Xerox PAGIS PRO 2.0 User Manual

User's Guide
About This Guide
Contents Index
COPYRIGHT INFORMATION Copyright © 1997–1998 by ScanSoft, Inc., a Xerox Company. All rights
reserved. No part of this publication may be transmitted, transcribed, reproduced, stored in any retrieval system or translated into any language or computer language in any form or by any means, mechanical, electronic, magnetic, optical, chemical, manual, or otherwise, without the prior written consent of ScanSoft, Inc., 9 Centennial Drive, Peabody, Massachusetts 01960. Printed in the United States of America.
The software described in this book is furnished under license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such license.
IMPORTANT NOTICE ScanSoft, Inc. provides this publication “as is” without warranty of any
kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Some states or jurisdictions do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties in certain transactions; therefore, this statement may not apply to you. ScanSoft reserves the right to revise this publication and to make changes from time to time in the content hereof without obligation of ScanSoft to notify any person of such revision or changes.
TRADEMARKS AND CREDITS TextBridge is a registered trademark, and Pagis is a trademark, of
ScanSoft, Inc., a Xerox Company. Xerox, The Document Company, and the Stylized X are trademarks of Xerox Corp.
Excel, Word, and Windows are trademarks of Microsoft Corp. WordPerfect is a registered trademark of WordPerfect Corp.
MGI PhotoSuite, MGI PC Photography Kit, MGI VideoWave, MGI and
the MGI logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of MGI Software Corp.
Other terms used in this manual are the trademarks of their respective holders.
Portions of this product copyright © 1990–1998, Pixel Translations, Inc. Portions of this product copyright © 1994–1998, Mastersoft Corp. Portions of this product copyright © 1998, MGI Software Corp. Verity Topic® Search Technology copyrighted by Verity, Inc. AccuSoft Redlining® Toolkit copyrighted by AccuSoft Corp.
Authors: Jim Cahill and Sadie DeSimone
9 Centennial Drive Peabody, Massachusetts 01960
Pagis Pro 2.0 User’s Guide
Part Number 00–09407–00 May 1998
Using this Electronic User's Guide
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More About this
User's Guide
About this User’s Guide..............................xiii
Organization of this manual.......................xiii
Typographic conventions used in this manual..........xv
Related Documents.................................xvi
How To Contact Customer Support....................xvii
Internet and electronic mail addresses..............xvii
Telephone and fax numbers.......................xviii
What is Pagis Pro?.................................1–1
What Comes with Pagis Pro.........................1–2
Pagis Pro Features................................1–3
Where to Go From Here.............................1–8
System Requirements..............................2–1
Installing and Testing Your Scanner...................2–2
Installing Pagis Pro Software........................2–3
If you already have TextBridge Pro 98...............2–3
Upgrading from an earlier Pagis version.............2–3
Uninstalling the old Pagis software..............2–4
Upgrading your old Pagis search index...........2–4
Running the Pagis Pro setup program...............2–6
Where to Go From Here............................2–13
Uninstalling Pagis Pro............................2–13
Pagis Pro User’s Guide iii
Tools that Pagis Pro Adds to Windows.................. 3–1
Pagis Inbox ................................... 3–2
Pagis ToolBar ................................. 3–3
Pagis SendTo Bar .............................. 3–4
Scanning a Document .............................. 3–6
Copying a Document ............................... 3–9
Faxing a Document ............................... 3–12
Refining and Annotating a Document ................. 3–15
Scanning and Typing Into a Form .................... 3–18
Editing a Scanned Picture .......................... 3–21
Searching for a Document .......................... 3–25
Running OCR on a Document ....................... 3–29
Where to Go From Here............................ 3–31
Pagis Inbox ...................................... 4–1
Pagis Inbox menus and commands ................. 4–2
Pagis commands in the File menu ............... 4–3
Pagis commands added to the View menu ......... 4–3
Pagis menu ................................ 4–4
Document thumbnails ........................... 4–5
Pagis ToolBar ................................. 4–7
Modifying the Pagis ToolBar in the Pagis Inbox..... 4–7
Launching the Pagis ToolBar on the Windows
desktop and changing its view ............ 4–8
Pagis SendTo Bar .............................. 4–9
Launching the SendTo Bar on the Windows desktop . 4–9
Changing SendTo Bar options .................. 4–9
Adding a program to the SendTo Bar............ 4–10
Removing a program from the SendTo Bar ....... 4–12
Changing the Pagis Inbox location in your file system .. 4–13
iv Pagis Pro User’s Guide
Pagis Folders.................................... 4–14
Creating a Pagis Folder...................... 4–14
Removing Pagis Folder attributes .............. 4–15
Working with Pagis Files in Windows™ ............... 4–15
About Pagis (XIF) files.......................... 4–15
Enhanced context menu ........................ 4–17
Thumbnail command........................ 4–18
Stacking documents......................... 4–19
Unstacking documents ...................... 4–20
Converting to other image formats ............. 4–20
XIF property sheets............................ 4–23
Defining keywords and other index properties
for a file............................ 4–23
Getting details about a XIF file ................ 4–25
Scan Tool (Scanner, Copier, Fax)..................... 4–26
Setting up your scanner or digital camera to work
with Pagis Pro.......................... 4–27
About scanners and scanner drivers ............ 4–27
Selecting the scanner or digital camera driver..... 4–28
Displaying the TWAIN dialog box .............. 4–30
Changing default properties for scanned documents ... 4–32
Specifying scanner properties ................. 4–32
Specifying page refinements .................. 4–36
Specifying auto save properties ................ 4–38
Specifying keyword properties................. 4–40
Scanning documents ........................... 4–41
Scanning a single-sided document to a XIF file .... 4–41
Scanning a double-sided document to a XIF file.... 4–45
Scanning directly to an application ............. 4–47
Acquiring an image from a digital camera........ 4–49
Using Prescan to scan part of a document ........ 4–51
Table of Contents v
Copying documents ............................ 4–54
Select a printer ............................ 4–54
Set up the copy job.......................... 4–56
Make copies............................... 4–57
Faxing documents ............................. 4–59
Select a fax printer ......................... 4–60
Set up the fax job........................... 4–61
Fax a document............................ 4–62
Pagis Editor .................................... 4–64
File menu ................................... 4–65
New command............................. 4–65
New Window command ...................... 4–65
Open command ............................ 4–65
Save command ............................ 4–66
Save As command .......................... 4–66
Export command........................... 4–66
Send To command.......................... 4–68
Properties command ........................ 4–68
Page Setup command ....................... 4–69
Print Preview command ..................... 4–69
Print command ............................ 4–70
Scan command ............................ 4–70
Exit command............................. 4–70
Edit menu................................... 4–70
Undo command ............................ 4–71
Cut command ............................. 4–71
Copy command ............................ 4–71
Copy as Text command ...................... 4–71
Paste command............................ 4–71
vi Pagis Pro User’s Guide
Paste as New Page command.................. 4–71
Clear command ............................ 4–72
Select Page command ....................... 4–72
Select All Pages command.................... 4–72
Deselect All command ....................... 4–72
Move Page command........................ 4–72
Reverse Page Order command................. 4–73
View menu .................................. 4–73
Zoom command ............................ 4–74
Fit in Window command ..................... 4–74
Fit to Width command....................... 4–74
Fit to Height command ...................... 4–74
Toolbars command.......................... 4–75
Status Bar command........................ 4–75
Page Thumbnails command................... 4–75
Enhance Text Display command ............... 4–76
Show Annotations command .................. 4–76
Show Background Tint command .............. 4–76
Show Colored Text command.................. 4–76
Go to Page command........................ 4–76
Insert menu.................................. 4–77
Blank Page command ....................... 4–77
File command ............................. 4–77
Tools menu .................................. 4–78
OCR command ............................ 4–78
Picture Edit command....................... 4–80
Select command............................ 4–81
Pan command ............................. 4–81
Zoom command ............................ 4–81
Options command .......................... 4–82
Table of Contents vii
Page menu................................... 4–84
Auto Refine command ....................... 4–84
Refine command ........................... 4–84
Manual Straighten command ................. 4–86
Rotate command ........................... 4–87
Crop to Region command..................... 4–87
Brightness & Contrast command............... 4–88
Invert Colors command ...................... 4–89
Sharpen command.......................... 4–89
Blur command............................. 4–89
Resize command ........................... 4–89
Change Resolution command.................. 4–90
Convert Color Depth command ................ 4–90
Remove Background Tint command............. 4–91
Convert Text to Black command ............... 4–91
Image Properties command................... 4–91
Annotate menu ............................... 4–92
Highlighter command ....................... 4–92
Margin Note command ...................... 4–92
Sticky Note command ....................... 4–93
Arrow command ........................... 4–93
Line command............................. 4–93
Circle command............................ 4–93
Rectangle command......................... 4–93
Freehand command......................... 4–93
Stamp command ........................... 4–94
Edit Text command......................... 4–94
Options command .......................... 4–94
viii Pagis Pro User’s Guide
Forms menu ................................. 4–96
Detect Fields command ...................... 4–96
Add Field command......................... 4–97
Remove All Fields command .................. 4–97
Edit Field command ........................ 4–98
Clear All Text command ..................... 4–98
Options command .......................... 4–98
Toolbars in the Pagis Editor ..................... 4–99
Standard toolbar ........................... 4–99
Annotation toolbar......................... 4–100
Image toolbar ............................ 4–100
Pagis Index Manager and Update Tool ............... 4–101
About search indexes.......................... 4–103
Exploring the Pagis Index Manager............... 4–104
Create Index command ..................... 4–105
Configure Index command................... 4–106
Delete Index command ..................... 4–106
Change Schedule command.................. 4–106
Update Index command..................... 4–107
Attach to Index command ................... 4–107
Detach from Index command................. 4–108
Properties command ....................... 4–108
Exit command............................ 4–108
Index toolbar............................. 4–109
Creating and defining an index .................. 4–109
Indexing removable media...................... 4–112
Sharing indexes in a networked environment ....... 4–115
Table of Contents ix
Search Tool .................................... 4–116
Basic search steps ............................ 4–116
Defining a search string ....................... 4–118
Simple searches........................... 4–118
Concept (Boolean) searches .................. 4–119
Proximity searches ........................ 4–121
Natural language searches .................. 4–121
Search by example......................... 4–122
Other search properties........................ 4–122
Search Options tab ........................ 4–122
Date Modified tab ......................... 4–123
Keywords tab ............................ 4–124
Name & Type tab ......................... 4–124
File menu .................................. 4–125
Open Selected command .................... 4–125
Properties command ....................... 4–125
Open Containing Folder command............. 4–126
Save Search command...................... 4–126
Exit command............................ 4–126
Edit menu.................................. 4–126
Copy command ........................... 4–126
Select All command........................ 4–127
Invert Selection command................... 4–127
View menu ................................. 4–127
Toolbar command ......................... 4–127
Status Bar command....................... 4–127
Large Icons command ...................... 4–128
Small Icons command ...................... 4–128
List command ............................ 4–128
Details command.......................... 4–128
Arrange Items command .................... 4–128
x Pagis Pro User’s Guide
Options menu ............................... 4–129
Configure Search Results command............ 4–129
Index menu................................. 4–130
Update Indexes command ................... 4–130
Manage Indexes command................... 4–130
Search toolbar............................... 4–131
Working with found documents.................. 4–131
Where to Go From Here........................... 4–132
Sample Uses of Pagis Pro ........................... 5–1
Scan manuscripts and photographs for a newsletter .... 5–2
Create a library of company documents.............. 5–3
Use annotations to comment on scanned design
drawings ............................... 5–4
Scan invoices and e-mail them to customers .......... 5–5
Scan pictures for art projects or to create posters....... 5–6
Scan and fax reports to clients..................... 5–6
Scan, organize, and retrieve articles and
research information...................... 5–7
Scan client records for archival to CD-ROM........... 5–8
Eliminate office clutter .......................... 5–8
Scan receipts and other financial documents
for tax purposes......................... 5–10
Scan and retrieve your favorite recipes ............. 5–11
Scan photos of possessions for insurance purposes..... 5–12
Tips and Techniques .............................. 5–12
Using the Pagis Print Driver to create XIF documents.. 5–13
Downloading the Pagis Viewer ................... 5–17
Table of Contents xi
Sending XIF files as e-mail attachments ............ 5–18
America Online ............................ 5–19
Eudora Pro and Eudora Lite .................. 5–20
Lotus cc:Mail and Lotus Notes................. 5–20
MS Outlook Express and MS Outlook ........... 5–21
Netscape Mail ............................. 5–21
Registering Netscape and Netscape Mail......... 5–22
Dragging XIF files to open applications............. 5–23
Using TextBridge Pro as a standalone application..... 5–24
Using MGI PhotoSuite as a standalone application .... 5–25
Where to Go From Here............................ 5–26
Supported Drag-and-Drop Programs ................... A–1
Image Formats that Pagis Pro Supports ................ A–6
xii Pagis Pro User’s Guide
Contents Index
Welcome to Pagis Pro from ScanSoft, Inc., a Xerox Company. Pagis Pro is your all-in-one scanning suite running in Microsoft® Windows™ 95, Windows 98 or Windows NT 4.0.
Please read this preface before going on to install and use Pagis Pro, as it discusses the following important topics:
About this user’s guide
Related documents
How to contact customer support
This user’s guide provides all the information you need to install, learn and use Pagis Pro successfully.
Please note that this user’s guide does not teach you about your Windows operating system. It assumes that you know how to operate and manage your computer and its operating system software.
Organization of this manual
Whether you need learning exercises, reference information, or examples and tips, this manual is designed to work for you.
To make best use of this manual, take a minute to see how it is organized:
Pagis Pro User’s Guide xiii
Contents Index
Chapter 1, “Introduction,” provides an overview of Pagis Pro features and benefits, describes what is included with Pagis, and tells you how to get started with installing and using the software.
Chapter 2, “Installing Pagis Pro,” discusses system requirements, and provides complete installation instructions. It also describes how to uninstall Pagis Pro.
Chapter 3, “Learning Pagis Pro,” provides step-by-step practice sessions to help you learn and use the primary tools of Pagis Pro.
Chapter 4, “Using Pagis Pro,” is the primary reference to Pagis Pro. It provides in-depth, detailed information and step-by-step procedures to explore, set up, use, and master Pagis Pro.
Chapter 5, “Examples and Tips,” describes many sample uses for Pagis Pro and some additional tips and techniques. For example, it describes how to attach and e-mail a Pagis document using many popular e-mail applications. It also describes the Pagis Print Driver that enables you to “print” a document from another application to convert it to the Pagis eXtended Image File (XIF) format.
Appendix A, “Supported Programs and File Formats”, lists the programs that Pagis Pro supports for drag-and-drop operations. It also lists the file formats it can import and export.
The “Glossary of Terms” provides definitions of all of the technical terms used in this manual.
The “Index” provides page numbers for all of the topics described in this manual.
Note This manual is provided both in print and electronic form. The
electronic version is in Adobe® Portable Document Format (PDF), and is designed as a complete hyperlinked reference tool.
xiv Pagis Pro User’s Guide
Contents Index
Typographic conventions used in this manual
This manual uses bold, italic, and other typographic styles to highlight different types of information in the text (Table P–1).
Table P–1. Documentation Conventions
bold Introduces a new term, or the first use of an
important term in a chapter; also sometimes used to denote strong in-line emphasis.
italic Denotes titles of other manuals or books. Also
used to denote generic representations of file name entries, for example,
monospace Denotes examples, menu text, actual file names
or messages that appear on the computer screen.
“ ” (quotes) Denotes titles of chapters and sections in this
Preface xv
Introduces tips that provide useful information about a procedural step or system function.
Introduces information of special note about the current topic. There are borders above and below the noted text.
Release Notes—Read the on-line Release Notes (Readme.rtf)
On-line version of the Pagis Pro User’s Guide—This user’s
Contents Index
In addition to the printed Pagis Pro User’s Guide, refer to the following documents for more information related to Pagis Pro:
first. This document provides late-breaking information about Pagis Pro. You can access the Release Notes at installation time, and after installation in the Pagis Pro 2.0 Program Group.
guide is also provided in Adobe® Acrobat™ 3.0 Portable Document Format (PDF). You can access the User’s Guide (PagisUG.pdf) at installation time, and, after installation, from the Pagis Pro 2.0 CD-ROM.
The PDF version of the user’s guide provides hyperlinks in
the table of contents and index that let you navigate quickly to specific information in the manual.
On-line Help—From Pagis Pro software, you can access context sensitive help, including topics about the menus, commands, and tools. Using the standard Windows winhelp utility, you can also access Pagis help via Contents, Index, and Search screens.
TextBridge Pro User’s Guide—Provided in both printed and PDF formats, the TextBridge Pro User’s Guide covers all aspects of the optical character recognition (OCR) technology built into Pagis Pro software. TextBridge Pro software also contains its own extensive on-line help system.
MGI PhotoSuite documentation—You can access the PhotoSuite Idea Guide and Reference Manual in Adobe Acrobat PDF files on the Pagis Pro CD-ROM. To order hard copies of these manuals, contact MGI Software Corp. directly:
Phone: 1-888–644–7638 (North America only)
(905) 764–7358 (Outside North America) Fax: (905) 707–3694 Email:
xvi Pagis Pro User’s Guide
Contents Index
Registered users of Pagis Pro are entitled to free customer support from ScanSoft, Inc.
If you should experience problems with Pagis Pro that you cannot resolve, contact Pagis Technical Support.
You can contact Pagis Technical Support by the Internet, telephone, or fax, as described below.
This information will assist Technical Support in solving the problem:
Your software version number (This is in the Control menu of the Pagis ToolBar under the About Pagis command.)
Your software serial number (This is the serial number on the back of the Pagis CD-ROM case.)
Your scanner make and model
A description of the steps that led up to the problem
If Pagis Pro generated an error message, a verbatim description
of the error message or its number
Internet and electronic mail addresses
You can contact Technical Support and get information about Pagis Pro on the Internet at the addresses in the following list:
Pagis site: The Pagis website provides a link to Technical Support with
Frequently Asked Questions, technical information bulletins, and a problem report form.
Preface xvii
Contents Index
E-mail in the United States, Canada, or the Pacific Rim:
Technical Support:
Sales information:
E-mail from European countries and the Middle East:
Technical Support:
Sales information:
Telephone and fax numbers
Call one of the following telephone numbers or send a fax describing the problem to one of the fax numbers.
In the United States, Canada, or the Pacific Rim:
Telephone: 978–977–6304 (Monday–Friday, 8:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m.
Eastern Time)
Fax: 978–977–2434
From European countries and the Middle East:
Xerox ScanSoft Ltd. in England:
Telephone: +44 (0) 1923 209140
Fax: +44 (0) 1923 208446
xviii Pagis Pro User’s Guide
Contents Index
What is Pagis Pro?
What comes with Pagis Pro
Pagis Pro features
To get started quickly, go directly to Chapter 2, “Installing Pagis
Welcome to Pagis™ Pro, your all-in-one scanning suite from ScanSoft, Inc., a Xerox Company. Read this chapter for information about the following topics:
Pro,” for installation instructions.
Pagis Pro is the premier color scanning suite available for Microsoft Windows™ 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT 4.0.
Pagis Pro enables you to scan, copy, fax, view and edit, index, search and otherwise manage electronic documents (articles, photos, forms, and so on) on your Windows desktop.
In addition to documents on your personal computer, Pagis Pro enables you to manage documents on removable media, such as Jaz™ and Zip™ drives and CD-ROMs.
Figure 1–1 shows the Pagis ToolBar, which provides access to all the major features of the product.
Figure 1–1. Pagis ToolBar
Pagis Pro User’s Guide 1–1
Contents Index
The Pagis Pro package includes a software CD-ROM, printed user’s guides for both Pagis Pro and TextBridge Pro, and a printed postage-paid customer registration form.
If any of these items are missing, please contact ScanSoft Customer Support as described in the Preface.
The Pagis Pro CD-ROM contains the following:
Pagis Pro installation program and application software
TextBridge® Pro OCR software
MGI® PhotoSuite™ image editing software
Pagis Pro multimedia product tour
On-line documentation for Pagis Pro, TextBridge Pro, and MGI
PhotoSuite in Adobe® Portable Document Format (PDF)
Adobe Acrobat™ Reader
Sample XIF (eXtended Image Format) image files
Note Be sure to register your copy of Pagis Pro software. As a
registered user, you will be entitled to free technical support, and kept up to date on new software releases and other important product information.
1–2 Pagis Pro User’s Guide
The Pagis Inbox
Standard menus and tools (Pagis menu is added)
Pagis Toolbar
Contents Index
Pagis Pro tools are designed to improve your work flow, productivity, and organization. Please read this section for highlights of the many features and benefits Pagis Pro provides.
The Pagis Inbox (Figure 1–2) is a special folder installed on your Windows desktop. It is Pagis Pro’s default location for scanned documents and the main control center for Pagis Pro operation.
Enhanced Explorer view ('thumbnail' pictures of scanned documents can be shown)
Pagis SendTo Bar with shortcuts to other programs on your PC
Figure 1–2. Pagis Inbox with document thumbnails
Think of the Pagis Inbox as a supercharged Windows folder. It includes all the menu items of a Windows Explorer view plus an added Pagis menu, an integrated Pagis ToolBar, and an integrated SendTo Bar for drag-and-drop operations.
From the Pagis Inbox, you can arrange and organize your scanned documents, launch Pagis tools, and drag documents to any application for word processing, e-mailing, image editing, and other purposes.
Introduction 1–3
Contents Index
Pagis Folders
There is only one Pagis Inbox. However, Pagis Pro enables you to change any standard Windows folder into a Pagis Folder, which has all the same enhancements as the Pagis Inbox. For organizing your scanned documents, the Pagis Inbox provides several sample Pagis Folders—Business Materials, Finances, Home, Magazine Articles, Photographs, and Recipes.
SendTo Bar
During installation, Pagis Pro finds all the applications on your system and lets you select which ones are added as shortcuts to the SendTo Bar (refer to Figure 1–2).
You can drag and drop any scanned document onto any shortcut on the SendTo Bar to convert, if necessary, and open the document in that application.
For example, when you drag and drop a scanned document onto the MS Word shortcut on the SendTo Bar, Pagis Pro performs OCR (optical character recognition) on the document, launches Microsoft Word™, and places the recognized text (and graphics, if there are any) in an open Word document.
The SendTo Bar is integrated into the Pagis Inbox and all Pagis Folders, and can hold an unlimited number of applications.
SendTo Bar drag and drop to registration wizard
You can add applications to the SendTo Bar anytime. Simply drag and drop the application icon onto the SendTo bar. This opens the Drag and Drop Registration Wizard so you can register the application with Pagis Pro.
1–4 Pagis Pro User’s Guide
Contents Index
Scan and capture high quality color images in extremely compact file sizes
Only Pagis Pro offers the XIF (eXtended Image File) format, which enables you to store high quality color scans in extremely compact file sizes.
A typical color magazine page, for example, can take up less than 100 kilobytes when scanned to XIF. By contrast, a JPEG version of the same file could be as much as five times the size. JPEG is a very popular image compression format.
Pagis Pro achieves its high compression levels by segmenting the scanned image into four layers in the XIF file: the binary (black and white) text and graphics layer; the color text layer; the background tint layer; and the color image layer. Each layer is then appropriately compressed.
Scan to and read many popular image formats
In addition to XIF, Pagis Pro can read and write many popular image formats, including BMP, FlashPix, GIF, JPEG, and TIFF. For a complete list of supported image formats, see Appendix A, “Supported Programs and File Formats.”
Direct scanning to many popular applications
Pagis Pro allows you to scan documents directly into many applications. A partial list includes Microsoft Office Suite applications (such as Word, Excel, and Power Point); Adobe applications (such as PageMaker, PhotoDeluxe, and PhotoShop); Corel WordPerfect Suite applications (such as WordPerfect, Draw, and Quattro Pro); Lotus Smart Suite applications (such as AmiPro, Freelance, and 1–2–3). For a complete list, see Appendix A, “Supported Programs and File Formats.”
Color copying
With Pagis Pro and your color scanner, you can scan paper documents into your computer as high-quality color images, then send them to your color printer to make color copies.
Introduction 1–5
Contents Index
Fax your scanned documents
With Pagis Pro, a modem and fax software, you can quickly and conveniently fax text documents, forms, photos and so on. To achieve the best quality image, Pagis Pro enhances the scanned document before it is faxed. Some of the fax applications supported by Pagis Pro are Delrina WinFax and Eclipse Fax. For a complete list of supported fax applications, see Appendix A, “Supported Programs and File Formats.”
View and clean up scanned documents
Using the Pagis Editor, you can view and perform a number of operations on scanned XIF documents. You can zoom, rotate, enhance colors, remove specks and lines, straighten, crop, and reorder scanned pages.
Add annotations to scanned documents
The Pagis Editor enables you to add comments and draw emphasis to key parts of your scanned documents before distributing them. Some of the annotation tools include margin note, sticky note, highlighter, arrow, line, circle, rectangle, and stamp.
Image edit scanned documents
The Pagis Editor includes integrated MGI PhotoSuite image editing tools. PhotoSuite enables you to edit scanned images with all the familiar image editing tools such as eraser, pencil, airbrush, brush, line, and curve. Using PhotoSuite you can manipulate photos, add effects, create post cards, calendars, posters, signs, and so on.
Scan a form and fill in the fields
The Pagis Editor enables you to scan forms, fill them in, then print them out. A forms detection tool in the Editor places text annotations in each form field and lets you easily navigate to, and type in, each field.
1–6 Pagis Pro User’s Guide
Contents Index
Search and retrieve all documents on your system
The Pagis Search Tool enables you to perform a full text search of the scanned documents and electronic (for example, Word) documents on your system. You can also add keywords to scanned documents so you can easily find them.
Search on text in annotations
If you have added text annotations (such as margin notes and sticky notes) to a scanned document in the Editor, you can use the Search Tool to search for documents based on these annotations.
Index and search network drives and removable media
You can search and retrieve information not only on your local system, but on network drives, Jaz™ drives, Zip™ drives, floppy disks, and CD-ROMs.
Create and manage multiple search indexes
The Pagis Index Manager allows you to create and configure Pagis indexes on your system and removable media. The Index Manager shows the date and time each index was last updated, the update schedule, which directories and file types are included, and which are excluded. You can set up an automatic index update schedule or update your indexes manually.
OCR documents with pinpoint accuracy
Pagis Pro includes TextBridge Pro 98, ScanSoft’s award­winning OCR (optical character recognition) software. TextBridge Pro is a full-featured, highly accurate and easy to use application. The advantage of pro level OCR is that it maintains the original formatting of scanned documents (text columns, pictures, and tables).
You can access TextBridge Pro from Pagis Pro, or directly as a standalone application.
Introduction 1–7
Contents Index
Proceed to Chapter 2 of this manual for detailed instructions to install and register Pagis Pro software, and to select your scanner.
Chapter 2 also describes how to uninstall Pagis Pro.
1–8 Pagis Pro User’s Guide
Contents Index
System requirements
Installing and testing your scanner
Installing Pagis Pro software
Uninstalling Pagis Pro software
an Intel Pentium™ (or compatible) microprocessor
This chapter describes the Pagis Pro software installation and setup procedures. Specifically, it covers these topics:
It is recommended that you read through the first three sections before proceeding with software installation. However, if you are ready to begin software installation, please turn to Page 2–3.
To install and run Pagis Pro, your PC must be set up to run Microsoft Windows™ 95, Windows 98, or Windows NT (version 4.0). Your PC must also be equipped with the following:
VGA, SVGA, or Multi-sync color monitor
24 megabytes (Mb) of random access memory (RAM) minimum
(32 megabytes recommended)
The more RAM you have, the more efficiently Pagis Pro runs,
particularly when you are scanning and editing large documents. If you are running with only 24Mb of RAM, make sure you have plenty of hard disk space to accommodate Windows virtual memory (swapping to disk). Consult Windows documentation for more information about virtual memory.
55Mb of free space in which to install all Pagis Pro components
Pagis Pro User’s Guide 2–1
Contents Index
Using built-in ISIS drivers, Pagis Pro works with many popular desktop scanners. In addition, with its support of the TWAIN standard, Pagis Pro can work with scanners and other devices, such as digital cameras, that provide their own TWAIN source drivers.
Note Check the Pagis Pro home page on the World Wide Web for the
latest list of supported scanners and digital cameras:
Scanners usually require a system-level driver or a TWAIN source driver, which is provided by the scanner or interface card manu­facturer. Consult the scanner documentation for details
about installing your scanner, interface card, and driver.
The basic steps for installing a scanner are to:
1. Install the correct scanner interface card (if one is necessary) in the PC bus. Note that many scanners simply plug into the PC’s standard serial or parallel port.
2. Hook up the scanner to the interface card or standard port with the correct cable, and power up the scanner and the PC.
3. Install the system-level scanner driver (.SYS) file, or TWAIN source driver on your PC hard disk, as directed by the scanner documentation.
4. Test the scanner using software tools provided by the manu­facturer. After the scanner is functioning, go on to install, and link your scanner to, Pagis Pro software.
If your scanner runs independently of Pagis Pro, you can be sure
that it is functioning correctly. Setting it up to run with Pagis Pro should then be a simple matter.
2–2 Pagis Pro User’s Guide
Contents Index
After you have installed and tested your scanner, you are ready to install Pagis Pro software. This section covers these topics:
If you already have TextBridge Pro 98
Upgrading from an earlier Pagis version
Running the Pagis Pro setup program
If you are a new Pagis user, go directly to “Running the Pagis Pro setup program” on page 2–6.
If you already have TextBridge Pro 98
If you have a version of TextBridge Pro 98 installed, you should uninstall it before installing Pagis Pro software. Pagis Pro includes its own full-featured version of TextBridge Pro 98.
Refer to the TextBridge Pro 98 User’s Guide for uninstall instructions.
Note that if you have saved any training files or recognized text files in the TextBridge Pro 98 folder, they will not be uninstalled.
Upgrading from an earlier Pagis version
If you are upgrading from an earlier version of Pagis, there are a few items you should take into account.
First, you must uninstall the old version of Pagis software before installing this new version. See the next subsection, “Uninstalling the old Pagis software,” for instructions.
Second, however, you can maintain your old Pagis search index and use it with this new version of Pagis Pro. For this purpose, an Upgrader program is provided. See the subsection, “Upgrading your old Pagis search index,” for information.
Installing Pagis Pro 2–3
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