your console with DM1000 Editor, select [Offline Edit] from the [Synchronization] menu. To apply your off-line edits to your console, select [Re-Synchronize] from the [Synchronization] with the PC->Console option to synchronize the console with DM1000 Editor.
The Offline Edit function is also activated when you click the [ONLINE]/[OFFLINE] button in the Master window.
Note: Some effect parameters in the console change their displayed values depending on the sampling
frequency. If you switch DM1000 Editor from OFFLINE to ONLINE, displayed parameter values may change because DM1000 Editor loads the sampling frequency from the console and updates the dis­play.

Working with Sessions

Keyboard Shortcuts
All of your console’s mix settings in DM1000 Editor, including Scene and library data, are called Sessions. The following table describes how to handle Sessions.
Creating a new Session Choose [New Session] from the [File] menu.
Opening a previously saved Session Choose [Open Session] from the [File] menu.
Saving the current Session Choose [Save Session] from the [File] menu.
Saving the current Session with a new name Choose [Save Session] As from the [File] menu.
Note: In order to save the current Automix, or the settings of an optional Y56K card, in a Session,
you must first resynchronize DM1000 Editor by selecting the Console->PC option.
DM1000 Editor—Owner’s Manual
If you save a Session in an Editor, only that Editor’s settings are saved in a file. The Editor’s settings are saved in either the Studio Manager V2 format (file extension “.YSE”) or a format that is com­patible with earlier versions of Studio Manager (file extension “.D1X”). Note that earlier versions of Studio Manager cannot open a Session saved in the “.YSE” format.
If you save a Session in the Studio Manager window, all selected Editor settings are saved in a file with a file extension of “.YSM.”

Undo/Redo Function

In DM1000 Editor, you can cancel the latest operation (Undo) and also cancel the cancellation of the latest operation (Redo). If you perform an Undo operation twice in a row, you can cancel the two most-recent operations. If you perform an Undo operation three times in a row, you can can­cel the three most-recent operations. In this way, you can cancel multiple recent operations. The following table describes how to use the Undo/Redo function.
Getting Started
Undo Choose [Undo] from the [Edit] menu.
Redo Choose [Redo] from the [Edit] menu.
Please note, however, that after you perform one of the following operations, you cannot success­fully undo or redo any previous operation:
•Operations on the console
•Closing Studio Manager
•Changing Surround mode (Stereo/3-1/5.1/6.1)
•Changing Pair mode (Horizontal/vertical)
•Synchronizing the console with DM1000 Editor
•Creating a new Session
•Saving a Session
•Copying and pasting a channel
•Creating or cancelling a channel pair
•Storing or recalling a scene or library
•Turning on or off the GATE: [LINK] button in the Selected Channel window
•Turning on or off the COMPRESSOR: [LINK] button in the Selected Channel window
•Turning on or off the [LINK] button in the Surround Editor window
•Changing Aux Send mode (Fixed/variable) on the console
Starting automix recording or playback on the console
•Changing the sampling frequency (operated on the device)
•Changing the User Assignable Layer settings (operated on the device)
Using DM1000 Editor
Keyboard Shortcuts
Note: Yo u cannot Undo or Redo the following operations:
•Edits in the Setup window
•Opening and closing the windows
•Resizing the windows
Note: In the Library window, you can Undo or Redo only the most recent operation. You cannot cancel
the preceding operations.
DM1000 Editor—Owner’s Manual

Other Functions

Copy & Paste Function
You can copy and paste the channel parameters.
In the Console Setup window (page 3), you can also specify the parameters to be copied.
The following table describes how to use the Copy & Paste function.
Copying a channel Right-click (<control>+click) a copy source channel, then choose [Copy].
Pasting a channel
Resetting to the default value (Ctrl ( ) + click)
Right-click (<control>+click) the copy destination channel, then choose [Paste].
Getting Started
Move the cursor to a control or a parameter value, then hold down the <Ctrl> key ( ) and click the mouse button to reset the value to the default (e.g., to reset an Input Channel fader to – reset a pan setting to Center).
, or
Ctrl( )+Shift+Click
Move the cursor to a fader or AUX Send control, then hold down the <Ctrl> key ([ ]) and <Shift> key and click the mouse button to reset the value to the nominal level.
Using DM1000 Editor
Keyboard Shortcuts
DM1000 Editor—Owner’s Manual

Using DM1000 Editor Windows

Master Window

The Master window enables you to switch between layers and control Stereo Out sig­nals. To open this window, choose [Master] from the [Windows] menu.
Repeatedly clicking this button toggles between online and offline status.
Note: If DM1000 Editor is not connected or is not communicating with the
DM1000, clicking this button will not switch the unit from offline to online.
These meters display the output level of the Stereo Out when Surround mode is set to “STEREO,” or the Bus Outs used for sur­round processing when Surround mode is set to 3-1, 5.1 or 6.1. The meters in 3-1, 5.1 and 6.1 Surround modes are shown on the right.
This indicator is displayed when DM1000 Editor is connected to the DM1000 correctly. If the connection is correct, the DM1000 Editor parameters will work in unison with the DM1000 parameters.
This indicator is displayed when DM1000 Editor is not connected or is not communicating with the DM1000, or when you have selected Offline Edit. If the connection is incomplete, the DM1000 Editor parameters will not work in unison with the DM1000 parameters.
Getting Started
Keyboard Shortcuts
6 7
LAYER buttons
These buttons are used to select the Layers.
These buttons are used to select either “STEREO” (Stereo display mode) or “SURR” (Surround display mode). The Pan control on the Input Channels is a rotary control when “STEREO” is selected, and a dot on a pan graph when “SURR” is selected. If Surround mode is set to Stereo, the [SURR] button will be disabled.
Scene number display
This display indicates the currently-recalled scene’s number.
[AUTO] button
This button displays the Automix status of the Stereo Out.
[SELECT] button
This button is used to select the Stereo Out.
[ON] button
This button turns the Stereo Out on and off. It appears orange while the Stereo Out is on.
Master fader
This is the Stereo Out fader.
3-1 5.1 6.1
Fader value indicator
This indicator indicates the fader position in decibels (dB).
DM1000 Editor—Owner’s Manual

Layer Windows

The Layer window displays 16 channel strips. You can select a layer using the LAYER buttons in the Master window. To open the Layer window, choose [Layer] from the [Windows] menu.
•You can selectively turn on or off some of channel strips by using the [View] menu.
•You can open multiple Layer windows by choosing [Windows] menu -> [Layer] -> [Additional View]. The titles of these windows will indicate [Locked]. Windows that are indicated as [Locked] will not reflect layer changes made on the console or in the Master window. If you want the Layer windows to reflect the changes, right-click each window (Macintosh: <control> + click), then select the desired layer using the LAYER buttons.
Input Channels
Selecting the 1-16, 17-32, or 33-48 button in the Master window displays the corre-
sponding Input Channel strips.
SOURCE parameter
This parameter is used to select an Input source. To select an Input source, click the parameter and choose from the list that appears.
Routing buttons
These buttons are used to route the Input Channel to the Bus Outs.
[STEREO] button
This button is used to route the Input Channel’s signal to the Stereo Out.
[DIRECT] button
This button turns on and off the Input Channel’s routing to its Direct Out.
Direct Out parameter
This parameter is used to select the Direct Out destination. To select a destination, click the parameter and choose from the list that appears.
Getting Started
Using DM1000 Editor
Keyboard Shortcuts
[PHASE] button
This button is used to reverse the signal phase of the channel.
[INSERT] button
This button is used to turn on and off the Input Channel’s Insert.
[GATE] button
This button is used to turn on and off the Input Channel’s Gate.
Gate open/close indicators
These indicators display whether the Gate is open (green) or closed (red).
Gate threshold
This displays the Gate Threshold, which can be set by dragging.
[COMP] button
This button is used to turn on and off the Input Channel’s Compressor.
Compressor curve
This display shows the Compressor’s curve.
[EQ] button
This button is used to turn on and off the Input Channel’s EQ.
EQ curve
This display shows the Equalizer’s curve, which can be set by dragging.
[DELAY] button
This button is used to turn on and off the Input Channel’s Delay function.
DM1000 Editor—Owner’s Manual
P Delay parameter
This parameter is used to set the delay time of the Delay function. Delay times can be set by dragging.
Q Channel number
This is the channel number. Double-click the channel number to open the Selected Channel window.
R AUX section
These controls are used to set the levels of the Aux Sends. To set an Aux Send level, drag its bar or click a point along the length of the bar. To turn an Aux Send on or off, click its number.
The following table shows how the Aux Send controls appear depending on the Aux Send On/Off and Pre/Post settings. Aux Sends can be set to pre-fader or post-fader on the Selected Channel window (see
SEND section” on page 13
Getting Started
Aux Send status Appearance
On or off but no level set Dark blue bar
Off, pre-fader Green bar outline displays level
On, pre-fader Green bar displays level
Off, post-fader Orange bar outline displays level
On, post-fader Orange bar displays level
S Pan/Aux Send display
This display shows the stereo or surround pan position or, while setting an Aux Send, the Aux Send level in dB.
PAN control
This control is used to set the Input Channel’s stereo or surround pan position. When the PAN CONTROL in the Master Window is set to “STEREO,” the Pan con­trol appears as a rotary control, and when set to “SURR,” the control appears as dot on a pan graph. The surround pan position can be set by dragging the dot.
LFE control
When 5.1 or 6.1 Surround mode is selected, this control is used to set the surround LFE Channel level. It appears when the PAN CONTROL in the Master Window is set to “SURR.” To set the Channel level, drag the end of its bar or click a point along the length of the bar.
[AUTO] button
This button displays the Automix status of the Input Channel.
Using DM1000 Editor
Keyboard Shortcuts
[SELECT] button
This button is used to select the Input Channel.
[SOLO] button
This button solos the Input Channel. It appears orange while the channel is soloed.
[ON] button
This button turns the Input Channel on and off. It appears orange while the channel is on.
Short channel name
This is the channel’s short name. To edit the name, click it and type.
a Channel fader and channel meter
This is the Input Channel fader. The channel meter to the right of the fader displays the Input Channel signal level.
Fader value indicator
The fader value indicator indicates the fader position in decibels (dB).
DM1000 Editor—Owner’s Manual
Output Channels
When you select the Master LAYER button in the Master window, the Bus Out and Aux Send channels are displayed. The Aux Send channel appears the same as the Bus Out channels except that the Bus Out channels feature a [STEREO] button.
A [STEREO] button (Bus Out only)
This button is used to route the Bus Out to the Stereo Out.
B [INSERT] button
This button is used to turn on and off the Bus Out’s Insert.
C [COMP] button
This button is used to turn on and off the Bus Out’s Compressor.
D Compressor curve
This display shows the Compressor’s curve.
E [EQ] button
This button is used to turn on and off the Bus Out’s EQ.
F EQ curve
This display shows the Equalizer’s curve, which can be set by dragging.
G [DELAY] button
This button is used to turn on and off the Bus Out’s Delay function.
H Delay parameter
This parameter is used to set the delay time of the Delay function. Delay times can be set by dragging.
I Channel number
This is the channel number. Double-click the channel number to open the Selected Channel window.
J [AUTO] button
This button displays the Automix status of the Bus Out.
K [SELECT] button
This button is used to select the Bus Out.
Getting Started
Keyboard Shortcuts
L [SOLO] button
This button solos the Bus Out. It appears orange while the Bus Out is soloed.
M [ON] button
This button turns the Bus Out on and off. It appears orange while the Bus Out is on.
N Short channel name
This is the channel’s short name. To edit the name, click it and type.
O Channel fader and channel meter
This is the Bus Out fader. The meter to the right of the fader displays the Bus Out signal level.
P Fader value indicator
The fader value indicator indicates the fader position in decibels (dB).
DM1000 Editor—Owner’s Manual
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