Copyright protection claimed includes all forms of matters of copyrightable materials and information now allowed by statutory
or judicial law or hereinafter granted, including without limitation, material generated from the software programs which are
displayed on the screen such as styles, templates, icons, screen displays, looks, etc.
, CentreDirect®, CentreWare®, Phaser®, PhaserSMART®, PrintingScout™, TekColor™, and Walk-Up® are trademarks
of Xerox Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
Reader®, Adobe Type Manager®, ATM™, Flash®, Macromedia®, Photoshop®, and PostScript® are trademarks of
Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries.
, AppleTalk®, Bonjour®, ColorSync®, EtherTalk®, LaserWriter®, LocalTalk®, Macintosh®, Mac OS®, and TrueType® are
trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries.
, HP-UX®, and PCL® are trademarks of Hewlett-Packard Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
and AIX® are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
, Vista™, Windows®, and Windows Server™ are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other
■Printing Multiple Pages to a Single Sheet (N-Up) on page 1-4
■Printing Booklets on page 1-5
■Using Color Corrections on page 1-7
■Printing in Black and White on page 1-11
■Printing Separator Pages on page 1-12
■Printing Cover Pages on page 1-13
■Scaling on page 1-15
■Printing Watermarks on page 1-16
■Printing Mirror Images on page 1-18
■Creating and Saving Custom Sizes on page 1-19
■Job Completion Notification on page 1-20
■Printing Special Job Types on page 1-21
See also:
Using the Windows Printer Driver tutorial at
Phaser® 6360 Color Laser Printer
Printer Driver Features
Printer Driver Features
The following table displays many of the Xerox printer driver features that are available with
specific operating systems. This section includes more information about these features and
information about how to select the feature in the driver.
Selecting Which Paper to Use (page 1-3)
Pages Per Sheet (page 1-4)
Booklet Printing (page 1-5)
Color Correction (page 1-7)
Black and White Printing (page 1-11)
Separator Pages (page 1-12)
Cover Pages (page 1-13)
Scaling (page 1-15)
Watermarks (page 1-16)
Mirror Images (page 1-18)
Custom Sizes (page 1-19)
Job Completion Notification (page 1-20)
2000, XP,
●● ●
●● ●
●● ●
●● ●
●● ●
●● ●
●● ●
●● ●
●● ●
❍❍ ❍
Versi on
10.2 and
Secure Print (page 1-21)
Proof Print (page 1-21)
Personal Print (page 1-21)
Shared Saved Print (page 1-21)
Personal Saved Prints (page 1-21)
Print With Saved Jobs (page 1-21)
1 = PostScript only
● = Supported feature
■ = Only available with a hard drive
❍ = Only available when your printer is connected to your computer over a network
Note: Go to
■■ ■
■■ ■
■■ ■
■■ ■
■■ ■
❍❍ ❍
for the latest printer drivers.
Phaser® 6360 Color Laser Printer
Selecting Which Paper to Use
Selecting Which Paper to Use
When you send your print job to the printer, you can choose to let the printer automatically
select which paper to use based on your document size and the paper type you select, or you
can force the printer to use paper from a specific tray.
To select which paper to use from a supported driver:
Operating SystemSteps
Windows 2000 or later1. Select the Paper/Output tab.
The Paper summary displays the paper to use for the print job.
2. To change the paper, click the button to the right of the summary to
display the paper selection drop-down menu.
■ To specify a tray, select the tray in the Select by Tray menu.
■ To specify a paper type, select the type in the Other Type menu.
■ To specify a paper size, select the Other Size menu item and
select the Output Paper Size in the Paper Size dialog box.
Mac OS X (version 10.2
and higher)
1. In the Print dialog box, select Paper Feed.
2. From the All pages from drop-down list, select Auto Select to have
the printer automatically select the paper to use based on your
application settings, or select a specific paper type or tray.
Phaser® 6360 Color Laser Printer
Printing Multiple Pages to a Single Sheet (N-Up)
Printing Multiple Pages to a Single Sheet (N-Up)
When printing a multiple-page document, you can print more than one page on a single sheet
of paper. Print one, two, four, six, nine, or 16 pages per side.
To print multiple pages on a single sheet of paper in a supported driver:
Operating SystemSteps
Windows 2000 or later1. Select the Layout/Watermark tab.
2. Select the Pages Per Sheet (N-Up) option.
3. Click the button for the number of pages you want to appear on each
side of the sheet.
Mac OS X (version 10.2
and higher)
1. In the Print dialog box, select Layout.
2. Select the number of Pages per Sheet and Layout Direction.
Phaser® 6360 Color Laser Printer
Printing Booklets
Printing Booklets
With 2-sided printing, you can print a document in the form of a small book. Create booklets
for any paper size that is supported for 2-sided (duplex) printing. The driver automatically
reduces each page image and prints four pages per sheet of paper (two on each side). The
pages are printed in the correct order so that you can fold and staple the pages to create a
When you print booklets, you can also specify the creep and gutter in supported drivers.
■Creep: Specifies how much the page images are shifted outward (in 10ths of a point). This
compensates for the thickness of the folded paper, which otherwise would cause the page
images to shift slightly outward when folded. You can select a value from zero to
1.0 points.
■Gutter: Specifies the horizontal distance (in points) between the page images. A point is
.35 mm (1/72 in.).
The following additional booklet printing options are available in some drivers:
■Draw Page Borders: Prints a border around each page.
■Target Paper Size: Specifies the size of the paper for the booklet.
■Right to Left: Reverses the order of the pages in the booklet.
Phaser® 6360 Color Laser Printer
To select booklet printing in a supported driver:
Operating SystemSteps
Windows 2000 or later1. Select the Layout/Watermark tab.
2. Select the Booklet Layout option.
If you are using the PostScript driver, click the Booklet Options
button to specify the creep and gutter.
3. If desired, select Draw Page Borders from the drop-down lists.
Printing Booklets
Mac OS X (version 10.2
and higher)
1. In the Finishing Options dialog box, select Enable Booklet
2. If desired, specify the creep and gutter.
3. If desired, specify the paper size from the Targ et Pa p e r S i z e
drop-down list.
Phaser® 6360 Color Laser Printer
Using Color Corrections
Using Color Corrections
This section includes:
■Making Additional Color Corrections on page 1-8
■Adjusting the Automatic Color Correction on page 1-9
The Color Correction options provide simulations of different color devices. Automatic is the
default correction for general image processing. See the following table to determine what
option you want to use.
Color Correction Description
AutomaticApplies the best color correction to each graphic
element: text, graphics, and images.
Office ColorsRGB DisplayApproximates the colors on a CRT computer display.
sRGB VividProduces brighter, more saturated colors than sRGB
LCD DisplayApproximates the colors on a LCD computer monitor.
Press MatchSWOP PressMatches Specifications for Web Offset Publications.
Euroscale PressMatches FOGRA glossy paper specification.
SNAP PressMatches Specifications for Newsprint Advertising
Japan ColorMatches Japan Color 2001 specification.
ISO CoatedMatches FOGRA 27L specification.
ISO UncoatedMatches FOGRA 29L specification.
NoneApplies no color correction. Use with other color
Black and WhiteConverts all colors to black and white or shades of gray.
Use Printer Control
Panel Setting
Approximates U.S. commercial press target.
management tools, such as ICC (International Color
Consortium) profiles, ColorSync, or the PANTONE
Color Chart for your printer.
Uses the color correction set in the printer. The color
correction can be set in the printer using either the
control panel or the CentreWare software (if available).
Phaser® 6360 Color Laser Printer
To select the color correction in a supported driver:
Operating SystemSteps
Using Color Corrections
Windows 2000 or later
PostScript Driver
Mac OS X, version 10.2
and higher
1. Select the Color Options tab.
2. Select the desired color correction. Some of the color corrections are
grouped under Office Color, including None, Black and White, and
Use Printer Control Panel Settings, or Press Match.
1. In the Print dialog box, select Image Quality from the drop-down list.
2. Select the desired color correction from the Color Correction
drop-down list.
Making Additional Color Corrections
If you need to make additional color adjustments for your job, you can move the following
sliders in a supported driver:
■Lightness: Move the slider to the right to lighten or to the left to darken the colors in your
print job. (White remains white and black remains black.)
■Saturation: Move the slider to the right to increase or to the left to decrease the color
intensity without changing the darkness.
■Contrast: Move the slider to the right to increase or to the left to decrease the contrast.
With increased contrast, saturated colors become more saturated, darker colors become
more black, and lighter colors become more white.
■Cyan/Red: Move the slider to change the color variation between cyan and red. Increasing
the cyan decreases the red (its complement) and vice versa.
■Magenta/Green: Move the slider to change the color variation between magenta and
green. Increasing the magenta decreases the green (its complement) and vice versa.
■Yellow/Blue: Move the slider to change the color variation between yellow and blue.
Increasing the yellow decreases the blue (its complement) and vice versa.
Note: Select the Apply to CMYK check box in the driver to also apply the color adjustments
when Press Match color corrections are used.
To track the adjustments you make, select the Print Settings on Page check box. The file
name, print-quality mode, and color settings for the job are printed on the edge of the page.
Phaser® 6360 Color Laser Printer
To adjust the color in your job through a supported driver:
Operating SystemSteps
Using Color Corrections
Windows 2000 or later
PostScript Driver
Mac OS X, version 10.2
and higher
1. Select the Color Options tab.
2. Select the desired color correction.
3. If desired, click the More Color Adjustments button to open the More
Color Adjustments dialog box.
4. Make the desired adjustments to the sliders for your job.
5. If desired, select Apply to CMYK.
6. Click the OK button to save your changes in the More Color
Adjustments dialog box.
1. In the Print dialog box, select Image Quality from the drop-down list.
2. Select the desired color correction.
3. If desired, select Print Settings on Page.
4. Click the More Options button to open the Color Adjustments dialog
5. Make the desired adjustments to the sliders for your job.
6. If desired, select Apply to CMYK.
7. Click the OK button to save your changes in the Color Adjustments
dialog box.
Adjusting the Automatic Color Correction
The Automatic color correction selection is designed to apply the best color correction to each
element (text, graphics, and images). If needed, you can select the color table being used for
these elements in your jobs.
You can make adjustments to RGB colors, CMYK colors, and spot colors as shown in the
following table:
Custom Automatic ColorDescription
Office ColorControls the RGB color adjustments.
Press MatchControls the CMYK color adjustments.
Spot ColorControls spot color matching.
Note: The Spot Color tab has an option to allow the printer to manage spot colors.
To use the default color table associated with a particular element on the tab, you can select
Automatic or click the Reset button.
If required in specific circumstances, you can make additional color adjustments to the
lightness, saturation, contrast, cyan/red color variation, magenta/green color variation, and
yellow/blue color variation used for a particular element.
Phaser® 6360 Color Laser Printer
To adjust the Automatic color correction in a supported driver:
Operating SystemSteps
Using Color Corrections
Windows 2000 or later
PostScript Driver
Mac OS X, version
10.2 and higher
1. Select the Color Options tab.
2. Select the Automatic Color option.
3. Select Custom from the drop-down list to open the Custom Automatic
Color dialog box.
4. On the Office Color, Press Match, and Spot Color tabs of the dialog
box, make the desired changes to the selections for Text & Graphics
and Images from the drop-down lists.
5. If more adjustments are needed for an element, click the More Color
Adjustments button, make adjustments to the sliders in the More
Color Adjustments dialog box, and then click the OK button.
6. Click the OK button to save your changes in the Custom Automatic
Color dialog box.
1. In the Print dialog box,select Image Quality from the drop-down list.
2. Select Automatic from the Color Correction drop-down list.
3. Click Automatic Color Setup.
4. On the Office Color, Press Match, and Spot Color tabs, make the
desired changes to the selections for Text & Graphics and Images
drop-down lists.
5. If more adjustments are needed for an element, click the More Options
button after that element, make adjustments to the sliders in the Color
Adjustments dialog box, and then click the OK button.
Phaser® 6360 Color Laser Printer
Printing in Black and White
Printing in Black and White
If you want your output in black, white, and shades of gray, select Black and White in a
supported driver:
Operating SystemSteps
Windows 2000 or later
PostScript Driver
Mac OS X (version 10.2
and higher)
1. Select the Color Options tab.
2. Select the Office Color option.
3. Select Black and White from the drop-down list.
1. In the Print dialog box, select Image Quality from the drop-down
2. Select Black and White from the Color Correction drop-down list.
Phaser® 6360 Color Laser Printer
Printing Separator Pages
Printing Separator Pages
A separator (a divider page or slipsheet) can be inserted after a print job, between copies of a
print job, or between individual pages of a print job. Specify the tray to use as the source for
the separator pages.
To specify separator pages in a supported driver:
Operating SystemSteps
Windows 2000 or later1. Select the Paper/Output tab.
2. Click the button to the right of the Paper summary and select
Separators from the drop-down list.
3. Select the separator option and tray to use from the Separators
dialog box.
Mac OS X (version 10.2
and higher)
1. In the Print dialog box, select Printer Features from the drop-down
2. Under Paper Feed Options, select Last Page Paper Source
drop-down list, and then select the tray to use for the separator
Phaser® 6360 Color Laser Printer
Printing Cover Pages
Printing Cover Pages
A cover page is the first or last page of a document. The printer enables you to choose a
different paper source for the cover page than for the body of a document. For instance, use
your company letterhead for the first page of a document, or use card stock for the first and last
pages of a report.
■Use any applicable paper tray as the source for printing cover pages.
■Verify that the cover page is the same size as the paper used for the rest of your document.
If you specify a different size in the driver than the tray you select as a cover pages source,
your cover(s) print on the same paper as the rest of your document.
You have several choices for cover pages:
■None: Prints the first and last pages of your document from the same tray as the rest of
your document.
■First: Prints the first page on paper from the specified tray.
■First and Last: Prints the first and last pages on paper from the specified tray.
Cover PagePrint OptionPages Printed on Cover
First1-sided printingPage 1
2-sided printingPages 1 and 2
Last1-sided printingLast page
2-sided printing
(odd-numbered pages)
2-sided printing
(even-numbered pages)
Last page
Last two pages
For the back of your front cover to remain blank when 2-sided printing, page two of your
document must be blank. For the back cover of your document to remain blank, see the
following table for inserting blank pages.
Print OptionLast Page of TextBlank Pages
1-sided printingAdd one blank page at the end of the
2-sided printingOdd-numberedAdd two blank pages at the end of the
Even-numberedAdd one blank page at the end of the
Phaser® 6360 Color Laser Printer
To select cover pages in a supported driver:
Operating SystemSteps
Windows 2000 or later1. Select the Paper/Output tab.
2. Click the button to the right of the Paper summary and select
3. Select the cover option and tray to use from the Covers dialog box.
Printing Cover Pages
Mac OS X (version 10.2
and higher)
1. In the Print dialog box, select Paper Feed.
2. Select First page from, and then select the tray to use for the
3. Under Paper Feed Options, select the tray to use for the cover
pages from the Last Page Paper Source drop-down list.
Note: For booklet printing, the cover page needs to be selected as the
Last Page Paper Source.
Phaser® 6360 Color Laser Printer
You can reduce or enlarge your page images when they are printed by selecting a scaling value
between 25 and 400 percent. The default is 100 percent.
To select scaling in a supported driver:
Operating SystemSteps
Windows 2000 or later1. Select the Paper/Output tab.
2. Click the button to the right of the Paper summary and select either
Other Size or Advanced Paper Selection.
3. Select an option from the Scale Options drop-down list.
4. If you select Manually Scale, enter a percentage in the percentage
Mac OS X (version 10.2
and higher)
1. Select File.
2. Select Page Setup.
3. Specify the percentage in the box for Scale.
Phaser® 6360 Color Laser Printer
Printing Watermarks
Printing Watermarks
A watermark is additional text that can be printed across one or more pages. For example,
terms like Draft and Confidential, which you might stamp on a page before distribution, can be
inserted with a watermark.
In some Windows drivers you can:
■Create a watermark.
■Edit an existing watermark’s text, color, location, and angle.
■Place a watermark on either the first page or every page in a document.
■Print a watermark in the foreground or background or blend with the print job.
■Use a graphic for the watermark.
■Use a time stamp for the watermark.
Note: Not all applications support watermark printing.
Phaser® 6360 Color Laser Printer
To select, create, and edit watermarks using a supported Windows driver:
Operating SystemSteps
Windows 2000 or later1. Select the Layout/Watermark tab.
■ To use an existing watermark, select it from the Watermarks
drop-down list.
■ To modify the watermark, click the Edit button to display the
Watermark Editor dialog box.
■ To create a new watermark, select New, and then use the
Watermark Editor dialog box.
2. In the Watermarks drop-down list for Options:
■ Select an option to print the watermark in the foreground or
background or to blend it with the job.
■ In the Watermarks drop-down list for Options, select to print the
watermark on all pages or only the first page.
Printing Watermarks
Phaser® 6360 Color Laser Printer
Printing Mirror Images
Printing Mirror Images
You can print pages as a mirror image (flips images horizontally on pages when printed).
To select mirror images in a supported driver:
Operating SystemSteps
Windows 2000 or later
PostScript Driver
1. Select the Advanced tab.
2. Select Yes for Mirrored Output.
Phaser® 6360 Color Laser Printer
Creating and Saving Custom Sizes
Creating and Saving Custom Sizes
Phaser 6360 printers can print on custom size paper from Tray 1 (MPT). You can save custom
size paper settings in a supported printer driver. Since these custom sizes are saved in your
computer’s operating system, they are available for you to select in your applications.
Note: For details about loading and printing custom size paper, see Printing Basics in the
User Guide at
To create and save a new custom size in a supported driver:
Operating SystemSteps
Windows 2000 or later1. Select the Paper/Output tab.
2. Click the button to the right of the Paper summary and select
Other Size.
3. In the Paper Size Setup dialog box, select New in the Output
Paper Size drop-down list.
4. In the New Custom Size dialog box, enter a descriptive name in
the Name box and the dimensions in the Width and Height boxes.
5. Click the OK button.
Mac OS X (version
10.2 and higher)
1. Select Page Setup from the File Menu.
2. Select the Phaser 6360 printer.
3. In the Paper Size drop-down list select Manage Custom Sizes.
4. Click the + button to add a new custom page size.
5. Provide a descriptive name for the custom page size and enter the
page size and margin information.
Phaser® 6360 Color Laser Printer
Job Completion Notification
Job Completion Notification
You can select to be notified when your job is done printing. A message appears in the lowerright corner of your computer screen with the name of the job and the name of the printer
where it was printed.
Note: This feature is only available when your printer is connected to your computer over a
To select job completion notification in a supported driver:
Operating SystemSteps
Windows 2000 or later1. At the bottom of any tab, click the More Status button.
2. In the PrintingScout menu, select either Notify me when job has
completed or failed or Notify me when job has completed.
Mac OS X (version 10.2
and higher)
1. Select the Troubleshooting pane.
2. Check the Notify Me When My Job Completes box.
Phaser® 6360 Color Laser Printer
Printing Special Job Types
Printing Special Job Types
This section includes:
■Sending Personal, Personal Saved, Secure, Proof, or Saved Print Jobs on page 1-22
■Sending Print With Jobs on page 1-23
■Printing or Deleting Secure Print Jobs on page 1-24
■Printing or Deleting Personal Print Jobs on page 1-24
■Printing or Deleting Proof and Saved Print Jobs on page 1-24
■Printing or Deleting Personal Saved Jobs on page 1-25
You can select one of the following special job types if your printer has a hard drive:
■Personal Print: Prints the job when you select your user name on the control panel or in
CentreWare IS.
■Secure Print: Prints the job only after you select your user name and enter your numeric
password (passcode) on the control panel.
■Proof Print: Prints only one copy of the job so that you can proof the copy. If you want to
print the additional copies, select the job name on the control panel.
■Shared Saved Job: Stores the job on the hard drive so you can print it on demand from the
control panel. The job is not deleted after printing.
■Personal Saved Job: Stores the job on the hard drive so that you can print it whenever you
select your user name and enter your four-digit numeric password (passcode) on the
control panel. The job is not deleted after printing.
■Print With: Prints existing stored personal and/or shared saved jobs along with the
current job, using the current job’s number of copies and collation attributes. The current
job is deleted after printing.
Phaser® 6360 Color Laser Printer
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