Natural Sound Speaker Systems

The natural sound of Soavo.
Music as it should be heard.
At Yamaha, we love, understand
and respect music. We’re sure
that you love music, too, and that
when you listen to it, you want it
to sound as natural as possible.
We believe that “natural sound” is
Natural Sound Speaker Sys
the original sound of musical
instruments, and of the human
voice, so they should be
reproduced with nothing added or
taken away. Giving you this
beautiful music experience is the
reason we created the Soavo
series. Listen to Soavo and
discover how truly natural music
from a speaker can be.

Soavo and
Yamaha’s Commitment to Music
Speakers backed by over
a century of music
Yamaha’s involvement and passion for music
goes back more than a century to when we built
our first reed organ in 1887. Now we are the
world’s leading producer of pianos and other
musical instruments and are involved with music
in many other ways as well. We manufacture
professional recording equipment, we design
concert halls and we assist artists at concerts
with regards to set up and sound tuning.
This knowledge and experience benefits our
production of speakers in many ways. In fact,
the very first speaker we made was used in a
musical instrument — the Electone® electronic
organ. For the Soavo series, our speaker
engineers took advantage of Yamaha
expertise in many areas, including
woodworking, metallurgy, acoustics, sound
processing and even piano tuning.
But the most important factor is our
commitment to maintaining an extremely
high standard of sound quality that we call
“Natural Sound.” You can hear it in all of
our musical instruments, and now we are
proud to present one of the finest examples
of Natural Sound performance we have ever
created: the Soavo speaker series.