This Getting Started Guide contains instructions for th e installation and configuration of the
Splash M Se ries Colo r S e rver and th e client wo rk s t ations on yo u r networ k . Follow these
instructions each time you set up the Splash M Series Color Server in a different location,
connect it to a different network, or connect it to a dif ferent color copier.
The Splash M Series Color Server comes standard with a 10/100base T network card, which
you can connect to standard Ethernet (10baseT) or Fast Ethernet networks (100baseT). The
color server automa tically configures the card for Fast Ethernet if Fast Ethernet is detected.
Do not use a cross-over cable to connect your workstation directly to the Splash M Series. If
you need a direct connection, use a mini-hub.
Do not power up the Splash M Series Color Server until instructed.
To connect the Splash M Series Color Server to the copier, follow these steps:
Turn off the copier.
2. Unpack the Splash M Series Color Server and place it near the copier.
3. Open the accessory box and remove the cables.
4. Connect the Splash M Series Color Server to the copier using the cable provided.
5. Connect the power cable to the Splash M Series Color Server and plug it into an outlet.
Do not use an outlet on the same power circuit as the copier’s outlet.
6. After connecting all the cables,
The copier must be up and at a ready state in order for the Splash color server to set up
proper communications with the copier. Do not turn on the server before the copier is ready.
7. When the copier is in ready state,
Refer to Normal Initialization Process on page 2 for information on the server
initializ ation process. Once the server has completed it’s initialization , a startup test
page prints, indicating that the color server i s p roperly connected to the copier.
Turn off the Splash M Series Color Server.
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turn on the copier .
turn on the Splash M Series Color
Getting Started Guide
As the Splash color se rver initializes, the following sequence of events occur:
1. The green LED illumi nates, indicating that power is on.
2. The Splash color server emi ts one long and two short beeps.
3. After about 30 to 45 seconds, the green activity light on the floppy dr ive illuminates
briefly and the Splash color server emits one short beep.
4. After about 45 second s, t he Splash col or se rver emits six bee ps; two shor t, two long , and
two short. This is a signal from the color server indicating that it is ready to accept the
Configuration disk. If the disk is not inserted, th e color server continues to initialize.
The beeps are a normal part of the initialization process.
This time can vary if the Splash color serv er performs a disk check.
5. The status LED alternately flashes between yellow and red several times and then
changes to flashing yellow.
6. The Splash color server prints a startup Test Page.
When powering down the color server, wait for all jobs to complete, tur n o ff the Splash color
server, and then turn off the copier.
Green, not flashingPower indicator.
Amber , slowly
Amber, quickly
Power LED
Status LED
or red)
Red, offNo problems.
Red, one flashAdd paper.
Red, two flashesToner or fuser oil problem.
Red, three flashesPaper jam.
Red, four flashesDoor open, copier disconnected or other
No amber or redHardware problem or floppy inserted at the
Splash M Series Color Server is idle. Normal
Splash M Series Color Server activity, such
as spooling, ripping, or printing.
similar error.
wrong time.
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Getting Started Guide
The minimum system requirements for using the Splash M Series Color Server are:
• One of the following color copiers:
— Xe rox 5750/Acolor 620
— Xe rox 5790/Acolor 935
— Xe rox 5799/Acolor 936
• Supported network printing protocols over EtherNet
— Novell NetWare
Phase II
— Unix compatible— LPD over TCP/IP
• Macintosh clients:
— PowerMac
— System 7.5.5 or later
— EtherNet network int e rface
— 8MB free RAM
— 4 MB hard disk space
— 6 40x480 video resolution
— Open Transport 1.1.1 or above
— Las erWriter driver 8.3.4 or above
• Minimum system requirements for Windows Network clients:
— Microsoft Windows Network client software installed on the workstation
— PostScript print driver (Microsoft recommended)
— 2 MB hard disk space
— Windows 95, Windows 98 or NT 3.51/4.0
— TCP/IP protocol on workstation
• Additional minimum requirements for Novell NetWare include:
— NetWare client software installed on the workstation
— PostScript print driver (Microsoft recommended)
— 2 MB hard disk space
— NetWare file server running NetWare NOS version 3.11 or later
• Client system must also have application software that can pro duce PostScript output.
• 10baseT (twisted- pair) or 100baseT network cable.
If your network uses BNC/Thinnet media, you must use a hub that includes a BNC po rt to
connect the Splash M Serie s Color Server to the network.
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Getting Started Guide
To physically connect the Splash color server to the network:
1. Remove any disk from the color server’s flopp y drive and turn off the color server if you
have not already done so.
2. Connect the colo r server to the network.
The Splash M Series Color Server has a 10/1 00baseT network card that supports
twisted pair. Figure 1 illustrates the network connectors.
Link & Status Lights
Figure 1: Splash M Series Color Server Network Connectors
You can connect the color server to standard Ethernet (10baseT) or Fast Ethernet
networks (100baseT). Th e color server automatically configures the card for Fast
Ethernet if Fast Ethernet is detected.
Do not use a cross-over cable to connect your workstation directly to the color server. If
you need a direct connection, use a mini-hub.
Twisted-Pair Port
Do not power up the Splash M Series Color Server.
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Getting Started Guide
Locate the media package labeled Setup Disks that shipped with the Splash M Series Color
Server. The package contains two sets of Copier Configuration diskettes; one set is labe led
U.S. and the other set is labeled European.
• If your site uses default Imperial page sizes, config ure the server using the U.S. Copier Configuration diskettes.
• If your site uses default metric page sizes, configure the server using the European
Copier Configuration diskettes.
The Copier Configurat ion disket te co ntains a fi le call ed DP.INI, which has the param eters
for configuring the network, print/hold queue, an d page parameters for the Splash M Series
Color Server.
DP.INI is a text file that can be modified on a user workstat ion with a standard text editor.
There are no protected fields in the file.
Edit only the parameters after the equal signs (=).
Do not de le te any com ment sy mbols.
If you are printing through No vell servers, you must creat e a queue a nd color server account
for the Splash M Series Color Server using PCONSOLE. For a complete description of
PCONSOLE, or more information about Novell print servers, refer to your Novell documentation.
If users are printi ng through a Novell print server, complete the following steps.
1. Log into the file server where the Splash M Series Color Server queue will reside.
If you are using NetWare 3.x, log in as Supervisor from an attached workst ation.
If you are using NetWare V4.0 or greater, log into the server administrator account,
adding the /bs switch to the login command.
2. Note the file server’s name. This is the name you will use in the DP.INI file for the
pq0novserver and pq1novserver par ameters.
3. In the PUBLIC subdirectory on SYS: volume, enter the command PCONSOLE.
4. To create a print server account for the Splash M Series Color Server:
a. From the PCONSOLE Main menu, select Print Server Information.
b. Press the Insert key and enter the print server account name. The name cannot
contain more than 12 charact ers and cannot contain special characters or spaces.
Do not enter a password. Leave the password field blank.
c.Press Enter.
5. Make note of the name you enter ed. This is the name you will use in the DP.INI file for
the pq0novpserver and pq1novpserver parameters.
6. Press the Escape key multiple times to return to the main menu.
7. To create a print serv er queue for the Spl ash M Se ri es Color S e rver:
a. From the main menu, select Print Queue Information.
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Getting Started Guide
b. Press the Insert key and enter the queue name. The name cannot contain more
than 12 characters and cannot contain special charact ers or spaces. Since this is
the name users will see from their workstations it should be descriptive of the
device or the device’s location.
c.Make note of the name you enter. This is the name you will use in the DP.INI file
for the pq0novqueue and pq1novqu eue parameters.
d. Highlight the name you entered and press Enter.
e. From the new menu, select Queue Servers.
f.Press the Insert key and select the print server account name you created in
Step 4 and press Enter. This step assigns the account to the queue.
8. Press the Escape key multiple times to return to the main menu.
To configure and load the DP.INI file onto the Splash M Series Color Server:
1. Make a copy of the Copier Configura tion diskette for the copier model to which the
Splash M Se ries Colo r S e rver is connect e d.
2. Edit the DP.INI file on the copy of the Copier Configuration diskette from a user
workstation. (Refer to the DP.INI description that follows these steps.)
3. Once DP.INI is modified, save the changes onto the copy of the Copier Configuration
The DP.INI file contains the following configurable options:
hostname—Specifies the name of the Splash M Series Color Server. Valid values are
alphanumeric characters and underscores. The name cannot include spaces or periods.
The default value is SPLASHM.
Names in the DP.INI file can contain up to 79 characters but the names are truncated,
depending on the maximum number of characters supported by the network type. For
example, on EtherTalk the names are truncated to 32. If the names are truncated, a
warning message is prin ted on the configuration information sheet.
hostname—Specifies the name of the Splash M Series Color Server. Valid values are
alphanumeric characters and underscores. The name cannot include spaces or periods.
The default value is SPLASHM.
domain—Specifies th e na m e of the TCP /IP dom ai n. The de fa u l t va lue is
dhcp_client—Specifies whether or not the color server uses a DHCP server to obtain a
dynamic IP address. Valid values are yes an d no. If dhcp_client is no, the color server
must have a permanent IP address and subnetmask assigned, using the ipaddress and subnetmask parameters. The default value for dhcp_client is no.
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Getting Started Guide
ipaddress—Specifies the IP address assigned to the color server. This parameter is
required. If dhcp_client is set to yes and no DHCP services are found on the network, the
specified IP address is used. The default value for ipaddress is 19
subnetmask—Specifi es the subnetmask assigned to the color server. This parameter is
required. If dhcp_client is set to yes and no DHCP services are found on the network, the
specified subnet mask is used. The default value for subnetmask is
defaultgateway0—Specifies the permanent IP address assigned to the gateway or router.
This parameter is ignore d if there is no val ue after the equal sign (= ), which is the defa ult.
nameserver0—Specifies the permanent IP address assigned to the gatew ay or router.
This parameter is ignore d if there is no val ue after the equal sign (= ), which is the defa ult.
workgroup—Specifies the Windows domain or Windows Workgroup to which the color
server belongs. The name can be up to 15 characters long. Valid values are alphanumeric
characters and under scores. The name cannot include spaces or periods. If the network
does not use Windows domai ns or Workgroups, leave this parameter blank (default).
nt_domain_controller—Specifies the IP address of the NT domain controller for the color
server. If an NT domain controller does not exist, leave this parameter blank (default).
wins_server—Specifies the IP address of the WINS server for the color server. If a WINS
server does not exists, leave this parameter blank (default).
zone—Specifies the name of the AppleTalk zone that the color server uses for Macintos h
printing. The name can contain up to 32 characters . Valid values are alphanumeric characters, und ersc ore s, s paces , and periods. If Macintos h wor kstat io ns are no t p rin ting to th e
color server, leave this parameter blank (default).
The DP.INI file contains two sections of parameters called Printer 0 and Printer 1: one section
for configuri ng the colo r server pri nt queue and the other fo r conf iguring the colo r serv er hold
queue. Each sect ion contains the following parameters, where # can equal either 0
(parameters in Printer 0 section) or 1 (parameters in Printer 1 section):
pq#—Specifies the color server printer name that is used for lpd queue, Windows printer
sharename, and AppleTalk LaserWriter name. Valid values are alphanumeric characters
and underscores. The name cannot include spaces or periods. The default value for
Printer 0 is Splash_print. The default value for Printer 1 is Splash_hold.
pq#device—Specifies the copier to which the color server is connected. Valid values are
5750 (DocuColor
5750), 5790, and 5799 (DocuColor
5799). Note that the values for
pq0device and pq1device must be identical.
pq#type—Specifies the type of queue: print or hold. Valid values are PRINT (print queue),
and HOLD (hold queue).
pq#wintcp—Enables/disables the color server support for TCP/IP protocol. Valid values
are on (enable support) and off (disable support). The default value is on.
pq#ethertalk—Enables/disables the color server support for AppleTalk protocol. Valid val-
ues are on (enable support) and off (disable support ). The default value is on.
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Getting Started Guide
pq#novell—Enables/disables the color server support for Novell Netware (IPX) protocol.
Valid values are on (enable support) and off (disable support). The default value is off. If
pq#novell is on, values must be specified for pq#novserver, pq#novqueue, and
pq#novpserver parameters.
pq#novserver—Specifies the name of the Novell server that contains the queue for the
color se r ve r.
pq#novqueue—Specifies the name of the print server queue.
pq#novpserver—Specifies the name of the print server account.
To configure a colo r server printer without a hold queue, add a comment symbol in front of all
parameters defined i n Printer 1 or delete them.
The DP.INI file contains the following configurable page options:
SEPARATOR—Specifies whether or not the color server prints a separator page at the
end of each job. Valid values are true (print separator page) and false (do not print separator page). The default value is false.
There are some conditions under which a separator page is not created or printed, even
though SEPARATOR is set to true. These conditions are:
• When the job is sent to a DPI file instead of the copi er.
• When Manual Feed is selected as the paper source .
• When one of the sorter options is selected f or Page Order.
• When the job is printing and it is stopped and cancelled (recall that separator pages
print at th e en d of the job).
Refer to the Splash M Seri es U ser’s Manual for more information.
FORCEPAGE—Causes the color server to conver t certain page sizes from engli sh to metric or vice versa. Valid values are:
•metric—Converts letter to A4 and convert s legal and tabloid to A3.
•english—Converts A4 to letter and converts A3 to tabloid.
•off —Default value; does not convert page sizes.
DEFAULTPAGE—Specifies what paper size to use when the PostScript file does not contain a page size. Valid values are letter (8.5in x 11in) and a4 (21.00cm x 29.70cm). Note
that value’ s case det ermines the orientati on of the p age (e.g . , lowercase v alues spec ify long
edge feed). The default is letter (8.5in x 11in).
1. Power o n the col or serv er and w ait for se rver to emit the configu rati on s igna l, wh ich is a
series of beeps: two short, two long, and two short.
2. Insert the Copier Configuration dis k ette in the color server floppy dri ve. You have
five seconds to insert the modified Copier Configuration disk in the color server
floppy drive.
When the color server fini shes downloading the configur ation, an information sheet and
Startup Test page prints. The color server is now configured and running .
3. Remove and store the Copier Configuration diskette in a safe place.
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Getting Started Guide
If the configuration is in correct or an error occurs while the color server starts up, an information sheet prints infor mi ng you that the configuration was unsuccessful. Check the DP.INI
file, make the necessary corrections, power off the color server, and repeat steps 1 and 2.
The Client so ft wa re for th e S plash M Se rie s Color Se rver inc ludes pr inter fi le s and t he Vi ewer
application (which allows users to view and manage print jobs). Thus, there are two options
for installing the Splash M Series client software on the workstation:
It is not necessary to install the V ie wer to enab le pri nte r support! Inst ruct io ns for the vari ous
installati on options are as follows:
1. You can ins ta l l ju s t th e pr in ter files .
2. You can install the Viewer software, which installs both the Vi ewer application and the
printer files.
• If you are installing printer files only,
—Refer to Section 5.1 on page 10 for Macintosh client instructions
—Refer to Section 5.2 on page 14 for Windows 95/98 client instructions
—Refer to Section 5.3 on page 21 for Windows NT 4.0 client instructions
• If you are installing the Viewer application, which includes the installation of printe r
—Refer to Section 5.4 on page 26 for Maci ntosh client instructions
—Refer to Section 5.5 on page 30 for Windows 95/98 client instructions
—Refer to Section 5.6 on page 38 for Windows NT 4.0 client instructions
0015647-0001 February 18, 1999page-9
Getting Started Guide
The Splash CD-ROM that shipped with the color server contains a folder na med Mac. This
folder has all files you need to install and setup Splash M Series print er support on the
If you are installi ng Splash M Series printer file s on a non-U.S. En glish Macintosh, you
must use the installation procedure in Section 5.1.2.
1. Insert the Splash CD-ROM that shipped with the color server into the workstation’s
CD-ROM drive.
2. On the Splash CD-ROM, locate the Mac:English folder and copy the Splash M210
v1.0, Splash M310 v1.0, and Splash M410 v1.0 files into the System
Folder:Extensions:Printer Descript ions folder.
3. If the workstation has Page Maker, locat e the PageMaker PPD files on the CD-ROM in
Mac:English:PageMaker folder. Also copy the PageMaker PPD files to the System
Folder:Extensions:Printer Descript ions folder.
4. Go to Section 5.1.3, on page 11 to setup the printer.
In this set of instru ctions, Eng lish names are used when referring to the copy destination
folders. You must substitute the appropriate non- En glish folder names.
1. On a US English Macintosh syst em, t he f older that c ontains the pri nter des cri ption fi les
is the System Folder:Extensions:Printer Descriptions folder. Locate the
corresponding folde r on your syst em in the syste m language. This is the folder wher e the
Splash printer description files will be copied.
2. Insert the Splash CD- R OM that shipped with the color server into the workstation’s
CD-ROM drive.
3. On the Splash CD-ROM, locate the Mac:English folder and copy the Splash M210
v1.0, Splash M310 v1.0, and Splash M410 v1.0 files into the System
Folder:Extensions:Printer Descript ions folder that you located in Step 1.
4. If the workstation has Page Maker, locat e the PageMaker PPD files on the CD-ROM in
Mac:English:PageMaker folder. Also copy the PageMaker PPD files to the System
Folder:Extensions:Printer Descript ions folder that you located in Step 1.
5. Go to Section 5.1.3, on page 11 to setup the printer.
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To set up the printer on your workstation:
1. Make sure AppleTalk is Active.
2. From the Apple Menu, select Chooser. The Chooser Control Panel, shown in
Figure 2, appears.
Getting Started Guide
Figure 2: Sample Chooser Control P ane l
3. Select LaserWriter 8.4.3 (or above) and a Zone (if configured).
4. When the printer list appears, click on the appropriate Splash M Series Color Server
(model M210, M310, or M410), and click on Create or Setup, depending on whether
Desktop Printing is enabled.
The Select a PostScript
Printer Description File dialog box, shown in Figure 3,
Figure 3: Select a PostScript Printer Description Fil e Dialog Bo x
0015647-0001 February 18, 1999page-11
Getting Started Guide
5. Select the printer mode l (Splash M210 v1.0, Splash M310 v1.0, or Splash M410 v1.0)
that matches the server model you selected in Step 4, then click Select.
6. Click on Setup. The Current Printer Description File dialog box (Figure 4) appears
when the workstation has finished setting up the printer.
Figure 4: Curren t Printe r Descri ption File Di alog Box
7. Click on Configure. The Installable Options dialog box, shown in Figure 5, appears.
Figure 5: Installable Options Dialog Box
8. Follow these steps to configure all of the Installable options:
a. Select the Xerox 5750/ Acolor 620 Support option from the Installable options list.
This option enables/disables 12in x 18in, Postcard, and Tray 4 support. This
option also disables/enables Group in Sorter and Group in Sor ter Reverse, which
are not supported by the Xerox 5750/Acolor 620. Xerox 5750/ Acolor 620 Support
is enabled (Yes) by default.
If your color server is connected to a Xerox 5750/Acolor 620 copier, use the
default (Yes).
If your color server is connec ted to a Xerox 5790/ Acolor 935 or Xerox 5799/Acol or
936 copier, set this option to No.
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Getting Started Guide
b. Select the Optional Sorter option from the Installable options list. This option
enables/disables the Splash M Series sorter features. This option is disabled (Not
Installed) by default.
If the copier connected to your color server has a sorter attached, set this option
to Installed.
If the copier does not have a sorter, use the default (Not Installed).
c.Click OK.
9. On the Current Printer Description File dialog box, click OK.
10. Close the Chooser Control Panel.
The installation is now com plete and you can start sending print jobs to the color server. The
printer is insta lled with a set of default options. You can use these defaults, specify new
defaults (which will apply to all your print jobs), or select new options on a job-by-job basis.
For more inform a t ion, refer to the SplashM Series User’s Manual.
The Splash CD-ROM that shipped with the color server contains two folders named Wi n95
and Win98. Choose the folder that matches the operating system on your workstation. This
folder has all the files you need to install and setup the print drivers on the workstation.
If you are installing Splash M Series printer files on a non-U.S. English Windows 95/98
workstation , you may op tionally use the installation procedure in Section 5.2. 2. This
procedure contains extra ste ps, but it will minimize the amo unt of US English that appear s
in the Printer Properties dialog box on the work station.
At least one of the network clients lis ted below must be installed on your wo rkstati on to print
to the Splash M Series Color Server:
To add the printer to your workstation printer folder, start the Add Printer Wizard by
clicking on Start, Settings, Printers and Add Printers, then follow the prompts.
1. When the Add Printer Wizard prompts for a Local Printer or Network Printer , specif y
Network Printer and click Next.
2. When the Add Printer Wizard prompts for a network path or queue name, enter the
Windows network nam e of the Splash M Series Color S erver’s configured print queue. If
the hos t name is splashm and the print queue name is splash_print, the Windows
network name is \\splashm\splash_print.
3. Insert the Splash CD-ROM that shipped with the color server in your workstation
CD-ROM drive.
4. Click on Have D i s k, then Browse.
5. Open the appropriate folder for your operating system on the CD-ROM (win95 or win98), then open the English language folder.
6. In the English folder, choose the OEMSETUP.INF file, and click OK.
7. When the Add Printer Wizard prompts for the printer model, select one of the
following options, according to the model of the Splash M Series Color Server you
specified in Step 2:
•Splash M210 v1.0
•Spl ash M3 10 v1.0
•Spl ash M4 10 v1.0
8. Click the Next button.
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