Xtreamer Ban-G Getting Started Manual

Xtreamer Ban-G
Getting Started Guide
your new friend and partner: Xtreamer Ban-G – an Android mobile phone.
Android OS provides an open platform, lots of flexibility and a true freedom to
customize your phone to be uniquely suitable to your needs. And that's great but if
you have no experience with Android your first contact can be somewhat
overwhelming: all these options, settings, features and functions can present a bit of
a challenge.
Those new to the smartphone scene are suddenly required to learn a whole new
operating system and people used to the ordered simplicity of Apple products feel
that they are confronted by chaos.
Surprisingly there are almost no newbie guides for Android. So this is what we
wanted to give you: a few very simple tutorials and some advice on how to use your
new device.
So, let's begin…
A few words about Android
Android is an operating system for mobile phones, in much the same way that many PCs run Microsoft Windows as their operating system. It is developed by Google and allows you to use many of the programs you might have on your home computer, such as Skype, Internet browsers, document readers and editors, but in addition to that it provides access to the applications specifically created for devices with the touch-screen interface.
With Android you literally have the world on your fingertips.
On Xtreamer Ban-G you have an Android version called Jelly Bean. This is an advanced OS: smoother, faster and more responsive than anything you might have seen on a mobile device. There are a lot of nice little features that will make your life easier and more convenient and we will go through some of them.
What does Android look like?
Android's standard layout is to have a series of Home screens, which can contain shortcuts to launch apps, or can contain widgets, which are small programs that
serve a single function, such as controlling your music or displaying Facebook updates.
From the Home screens, you can bring up a menu with all of your other apps on. Very little is done from within the Android interface, but instead you launch an app for what you want to do, including dialing the phone or browsing through your contacts.
Android itself contains the functions that are vital to using a mobile phone, including the phone dialer, text messaging client and phone number storage. Google also provides some additional apps, including a Gmail email client, Google Maps (which features free turn-by-turn satellite navigation), YouTube etc. All of these applications are pre-installed on your Ban-G.
Beyond that, you can also buy or download for free many other apps to enable your phone to do more. You can do it by using Google Play Store.
Turning you phone on for the first time
You can find the instructions on inserting SIM and SD cards in the User Manual you
received with your phone. Please make sure to fully charge your battery before you
switch the Ban-G on.
We also advise you to verify that you have a Google account. Please note, that you
can use an Android phone without connecting to Google but this will put a lot of
functions out of your reach. For starters, you would not be able to use over a million
apps in Google Play Store.
If you have a Gmail account, it means you already connected to Google.
And one more thing: using a smartphone means using its Internet features. Make
sure you have a good mobile plan with sensible data transfer rates. You might want
to contact your mobile service provider to make sure everything is as it should be,
When you turn the phone for the first time, the Android will take you through the
Setup Wizard. It will connect you to the Google services via your Google account,
setup your system and keyboard language etc. Please follow the instructions on the
It will only take a couple of minutes.
Ones your phone is on, you will be taken to the Android "Desktop".
The Desktop
The Android desktop is composed of multiple home-screen panels. You can customize the Android desktop to reflect your interests, and you can make it as full and dynamic as you like.
When you power up your phone, you'll see the main homescreen panel. This panel is typically centered, and you can access additional panels on either side of the main one by swiping your finger left or right. What goes on the homescreens is up to you. You can fill the space with any combination of shortcuts, widgets, and folders.
As you'd expect, short-cuts are small icons that let you load apps or other functions on your phone; they function much like the ones you see on a PC desktop. You can set a shortcut to do anything from opening a program to linking to a specific Web page to initiating a phone call.
To add a shortcut, simply press and hold your finger on any open space on your
home screen, and select Shortcuts from the resulting pop-up menu.
Widgets are dynamic programs that operate directly on your homescreen. They can perform any number of functions-giving you the latest weather, for example, or letting you play music from either your personal collection or from the Internet. Should you want more, you can download additional widgets from the Google Play Store.
Folders are a good way to keep your content organized while simultaneously expanding your homescreen space. A folder lets you group multiple shortcuts in a single space. When you tap on a folder, a box pops up showing all of the shortcut icons inside that folder. You can fill one folder with one-touch dialing shortcuts to all of your favorite contacts, and another, perhaps, with various phone-number lookup utilities. Folders help you add many useful things to your homescreens without eating up a lot of space.
To add one, press and hold your finger on an open space. Select Folders, and then New Folders. Then drag and drop as many shortcuts into the folder as you wish. To give it a custom name, tap the folder once to open it, and then hold your finger along the top bar until the Rename folder dialog box appears on your screen. To move any shortcut, widget, or folder, simply touch and hold your finger to it. After a couple of seconds, it will seem to lift up from the screen. You can then drag it anywhere, including to another panel and drop it wherever you like. As you drag and drop, you'll also see a trash symbol at the bottom-center of the screen; slide any icon down onto the trash symbol to remove it from the homescreen altogether.
There are four keys on phone that allow you easy access to various functions and features. You can always find them in the bottom of your home screen. The first three are standard Android keys: a Menu button, a Home button, a Back button. These keys will help you navigate through your phone more easily, no matter what program or process you're running.
Pressing the Menu key brings up a list of options relevant to the area of the phone you're currently using. When you press it on the Homescreen, it permits you to access your phone's settings and other customization options.
The Home key has two functions: If you press it once, it takes you back to your home screen. If you press and hold it, it allows you to multitask and switch to other programs you've recently used.
Pressing the Back key takes you back one step to whatever you were doing prior to the beginning of your current step. It works in Web navigation, e-mail navigation, or navigation to a previously open program.
The last key brings up the list of the last accessed apps and programs and allows you to quickly return to an application you were using.
The App Launcher
You can always find all of your apps in the app launcher. To open the launcher,
simply tap the square icon at the bottom of the screen in your task bar. Within the app launcher, you can tap any app's icon to run the program, or press and hold it to drag it directly onto the home screen as a shortcut.
Status panel
On the top of the screen you can see time, battery icon, signal strength bar. You can
also see additional information for various enabled services.
Swipe it down to access the Status panel. Press the button in the top right corner.
SIM card setup and usage
When the phone detects that there is a new SIM card inserted it will ask for the
confirmation. If you have two SIM cards you will be able to use them separately.
Please note that only a SIM card in slot one will be able to use 3G connection.
If you are using 2 SIM cards there will be two signal bars at the top of the screen, the
first one is for the first SIM slot, the second one is for the second SIM slot. These are
the regular signal strength indicators.
Xtreamer Ban-G is a Dual Standby phone. Dual standby is when both SIMs can work
at the same time, but say for example you use one SIM card to make a call, the other
SIM card will not work and be on standby for the duration of the call.
You can manage both SIM cards from the Settings. Just click on SIM management
(the first line). Here you get the option to turn the SIM cards on and off at will and
you can set the defaults for each SIM.
You can also assign contacts to certain SIM cards: this is useful when differentiating
between work colleagues and personal contacts. When you get a call or text, or if
you send a call or text, the phone will display the SIM used. You can also change
these settings on the go. For example, when in the dialer or messaging service, drag
down the notification bar and you get an option to switch to a different SIM card as
Using a dual SIM phone on Ban-G is simple. You have all the options you need at the
touch of a button.
Connecting your Ban-G to a network
You can turn Wi-Fi, mobile network connection and BlueTooth from the status panel.
Connecting to WiFi
Enable Wi-Fi in the Status Panel and then go to Settings Wi-Fi. Please note that
during the Setup Wizard, you will go through a step when the system will offer to
you to connect to a Wi-Fi network.
The device scans for available Wi-Fi networks and displays the names of those it
finds. Secured networks are indicated with a Lock icon. If the device finds a network
that you connected to previously, it connects to it.
Touch a network name to see more details or connect to it, and type a password if
To modify a network's settings, touch & hold the network name.
That's it.
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