Product Safety Data Sheet XEROX
Product: WorkCentre Pro 412 PSDS No.: 0877
FaxCentre F12 ISSUE DATE: 09/21/01
REV. DATE: 11/01/02
Section I - Product Identification
Manufacturer's Name Emergency No. EH&S Inquiries
Xerox Corporation (585) 422-2177 (800) 828-6571
Manufacturer's Address
Rochester, N.Y.
Product Designation Product Identifier: NA
WorkCentre Pro 412
FaxCentre F12
Section II - Electrical Information
Line Voltage Line Current Freq. Branch Cir. Protection
(Volts) (Amps) (Hertz) (Amps)
100 - 127 4.0 50-60 15
Line Cord/Plug Specification Power Consumption(Watts)*
Equipped with Appliance coupler
Detachable Cord, Two wire + Ground Running: 350
NEMA 5-15P/ -20P Standby: 85
Agency Approval
UL File Number E149091
cUL File Number E149091
Section III - Supplies
Xerox Part No. Material Safety Data Sheet
CRU Black 106R584 A28
Drum 113R506 A28
Section IV - Environmental Information
Product Size Heat Emission* Environmental Limitations
(MM) (BTU/HR) Min Max
D: 429 Running: 1,050 Humidity(%) 20 85
W:560 Standby: 255 Ambient Temp (C) 10 32
H: 456 Power Saver: 65
Power Saver: 19
Floor Space Requirements Weight
(MM) (K Grams.)
N/A - Desktop unit IOT 23
* Based on a five minute average
** MSDS is not required by OSHA, Hazard Communication Std., 29 CFR or WHMIS HPA (Section II (2) )
www.xerox.com Reference “About Xerox”
Product: WorkCentre Pro 412 PSDS No: 0877
FaxCentre F12
Section V - Emission/Exposure Information*
Light Source Accession Number
Light Emitting Diode Display. 9820521-23
Copy lamp is rare gas Fluorescent:
The copy lamp is safe for direct viewing
but to avoid after-glow discomfort this
should be avoided.
Class 1 Laser Product
Electromagnetic Emissions
US FCC: Class A
Canada DOC: Class A
Audible Noise TLV
Run 57dB(A) 85.0 dB(A)
Standby 47 dB(A)
Standby (Powersave) 33 dB(A)
Impulse 59 dB(A)
The Xerographic process does not produce measurable quantities of ozone.
ug/min TLV
None detected ppm (TWA) 0.1 ppm
Total Dust TLV
0.0075 mg/m
10 mg/m
Section VI - Product Recycling and Disposal
This product may contain lead and other materials whose disposal may be regulated due to
environmental considerations. For recycling and disposal information, contact your local authorities.
In the United States, you may also refer to the Electronic Industries Alliance web site: www.eiae.org.
For in for mat ion on Xe rox's world wide equ ipme nt retu rn a nd re cycl ing p rogra ms, visit www.xer ox.co m
(refer to "About Xerox" section).
* TLV (Threshold Limit Value) and PEL (Permissible Exposure Level) respectively set by American
Conference of Government Industrial Hygienists and by Occupational Safety and Health Administration. These
levels are considered maximum exposure permitted to ensure no health hazard. TWA (Time-Weighted
Average) for a normal eight-hour workday.
All measurements were made on products performing within established operating specifications and received
recommended m aintenance procedures. Xer ox certifies that this produc t meets or exceeds the applicable standards for
safety and emissions.
www.xerox.com Reference “About Xerox”