Xerox 8265 User Manual

July 2008
Wide Format Color RIP
Quick Start Guide
Prepared by: Xerox Corporation Global Knowledge and Language Services 800 Phillips Road, Bldg. 0218-01A Webster, New York 14580-9791 USA
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Table of Contents

Xerox WFC RIP Printer Setup...................................................................................................... 1
Xerox WFC RIP Available Configurations..................................................................................3
Exploring the WFC RIP................................................................................................................4
Main Screen ............................................................................................................................................4
Help Menu...............................................................................................................................................5
Setup Properties......................................................................................................................................6
Setting Preferences.................................................................................................................................8
Preference Manager...............................................................................................................................9
Setting Default Job Properties.............................................................................................................10
Layout Tab.........................................................................................................................................................11
Workflow Tab....................................................................................................................................................12
Color Management Tab......................................................................................................................................13
Printer Options Tab............................................................................................................................................15
Color Adjustment Tab........................................................................................................................................17
Practice......................................................................................................................................... 18

Xerox WFC RIP Printer Setup

Perform the following steps to setup the Xerox WFC RIP to operate with your Xerox Wide Format Color Printer.
1. Double click on the Xerox WFC Server or WFC Server PRO 6.0 icon on the Desktop.
2. In the Add Setup dialog box: a. Under “Choose a device type”, click the Color Printers radio button. b. Under “Choose a device” > “What is the brand name of your color printer?”,
select Xerox.
c. Under “Choose a device” > “What is the model name of your Xerox?”, select the
model of your printer. Figure 1 shows, a Xerox 8265.
d. Click Next.
Figure 1. Add Setup Dialog Box
3. In the Add Setup dialog box: a. In the Communication dialog box, type in the IP address of the printer.
Figure 2. Communication Dialog Box
b. Leave the “Port number” set to 9100. c. Click OK. d. In the “Add Setup” dialog box, under “What do you want to call your new
setup?”, type the printer model number.
Figure 3. Add Setup Dialog Box (continued)
e. If you want others to be able to print to this RIP as a print server, under “Do you
want to print to your “model number” from other applications?”, click the
checkbox “Yes, install the desktop driver.”
f. Under “How is your “model number” connected to your computer?”, select
TCP/IP from the drop down box.
4. Click Finish. The Xerox WFC RIP is now setup to communicate with your Xerox Wide
Format Color Printer.
5. Complete the installation by verifying communications between the RIP and the printer
by sending a test print to the printer.
a. Right mouse click on the printer Setup > Test Print. b. Verify that the printer outputs the test print.

Xerox WFC RIP Available Configurations

Xerox offers two configurations of the Wide Format Color Server RIP:
1. Xerox Wide Format Color Server RIP
Drag and Drop TIFF’s, JPEG’s and PDF’s files directly into the queue.
Control your final output with specific ICC profiles for your printer, ink and
media. Cannot create ICC profiles.
Color Mapping allows you to easily and precisely specify output colors and
effortlessly reproduce them again and again.
Large images can be tiled with advanced control of each panel and overlap
Tile Mapping enables quick assembly of tiled prints with fewer mistakes.
Nest pages and jobs, manually or automatically, for efficient media usage.
Job labels can be added at the click of a button with clear post-production details.
Job Priority settings allow for additional workflow control.
Configure multiple printer setups.
2. Xerox Wide Format Server RIP Pro - The top-of-the-line RIP includes all the
features of Server and the following:
Designed for high production environments with multiple design stations as well
as multiple printers.
Prints from any Windows application.
Large images can be tiled with advanced control of each panel and overlap
Editor design station includes popular layout tools plus template and serialization
tools for added efficiency. Workspace can be configured to simulate Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop desktops.
Automated archiving gives the system virtually limitless capacity and quick
Color Profiler is included which allows users to create ICC media profiles
(Optional Reading device is needed).
Skin changes (See preferences)
Both RIP packages include the following:
Adobe® PostscRIPt® print engine
ICC media profiles for approved Xerox media
HTML-based job log
Drag and drop job submission

Exploring the WFC RIP

Main Screen

Have the customer operate the mouse as you discuss the following. The Xerox WFC RIP Main Screen (Figure 4) consists of the following:
NOTE: The options explained in this guide are for the WFC RIP setup with a 8265/8290/8365/8390 Wide Format Color Printer. The options that are available on the WFC RIP software may vary depending upon the model of the printer that is currently setup in the software.
To get to these menus, you have to right click in the menu area and choose “Classic Menus”
1 – Pull-down Menus – Additional functions can be executed through the use of
these pull-downs. This also provides an alternate way of selecting the items on the Tool Bar.
2 - Tool Bar - Contains tools for the most commonly used functions. Slowly scroll
the cursor over each icon and read the function description.
3 - Setup Area - Shows available output devices. The RIP product purchased
dictates the number of printers that can be defined. 50 printers can be defined for WFC Server and Server Pro.
4 - Output Queue - This area displays the status of jobs that have been printed and
the current print status. Print jobs can be configured to be Held, Archived, or Deleted after printing.
5 - RIP Queue –Displays the current status of jobs in the RIP Queue. The RIP
Queue can be configured to Hold after RIP or Print after RIP. Hold after RIP allows the job to be RIPped and then printed at a later time.
6 - Hold Queue – Displays the status of jobs coming into the RIP. This is where all
non-RIPped jobs enter the RIP. Jobs can be sent to Automatically RIP and Print for unattended operation using the default printer setup parameters. If the customer is using multiple media types, then Hold on Receive is the suggested setting. This will allow the RIP operator to adjust all settings for the job such as Media, ICC Profile, Nesting, Sizing, Tiling, and much more.
7 - Job Preview Pane - Displays a thumbnail of the file selected in the Hold or RIP
8 – Job Information Pane - Shows details about the job being processed.
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