■ Inside This Package
Before setup, please make sure that all of the items listed below are present and accounted for. If anything is missing, please contact the dealer from whom you purchased
the unit.
* To customers who purchased a pads set (DT2K10SP1,2, etc.), please refer to the
attached “Accessories List” sheet included with each pads set when confirming
package contents.
Thank you for purchasing the Yamaha TP100/120SD Electric Drum Pad. The TP100/120SD
are designed as trigger pads for use in an electric drum system. The pads utilize a newly
structure to deliver subtle and rich performance with realistic feel and rebound, and
quiet operation. To get the most out of your TP100/120SD, please read this Owner's Manual
thoroughly. Also, after reading this manual, keep it in a safe place for future reference.
■ Handling Precautions
• Do not disassemble or alter the product. Doing so may result in damage or deterioration to the product.
• Do not step on or place heavy objects on the product. It may result in damage.
• Do not use or keep the product in places with extremely high temperature (places in direct sunlight,
close to a heater, in a closed car, etc.) or damp (bathroom, outside on a rainy day, etc.). It may result in
deformation, discoloration, damage or deterioration.
•To clean the product, please wipe with a soft cloth or a damp cloth that been wrung out thoroughly, If
the product is soiled, use a neutral detergent on a cloth then wipe with a damp cloth that has been
wrung out thoroughly to remove any remaining detergent. Do not use benzine, thinner or alcohol as it
may result in discoloration or deformation. Also pay close attention so as not to let the water and
detergent come into contact with the cushions used in the product, it may result in deterioration.
• Make sure you hold onto the plug, not the cable, when connecting or disconnecting the cable. Also,
never place any heavy or sharp objects on the cable. Applying excessive force to the cable may result
in damage to the cable such as cutting the wires, etc.
◆ TP100
• TP100 (Main Unit, Clamp Bolt) x1
• Stereo Phone Cable
(Parallel Type*) x1
The connector has two
black rings. (The monaural
type connector has one
black ring.)
• Owner’s Manual (this sheet) x1
◆ TP120SD
• TP120SD (Main Unit) x1
* The parallel type stereo phone
cable is designed with two lines
running in parallel carrying left and
right signals on their own indepen-
dently shielded lines.
Parallel type
(2 independently shielded lines)
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■ Output Level Adjustment
The trigger level output on the TP100/120SD is adjustable. Rotate the knob to the right (look-
ing at the knob from above) increases trigger output level while rotating to the left decreases
output level. The pad's output level should be adjusted in regard to how hard you hit the pad
when playing, to adjust the pad's dynamic range, or to better match the pad with the type of
DTX Series Drum Trigger Module (DTXPRESS/DTX/DTXTREME) you are using.
Level Adjustment Knob
NOTE: When using the TP100/120SD with a DTX Series Drum Trigger Module (DTXPRESS/DTX/
DTXTREME), enter the trigger module's trigger edit mode and set the [PAD GAIN] parameter so that a value of between 90-95% is registered on the display when the pad is struck
ff (fortissimo). Please refer to the Owner's Manual that came with your module for more
If the output level is too high, the pad's dynamic range (the difference between loud and
soft tone) will be reduced and trouble such as double triggers (multiple triggers being produced by a single stroke) may occur.
Do not put excessive pres-
sure on the level adjustment
knob, it may result in damage.
Adjusting the Voice Volume
To change the volume of the voice assigned to the TP100/120SD pad, use the
[VOICE] edit mode in the DTX Series Drum Trigger Module. Please refer to the
Owner's Manual that came with your module for more information.
■ Replacing Worn Pads
• After extended use, parts such as the pad rubber, etc., that make up the playing surface will wear out, or their quality will deteriorate (rubber rim cover, body, switch, jacks,
etc.). The life of these parts varies according to the circumstances under which the
TP100/120SD is used.
• Please ask the dealer from whom you purchased the device about replacing worm