4. Musi cal Fi le Playbac k ………………… …………….. ..…. ..11
5. Re cord …………… ……………………… …………….…. ..26
6. Voi c e …………………………………………… …….……31
7. FM……………… ……………………… …………….……..39
8. Jpeg Vi ewer …… ……………………… ………….…… …..43
9. Setti ngs …………………………… …..…… ……………….45
10. UDI SK……………… ……………………… ………….. …..51
11. Upgrade ………………… …………………………..…...…53
12. Noti ce …………………….……………………………...…57
1 Overview
X-Mi cr o Vi deo MP 3 can pl ayin g MP 3/ WMA fi les , dig ita l voice
rec or di ng, USB Dis k st or age and FM radio, the pl ayer als o has
t he added ability of playing MTV movi e files (A s peci al
s oftwar e is requi re d t o pe rfo rm nec essa ry c onvers i ons.), as we ll
as the added function of viewi ng JPEG pi ct ures.
The common funct io ns of t h e pr oduct:
zPlayi ng of music al fil es a nd recorded files stored in up to
99 subdirect ories of t he sa me level direct ory.
z Rec ognizi ng of up t o 99- rec or de d fil es i n ea ch di re ct ory.
z De let in g eit he r s ingl e or al l mu si cal ( or re corded) files in
the current directory of the player.
zOff Stat us Me mori zation: Whe n turned on, the player c an
return to t he last off-status , includi ng the musical file to
be pla ye d a n d t he rec or di ng posi ti on .
zRes umi ng playing: The pl ayer can memor iz e the positi on
wh er e it st ops playi ng t he mus ical fil e i n a dir ect or y.
Once the Play button is pr esse d a ft er turn on t he pl ayer ,
the pl ayer will start pla ying the musi cal file just from the
point where it stops last time.
1.1 Spe cifications
z 65,000 OLED full-color Display
z Support MP3, WMA and WAV
z Cre at i ve MTV func ti on
z Support JP EG picture brows ing
z P la y mu s ic wi t h 16-L evel Sp e ed
z Full band FM stereo radio, with a total of 20 memory
zDo ub le-s cre en ly rics s ync dis p lay, fa cil ita ti ng l yri cs
learning and memorizing.
z Fri endly fade playback, more comforta ble t o your ears.
z Gra p hi cal o pe ratio n i nt erface, re mo vable dis k folder
zUSB 2.0 (Full -Speed) interface, with a ma x speed of
1000K Byte/S
z Powerful expandability, online firmware upgrading
z Con ven i ent la ng uage lear ni ng fe at ures , a t rue di git al
r epea ti ng de vi ce , se gme nt A -B r ep ea tin g, fo ll ow
speaking by cont rasti ng with ori ginal s ound, 16-level
variable-speed playback.
z For Windows 98/ME/2000/XP
For Wi ndows 98, you s houl d ins tall its driver .
zAA Battery
1.2 Button Func tion Def initions
There are 9 buttons.
P L AY: Tu rn O n , Tur n Off, Pl ay, Pause , an d Stop.
MODE: Switching Worki ng Mode, Menu Options ,
Inte rface Swit ching.
NEXT: Move to Right, Forward
LAST: Move t o Le ft , Bac kwa rd
VOL+: Volume Increasing, Last Item
VOL-: Volume Decreasing, Next I tem
A-B/ REC: Special A-B / Recording H ot Button
EQ: When playi ng MP3 musi cal fi les, us e this button
t o dir ectly c ha nge t heir sound effects wi t hout
e nteri ng t he opti on men us .
HO L D: L oc k butto n/Un lock b ut t on
1.3 B utt on Pressing Modes
There are three ways for operating buttons:
1.3.1 Short-Press
In cases of but tons with bot h long and s hort press
fun ct i o ns , t h e butt o ns wil l functi on as a s hort- pres s o nc e the y
a re r el eas ed wit hin 1.2 se co nds (Pl ay , Sto p, Last , Ne xt) .
If a button has only s hort-press functions, the button
will respond onl y once when it is released wit hout ti me li mits.
1.3.2 Long-Press: Pres s a but ton for longer tha n 1.2 s econds ,
then the button will function as a l ong-press. (On/Off,
Forwar d/Ba ckwa rd)
1.3 .3 Ho l d O n: Fr om t he t i me w hen the bu tt on is pres sed t o the
ti me wh en it is rele as ed , t he b utt on is resp o nded at a ce rtai n rate
for several ti mes . (Vo lume Adjust me nt )
1.4 Re cording Func tion of the A-B Butt on
Except the recorded file playback and musical file playback
interface, repeat interface , upgrading inte rface and U Disk
interface, the A- B button functions as a hot recording button i n
all ot her i nterfaces . A short- press of t he A-B button will take
you to the recording interface and start recording.
1.5 Shor t-Cut Functi on of the MODE But ton
In t he mus ic playback, recorder, recorded file playback, radio,
pictures and setti ngs interfaces , except the s peci al inappli ca ble
cas es , a long-press of the MODE button wil l stop the current
operation and ret ur n to the main menu.
1.6 Standard Control I nterface
Standard Menu
Note: The standard menu offer s a menu s el ect ion i nter face. In
each functional module interface, the standard menu will be
repeatedly used. Every time when entering the i nterface, its
for mat is as shown in the Fig below.
The Settings menu
zUp to 4 ite ms can be displayed in one screen. If the
number of t he ite ms i s less t ha n 4, the i tems will be
dis played from t op to down.
zThe i tem wi t h th e bl ue ba ck gr ou nd is t he one current l y
z P r ess t h e Mode b ut t o n t o s e lec t a n d e nt er t his op ti on .
z A s ho rt- pr ess of t he P LAY but t on wi ll qui t the me nu .
z But ton Functions of t he Sta ndard Menu
z A short- pr ess or long-press of “ Vol-” will move the blue
background downward ste p by step till the item at the
bottom, then t urn over t o the next s cree n till the last
screen, the n go back to the first s creen.
zA s hort- pr ess or long-press of “ Vol+” is opposit e t o t hat
of “ Vol-”.
zA s ho rt- pr ess of M OD E wil l s ele ct t h e e n able d i c o n an d
execute its corresponding function.
zA s ho rt- pr ess of A- B wi ll en te r t he r ec o rdi n g mo de a nd
start recordi ng.
z A s ho rt- pr ess of PL AY wi ll quit the me nu.
z Speci al Q uit Functi on
Au t o quit for i dli ng f or 5 seco nds.
Res t ore of t h e en abl e d posit i o n
Each time when you enter the menu, the player will restore to
t he en a ble d posit i on wh er e yo u quit l as t t ime.
1.1.1 The Standard Slide Bar
Note: The standard slide bar offers an int erface for s elect ing
numbers. In each functi onal module interface, the standard sli de
bar will be rep eate dl y use d.
Its format is as shown in the Fig below.
Brightness Adjust ment
z The s lid e bl oc k can b e move d t o le ft or ri ght .
z The number “6” in the Fi g is the figure that corres ponds
to the posi ti on of the sli de block.
z But ton Function in the Sli de Bar Interface
z A s ho rt- press or l ong-p ress of N EXT wi ll mov e t he s lid e
block a step to ri ght. The corresponding number will be
dis played st ep by step till the ma x number .
zA s hort- pr ess or l o ng-p r ess of LA S T wi ll move t h e
e nabl e d p osi ti on a s te p t o le ft. Th e co rr es po ndin g nu mb er
wil l be dis play ed st ep b y ste p till t he min numbe r.
z A s ho rt- press of MODE wil l fi ni s h th e set ti ng an d quit .
z A s hort- press of A-B will en ter t he recordin g i nter face
and start recording.
1.7 Battery Level
zThere are all together 9 levels for measuring t he battery
st a nds for l ow b att er y. stands for full battery.
2 Mai n Me nu
There are 6 functions available: music, recorder, voice, radio,
j pe g and settings .
2.1.1 The interface is as shown in the Fig below.
Th e Mus ical Fil e Pla yba ck
Eac h ro un d icon st ands fo r a mo de . Y o u c a n onl y enter th e
mode r e pr es e nt e d by t he o n e t hat is l oc ate d i n t he ce nte r a n d h as
col ors.
2.1.2 Button Function in the Main Interface
zA s ho rt- press o r l ong-p ress of N EXT wi ll cyc le t he
selection position t o right.
zA s ho rt- pr ess o r l ong-p ress of LA ST wi ll cycl e t he
selection position t o left.
zA short-press of MODE will confi rm and enter t his
mode. A Long-pres s will ret urn to the main interface.
zA s ho rt- press o f A- B wi ll ente r t he reco rdi n g functi o n
and start recording.
zA long-press of PLAY will t urn the player off.
3Tur n O n/ O f f
3.1 Turn Off
A long-press of PLAY will turn off t he pl ayer.
When t he pl ayer idles for a time that reac hes what t he use r
specifies to turn off the player, the player will be turned off
aut oma ticall y. When the USB port of t he player is co nnecte d to
a PC, h ow ever , t his functi on wil l be ov er ri d den.
3.2 Turn On
A long-press of PLAY will turn on the pl ayer.
3.3 Low Batt er y
If t he battery is l ow, the player will aut omatically go into the
Sta nd By mo de. In t his case, do not turn on the player again.
4 Musi cal File Playback
The Musical File Playback funct ion realize the playback of
musical files in MP3 and WMA formats along with the features
of r ep eati ng, fol l ow i ng an d cont ras ti ng. I t has th e inte rfaces of
Stop, Playing, Lyrics Dis play, Repeating, Del eti ng, Di rectory
Sel ecting, as well as funct ion sel ection and set tings.
The Musical File Playback also realize the playback of MTV
movies with only suc h feature s as pla yi ng, s top, LAST and
4.1 The Stop Inte rf ac e
I n t he Sto p i nter face, th e c urrent mus ic st ops at t he c urrent
pl a ybac k posit io n, wait in g for th e oper ati ons fro m t h e use r.
Even if the user turns off the player, it should restore to this
stat us to realize t he functi on of res uming playback. If you stop
in the lyrics mode, please go in interfaces other than lyrics. In
t he St op i nterface, you ca n c hoos e th e c urrent so ng.
The i nterface is as s hown in the Fig below.
Musi cal Fi le Playba ck
indi cates t hat t he c urr ent musical file is in the
WMA forma t with a bit rate of 64Kbit.
represents that the current cycle mode is Repeat 1.
fi rst one and the total number of the musical files is 15. The
total number refers to the number of musical files in the current
di re ct or y.
00: 03 and the tot al length of t he song is 05: 17.
z “ My Heart Will Go On” is t he name of the song. If
t he s on g doe s not have a Ta g, t he n its fil e name wil l be
dis played here.
z“Celine Dion” is the name of the singer.
4.1.1 Button Functi on in the Stop I nterf ace
z Long-Press of MODE: Enter into the main menu.
z Short-Press of MODE: Enter into the Stop menu
i nte rface.
z Short -P ress of PLAY: Play musi cal files.
z Long-Press of PLAY: Turn the player off.
z Hold-On of NEXT: Cycle to the next song in the
curre nt di rectory and the time posi tion of musical files is reset t o
Hold-On of LAST: Function oppositely t o NEXT.
z Short -Press of “Vol+” or ”Vol-”: Adjust t he vol ume.
z Short -Press of A-B: Switch to the recordi ng interface
and start recording.
zShort-Press of EQ: Switch the sound effects.
4.1.2 The Stop Menu Interf ace
indicates that the current musical file is the
indicates that the current EQ is Rock.
shows that the current playback position is at
repre sents that the current song has its lyric.
No t e: Y o u c an se le ct L oc al fo l der, Dele te a nd E xit . W h en y ou
enter into this interface, the enabled position is the one where
you quit last time.
The i nte rface is as shown in the Fig bel ow.
The Stop Menu of the Musical File Playback Interface
z The blue stri p indic at es the enable d icon.
z “Delete”: This is the name of the current enabled option.
4.1.3 The Deleting Interf ace
Note: You can delete a si ngle file or all files i n here.
The File Selection Interface is as shown in the Fig below.
Musi cal File Playback Int erfac e – Stop Menu – Deleting Files –
File Selection
In t his interface, press MODE to e nter int o the Del eti ng Wa ys
s election inter face. See the Fig bel ow.
Musi cal File Playback Int erfac e – Stop Menu – Deleting Files –
Delet ing Wa ys
Button Functi on in the De l et ing I nterf ace
z Long-Press of PLAY: Turn the player off.
z Short -Press of PLAY: Return to the Stop Interface.
z Short -Press of A-B: Switch to the recording interface and
start recordi ng.
4.1.4 Directory Sel ection Interf ace
N o t e: Y o u c a n se le ct t h e val i d di re ct or y ( t h e di re ct or y t h at
contains musical files) here to change t he current playback
direct ory. When you enter into t his interface, you are located at
the current directory of the current disk.
The i nte rface is as shown in the Fig bel ow.
Mu si cal Fi le Pla ybac k I nt e r fac e – St op Men u – Lo ca l Fol der –
Directory Sele cti on
z Sup port t he l ong name of di rect ory
z Exc e pt t he r oot di re ct or y, o nly vali d di rec t ories are
dis played.
But ton Function in the Di rectory Select ion Interface
zSho r t -P r es s or Lo n g- Pr ess o f “ Vol -”: The s e l e ct i o n s t ri p
s wi t c he s t o t he next dir ec t or y on e by one. The se lecti on
st ri p s cr olls i n a way of t w o lin es .
zShort -Press or Long- Press of “ Vol +”: The s election s tr ip
s wi t c he s t o t he last di re ct or y one by on e . The s el ect i on
st ri p s cr olls i n a way of t w o lin es .
zA s ho rt- press of MODE wil l s el ect th e dir ect ory a nd
return to t he Stop i nterface. If the current directory
(includi ng the disk) is changed, then you need to reset the
curre nt file as the firs t, ot he rwise, t he fi le an d pl ayback
positi on will not be changed.
z A l ong- pr ess of PLAY will t u rn th e pla ye r off.
z A short- pr ess of PLAY will return to the Stop Inte rface.
z A s ho rt- pr ess of A- B wi ll en te r i nt o t he re c ord i n g
funct ion.
4.2 Functions in the Playing Interf ace
4.2.1 Th e Pl ayi n g i nt e r fac e is as s h ow n i n t h e Fi g be l ow .
Musi cal Fi le Playba ck
zCe line Di on – My Hea rt Will G o O n: Thes e te xt w ill
s cr oll horizont all y while t he song is pla yi ng.
Button Function in the Playing interface
zShort-Press of MODE: Enter into the Playing menu
i nte rfac e.
zLon g -P res s of MOD E : If t h ere i s t he co rr es pondi ng l yri c ,
then you will ent er into the Lyrics int erface. If there is no
corre spondi ng lyrics, then t he song will st op playing and
you will e nt er the main menu.
z Short -Press of PLAY: Enter into the Stop Interface.
z Long-Press of NEXT: Funct ion as fast forward till the
end of a s ong.
zLong-Press of LAST: Function as fast backward till t he
beginni ng of a song.
zSho rt -P ress of N EXT: The mus i c fades o ut i n 2 s ec onds .
The player jumps to the next song and start playing. In
this case, the next song is selected based on the current
playi ng mode. If the c urrent mode is Cycling One, then
the next s ong is s elected bas ed on Cycling All .
z Sho rt -P ress of LA ST: Fun ct i on o ppos itel y t o NE XT.
z Hold-On of “Vol+”: The volume will increase.
z Hold-On of “Vol-”: The vol ume will decrease.
z Short -Press of A-B: Enter into the Repeat interface and
confi rm the A point. One more short-press of A-B will
confi rm the B point a nd start repeating the segment
betwe en A and B. The thi rd short-press of A-B will
cancel the repeating.
4.2.2 In val i d Fi les Proces si ng
When t he pl ayer enc ounters inva li d files during auto or manual
s ele cti o n of s ongs, the me ss age “ For ma t Er ror ” wi ll dis pl ay .
Two s econds later, the pla yer will return to the Stop interface.
4.2.3 Pl a y i n g M e n u I n t e r f ac e
Note: This interface provi des the user with the foll owing
① Repeat: To s et the ways for playi ng songs .
② Equalizer: To set sound effects for the playi ng songs.
③ Tempo rate: To adjust the speed of song playing, except
for the songs in the WMA format.
④Replay: To e nter the Repeat interfa ce and start the
Repeat function.
⑤ Repla y Ti me s: To s et the times for repeati ng.
⑥ Replay ga p: To s et the i nterval between each r epeating
playi ng.
⑦Exit : Re turn to t he Pl ayi ng mo de . The mus i c is s till
playi ng.
The i nte rface is as shown in the Fig bel ow.
The Playi ng Me nu of the Musical File Playback Inte rface
The en a ble d pos i tio n is dis pl a yed i n bl ue bac k grou nd .
“Equalizer ” is the name of the current ena bled posi tion.
But ton Function in the Playing Menu Interface
Standard Icon Menu Functions
Aut o quit for idli ng fo r 5 s ec onds .
4.2.4 Repe at Se tt i ng I nt erf ace
No t e: Y o u c an se lect Repe at Mo de for pl ayin g s ongs i n here.
The musi c is still playing.
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