Xerox/OEM Release Notes
Product: 8142/8160 Version: 2.1.0 Date: 03/30/06
The following revisions have been made to the Xerox 8142/8160 firmware to
enhance performance and address problems reported from the field.
• Corrected a problem where there are certain cartridges whose TSR cannot be read by the hardware
during power up causing an error message to be displayed. If an “Unable to read TSR” error
message is displayed the cartridge will automatically be placed into an open loop mode and
continue to print.
• Added the Alarm message” Carriage board fault. Contact Service” when the carriage board reports
a fault at power-up.
Note: After downloading this firmware some printers may display the error message “Carriage
Board Fault – Contact Service” if a problem is detected the pr inter will continue to print as before
with the faulty Carriage board in an Open Loop Thermal Control. You will not see any d ifference
in your printed output. If you see an “Unable to read TSR” error, go to the Utility Menu\Service
Menu\Ink Status Menu\Disp. Cart. Info: status screen to identify the cartridge and replace before
replacing the Carriage Board.
• System Prime feature will allow customers to activate automatic priming of the print cartridges
and ink lines.
Note: System Prime requires a new (Tag 1) service station.
Note: Activation of the System Prime will dispense about 6 ml per color (6 color x 6 = approx.
36ml of ink disposed into the Auto Clean Unit waste bottle).
1. System Prime function: Vacuum prime on 15 seconds, wait 30 seconds, wipe 2 times, empty
service station caps 5 seconds.
2. To activate the System Prime, Select: Utility Menu\Prime Menu\Service Station Menu\System
Prime - do not cycle power or operate control panel until system prime is complete.
3. Generates Negative Pressure in the print head for possible cartridge recovery. Helps correct
“MAX INK TEMP” errors.
4. Air can be eliminated from the ink lines, without removing the print head and using the line fill
5. Using the procedure, instead of the line fill cartridge, does not require the head-calibration, does
save media and time to the user.