12 Grounding or Polm ization This product may be equipped
_ ith a polarized alternating current line plug (a plug having
one blade wld_ ¸ than the origen). This plug will fit into the
power outlet only one way. This is a safety I_atuJ_. I]! you
al_ unable to in_ert the plug fully into the outlet, try
J_versing the plug. If the plug should still I_il to fit, contact
your electrician to J_place your obsolete outlet. Do not
del_al the safety purpose of the polarized phlg.
13 Power-Cord Protectk>n Power-supply cords should be
Explanation of Graphical Symbols
wJlhh] an equiJller d Iri ingle, Jsintended to ak'rl
,_ The lighming Jllsh with arrovd/e M symbol.
1 Read In';llu¢lk)n_ All the slJ_.qy and opc]ath/g
2 Ret Ih/]nslruclJons Tile _ iJ_-t}'and opel ath/g h]structions
3 He{-d W unings All warnings on th{_ ploduct and in Ilw
4 Follow ]l]stluctiOllS All operalh]g and us{_ il/Stl'tlciiOl]S
fi Cle mlng lJnphlg ibis p]'od ucl fi'onl liie wall oulJcl beiole
6 Allt_chlll{l/Is Do I1O1 tlse all;ichl3ltllts 11ol It/COll3lllel/(]{%l
7 Watel and Moisture Do not use this ploduct near water
8 Accessol:i_ _ Do nol pllce this product on ;113unst ible
t) A product Ind ca_l combinalion should b{_
10 Venfillfion SIols and openhlgs in lhe
11 Power Sourc{_s This producl shotdd be Ol)e]ated only
VOII 10 the pie _l)ce oJ uJ/h]sLIJaled %11J/_l"ot]s
volt I_e" _Jthin the product's _oncJosurethll
Inay be oJ suJIicJ_I]t nlagnilud_" to conslitul_" a
risk ol elecllJc shock Io per ons.
tlJ ulgle is h/len&'d to dell you to II/_"i)r_-senc_-
o] illiporl_llll op_l"_llill_ Hl/d iil_lilll_-i] iiic_-
The excl nllliion I)Oh]t whhin an equJl iI_q'M
O;e]_Jchlg) hlstrucfions hi the Ih_q'alur_"
accompanying the appli race.
h]stluclions should be leld bel_>re file product i opt'i" m'd.
_hould be i_q fin_-d lot Jutule reJ_lenc_%
ol}erath/g h]stluctions qlould b{_adheled Io.
should be i_)llo'_ed.
cleaning. Do nol use liquid clean{l s ol aerosol cleaners. Use
a damp clofl/ ior cleaning,
by the ploducl m mtdacltu'{l" :Is flwy nlay cruse hazalds.
Jot e\ nnple, heal a bath tub. wash bo_d, kitchen sink, or
] ILllldr) [LIB: in f_ \v{_[ Das{q13ell[; or Ilef]l {1 S\viml3]ill$ pool:
and the like.
carl. sland, tripod, brackel, or lable. The ploduct nlay Jail.
causing serious injury Io a child ol adult, md selious
danlage Io th{_ ploducL Use only whh a cnL stand, tripod,
[)l';ickt/I, ol Ifl)le I'{_collllll{lldt_d I)y the l)3lll)lI]?ll{2tLIrel. OI sold
with Ih{_producL
Any mounting ol the ploducl should M low Ihe
131 lJlLl] ICitlr{l 'S illSirLieliOllS, lind sllouJd us{ _ a ll]O(ll31in$
:i{2{2eSSOl_, J't't2Oll3nleJldt_d by the n3iiJlUl:il21uley,
nioved wllh clle. Quick slops, excessJv{ _
I?olce, fll]d Ulle¥'t'Jl SUl J{IC{:S lilly CiI[]S¢' tile
pyodu_21 tll]d C;lll (2ol]lbil]illiOll Io Ovt'IIIIHL
cabinet ire proGded fol _enlihllion lnd Io ensure leliable
opelalkm oflhe producl md 1o plolecl il horn okel'he llJng, and
these opening musl nol be blocked ol co_el'ed The opening
shoukl newel he blocked b_ pl Icing lhe ploducl on a bed, sofil,
lug, OY other Similal _;ull{ice
This ploduct houkl nol Ix_placed in il buill-in install ilion such
_s _ bookc_se ol lick Ullless plopeI" ;elll]lalioI_ i plox]ded or
tile [13;HILIf_IcIUlel 'S hlstitlCliOllS h;l;e I)eell adhered 1o
horn the type ol powel soui'c{ _ indic ded on tile nmrking
I ibel. II you are nol stue ol tile type oJ power supply Io youl
]/om{% COllsuh yoLir p]'od [icI dt_alel Ol ]ocd pox_er col]ll3tilly.
Fol l)roducls iJltendt_d Io opelate horn batte]y powtq', or
oflw]" soui'c{_s, i'el_1"to Ilw operaling illStl'llcl k)ll s,
routed so that they al_ not likely to be _ alked on or pinched
by items placed upon or against thenl, paying particular
attention to cords al plugs, convenience J_ceptacles, and the
point where riley exit flora the product.
14 Lighlning For added protection i!!r this product during a
lightning storm, or when it is left unattended and unused _r
long periods of time, unphlg il flonl the wall oullet and
disconnect the antenn_ or cable syslem This will prevenl
damage 1othe product due to lighming _nd powel-line surges¸
15 Power Lines An outskle anlenna _ystem shouM nol
located in tile vicinity of overhead power lines or olher electric
light or power circuits, or where it call _ll into _uch power
lines or circuits When installing all outside antenna system,
exti_me cai_ should be t_ken to keep flora louching such
power line_ or chcuits as conlacl with them mighl be _1al
16 Overloading Do not oveHoad wall outlets, extension
cords, or integral convenience receptacles as this can resuh
in a _i_k of fire or electric shock.
17 O_ect and Liquid Entry Never push ol_jects of _ny kind
into this product through openings as they may touch
dangerous vohage points or short-out parts that could resuh
in a fire or electric shock. Never spill liquid of any kind on
file product.
18 Selwicing Do not atten3pt to servlce this product yourself
as opening or removing covers may expose you to
dangerous voltage o_¸other hazards. Refer all servicing to
qualified service personnel.
19 Da_3_ge Req ui_iJ_gSe]'vice -- LJJ/pltlg tills I_ (>dtlct l!l'{)_]lthe
wall outlet and _el_ ¸ servicing to qual flied seMce personnel
under the l_dlowing conditions:
a) When the power-supply cord or plug is damaged,
b) if liquid h_s been sl_illed, or o_ects h_ve I_llen into the
c) If the product has been exposed to rain ol¸ water,
d) If the product does nol opelale normally by ff!llowing tile
operaling hlsmlclion_ A@lst only those controls that are
covered by lhe ol_er_llillg instruclions as an hnproper
adiustmenl of other conlrols may resuh in d_mage and
will often requii_ extensive work by a qualified
lechnician to re,tore lhe producl to its normnl operation,
e) If the product has been dropped or damaged in _ny
w_y, _nd
f) When the product exhibits a distinct change in
per%nnance - this indicates _ need l_}r service.
20 Rephlcemenl Parts When replacement palt_ are required,
be _ure the service lechnician has used replacement parts
specified by lhe manu_turer or I_lvellle sanle characteristics
as the original part¸ Unauthorized substitutions may resuh ill
fire, electric shock, or other hazards¸
21 Safety Check /Jpon completk>n of any service or _pairs
to this product, ask the service technician to perform safety
check_ to determine that the product is in proper operaling
22 Wall or Ceiling Mounting The unit should be mounted to
a wall or ceiling only as i_commended by the manul_ctmer.
23 Heal The product should be situated a_ ay flora heat
sources such as radiatol_, heat registers, stoves, or other
products (including amplifiers) tl/_t produce heat.

This product, when installed as indicated in tile instructions contained in this manual, meets FCC requirements. Modgications
not expressly approved by Yamaha may void your authority, granted by the FCC, to use the product.
2. IMPORTANT: When connecting this product to accessories and/or another product use only Mgls quality shielded cables.
Cabieis supplied with this product MUST be used. Follow aii installation instructions. Failure to follow instructions could void
your FCC authorization to use tHs product in the USA.
3. NOmE:Thisproduct hasbeen tested andfoundto complywiththe requirements listed in FCC Regulations, Part 15forClass
"B" digital devices.
Compliance witil these requirements provides a reasonable level of assurance that your use of this product in a residential
environment will not result in harmful interference with other electronic devices. This equipment generates/uses radio
frequencies and, if not installed and used according to the instructions found in the users manual, may cause interference
harmful to the operation of other electronic devices. Compliance with FCC regulations does not guarantee that interference
will not occur in all installations. If this product is found to be the source of interference, which can be determined by turning
the product "OFF" and "ON", please try to eliminate the problem by using one of the following measures:
Relocate either this product or the device that is being affected by the interference.
Utilize power outlets that are on different branch (circuit breaker or fuse) drcuits or install AC line filter/s.
In the case of radio or TV interference, relocate/reodent the antenna, g the antenna lead in is 300 ohm ribbon lead, change
the lead-in to coaxial type cable.
If these corrective measures do not produce satisfactory results, please contact the local retailer authorized to distribute this
type of product, g you can not locate tile appropriate retailer, please contact Yamaha Electronics Corp., 6660 Orangethorpe
Ave. Buena Park, CA90622.
The above statements apply ONLY to those products distributed by Yamaha Corporation of Amedca or its subsidiaries.
We Want You Listening For A Lifetime
YAMAHA and the Electronic industries Association's Consumer Electronics Group want you to get the most out of your
equipment by playing it at a safe level. One that lets the sound come through loud and clear witllout annoying bladng or
distortion and, mos importantly, without affecting your sensitive hearing.
Since hearing damage from loud sounds is often undetectable until it is too late, YAMAHA and the Electronic industries
Association's Consumer Electronics Group recommend you to avoid prolonged exposure from excessive volume levels. L_S'_}N_
This unit employs a laser-. Due to possible eye
injury, only a qualified service person should
_move the cover- or attempt to service this device.
FCC INFORMATION (for US customers)
L'appa_il utilise un laser. En r_ison des risques de
blessu_\e des yeux, le _tr_it du couvercle ou les
r6par_tions de I'appaisil devront &tre confi&s
exdusivement _ un technicien d'entretien qualifid.
Risque d'exposition au laser en cas d'ouverOul_.
Eviter route exposition au faisceau.
Lorsque cet appaisil est b_anch& _ la prise de
courant, ne pas approcher les yeux de I'ouvelture
du plateau chan£eur et des autres ouvertures
pour _s£arder _ I'int6rieun

1 Toassur_thefinestpelfbrmance,pleasereadthis
2 Install this unit in a well ventilated, cool, dr},, clean
place away fiom direct sunlight, heat sources,
vibration, dust, moistu_s, or cold. In a cabinet,
allow about 2.5(m (I inch) of frse space all
around this unit for adequate ventilation,
3 Locate this unit away frorn other electrical appliances,
motors, or t_ansformers to avoid humming sounds,
4 Do not expose this unit to sudden temperatur@
changes from cold to hot, nor locate this unit in
an environment with high humidity (i,e,, a room
with a humidifier) to p_svent condensation inside
this unit which may cause an electdcal shock, fi_s,
damage to this unit, and/or pelsonal injuly,
S Avoid installing this unit where fbreign objects
may fall onto this unit and/or this unit may be
exposed to liquid dripping or splashing, On the
top of this unit do not place;
Other components, as they may cause damage
and/or discoloration on the surface oftNs unit,
Burning objects (i.e., candles), asthey may cause
fir÷, damage to this unit, and/or personal injur7.
Containers with liquid in them, as they may fall,
spilling the liquid and causing an electrical
shock to the user and/or damage to this unit
6 Do not cover this unit with a newspaper, tablecloth,
curtain, etc. in order not to obsSr'uc¢heat radiation.
If the temperaturo inside this unit rises, it may cause
fir\e, damage to this unit, and/or pelsonal in/ury.
7 Do not plug in this unit to a wall outlet until all
connections a_e complete.
8 Do not operate this unit upside down. It may
overheaL possibly causing damage.
9 Do not use excessive fome on switches, knobs
and/or cords,
10 When disconnecting the power cord f_om the
wall outlet, grasp the plug; do not pull the cord,
11 Do not dean this unit with chemical solvents; tNs
might damage the finish, Use a clean, (by cloth,
1"/ Only voltage specified on this un¢ must be used.
Using this unit with a higher"voltage than specified
is dangerous and may cause fir÷, damage to this
unit, and/or personal injur7. YAMAHA will not be
held responsible Br" any damage resulting fiom use
of this unit with a voltage other-than as specified.
13 Do not alSempt to modify or fix this unit Contact
qualified YAMAHA selvice personnel when any
service is needed. The cabinet should never be
opened for any reason.
14 When not planning to use this unit for long
periods of time (i,e,, vacation), disconnect the AC
power plug from the wall outlet.
15 Be sure to _ad the "Troubleshooting" section on
common operating errors before concluding that
this unit is faulty.
16 Before moving this unit, press STANDBY/ON to
set the unit in standby mode, and then disconnect
the AC power plug from the wall outbt.
11 Install this unit near the wall outlet and wher_ the
AC power plug can be _ached easily.
To prevent electdc shock, match wide blade of plug
to wide slot and fully insert.
This Class B digital apparatus complies with
Canadian ICES 003,
This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class B
limits for" radio noise emissions from digital apparatus
as set out in the Radio Interference Regulations of
the Canadian Department of Communications.
For Customer Use:
Read carefully the inforTnation located at the roar
panel of this unit and enter- below the Serial No.
Retain this inforw_ation for futu_s _sference.
Model No.
Sedal No.
Be sure to place this unit on a level surface,
If you do not do so, PLAYXCHANGE operation of
this unit will not function corTectly, and may damage
the disc(s) and/or this unit itself:
Danger-of explosion if bailer}' is inco_Tectlyreplaced.
Replace only with the same or equivalent type.
Use of controls or adjustments or per_orTnance of
procedul_s other than those specified he_\ein may
_sult in hazardous radiation exposure.
Type Semiconductor laser GaAIAs
Wave len_h 650 nm (DVD)
780 nm (VCD/CD)
Output Power 7 mW (DVD)
10 mW (VCD/CD)
Beam divergence 60 degree

Region codes ........................................................................... 2
Supplied accessories ............................................................... 2
Notes on discs ........................................................................ 2
Cleaning discs .......................................................................... 2
Patent information .................................................................. 2
Functional Overview
Front panel ............................................................................... 3
Rear panel ................................................................................ 4
Remote control ....................................................................... 5
General notes on connections ............................................ 6
Digital connection .................................................................. 6
Analog connection .................................................................. 6
Video connections .................................................................. 7
Component video jacks <A> ......................................................7
S_ideo jack <B> .................................................................................7
Composite video jack <C> ...........................................................7
Getting Started
Inserting batteries into the remote control ..................... 8
Using the r÷mote control ...............................................................8
Turning on the power ........................................................... 9
About the auto standby function ...............................................9
Setting a TV type and display ............................................... 9
Setting a colol- system for" youl TV ...........................................9
Setting an aspect la£Jo for your TV ........................................10
Setting a language preference ............................................ 11
Setting the OSD language ...........................................................11
Setting the audio, subtitle and disc menu languages,.,,11
Disc Operations
Basic playback ........................................................................ 12
General operation ................................................................ 12
Pausing playback ................................................................................12
Selecting a tracWchapter. ..............................................................1 }
Searching backward/folwar d ......................................................1 _
Stopping pl4yback .............................................................................1 }
Selecting the various repeat/shuffle functions ................ 13
Repe4t .....................................................................................................1S
Repeating a section within a chapter/track ........................14
Shuffle (except DVDfVCD/SVCD) ........................................14
Operations for video playback (DVDIVCDISVCD).....14
Using the disc menu ........................................................................14
S]ow motion ........................................................................................14
Zooming in ...........................................................................................15
Resurni_g playback from the last stopped point .............15
On screen display (OSD) ............................................................15
Special DVD features ........................................................... 16
Playing by tide .....................................................................................16
Camera angle ......................................................................................16
Audio .......................................................................................................17
Subtitles ..................................................................................................17
Special VCD & SVCD features ......................................... 17
Playback control (PBC) .................................................................17
Audio CDs ............................................................................. 17
Playing by discs ...................................................................................17
Playing PIP3/JPEG/KodaI< picture CDs ............................ 17
Genel al operation ............................................................................17
Selecting afolder and tr_cWf]le .................................................18
Special picture disc features .............................................. 18
Preview function (JPEG) ...............................................................18
Zooming pictures .............................................................................18
Playback with multi angles ...........................................................18
Scan effect .............................................................................................19
Playing NP3 music and JPEG pictures simultaneously,.19
Setup Menu
General setup menu ............................................................ 20
Lod<ing/Unlocking the disc for viewing ................................20
Dimming the front panel display ..............................................20
Programming disc t/_cks and discs .........................................20
OSD language .....................................................................................22
Screen saver, ........................................................................................22
Sleep tu _/er ...........................................................................................22
Audio setup menu ................................................................ 22
Setting the analog output .............................................................23
Setting the digital output ..............................................................23
CD upsampling ..................................................................................24
Night mode ..........................................................................................24
Video setup menu ................................................................ 24
TV type ...................................................................................................24
Settiug the TV display ....................................................................25
Progressive ............................................................................................26
Pircu_e settings ...................................................................................26
Selecting the black level ................................................................27
Closed caption ...................................................................................27
Switching the YUWS video .........................................................28
Preference setup menu ....................................................... 28
Audio, subtide and disc menu ...................................................28
Restdcting playback with parental contlol .........................28
PBC (Playback control) .................................................................29
HP3/JPEG menu ................................................................................29
Changing the password .................................................................30
Reselling the system .......................................................................30
Language Code .......................... 31
Troubieshoodng ........................ 33
Glossary ...................................... 35
Specifications ............................. 37

Thank you for purchasing this unit. This
Owner's Manual explains the basic
operation of this unit.
DVD discs must be labeled ALL
regions or Region 1 (U.S.A.
model) in order to play on this
unit. You cannot play discs I(_l
labeled for other regions,
- Remote control
- Two batteries (AA, R06, UM-3) for the
remote control
- Audio/Video cable
- Owner's Manual
- This unit is designed for use with the
following discs: DVD-Video, Video CD,
Super Video CD, Audio CD, CD-R,
and DVD-RW.
This unit can play:
- MP3 and picture (Kodak, JPEG) files
recorded on CD-R(W).
-JPEG/ISO 9660 format
-Maximum 30 characters per display
- CD-R and CD-RW cannot be played
unless finalized.
- Some discs cannot be played depending
on the recording conditions, such as the
PC environment and application
software. The characteristics and
conditions of some discs (materials,
scratches, curvature, etc.) may result in
playback failure.
- Be sure to use only CD-R and CD-RW
discs made by reliable manufacturers.
- Do not use any non-standard shaped
discs (heart-shaped, etc.).
- Do not use discs with tape, seals, or
paste on their surface. Doing so may
damage this unit.
- Do not use discs affixed with labels
printed by a commercially available label
" When a disc becomes dirty, clean it
with a cleaning cloth. Wipe the disc
from the center out. Do not wipe in a
circular motion.
. Do not use solvents such as benzine,
thinner, commercially available cleaners,
or antistatic spray intended for analog
This product incor?orntes copyright pl_tection
technology that is protected by method claims
of certain U,S, patents and other intellectual
property rights owned by Hacrovision
Cor?orntion and other rights owners, Use of
this copyright p_T)tection technology must be
authorized by Hac_x>vision Cor?orntion, and is
intended for home and other limited viewing
uses only unless otherwise authorized by
Hacrovision Cor'po_ ation. Reverse engineering
or disassembly is prohibited,
bqanufactu_d under license f?om
Dolb 7 LaboFatories. "Dolby" and
the double D symbol are
trgdema_ ks of Dolby
"DTS" and "DTS Digital Out" are
trademarks of Digital Theater
Systems, Inc.

Functional Overview
l_ Disctray
Loads up to S discs in the disc tray.
Opens or closes the disc tray.
Reloads or unloads discswithout
interruptingcurrent discplayback.
(4) II (STOP)
Stops playback.
/ •\
,_5, I_111 (PLAYIPAUSE)
Stares or pauses playback.
Moves to the next chapter or track.
(7 1441/_14
Searches backward.*
Moves to the previous chapter or tracl<.
(8- Front panel display
Shows the current status of this unit.
DISC (1, 2, 3, 4, S) / LEDs
Selects and directly plays back the preferred
Each LED lights up in orange when this unit
recognizes that the corresponding disc has
been loaded.
Turns on this unit or sets it to the standby
While this unit is in the standby mode. it
consumes a small amount of power.
_ Pressthe button for about two seconds.

Functional Overview
_) AUDIO OUT (L/R) jacks
Connect to the audio input jacks of you="
AV receiver or stereo system.
_2_ DiGiTAL OUT - COAXIAL jack
Connect to the coaxial input jack of your
AV receiver.
(Y/PB/PR) jacks
Connect to the component input jacks of
your AV receiver.
(4) VIDEO OUT - S VIDEO jack
Connect to the S-video input jack of your
AV receiver.
_5) VIDEO OUT - VIDEO jack
Connect to the composite video input jack
of your AV receiver.
6) AC power cord
Connect to a standard AC outlet.
Caution: Do not touch the inner pins of the jacks on the rear panel of this unit.
Electrostatic discharge may cause permanent damage to this unit.

GD CD C]DII _at_
.......... _:J13"
;;; ]l t
Functional Overview
STOP (|)
Stops playback.
Selects the subtitle language.
Selects the DVD camera angle.
Repeats the chapter, track, title, disc or
all discs.
,_Q) A-B
Repeats a specific segment.
Numeric buttons (0-9)
Selectsnumbered items in the currently
displayed menu.
Accesses or exits fi*onl the on-screen
display (OSD) menu of this unit.
,'_3 SETUP
Accesses or exitsfi'omthe setup menu
of this unit.
(1} ®/I
Turns on this unit or sets it to the
standby mode.
Displays the top-level disc menu (DVD).
Moves bad< to the previous menu (DVD;Y
'{3) MENU
Accesses the menu of a disc (DVD).
Switches PBC on or off (VCD).
(4} _ / _/A/v
Selects an item in the currently displayed
menu. Search or slow playbacl<.
Confirms the menu selection.
Searches backward.*
Moves to the previous chapter or tracl<.
Searches forward.*
Moves to the next chapter or tracl<.
_51 PLAY (I_)
Starts playback.
46' PAUSE(H)
Pauses playback temporarily.
Frame-by-frame playback.
Selects the audio language or format.
',_ ZOOM
Enlarges the video image.
Selectsanother disc.
Plays tracks in a random order.
* Pressand hold the button Forabout two

Never make or change connections with
the power of this unit turned on.
• Depending on the component you wish
to connect, there are various ways to
make connections. Possible connections
are described below.
• Refer to the manuals of your other
components as necessary to make the
best connections.
. Do not connect this unit via your VCR.
The video quality could be distorted by
the copy protection system.
. Do not connect the audio out jack of
this unit to the phono in jack of your
audio system.
This unit has a coaxial digital out jack.
of this unit to your AV receiver equipped
with a Dolby Digital, DTS, or MPEG
decoder using a commercially available
You need to set "DiGiTAL
OUTPUT" to "ALL" (see "DiGiTAL
OUTPUT" on page 23),
- If the audio format of the digital output
does not match the capabilities of your
receiver, the receiver produces a distorted
sound or no sound at all. Make sure to
select the appropriate audio format from
the menu screen on the disc
PressingAUDIO on the remote control once
or more may change not only the audio
language but also the audio format. The
selected format appears in the front panel
display for several seconds.
- If you wish to enjoyDalbyDigital, DTS, and
MPEG formats, you must connect this unit
to an AV receiver that supports these
This unit has analog output jacks.
Connect AUDIO OUT (L/R) jacks of this
unit to the corresponding input iacks of
your audio component (such as a stereo
amplifier) using the supplied audio cable,

If your AV receiver has video output jacks,
connect your receiver and then your TV
so that you can use one TV for several
different video sources (LD, VCR, etc.) by
simply switching the input source selector
of your AV receiver.
This unit has three types of video output
jacks. Use the one that corresponds to the
input jacks of the component to be
Component video jacks <A>
Component video connections achieve
higher fidelity color reproduction than
S-video connections by transmitting video
signals on separate wires for luminance
(Y: green) and chrominance (PB: blue,
(Y/PB/PP_)jacks of this unit to component
input jacks of your AV receiver and then to
those of your TV using a commercially
available component cable. Observe the
color of each jack when you make
connections. If your AV receiver does not
have component output jacks, you can
achieve a better video image by connecting
the component output iacks of this unit
directly to the component input jacks of
your TV.
S-video jack <B>
S-videoconnectionsachievea clearer
picturethan composite video connections
by transmitting video signals on separate
wires for luminance (Y) and chrominance
Connect VIDEO OUT - S VIDEO jack of
this unit to S-video input iack of your AV
receiver and then to that of your TV using
a commercially available S-video cable.
- In the default setting, the S VIDEO jack
does not output video signals. Set "YUWS'"
to "S-VIDEO'" (see "'Switching the YUV/S-
video" on page 28).
Composite video jack <C>
Connect VIDEO OUT - VIDEO iack of this
unit to the video input iack of'your AV
receiver and then to that of"your TV using
the supplied video cable.

i Open the battery compartment.
2 Insert the two suppled batteries (AA, R06,
UM-3) following the indications (+/-)
inside the compartment.
3 Close the cover.
- Insert batteries correctly according to the
polarity markings (+/-). The batteries
inserted in the opposite direction may leak.
- Replace the exhausted batteries
immediately with new ones to prevent a
- Remove the batteries from the
compartment if the remote control is not
used for more than a month.
- If the batteries have leaked, dispose of
them immediately. Avoid touching the
leaked material or letting it come into
contact with clothing, etc. Clean the battery
compartment thoroughly before installing
new batteries.
- Do not use old batteries together with new
- Do not use different types ofba_zeries (such
as alkaline and manganese batteries)
together. Read the packaging carefully as
these different types of batteries may have
the same shape and color.
- Dispose of the batteries correctly in
accordance with your local regulations.
Using the remote control
oo00 o
Point the remote control at
the remote control sensor,
within approximately 6 m
(20 ft) from the unit.
Handling the remote control
. Do not spill water or other liquids on
the remote control.
• Do not drop the remote control
• Do not leave or store the remote
control in the following types of
- places of high humidity, such as near a
- places of high temperature, such as near
a heater or stove
- places of extremely low temperatures
- dusty places

1 Connect the AC power cord to an AC
2 Turn on your TV and AV receiver.
3 Select the appropriate input source of the
AV receiver connected to this unit. Refer
to the manual supplied with your AV
receiver for details.
4 Turn on this unit.
S Set the TV to the correct Video IN
channel. (e.g. EXT1, EXT2, AV1, AV2,
AUDIO/VIDEO, etc. Refer to the manual
supplied with your TV for details.
The front panel display lights up and the
default screen appears on the TV.
About the auto standby function
This unit is automatically set to the standby
mode when disc playback is stopped or
paused for more than 30 minutes.
When "SCREEN SAVER" is set to
"ON" (see page 22):
The background isdisp{ayedwhen disc
playbackisstopped or the paused picture
isdisplayedfor 15 minutes.
Background Example of a
paused picture
The screen saver is displayed for 1S minutes.
Getting Started
When "SCREEN SAVER" is set to
"OFF" (see page 22):
The background or the paused picture is
displayed for 30 minutes.
This unit is set to the standby mode.
Setting a color system for your
This unit is compatible with both NTSC
and PALvideo formats. Select the color
system that matches your TV.
1 Press SETUP.
2 Press I_ repeatedly to select "VIDEO
3 Press A/_' to highlight [TV TYPE], and
then press I_.
4 Press A/T to highlight one of the following
This unit is set to the standby mode.