ピッコロ / フルート
Owner’s Manual
Mode d’emploi
Manual de instrucciones
피콜로 / 플루트
Руководство пользователя

このたびは、ヤマハピッコロ / フルートをお買い上げいただき、まことにありがとうございます。
Usted es ahora propietario de un instrumento musical de alta calidad. Le agradecemos su elección de un instrumento Yamaha.
Le aconsejamos que lea todo este manual de instrucciones para ver las instrucciones para el montaje correcto del instrumento
y para aprender a conservar el instrumento en óptimas condiciones durante tanto tiempo como sea posible.
You are now the owner of a high quality musical instrument. Thank you for choosing Yamaha. For
instructions on the proper assembly of the instrument, and how to keep the instrument in optimum
condition for as long as possible, we urge you to read this Owner’s Manual thoroughly.
Wir beglückwünschen Sie!
Sie sind nun der stolze Besitzer eines hochwertigen Musikinstruments. Vielen Dank, dass Sie sich für ein Instrument der Marke
Yamaha entschiedenen haben. Um mit den Handgriffen zum Zusammensetzen und Zerlegen des Instruments vertraut zu werden
und dieses über Jahre hinweg in optimalem Zustand halten zu können, raten wir Ihnen, diese Anleitung aufmerksam durchzulesen.
Vous êtes dès à présent le propriétaire d’un instrument de musique de haute qualité. Nous vous remercions d’avoir choisi Yamaha. En
ce qui concerne les instructions relatives à un assemblage adéquat de l’instrument et sur la façon de garder l’instrument dans des
conditions optimales aussi longtemps que possible, nous vous conseillons vivement de lire entièrement le présent Mode d’emploi.
致用户 !
为了保证您能够正确组装乐器 , 并尽可能长时间地将您的乐器保持在最佳状态 , 我们建议您完整
Поздравляем вас с покупкой высококачественного музыкального инструмента. Благодарим
за выбор инструмента Yamaha. Убедительно просим вас внимательно ознакомиться с данным
руководством, содержащим указания по сборке инструмента и надлежащему у ходу за ним.
야마하 악기를 구입해 주셔서 감사합니다 . 악기의 알맞은 조립 방법 및 보관을 위해 본 사용설명서
를 반드시 읽어주시기 바랍니다 .

Owner’s Manual
The precautions given below concern the proper and safe use of the instrument, and are to protect you and others from any damage or injuries. Please follow and obey these precautions.
If children are using the instrument, a guardian should clearly explain these precautions to the child and make sure they
are fully understood and obeyed. After reading this manual, please keep it in a safe place for future reference.
About the Icons
: This icon indicates points which should be paid attention to. : This icon indicates actions that are prohibited.
Do not throw or swing the instrument when others
are close by.
The mouthpiece or other parts may fall off hitting
other people. Always treat the instrument gently.
Please read before using
Disobeying the points indicated with this mark
may lead to damage or injury.
Keep the oil, polish, etc., out of children’s mouths.
Keep the oil, polish, etc., out of children’s reach and do
maintenance when children are not present.
Be careful not to touch the pin springs during maintenance, etc.
The end of the pin springs found on high-end models
is sharpened to provide greater key action.
Be aware of climatic conditions such as temperature, humidity, etc.
Keep the instrument away from heat sources such as
heaters, etc. Also, do not use or store the instrument
in any extreme conditions of temperature or humidity.
Doing so may result in damage to key balance, linkage,
or pads, resulting in problems during performance.
In regards to brass instruments with a plate finish, the color of the finish may change over time however, it
should be of no concern in regards to the instrument’s performance. Discoloration in its early stage can easily be removed with maintenance. (As discoloration progresses, it may be difficult to remove.)
* Please use the accessories that are specified for use with the particular type of finish found on the instrument. Also,
metal polishes remove a thin layer of the finish’s top coat which will make the finish thinner. Please be aware of this
before using polish.
Cleaning rod ● Polishing Cloth ● Gauze
Take care not to disfigure the instrument.
Placing the instrument where it is unstable may cause
the instrument to fall or drop resulting in disfigurement. Take care as to where and how you place the

Before Playing the Instrument
Cautions regarding wooden instruments
Some flute and piccolo bodies are made of natural wood (Grenadilla) so sudden changes in
temperature or humidity may result in cracking of the body or difficulty when connecting
the body sections together. For this reason, take into careful consideration the place and
manner in which the instrument is used.
• During winter, wait until the entire instrument has adjusted to room temperature before playing.
• When the instrument is still new, do not play it for long periods of time. Play it for about 20 to
30 minutes a day for approximately 2 weeks.
• Both during and after performance, remove moisture and dirt from the instrument whenever
Before assembling the instrument, please observe the following points.
• When holding or assembling the instrument, do not apply any excessive force to the keys.
• Wipe away any dirt or foreign matter from the joints before assembling.
• If you experience difficulty connecting the joints together, apply a thin coat of cork grease to
the cork and try again (this applies to piccolo and bass flutes only).
When not holding the flute
Piccolo/Flute/Alto Flute
Place the instrument with the keys facing
up on a stable surface.
Bass Flute
Turn the thicker end of the hand rest so it is
at a 90° angle to the performer.
Rest the instrument with its hand rest and
footjoint placed on a stable surface.
* Please realize that the angle at which the
headjoint is positioned may make the instrument unstable.
Hand rest