Xtramus APMPT-4 User Manual

APMPT-4 V2.1b004
User’s Manual
E-mail: sales@xtramus.com
Website: www.Xtramus.com


Copyright © 2014 Xtramus Technologies, all rights reserved. The information contained in this document is the property of Xtramus Technologies. No part of this publication shall be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of Xtramus Technologies.
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Xtramus Technologies. The information in this document is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, Xtramus Technologies assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in the document.
Trademarks APMPT-4 is a trademark or registered trademark of Xtramus Technologies. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the
property of their respective owners.
Xtramus Technologies warrants for the hardware provided along with this document under proper usage and conditions in normal environment; any improper operation or in irregular environment may possibly cause this product NOT function well. For detailed terms, please contact your local dealer.
Contact Information
Xtramus Technologies E-mail: sales@xtramus.com Website: www.xtramus.com Tel: +886-2-8227-6611 Fax: +886-2-8227-6622
E-mail: sales@xtramus.com
Website: www.Xtramus.com
USM Version
Revision contents
1. Delete Serial Port test task and its task descriptions.
2. Delete Telnet test task.
3. Add Terminal test task which combine console and telnet.
4. Add Line Emulate test task.


E-mail: sales@xtramus.com
Website: www.Xtramus.com
Table of Contents
Foreword ........................................................................................................................................ 2
Revision ......................................................................................................................................... 3
1. APMPT-4 Overview .................................................................................................................... 6
1.2. Specifications & System Requirements .......................................................................... 6
1.3. Function Description ........................................................................................................ 7
1.3.1. Performance Task in Layer 1 (PT1) ............................................................................. 7
1.3.2. Performance Task in Layer 2 (PT2) ............................................................................. 7
1.3.3. Performance Tasks in Layer 3 (PT3) ......................................................................... 10
1.3.4. PoE (Power over Ethernet) Test ................................................................................ 11
1.3.5. AC Test ....................................................................................................................... 12
1.3.6. Terminal Test .............................................................................................................. 12
1.3.7. General Test ............................................................................................................... 12
1.3.8. Customization Test .................................................................................................... 13
2. Software/Hardware Installation for APMPT-4 ......................................................................... 14
2.1. Install/Uninstall APMPT-4 on PC .................................................................................... 14
2.2. Hardware Installation...................................................................................................... 18
3. APMPT-4 Overview .................................................................................................................. 19
3.1. Starting APMPT-4 ............................................................................................................ 19
3.2. APMPT-4/NuServer Main Window Overview ................................................................. 24
3.3. Menu Bar ......................................................................................................................... 26
3.3.1. File .............................................................................................................................. 26
3.3.2. View ............................................................................................................................ 27
3.3.3. Tools ........................................................................................................................... 28
3.3.4. Security ...................................................................................................................... 29
3.3.5. Language.................................................................................................................... 30
3.3.6. Help ............................................................................................................................. 30
3.4. Quick Launch Buttons ................................................................................................... 31
3.5. DUT Information ............................................................................................................. 32
3.6. Task Running Status ...................................................................................................... 33
3.7. Status Bar ........................................................................................................................ 33
3.8. System Status ................................................................................................................. 33
3.9. Test Control & Status ..................................................................................................... 33
4. Creating Task via New Model Wizard ..................................................................................... 35
4.1. Selecting Active Ports from Installed Module Cards .................................................... 36
4.2. Making Settings on Option – New Model Window ........................................................ 39
4.2.1. Configuring Environment Setting ............................................................................. 40
4.2.2. Adding/Removing Tasks via Task List Setting ......................................................... 45
4.2.3. Configuring Tasks Listed on List of Selected Tasks ............................................... 49
5. APMPT-4 Detail Task Setting .................................................................................................. 51
5.1. Test Tasks - Layer 1: DUT-OSC ...................................................................................... 52
5.1.1. Setup .......................................................................................................................... 52
5.1.2. Criteria ........................................................................................................................ 52
5.1.3. Misc ............................................................................................................................ 52
5.1.4. Help ............................................................................................................................. 53
5.2. Test Tasks – Layer 2 ....................................................................................................... 54
5.2.1. Port Map ..................................................................................................................... 54
5.2.2. Media Type ................................................................................................................. 55
5.2.3. Packet ......................................................................................................................... 58
5.2.4. Learning ..................................................................................................................... 63
5.2.5. Criteria ........................................................................................................................ 64
5.2.6. Misc ............................................................................................................................ 66
5.2.7. Help ............................................................................................................................. 67
5.3. Test Tasks – Layer 3 ....................................................................................................... 68
5.3.1. Port Map IP Setting ............................................................................................... 68
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5.3.2. Performance Task Layer 3 – PT3-Ping ................................ ..................................... 69
5.4. Test Task – PoE ............................................................................................................... 72
5.4.1. POE Connect .............................................................................................................. 73
5.4.2. POE Disconnect ......................................................................................................... 76
5.4.3. POE Overload ............................................................................................................ 79
5.4.4. POE ShortCuicuit task’s Setup/Criteria/Help Tab Menu .......................................... 82
5.4.5. POE Loading .............................................................................................................. 84
5.4.6. POE Loading-GROUPS .............................................................................................. 92
5.4.7. POE Dynamic ............................................................................................................. 99
5.5. Test Task – AC .............................................................................................................. 101
5.5.1. PWR-Setup (Power Setup Test) .............................................................................. 101
5.5.2. PWR – Check (Power Check Test) .......................................................................... 103
5.6. Test Task – Terminal ..................................................................................................... 105
5.6.1. Console .................................................................................................................... 105
5.6.2. Telnet ........................................................................................................................ 106
5.7. Test Tasks – General .................................................................................................... 109
5.7.1. Toggle MDI-II/X ......................................................................................................... 109
5.7.2. Media Pre-Setting ................................................................ .................................... 111
5.7.3. 1 to Many-UC ............................................................................................................ 113
5.7.4. Inserting Waiting Time ................................................................ ............................. 120
5.7.5. 1 to Many-MCV ......................................................................................................... 121
5.7.6. CALL-EXT ................................................................................................................. 128
5.7.7. LineEmulate ............................................................................................................. 129
5.8. Test Tasks – Customization ......................................................................................... 131
6. Test Result & Report ............................................................................................................. 135
6.1. Task Running Status .................................................................................................... 136
6.2. Test Result/Report ........................................................................................................ 137
6.2.1. Task List ................................................................................................................... 137
6.2.2. Counter Window ...................................................................................................... 138
6.2.3. Result ....................................................................................................................... 142
6.2.4. Capture Report......................................................................................................... 143
6.2.5. Display Setting ......................................................................................................... 143
6.2.6. Stream Counter Root 1/2 ......................................................................................... 144
6.3. Test Report .................................................................................................................... 145
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NuStreams-2000(i), NuStreams-600(i) chassis
Operating System
Microsoft Windows Vista /7/8, Microsoft Windows XP
Supported Modules
Xtramus XM-RM series Rapid-Matrix modules
Built-in Tasks
Performance Task in Layer 1 (Layer1) Performance Task in Layer 2 (Layer 2) Performance Task in Layer 3 (Layer 3) PoE (Power over Ethernet) Tasks AC Tasks Terminal Tasks General Tasks Customization Tasks
Support Client-Server architecture for different users
Test report in text format or real-time display
Graphic User Interface (GUI) windows
Windows XP
Windows Vista /7/8
Pentium 1.3 GHz or higher
10GB available space

1. APMPT-4 Overview

1.1. General Description of APMPT-4
APMPT-4 is a utility-software for Microsoft Windows operating system. Specifically designed for Xtramus NuStreams chassis, APMPT-4 can perform tests in mass-production scale with pre-defined variable, and provide accurate, real-time DUT (Device under Test) status test reports.

1.2. Specifications & System Requirements

System Requirements
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1.3. Function Description

Built-in tasks in APMPT-4 include Unicast, Flow Control, Broadcast, Filter, CRC Error, Ping, PoE, Power, Console port tasks and other tasks.

1.3.1. Performance Task in Layer 1 (PT1)

Test the speed rate of the DUT
By using this utility, operator is able to measure oscillator's speed of DUT that is either faster or slower than standard speed in ppm scale, or use it as criteria to judge the result of test.

1.3.2. Performance Task in Layer 2 (PT2)

A. Unicast Test
Unicast transmission is to send information packets to a single destination. In layer 2 test, unique MAC address is the key of single destination as illustration below.
Perform unicast test on DUT in layer2 with different speeds, modes and various configurations.
PT2-UC-10H (10Mbps Half Duplex), PT2-UC-10F (10Mbps Full Duplex), PT2-UC-100H (100Mbps Half Duplex), PT2-UC-100F (10Mbps Full Duplex), PT2-UC-1G (1Gbps Full Duplex), PT2-UC-10G (10G Full Duplex), PT2-UC-GROUPS (Perform Layer 2 MAC address Unicast performance test by two groups
settings with different media types such as 100Mbps and 1Gbps for DUT ports with different maximum speeds)
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B. Flow Control Test
Perform flow control test on DUT in layer 2 with different speeds, modes and various configurations. It tests the performance when the DUT is connected to the media type with varied kinds of speeds and
PT2-FC-10H-100H (10Mbps Half 100Mbps Half), PT2-FC-100H-10H (100Mbps Half 10Mbps Half), PT2-FC-10F-100F (10Mbps Full 100Mbps Full), PT2-FC-100F-10F (100Mbps Full 10Mbps Full), PT2-FC-100F-1G (100Mbps Full 1Gbps Full), PT2-FC-1G-100F (1Gbps Full 100Mbps Full), PT2-FC-1G-10G (1Gbps Full 10G Full), PT2-FC-10G-1G (10G Full 1Gbps Full), PT2-FC-GROUPS (Perform Layer 2 Flow Control tests by two groups with different media types
such as 100Mbps and 1Gbps for DUT ports with different maximum speeds.)
C. Broadcast Test
Broadcasting refers to transmitting packets that will be received (conceptually) by every device on the network.
Perform broadcast test on DUT in layer2 with different speeds, modes and various configurations. These following tasks transmit broadcast frames (Destination Address: FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF).
PT2-BC-10H, (10Mbps, Half Duplex) PT2-BC-10F, (10Mbps, Full Duplex) PT2-BC-100H, (100Mbps, Half Duplex) PT2-BC-100F, (100Mbps, Full Duplex) PT2-BC-1G, (1Gbps, Full Duplex) PT2-BC-10G, (10Gbps, Full Duplex) PT2-BC-GROUPS (Perform Layer 2 Broadcast test by two groups with different media types such
as 100Mbps and 1Gbps for DUT ports with different maximum speeds.)
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D. Filter Test
This filter test should filter all packets with the same source MAC address and destination MAC Address. For the test packets transmitted are all with the same source MAC address and destination MAC address and the DUT should filter this kind of packet.
Perform filter test on DUT in layer2 with different speeds, modes and various configurations. The following tasks transmit frames with same DA (destination address) and SA (source address).
PT2-FT-10H, (10Mbps, Half Duplex) PT2-FT-10F, (10Mbps, Full Duplex) PT2-FT-100H, (100Mbps, Half Duplex) PT2-FT-100F, (100Mbps, Full Duplex) PT2-FT-1G, (1Gbps, Full Duplex) PT2-FT-10G, (10Gbps, Full Duplex) PT2-FT_GROUPS (Perform Layer 2 Filter Test by two groups with different media types such as
100Mbps and 1Gbps for DUT ports with different maximum speeds.)
E. CRC Error Test
CRC Checksum is registered at the end of Ethernet frame.
Perform CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) error test on DUT in layer2 with different speeds, modes and various configurations for the last 4 bytes of CRC to be filtered. For normal DUT, frame with error CRC should be filtered. The following tasks transmit frames with CRC errors.
PT2-CRC-10H, (10Mbps, Half Duplex) PT2-CRC-10F, (10Mbps, Full Duplex) PT2-CRC-100H, (100Mbps, Half Duplex) PT2-CRC-100F, (100Mbps, Full Duplex) PT2-CRC-1G, (1Gbps, Full Duplex) PT2-CRC-10G, (10Gbps, Full Duplex) PT2-CRC-GROUPS (Perform Layer 2 CRC check test by two groups with different media types
such as 100Mbps and 1Gbps for DUT ports with different maximum speeds.)
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1.3.3. Performance Tasks in Layer 3 (PT3) A. Network Tool: Ping

Ping is a network tool used to test whether a particular host is reachable across an IP network. It is also used to self-test the network interface card of the computer, or as a speed test.
Perform Ping test on DUT in layer3 that is based on different IP addresses, subnet mask, ping IP address and gateway.
B. Unicast Test
Unicast transmission is to send information packets to a single destination. In layer 3 test, unique IP address is the key of single destination as illustration below.
Perform unicast test on DUT in layer 3 with different speeds, mode and various configurations.
PT3-UC-10H, (10Mbps, Half Duplex) PT3-UC-10F, (10Mbps, Full Duplex) PT3-UC-100H, (100Mbps, Half Duplex) PT3-UC-100F, (100Mbps, Full Duplex) PT3-UC-1G, (1Gbps, Full Duplex) PT3-UC-10G, (10Gbps, Full Duplex) PT3-UC-GROUPS (Layer 3 Unicast Full Performance Test. Perform Layer 3 IP Address Unicast
test by two groups with different media types such as 100Mbps and 1Gbps for DUT ports with different maximum speeds.)
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1.3.4. PoE (Power over Ethernet) Test

Overview of PoE
PoE: Power Over Ethernet
Based on IEEE 802.3af and ongoing 802.3at Protocol for DTE power via copper-based media DTE (Data Terminal Equipment)
PSE: Power Sourcing Equipment
Equipment provides the power to PD by network cable.
PD: Powered Device
Device consumes the power from PSE by network cable. NuStream-2000i, 600i with PoE module acts as PD for the test.
A. PoE-Connect
Perform connect test on DUT (i.e. PSE) based on different configurations.
B. PoE-Disconnect
Perform disconnect test on DUT (i.e. PSE) based on different configurations.
C. PoE-Overload
Perform overload test on DUT (i.e. PSE) based on different configurations.
D. PoE-ShortCircuit
Perform short circuit test on DUT (i.e. PSE) based on different configurations.
E. PoE-Loading
Perform loading and transmitting packets test on DUT (i.e. PSE) based on different configurations.
F. PoE-Loading-GROUPS
Perform loading and transmitting packets test on DUT (i.e. PSE) based on different configurations and criteria for two groups with different media types such as 100Mbps and 1Gbps
G. POE-Dynamic Loading
Perform multiple loading and transmitting packets test on DUT (i.e. PSE) in different configurations at the same time.
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1.3.5. AC Test

A. PWR-Setup
Perform power control on DUT such as power ON control and cycle reboot through test module XM-2WL1. Under the control of XM-2WL1 module on chassis, the DUT that use the power from XM-2WL1 can have ON / OFF and reboot control.
B. PWR-Check
Perform power monitor and statistics measurement from power plug into test module XM-2WL1. The outlet of XM-2WL1 also supply power to DUT, thus operator gets the power statistics measurement to DUT.

1.3.6. Terminal Test

This test includes two parts: Console and Telnet test. Perform test by executing commands by manual script or script file to RS232 interface or Telnet Server of DUT.
A. Console
Console refers to the console port, COM port or RS232 interface. This test will perform a series of standard terminal command to check the response of COM port.
B. Telnet
Perform test by executing commands by manual script file to Telnet Server of DUT.

1.3.7. General Test Tests listed in this category include: 1 to Many-UC, 1 to Many-MCV,CALL-EXT, Inserting Waiting Time,

Media Pre-setting ,Toggle MDI-II/X and Line Emulate .
A. 1 to Many-UC
1 to Many-UC is a Unicast Full Performance Test. Performing Layer 2 MAC address Unicast performance tests from one source to multiple ports with different media types (such as 100Mbps and 1Gbps Full).
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B. 1 to Many-MCV
Performing Layer 2 VLAN address multicast performance tests from one source port to multiple destination ports with different media types (such as 100Mbps and 1Gbps Full).
This function allows you to execute your own programs/files as APMPT-4 Tasks. D. Inserting Waiting Time
This function allows users to insert waiting time in-between tasks or to pause the whole testing process after completing a task.
E. Media Pre-Setting
Test MDIX by Media Pre-setting mode or force MDI (straight-through connection) or MDIX (crossover connection) mode of DUT.
F.Toggle MDI-II/X
Test the Auto MDIX function of different speeds/link modes of the DUT. Toggle MDI-II/X is a technology that automatically detects the required cable connection type (straight-through or crossover) and configures the connection appropriately.
G. Line Emulate
This function allows you to set the device 5160 or other line simulators connecting to the DUT port. Line Emulate task must be performed ahead of the task which needs it.

1.3.8. Customization Test

This function allows two ports to co-transmit packets in which both side can have different Tx parameters.
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1. Double-click APMPT-4 installation program and start the installation process.
2. InstallShield Wizard is starting to install APMPT-4. If you would like to cancel installation, click Cancel.
3. Click Next to continue installation.
4. Click I accept the terms in the license
agreement, and click Next to continue.

2. Software/Hardware Installation for APMPT-4

2.1. Install/Uninstall APMPT-4 on PC

Please follow the steps down below to install APMPT-4:
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5. Input the User Name and Organization and click Next to continue.
6. Click the Change… button to install the program to another folder, or click Next button to install the program into the default destination folder, and then continue next step. Click Back button to go back to the previous step to modify.
7. Click Install to begin the installation.
8. InstallShield Wizard is installing APMPT-4.
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9. Click Finish to exit the wizard.
10. WinPcap Installer appears. Click Next button to get ready to install, or click Cancel button to stop.
11. Review the license agreement before installing. Click I Agree button to continue. It is necessary to accept the agreement to install WinPcap.
12. It is high recommended to check the
“Automatically start the Wincap driver at boot
time” as default. Then click Install.
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13. WinPcap is installing.
14. WinPcap installation completes. Click
Finish button to close the wizard.
You can uninstall APMPT-4 by:
Click Start Programs → NuStreams
APMPT-4 Uninstall APMPT-4
Go to the Control Panel, choose
APMPT-4 from installed program list, and
click “Uninstall”.
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2.2. Hardware Installation

Before running APMPT-4 after installation, please be sure that you‟ve installed both the DUT and your PC with Nustreams-2000i/600i properly as shown in the illustrations down below.
For operating APMPT-4 on NuStreams-2000i and NuStreams-600i Chassis, an external PC is required. For NuStreams-2000i, connect network port of PC LAN card to DOWN (or UP) port of XM-2S19 with network cable.
For NuStreams-600i, connect network port of PC LAN card to DOWN (or UP) port of XM-2S10 with network cable.
Please note that the PC‟s TCP/IP setting should be configured so that the PC‟s NIC will obtain an IP address from NuStreams-2000i/600i automatically.
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You can start running APMPT-4 by:
Click Start  Programs  NuStreams 
Double-click APMPT-4 icon located on your
PC‟s desktop.

3. APMPT-4 Overview

3.1. Starting APMPT-4

Before starting APMPT-4, the DUT, your PC, and NuStreams-2000i/600i shall be connected as shown in 2.2. Hardware Installation”.
When you first start the APMPT-4, a Profile Section window as below will pop up. Select standard (default) option in general case. If you are a user of a certain customized company, select the corresponding option.
If your PC is not connected with NuStreams-2000i/600i, you can still run APMPT-4 under Demo Mode. Almost all APMPT-4‟s functions are available under Demo Mode. However, please note that Demo Mode
is for system demo purposes only, and does not serve any test purpose at all.
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Please follow the steps down below to start APMPT-4:
When starting APMPT-4, a “Connect to NuServer window will pop up and asked how you are going to connect to NuServer.
Local Host: Choose this option when you‟re
running APMPT-4 from NuStreams-2000i IPC module or a PC that‟s connected to NuStreams-2000i/600i via an RJ45 cable.
Remote: Choose this option when you‟re running
APMPT-4 from other PC located on the network. Choose the IP address which is assigned from NuStreams-2000i/600i from the scroll-down menu
Demo: Choose demo to enter APMPT-4‟s Demo
Connect/Cancel: Click the Connect button to
connect to NuStreams-2000i/600i or click the Cancel button to quit.
If NuServer is not running while starting APMPT-4, a window will pop up and ask if you would like to run NuServer. Please click Yes to continue or No to cancel.
A “NuServer-NIC Information” window will pop up. Please select the NIC (Network Interface Card) which is connected to NuStreams -2000i/ 600i from the Network Interface Information table, and click OK. If you‟re using NuStreams-2000i‟s IPC module, please choose “Realtek RTL8139 Family Fast Ethernet”. NuServer will connect to the daughter boards, and APMPT-4 will start as well.
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Please follow the steps down below to start APMPT-4:
When the information listed in the Nuserver window is abnormal, click Force Disconnect, and then click
ReConnect. Force Disconnect: Disconnect with NuStreams -2000i/
600i forcefully. ReConnect: Reconect with NuStreams -2000i/ 600i.
For security reasons, APMPT-4 requires Account/Password to login. The default Account/Password is:
Account: Admin Password: xtramustech
Please note that the password is case-sensitive, and shall be changed as soon as you login for the first time.
Please refer to “3.3.4. Security” for more information about how to change APMPT-4‟s password.
Enable auto-logout after 5 min: Enable this
function so APMPT-4 shall automatically logout after 5 minutes.
Login/Cancel: Click Login/Cancel button to login
or cancel.
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Please follow the steps down below to start APMPT-4:
You now have access to APMPT-4‟s main display window.
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Website: www.Xtramus.com
Function Descriptions
Menu Bar
The Menu Bar allows you to manage test model settings, view test log/ model information, set/reset APMPT-4 password, and change language displayed.
Quick Launch Buttons
The Quick Launch Buttons allow you to load/reload test model settings, connect to the NuServer, and lock test model.
DUT Information
This section of the main window contains the DUT„s logo and model name.
Task Running Status
This section of the main window contains general information/status of the tasks that are currently running.
Status Bar
The Status Bar shows the APMPT-4‟s running status.
System Status
The System Status displays running processes of APMPT-4 system.
Test Control & Status
The Test Control & Status section contains test control buttons (which allow you to Start/Stop/Pause/Resume tests) and general test information.
Test Result/Report
This section allows you to view the test results.

3.2. APMPT-4/NuServer Main Window Overview

APMPT-4 Main Window
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Module Card
This section displays the information regarding to the model cards that are installed on NuStreams-2000i/600i. Model Card IDs are showed as the format of (X, Y, Z) while X is the number of the chassis (which is displayed on NuStreams-2000i/600i), Y is the slot number where this model card is installed, and Z is the available port number located on the model card.
You can reconnect a link down status or force to disconnect your NuStreams-600i/2000i to your PC.
NIC Information
This section displays the detail information (including NIC Model name, NIC‟s MAC address) regarding to the selected NIC.
NuServer Version
This section displays the version of your NuServer.
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File Menu Bar Overview
New Model Wizard
Choose this option to start the New Model Wizard. The New Model Wizard allows the users to set testing options for DUT. For detail descriptions regarding to the New Model Wizard and its settings, please refer to”4. Creating Task via New
Model Wizard”.
Load Model
Load a previously-saved configuration file and apply these settings to APMPT-4.
All the configurations you‟ve made via New
Model Wizard will be saved as a “*.xml” file, along with several “*.cfg” files.
Please note that these “*.cfg” files contain test
settings as well. Deleting them will cause your
*.xml” file unable to load properly.
Modify Model
Choose this option to make changes to the current test settings for DUT. For detail descriptions regarding to these settings, please refer to the section down below.
A prompt pop-up window will ask if you are sure to exit APMPT-4. Click Yes to exit APMPT-4, or click
No to cancel.

3.3. Menu Bar

APMPT-4 Menu Bar includes configuration options such as File, View, Tools, Security, Language, and Help. Please refer to the sections down below for detail information regarding to each configuration

3.3.1. File

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Latest Log
Choose Latest Log allows you to view the latest test log file (in “*.txt” format).
Log Folder
Choose Log Folder, and then the folder where all the saved test logs of the current test model will be opened.
Model Folder
Choose Model Folder, and then the folder where all the DUT model configuration files are saved will be opened. The default Log folder file path is under C:\Program
Files\NuStreams\APMPT-4 v2.1b004\config”.
The Module Information window displays all the module cards that are installed on NuStreams-2000i/600i and their detail information. To close the Module Information window, click OK button.
Display the NuServer window. For more information regarding to NuServer window,
please refer to “3.2. APMPT-4/NuServer Main Window Overview”.
Simple Style
Choose Simple Style will make you run the tests under a simple mode.

3.3.2. View

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Import DUT
You can load an image file that represents the DUT for testing via Import DUT Logo function. The image file you chose will be shown on DUT Logo field of the Main Window.
Logo Preview: The image you‟ve chosen will be displayed in this field for
Import: Click this button to choose the image file that will be displayed. OK: Click this button to apply the changes you‟ve made. Cancel: Click this button to abandon all the changes you‟ve made and exit
Import Logo Window.
TW Barcode
System Setting
The Setting is for TW Barcode System
Force to
Release Module
When the test encounters some unexpected problems which lead the board dead, or other tests need to lock the current board, you can choose Force to Release Module to obtain the board again.

3.3.3. Tools

E-mail: sales@xtramus.com
Website: www.Xtramus.com
Logout from Admin Mode and switch APMPT-4 to Operator Mode.
Login to the Admin Mode.
You can change the password for Admin Mode here. For security reasons, it is recommended to change APMPT-4‟s password after you first login.
Old Password: Enter the old password here. New: Enter the new password here. The new
password should be 6~12 characters and mustn‟t contain special symbols.
Confirm: Please type your new password again
for confirming.
OK: Apply all the changes you‟ve made and
Cancel: Cancel and abandon all the changes
you‟ve made.
If you forget APMPT-4‟s Admin Mode password, you can reset the password to the default password “xtramustech”.
Click Yes to start resetting the login password (or No to cancel), and click OK to complete.
Always login
in OP Mode
Every time when APMPT-4 starts running, it will run under Operator Mode.

3.3.4. Security

APMPT-4 can run under Admin Mode and Operator Mode:
Admin Mode: Users have the maximum authorization and can access all APMPT-4‟s functions. Operator Mode: Users are only allowed to access APMPT-4‟s basic functions such as loading
saved DUT model test settings and view latest test log/module card information/NuServer
E-mail: sales@xtramus.com
Website: www.Xtramus.com
English/ Chinese
APMPT-4 has 2 different languages for its UI available. You can set the language of UI to either English or Simplified Chinese.
The About APMPT-4 window will pop up and show detailed system information.
Xtramus Web
Click this option to access to Xtramus official website.
The System Requirements” window will pop up and show the requirements for your PC and the FPGA/Firmware/PROM version limit of the module cards. Click the Ok button to exit the “System
Requirements” pop up window.

3.3.5. Language

3.3.6. Help

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